The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 05, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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    Wednesday, June $, 1901
Axing his compensation nnd tlio amount
of his bond, nnd repealing ordinance
No. 2, entitled "An ordinance fixing tlio
bonds of tlio treasurer of tlio Town of
Sumpter hit) conienpntion nnd defininf;
his duties, nnd No. -15 entitled "An Or
dinance amending sections 2 nnd 4 of
Ordinance No. 3 entitled "An ordinnncu
fixing the lioiids of the Treasurer of the
Mown of suinpti'r, his compensation nnd
defining his duties," bo nnd the same
hereby is repealed.
Passed the Council this 20th day of
May, 1901.
E. L. Manning,
Recorder of the City of Sumpter.
Approved May 20th, 1001.
J. 11. HomiiNs, Mnyor.
An ordinance prescribing the duties and
fixing the compensation of the Mar
shal of tlio City of Sumpter, linker
County, Oregon, nnd repealing Ordi
nance No. 4, New Series, of the Town
of Sumpter, entitled "An ordinance
prescribing tlio duties nnd fixing the
compensntiou of tho Mnrshnl of the
Town of Sumpter. linker County,
Oregon nnd repeuling Ordinance No.
4. untitled "An ordiunnco prescribing
tho duties nnd fixing tho compensa
tion of the Mnrshnl of tho Town of
Sumpter, linker County, Oregon."
Tiik Oiitv Op Sumitkr Dona Ohuain As
Follows :
Section 1. Tho Marshal shall bo con
servator of tho peace of tho City of
Sumpter. linker County, Oregon, and as
such shall perform sued duties as aro
prescribed by tho charter and such ns
mny be imosedbyordinnnco. Ho shall
also when called upon, exercise tho au
thority nnd jurisdiction of a constable
within tho corporate IMnits of the city
of Sumpter mid shall dischnrgo tho du
ties of snid olllco according to tho laws
of tho State of Oregon.
Section 2. The Marshal shall within
fivodavsof his appointment, take and
subscribe tho oath prescribed by tho
charter and ho shall before entering up
on tho discharge of thodutlesofhiH office,
execute a bond in tho sum of $400, with
two or more good and sufficient sureties,
conditioned for the faithful dischnrgo of
the duties of his snid olllco and the
prompt paying over to tho proper officer
or person, nil money coming into his
hands ns such officer, which snid bond
shnll be approved by the Mayor of snid
City of Sumpter.
Section 3. The Marshal shnll receive
as conicnsnttinu for his services the.
sum of Seventy Fivo Dollars jier month,
payable monthly bv city warrants, dulv
drawn, nnd in addition thereto he shall
while acting as constable receivo from
Baker County or tho parties to tho ac
tion, tho snmo foes ns nrenllowod by the
laws of tho State of Oregon to constables
therein for liko hcrviccs. Ho shnll re
ceive no fees nor coiupeusntion what
ever from tho snid City of Sumpter for
such services.
Section 4. The Marshal, in addition
to tho duties required of him by the
charter, shnll execute nil process issued
to him by the Recorder of snid city of
Sumpter or directed to him by any mag
istrate in the Stnto of Oregon. lie must
exerciho n vigilnnt control over tho
Fence nnd quiet of tho City of Sumpter.
lo shnll bo the keeper of tho city pris
on or jnil nnd shnll have supervision of
all city proerty and it is hereby made
his duty to preserve tho same ns fur ns
possible from loss or destruction. Ho
shnll collect nil delinquent tnxes when
required by duo nnd regular wurrant so
to do nnd nlso nil delinquent licenses
and unpaid fines nnd pay tho sumu to
the. Treasurer of said city monthly. Ho
must attend regularly upon the sittings
of the Recorder's Court and the meet
ings of the Council of said city and act
as Sergeant at Arms of said council. Ho
hall report monthly to the Council of
said city as hereinafter prescribed.
Upon organisation of a police forco
within tho City of Sumpter, tho Mnr
shnl shnll bo chief thereof.
Section 6. Whenever the Marshal
shall arrest any person, either with or
without a warrant, for violating any city
ordinance, ho shall forthwith tnke such
person before tho Recorder of snid city
for examination or trial, and he shall,
if such arrest bo made in the night time
or when the Recorder's Court ia not in
session, confine the person so arrested
in the city jail until ho can have a hear
ing, PROVIDED that no person so con
fined shall bo confined for more than
one day before his examination or trial
hall begin.
Section 6. The Marshal shall have
charge of the city prisoners and for the
board of such prisoners furnished at his
expense, he shall be entitled to such
compensation as the Council shall from
time to time allow.
