if ' 8 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, June ;, 1961 ORDINANCE NO 101. An ordinance adopting curtain rules for tliu government of tin) proceedings of tho coiiiicII of thuCityof Similiter, Bakur County, Orison, mid prescribing tho dutk'H of tint committees of tliu council, unil repealing Ordinnncu No 1, now se ries, of tlio Town of SuinitiT, contin ucil in forco iih mi ordinance of tlio city of Sumpter, entitled "mi onliuauco adop ting curtain rules for tho government of tliu proceedings oi tho coinmou cmincii of tho Town of Suinpto'r and proscribing tlio diiticH (if tho committees of tho coun cil unil repealing Ordinance No 1, un titled " an onlfunucc adopting certain ruluH for tho government of thu proceed ings of tlio coiniiiou council of thu Town of , Sampler mid prescribing thu duticHof tho Committees of tho Common Coun cil of tho Town of Humptur." Tiik Citv Ok Sumitkii Dokm Oiidain Ah -'dmwh; Suction 1. Tho council of thu Citv of Sampler, lliikor Comity, Oregon, shall hold itn regular meetings at tin) Council ChaiulMirH in tliu City of Siimptor, llukur Comity, Oregon ; and such regular meet ings hIiiiII Imi huld at such Muted t linen iih tho Council may by resolution fix. At any regular mooting thu (,'oiincll may adjourn to a hmtIUuiI tiiuo other than a regular meeting, and all hiD-inoHS may Ihi trammeled at hiicIi adjouriieil meet ing tho sninu iih at a regular meeting. Section 2. Special mooting may Ihi called' at any time hy thu Mayor iikiii hlrt giving nut leu to each muiulHir of thu Council in timu tooiiahlo him toattuiid, PROVIDED, that there shall lu a ma jority of thu Council then within tho City, and provided that tho Mayor shall call a meeting of tin-Council at any tiiuo UM)ii thu request of three of Itn mom Imth. All notlcoH of a sM'ciul meeting shall HjM'dfy tho olijeet and purpose of such meeting and no other IiiihIiichh hIiiiII Ik.i truiiHiicted at any sM'clul moot ing other than such iih Ih sMcl(lcd in wild noticu. Sectloull. At tho annual nicotine in January succeeding thu day of each mu nicipal election, the newly elected Conn cllmeii and officers of thu City of Simili ter shall take thu oath of olllcu anil iih sumo their refjx'ctive diitieH. Section 4. At tho first regular meet ing of Haiti Council, or iih hihiu thereafter iih practicable, thu Mayor Hint 1 1 upH)int thu following committees from thu qunl Hied nieuilierH thereof, which wild com mltteeH shall hu compoM'd of three Coiiiicilmen, to-wlt : Judiciary Com mittee; Finance Committee; Cnmiuittco on StreutH and I'ublle ProH'rty; Coin mittue on Fire and Water; and Com mittee on Health unil Police; and hiicIi commltteeH hIiiiII servo for the jhtIimI of one year. Section U. Standing commltteeH in addition to those eiiiimeriited in the pre ceding M'ctiou, may lie appointed and their diiticH dellned by the Mayor when over he ilccuiHthc appointment of such comuiittccH advisable. Section II. At any regular meeting of thu Council, thu IiiihIiichh before it shall Ihi taken up ami cniiHldcrcd in thu fol lowing order, iiiiIchh by coin-cut of thu Council tho Muvor otherwise direct, to wit: let. 1'etitioiiH, remoiiHtrauccH ami cniumiiiiicntlnus. 2nd. Reports of Standing Commit tees. Ilrd. Ite(HrtH of Select Committee. 4th. IteHirtH of Officers. Mh. Itejvort of IiiihIiichh on tho table. lltli. Heading of OrtliiiauccH. 7th. Claim agaiiiHt thu town. Htli. Miscellaneous. Section 7. At each regular meeting of thu said Council, thu roll hIiiiII be called and thu miuutcH of thu hint regu lar meeting and of any adjourned or iqiccial meeting Mihscqticut to the hint regular meeting hIiiiII lie read liefore the order of business is called mid if theru Ihi no object IoiiH, the Mayor hIiiiII approve tho mine, and if there bo object Ioiih thereto and Midi miuutcH lie corrected, the t-iimc shall Ihi likewise approved hy thu Mayor iih corrected, and after Mich appVoval thereof, thev shall not lioehangd PROVIDED, that no objec tioiiH hhalllio considered exccptMislaincd bv vote of thu Council. Sections. The duties of the Com mltteeH provided for In Section 4 of thin Ordinance, shall be iih follow h, to-wit; Tbe.liidiciiiry Committee hhall rciort from time to time upon hiicIi niatterH iih may Ih referred to them by tlio Coun cil and particularly umui niatterH of a legal nature. Tho Finance Committee xliall keep ltaelt advised Inall niatterH upjiertaining to the City'H tluancoH ami thu collection of revenue duo tho town ami Hhall re port to the Council from tiiuo to time thereon; they shall albo ad vino tho Coun cil in niatterH pertaining to tho better ment and improvement of tho financial HIV..Iu f l... fit. i.m.I ul.nll 'n1BA nwMi- iiiimin ill niu uiit iiiiti niiiiii Minis cAtiui- ino nil claims against tho city before thu