The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 12, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, June i , i;oi
And They Will Soon Have Eastern Oregon
Gold Fields Booming.
"Cripple Creek spent $10,000,000 In
machinery, which afterwards went to
waste, before she learned the proper pro
cess for treating her low grade and base
ores so as to save the gold in them, which
have since made that camp perhaps the
most famous in the world," says a Colo
rado man who returned yesterday faom a
visit to the Red Boy and Cracker creek
"The eastern Oregon districts have the
best showing of any mining country I
have ever seen, and I have seen nearly
all of them, for low grade ores. I be
lieve that the cyanldlng process, except
In the Cable Cove district, where the ores
require smelting, will be found to be the
only method of saving all the gold. As
depth Is attained the ores become base and
require different treatment from the ores
on the upper levels. If it Is not cyanldlng
It will be some similar process,
"One of the principal things Jhat Is hold
ing this new camp back Is that owners of
property are asking too much money
down from the capitalist, who Is willing to
risk a reasonable sum for the privilege of
developing a promising prospect, and Is
willing to pay a fair price for It when It is
developed. Give the Investors a chance
and they will soon have this country
booming, because there is more money
now In the east for Investment In the
mines than ever before In the history of
mining in the United States. But capital
will not pay fancy prices for prospects,
nor take bonds on properties which re
quire large payments of money down. It
takes large sums of money to make a
mine, even if It is a good one, It takes a
long time for the purchaser to get the first
cost back, to say nothing of profits.
"It takes prospectors first to open a
country, but they should not be allowed
to hold claims to the exclusion of others
who would like to work them and still do
no work on them themselves, as has been
the custom here in Oregon before the pas
sage of your new law. Prospectors
should be compelled to do good, substan
tial work where they put up their stakes
and monuments, so that there can be no
mistake as to the ledge they wish to cover
by their claims. In other mining coun
tries no foolishness Is permitted In this
respect. This country is new, but is rap
Idly becoming known in the east, and If
properly guarded and handled by live peo
ple here, the laws carried out, and reason
able terms made to investors who are wil
ling to develop claims, It will make one of
the greatest camps and richest producers
In the states." Democrat.
Figures Taken From Anaconda Com
panies Annual Report.
No wonder the ordinary prospector and
mining man thinks he Is rich when his
ore assays from to to 40 per cent in cop
per, when he reads of the profits made
by the big copper companies. Take, for
Instance, the last report of the Anaconda
company of Butte. The report shows
that the net cost for mining its ores for
the year averaged I3.77, and for treat
ment, smelting, etc., 94.12 per ton. The
average value of its ore was 5.73 per cent
copper, 4.23 ounces in silver, and 0.41
ounces of gold per ton.
Among the different items of expenses
for mining we mention the follewing:
Candles, Mi,79i; coal, 9207,861; freight
onore, 1452,081; fuse and caps, 127,004;
labor, 3i376,502; powder, 1147,286; sala
ries, Including management, 996,280;
taxes, 970,680; timber', 9429,886; machin
ery and repairs, 9461,612. The total ex
penditures for mining for the year amount
ed to 95.J03.933.
The report shows that a total sum of
96,008,007 was paid out at the smelter
and refineries, making a total for mining
and smelting of 911,511,930.
The company for he same year received
from sales of product, profit of subsidary
departments, royalties, rents and divi
dends, 918,817,957.
All this vast sum from such a low
grade of ore Is enough to open the eyes of
any one, let alone the poor prospector,
and all this from only one year.
The total quantity of ore treated up to
this year by this company, and since the
year 1880, has been 9,614,263 tons. From
this tonnage there was produced 550,062
tons of copper,2o,658,to5 ounces of silver,
and 136,244 ounces of gold. The coinage
value of the gold and silver amounts to
SS.363.793- The value of the copper at
an average selling price of ia cents a
pound, was 9193,104,293.
