The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 12, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, June 12. 1901
1 '
Letter From his Companion on the Trip
From PreKott to Lot Angeles.
William Wleijand, brother of the late
George Wiegand, has received a letter
from Dr. James Ritchey, who accompan
ied deceased from Prescott, Arizona, to
Los Angeles. The letter Is dited at the
latter place, June i. It says, In part:
"He wanted me to stop off at S.111 Ber
nardino and stay with him there a week,
as he had heard that It was a great health
resort, and I agreed to do so. His physi
cian had predicted that he would collapse
while passing over the mountain summit,
which he did He got along splendidly
umtil we got on the highest point of the
divlJe, when he broke nut in a cold death
sweat. I kept him alive with stimulants
until we arrived at our destination, but he
was so weak that he decided to go on to
Los Angeles, and he would telegraph for
his wife to come there.
"We arrived at Los Angeles at 8 a. tn.
I placed him In an Invalid chair and left
him at the depot mil il I could find a hotel
to put him In. The conductor told me
that I could not get him in any hotel in
the city and I tried seven different places
before I succeeded In engaging a room.
It was just an hour and a half when I re
turned to him, and I saw that he could not
live, and feared that he would die before I
could get him to the hotel; hut I got him a
cup nt coffee, which seemed lo revive him.
I put him In a carriage and he fainted
away. I thought he was gone, but a
stimulant ng-ilu revived him, an' when
we reached the hotel, he walked to his
room and laid down on the bed, remarking
that hewas pleased tn be In bed once more.
"He went tn sleep Immediately and
slept a half hour. When he awoke he
looked so much better til it I was surprised.
I had fciied it would be his last, long
sleep. He said that he was feeling much
Improved and was very hungry. I se
cured him a good dinner and never saw
any one seemingly enjoy a hearty meal
mote. He laughed and talkeJ while eat
lug and was mote cheerful than I had
seen him before, lie asked for my opin
ion as to how long he could live, and I
told him frankly that I thought it possible,
hut not probable that he might live to
reach home. He then decided to , tele
graph for his wife and wait for her here,
lie talked of dying quite calmly anJ said,
with a smile, that he would enter the
great unknown herealter will) little dread.
"And he did. I was out of the room an
hour and a hilf and when I returned he
was dead, with thr smile still on his man
ly face. He died a he had lived, game
and confident. Ills greatest regret in
quitting his successful life was the thought
of the long separation from his wife and
The remainder of the letter pertains to
business affairs.
a representative of a large eastern steel
organization with an offer of 600,000 for
the secret, provided the patent Is Issued
and tests are satisfactory. In order to
fully test the claims made for the process,
the agent making the offer to Carson
agreed to establish a plant for the purpose
near Chicago, where experiments may be
carried out and the value of Carson's In
ventlon determined. Carson has accepted
the conditional offer of f6oo,ooo, and will
leave in a few days for Chicago to com
plete his part of the agreement. By the
use of the Carson process, the Inventor
claims that steel of a quality much super
lor to Bessemer steel can be produced.
Rich Specimens from the Uncle Dan.
Uncle Dan Cochrane came In today
from the Uncle Dan mine, In the Virtue
district, bringing some very rich speci
mens of free gold hearing quartz. The
specimens are on exhibition at the store of
Sage & Grace, and are attracting consid
erable attention. The rock is lousy with
specks of free gold. Uncle Dan claims
he has from 8 to 14 inches of a similar
character of rock. Little is publicly
known of his operations In the old Uncle
Dan mine, but It Is learned that he is
steadily developing the rich property by
means of an adit, and that the face of the
tunnel appears like an Aladdin's cave.
The mine Is equipped with a Huntington
mill, which Is operated as occasion de
mands. Uncle Dan Cochrane pays him
self regular dividends, and seems perfectly
satisfied with his present operations,
which are necessarily on u small scale.
Baker City Herald.
Copper Found in Pleasant Valley.
A man named Pierce tame In today
from Pleasant valley bringing some spec
imens of what looked like copper-bearing
quartz. The place where the find was
made Is situated about live miles from the
O. It. V N, side track oiled Enclnn, and
about five miles from Pleasant valley.
Mr. Pierce stated that he had sunk a
shaft seven feet In d-pth and had un
covered a ledge about three feet in width.
As soon as the samples are assayed, the
exact character of the rock will be known.
It has every appearance of being a valu
able copper ore. Baker City Herald.
Increase in America's Mineral Products.
A chart published by the geological sur
vey gives a summary of the mineral pro
ducts of the United States for the past ten
years. The aggregate values have In
creased more than one-half in that petlod,
and the figures tor 1809 are greater than
In any previous year, footing up the enor
mous total of 976,000,000. The value of
the metallic products of the year is given
nt 5572, 218,084 and of the non-metallic at
$447,700,862. The latter class, of course,
Includes the coals $168,000,000 in bitu
minous and 5.H8,ooo,ooo in Pennsylvania
anthracite $64,600,000 In petroleum, f2o
000, coo worth of natural gas and large
value In stone, brick clay and cement,
with various other material. Of the
metals our pig Iron is wo'rth almost as
much as all others together, the valut of
the product in 1809 being given at f 24s.
000,000. Copper comes next with $104,
000,000, and the f 7 1,000 ,000 in gold Is
third. The market value of the silver
produced in 1809 was about Jn.000!000
and the lead and zinc together were worth
about as much. Quicksilver, aluminum,
antimony, nickel and platinum are the
other metals that figure In the table.
Western Miner and Investor.
New Steel Process, Better Than Bessemer.
A press dlspjtch from Redding, Cali
forniaof recent date, says that George C.
Carson, an experienced mining man, and
recently superintendent of a mine In that
district, has applied lor a patent on a new
process for the manufacture of steel,
which he claims to have perfected. Car
son states that he has been approached by
How to Get a Large One of the United
States, for the Wa .
If you ate going east, or thinking of
sending for your family, do not buy your
tickets until you have secured rates from
the Illinois Central Railroad company.
Their service Is excelled by none, and
they can reach all points In the east, south
and sotheast from any point in Oregon,
Washington or Idaho. Through tourist
car from Pacific Coast to New York.
If you will send fifteen cents in stamps
to the address given below, we will for
ward you by return mall a large wall map
of the United States, Cuba and Porto
Rice, 34x40 Inches.
For particulars regarding passenger or
freight rates, call on or address,
Commercial Agent, 142 Third street, Port
land Oregon.
T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant Pow
der company.
A Line of Woolens and Spring Suitings
such as would be found in a large city.
Look for yourself. Work guaranteed
and prices right.
and wear store clothes
Granite Street, Next to
First Bank of Sutnpter
Sumpter, Ore.
Golden Eagle Hotel
Rates $1.25 to $2.00 Per Day
Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUMPTER, OREGON
A. P. GOSS, President
A. J. GOSS, Cashier
g, Bank of Sumpter 3
Tnnitcti s Cenersl Binklni Imlntti
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits
Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
....The Elite Cigar Store....
L. HARRIS, Proprietor
Newly remodeled and refitted. Smokers'
resort. We are daily receiving fresh cigars
of the leading brands. No stale goods in
Healy Block.
Cor. Granite and Center Sts.
Eureka Feed & Livery Company
H. K. BROWN, Proprietor ,
Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First
class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec
ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight
'and passengers to any and all points.
Sumpter Forwarding Co.
General Storage, Commission and Forwarding.
Warehouse and office, S. V. Track
Manufacturers of all klnJi o Carbonated Drinks and Ciders.
Operated In connection with the
Kentucky Liquor Houi