Hiimo hhall bo allowed, and hIiiiII reort thereon to tliu Council their approval or iliHiipproval with mich explanatloiiH or recommuudatioiiH iih they niav deem proper; and shall jHirform hiicIi other itutluH iih may Ihi iiiiofci hy ordinance or the ordern of tho Council.' Tho Committee, on Streets and Public Prnjiorty nhall keen ItHelf ndviHcd as to thu condition of all public property of thu city, tho condition of tho powers, roailH, streets, alley, public thorough fares ami sidewalks within thecorMrato limits of said town, and shall nqiort from timu to time ukii such matters as may bo referred to It by tho Council, and subject to tho Charterand Ordinan ces of thu city ami shall' have general charge and siiervlsion of all public works, streets, alleys, HidowalkH, sewers, and public places of thu town, and shall lcrform such other duties as may bo ini jM)Hed by Onllniinco or ordor of the Council. Tho Committee on Flro ami Water shall have general charge and micr vision of thu Firu Department of the town ami tie buildings and equipments apHrtaiuiug thereto and shall iierfnrui such duties as may Ihj inioscil ny ordl nance and shall rcort from timu to timu upon such matters iih may bo re ferred to it by thu Council. The Committee on Health and Police shall have general charge of matters Hrtnluiug to thu Police Department of thu town and shall csM-cInlIy seo that thu laws of the town aru proiteily en forced. It shall likewise keep informed iih to tliu sanitary condition and health of the town, ami shall from time to time recommend to thu Council such meas ures as may Ihj deemed proper for tho betterment of thu health of tho inhabi iiuts thereof. Section II. That Ordinance No 1, Now SorloH, of tho Town of Similiter, un proved March 10, 1IHH), continued in forcu us an ordinance of tho City of Sumpter Ihi and the same is reiiealcd. Passed thu Council this 20th day of May 1001. E. Mannish, Recorder of the Citv of Sumpter. Approved May 20, 1001. J. II. Iloiiiu.Ns, Mayor. ORDINANCE NO 102. An oriliminco defining the duties and llxlug thu comiKMisatlon of tlio re corderofthu City of Sumpter, and regulating proceedings in the Reconl er's court therein and reK'aling or dinance No 2, New Series, of thu Town of Sumpter, entitled, "An ordinance delluing thu dutiesaiid fixing tho com IH'tisation of the Reconler oft ho Town of Sumpter, linker County, Oregon and regulating pniceodings in tho Record er's Court therein, mid rojionliiig Ordi nance No 2 entitled, "An ordinance ilellning thu duties and fixing tho com Hiisation of thu Recorder of the town of Sumpter, and regulating proceed ings in thu Recorder's Court, and Or dinance No 44, Entitled, "An ordi uniicn amending Sections 1 and "of Ordinanco No 2 entitled "An nnll nance delluing the duties and llxing thoconipem-atioii of tho Itecorderof tho Town of Sumpter, and reu'uluting proceedings in the Recorder's Court. Tiik Citv Ok Sumitku Dokh Oiiiuin As Fei.iiws: Section 1. Tho Recorder's stvlo of olllco, whether acting iih recorder or clerk, shall Ih Recorder of tho Citv of Similiter. He shall keep proper records and books of account, showing all his otlicial acts and doings, all nioueys or credits due from or to tho City of Simili ter, all warrants drawn on tho Treas urer of said city, and all warrants re deemed with thu amount of redemption money, all cash paid to or by said City so that a balance may he struck at any timu; ami ho shall keep and preserve all books, papers and documents of tho city unless otherwise provided for bv thu Charter or Ordinances of thu Citv. ' He shall lie procnt and act as clerk at all iiicctiiiL'H of tho Council of said City and shall keep a Isiok In which ho shall MiliHtaiitially set down the pro ceedings of said meetings, which said book shall bo known iih the Council Journal. Ho shall preserve and file in his olllco till original ordinances. Section 2. '1 ho Recorder of tho City of Sumpter shall be required to give a bond to the City of Sumpter in the sum of One Thousand Dollars 11000 con ditioned for the faithful performance and discharge of tho duties of his said otllce. Section 3. In all acts for the violation of any city Ordiuunco. the procewi is sued by tho Recorder shall run In the name of tho City of Sumpter, and shall Iw dated tho day it is issued, signed bv the Recorder and directed to tho murshal of said town ; PROVIDKD. that if the office of Marshal shall bo vacant, or if such officer shall 1k unable to make duo service thereof, then it may bo issued to tho Sheriff or Constable of Baker County. The form of such war rant of arrest shall bo substantially as follows, to-wit: STATK OF ORECiON) COUNTY OF JIAKKIt) SS. CITY OF SUMPTKR) To tho Marshal of tho City of Sump ter: Whereas, has this day com plained in writing, under