Thus the total value of the yield of
this company since 1880 amounts to $137
740,500. The present year will add fully
96,ooo,ooo to the above total. Exchange.
Work of Grading Site Commenced Con
taios 560 Acres.
It Is settled! Welserwill be made a
smelting center for Idaho and Oregon
ores. Lewis A. Hall has forwarded in
structions for the Immediate Inauguration
of work upon the enterprise, and Messrs.
Wllkerson & Thompson are now getting
a portion of their outfit together for the
purpose of grading the smelter site and
the construction of two miles of side track
which will be a necessary adjunct.
The smelter will be located near the
mouth of the Welsef canyon, about ten
miles east of Weiser, where Mr. Hall will
have, by purchase and suosidy, about 560
acres of land, and where there Is an excel
lant site for a smelter.
The plant is to have an ultimate capa
city of 1000 tons per day, but at present
only the first too-ton stack 'will be put In,
the other nine being added as fast as de
velopments will require, which will no
doubt come rapidly enough, as mines of
Sumpter, Baker, Owyhee and other points
are already seeking agreements for the re
duction A ores at this point. The pres
ent work, however, will require an esti
mated expenditure of 9 100,000 in various
ways, and it also carries with it the cer
tainty of railway construction into Seven
The present plant, when completed,
will employ about 30 men, and will be the
substantial foundation that will make
Weiser the eventual smelting center of
the central Northwest. No one can lose
by keeping their eye on Weiser.
President Hall, of the P. & I.N., sent a
telegram to General Manager Shelby
Tuesday Instructing him to at once put a
corps of engineers in the field between
Council and Seven Devils. This evi
dently means the early extension of the
road into the famous copper district.
Weiser Signal.
Values of Various Metals,
Gold Is worth 9340 a pound and silver
913, but there are a score of metals worth
much more. Chromium and tellurium
cost for instance, 9700 a pound, and asni
urn and zircon, which are used In the ma
king of electric mantels, 9 1,420 a pound.
Barium cannot be gotten under 92,110 a
pound, and rhodium and niobium are
worth almost 92,700. Strontium's mar
ket price Is 94,$oo; dldymlum's Is 98,400 a
pound. Rubidium Is a metal worth 9u,
200 a pound, and vandlum is worth 9i),
000. Above all these, however, stands
gallium, a metal discovered In 1845, a
pound of which, If It were procurable,
would be worth $75,500, or 528 times as
much as a pound of gold, and 5,061 times
as much as a pound of silver.
The Oregonlan Is on tale at the Elite
Cjgar Store.
Investors !
If you want to become
interested in the most
promising mine in Eastern
buy Cracker-Summit Gold
Mining Company's Treas
ury Stock at JOc Per Share
Every dollar of your money will Im iim.i1 to further
develop thu oompanyn irncrty situated in the
heart of the Famous Crneker Creek district, tair
rounded liy such well-known dividend pavcrx 114 the
Columbia. Golconda, 10 it K and north 1'oKs mine.
Most oft bo first issue of 50,000 slum's tillered at
that price lms liecu subscribed for. When what
renmins is sold none will over bo liought at that
figure again. 0 TI10 Climax claim, ,'1000 feet south
mid on the same ledge as the Cracker-Summit
lnerty, lias just been wild by Col. John T.Gray
son to eastern capitalists for 8150,000. 0 liny
now while you can get in on tlio ground floor and
you will get big returns for your money invested,
Write For Engineer' Report, Prospectus, Ete.
Cncker-Sammit Gold Mining Co.
hi 170. Smqrtir, Onpi
Manufacturers of
Stamp Mill, Concentration,
Chlorination, Cyanide,
Smelting, Converting and
General Mining
H. V. CROLL, Mgr.
Spokane, Washington, Office, 110
Mill Street
'. 1 I I 1 1
Rock Crushers
Ore Feeders
Dredges, Engines'
Boilers and Waterwheels
Hammond Mfg. Co.