Wednesday, June 12, 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER ?' 1 SUNRISE MINING COMPANY 4. & Capital Stock $1,000,000, Shares $1 Each Stock Fully Paid and Non-Assessable k! 500,000 Shares in Treas ury for Development STOCK 2 1-2 CENTS PER SHARE $25 PER ONE THOUSAND SHARES AT this price your profits will be large. Stocks sold at same price a few years ago are now worth many dollars per share. This company has jerfect title to its mines. We lave rich ore and feel sure of a great mine. Buy now and get the benefit of advance. This district has many large dividend paying mines, and many mines which will soon be dividend payers. This dis trict has never known of a failure where scientific and systematic mining is followed. WE EXPECT TO OPEN BY TUN NEL AT A DEPTH OF 500 FEET W. C. Calder, President A. C. Little, Vice-President Seymour H. Bell, Treasurer E. E. McCammon, Secretary W. F. Dillon, Director -SEND FOR ENGINEER'S REPORT- Sunrise Mining Company Sumpter, Oregon