Section 7. When any person for tho
nonpayment of nny tine, cost or dis
bursement shnll be adjudged to labor
upon the streets or public works of tho
City of Sumpter, it shall be the duty of
the Marshal to cause such person faith
fully nnd diligently to Inbor thereon not
less than seven or more than eight
hours per duy of every day, except Sun
day, for tho full term for which snid per
son hns been so ndjudged to lnbor ns
Section 8. When nny person required
to porform lnbor ns aforesaid shnll re
fuse to labor ns required in Section 7 of
this ordinance, or shnll attempt to es
cnjHj from tho custody of tho officer hnv
inu him in shnll lie tho duty of
snid officer to restrain such person by
bull nnd chain, or such other menus ns
may be necessnry for such purHse.
Section 0. If nny person, whilo re
quired to lnbor under tho provisions of
this Ordinance or nny other Ordiunnco
of the City of Sumpter or by virtue of
nny onler or commitment, mndo and
entered by tho Recorder of snid city,
shnll mnko his escape from tho officer
having him in charge, ho may bo retak
en wherever found within tho corKrato
limits of said city and confined and se
cured by manacles until he shall have
fully served tho timo for which ho was
committed according to the judgment
of commitment.
Section 10. Tho Marshal shall keep
a record in which ho shall enter tho
name, age, sex and color of every ior
son confined in tho city jail, whether
upon coininitmentorothcrwise, together
with tho date und duration of tho im
prisonment. He shall likewiso enter
therein n list of nil articles of vnluo
found upon the person of such prisoner.
He shnll nlso keep a register in which
ho shnll enter the title of every stnto
case in which ho hns been culled upon to
net, together with n brief stntumont of
his official nets and nlso u specified
statement of his fees and compensa
tion. Section 11. Immediately uxn re
ceipt thereof, the Mnrshnl shnll pay over
to tho Treasurer of the City of Sumpter,
nil tnxes or other public moneys col
lected by or paid to him, except mon
eys collected in connection with prose
cutions for violations of city ordinances,
and he shnll nt tho timo ho makes re
turn of nny writ or process issued by the
Recorder of snid City, pny over to the
Treasurer all moneys collected by virtue
thereof, except as herein otherwise pro
vided, and for nil moneys pnid over to
snid Treasurer ho shall take duplicate
receipts. All moneys collected liy tho
Mnrshnl ns lines or otherwise in connec
tion with prosecutions for violations of
city ordinances shnll bo pnid by him to
tho Recorder.
Section 12. Tho Mnrshnl shnll make
n ruort to tho Council ut their first reg
ulnr meeting in each month, which
said roort shall contain, First, the
number of arrests made during tho
month, together with the names of tho
tiersous so arrested. Second, tho num
ber of persons confined in tho city jail
during the preceding month, together
with tho names of tho persons nnd the
duration of their imprisonment.
Third, tho amount nnd character of
work done und iHirfonucd on the streets
nnd public .works by tho prisoners, to
gether with n statement of the number
of hours each prisoner worked. Fourth,
tho amount of taxes collected during the
mouth. Fifth, the exact and Hixscifled
amount of all fees, costs and disburse
ments paid to him while noting as City
Marshal, with the dnto thereof.
Soction 13. Tho Marshal shnll rigidly
enforce the provisions of nil ordinances
of tho City relating to the prevention of
contagious, infectious and dangerous
diseases nnd tho provisions of all ordi
nances relating to tho cleanliness of the
City, tho draining of sewers and cess
!ools and tho removal of rubbish from
tho yards und nlleys and streets of the
Section 14. That Ordinance Number
4, New Series, of the Town of Sumpter,
untitled, "An Ordiunnco prescribing the
duties and fixing the comiciisutlon of
the Marshal of the Town of Sumpter,
linker County, Oregon and ruieuling
Ordiunnco Numlier 4, entitled "An
Ordinance prescribing the duties and
fixing the compensation of the Mar
shal of the Town of Sumpter, Baker
County, Oregon," be and the same is
hereby repealed.
Passed the Council May 20th, 1001.
E. L. Manning,
Recorder of City of Sumpter.
Approved May 20th, 1001,
J. H. Robbins,
Mayor of the City of Sumpter.
TheOregonlan is on sale at the Elite
Cigar Store.
Sullivan Machinery Co.
Manufacturer of
Diamond Drills
Rock Drills
Compressors, Hoists
and General
Mining Machinery
Northwest Office
S. 101 Howard St., Spokane, Wash.
W. A. Jones
R. P. Jones
The Golconda
Newly Fittid tod Stookid With High
Gndi Liqurs, Winis lid Cigars
. Sumpter Draught and Pilsner Bottled Beer, Elk Club,
Ramsey Scotch, Malt and Bourbon Whiskies
The New Olympia
E. E. HATJSER, Proprietor
Successor to llENNV riNOUH
Newly refitted and Fine Old (1884)
remodeled. . . . Hermitage Whis-
All the best brands s key
of Liquors and Ci- Olympia Beer, bot-
gars handled. . . tie or draught. . .
Center Street, Opposite P. O. Sumpter
Baker City Iron Works
Iron Founders and
General Repair Work Our Specialty. Architectural iron
work and bridge castings. Write for estimates.
(Successor to Snyde & Stlnson)
Only the Best Brandt of Liquors Served Over the Bar