oath, to tho undersigned Recorder of tho City of Sumpter, that on tho day of A. D in said City, one lid violatu ordi nance No of said City, by (hero enter substance of complaint) THKRKFORK, in the name of the City of Sumpter, you are hereby com manded to forthwith apprehend tho said and bring him beforo mo to bo dealt with accord ing to law. (Sivon under my hand and tho seal of tho City of Sumpter, this day of A. I) 8KAL Recorder of tho City of Sumpter. Section 4. In all prosecutions for the violation of citv ordinances, if the de fendant is acquitted, and it shall apcar that the complaint was malicious and without probable cause, tho Recorder shall enter judgment against tho com plainant in favor of the City of Similiter, for thu costs and disbursements of tlio action, mid unless such complainant shall execute an undertaking to tho City of Sumpter, with ono or more good and Htilnclentsuretles.to pay such judgment within thirty days from tho date of en try thereof, execution shall issue there for; PROVIDKD, that if tho complain ant who has failed to appear and proso euto shall within tendays apiear beforo the Recorder and shall show good and sufllcient cause for not apearing to prose cute, the Reconler may relievo him from the payment of the judgment against him. Section 5. In all cases of conviction, the Recorder, in addition to tho jlno im jmsed, may enter judgment against tho defendant for the costs and disburse ments of the action, and should any costs or disbursements bo adjudged against a defendant the Recorder shall include iih part of such costs, tho at torney fee provided by ordinance. Section (I. In all actions for violations of citv ordinances in tho Recorder's Court', when taxed, costs and disburse ments shall be computed and thu same fees and conieusation shall be allowed witnesses and jurors as are allowed by tho lawH of Oregon for similar services in .Tustlco'H Court, ex cept that no fees shall lie allowed wit nesses residing within tho corporate limits of thu City of Sumpter. Section 7. The Recorder shall make a report to tho Council at thu first regu lar meeting in each month, which shall show tlio titles of all actions to which tliu Citv was a purtv, the amounts with dates of all Hues paid to him and a statement of all moneys received for said Citv from all sources and all nion evs paiil by said city. 'Section 8. Tho Recorder shall re ceive as comiK'Usation, for nihilities per formed hy him, as an officer of the City of Sumpter, whether as magistrate, clerk of tho Council, or otherwise, tho sum of Sixtv Dollars f50) per month. Section 0. That Ordinanco Number 2, Now Series, of tho Town of Sumpter continued in forco as nn ordinance of tho Citv of Sumpter, entitled, "An or dinance defining tho duties and fixing the compensation of the Recorder of the Town of Sumpter, Raker County, Ore gon, and regulating thu priH-eedings in tho Recorder's Court therein, and re pealing Ordinance Number 2. entitled "An onllniinco delluing the duties and fixing the coniH'iisation of tho Recorder of tlio Town of Sumpter, and regulating tho proceedings in tho Recorder's Court therein, and Ordinanco Number 44, en titled "An ordinance amending Sections 1 and 7 of ordinance Number 2 entitled "An ordinanco defining the duties and fixing tho compensation of tho Recorder of tho Town of Sumpter, and regulating proceedings in tho Recorder's Court," be and thu sumo are hereby nqwaled. Passed, the Common Council this 20th day of May, ,1901. E.I.. Manning, Reconler of the City of Sumpter. Approved May 20th, 1001, J, II. Robuins, Mayor. xu ORDINANCE NO 103. An ordinanco prescribing tho duties of tho Treasurer of tho City of Sumpter, Baker County, Oregon, and fixing his compensation and tho amount of his bond, and repculing Ordinanco No 3, New Series, ot tho Town of Sumpter, entitled "An ordinanco prescribing, tho duties of tho Treasurer of tho Town of Sumpter, Baker County, Ore gon, and fixing his compensation and tho amount of his bond, and repeal ing Ordinanco No 3 entitled "An ordi nance fixing tho bonds of tho treas urer of tho Town of Sumpter, his com pensation and defining his duties" and No. 45 entitled "An ordinance amending Sections 2 nnd 4 of Ordi nanco Number 3 entitled "An ordi nance fixing tho bonds of the Treas urer of the Town of Sumpter, his com pensation and defining his dutieB." Tiik t ity Op Sumiteu Dobs Okdain As Follows : Section 1. Tho Treasurer shall, at tho annual meeting of tho Council, suc ceeding any general municipal election held in tho City of Sumpter, Baker County, Oregon, take the oath prescrib ed by thu Charter and he shall, beforo entering iiimjii tho duties of his office, execute a bond in tho sum of Two Thou sand Dollars 2000, subject to the ap proval of tho Mayor, conditioned for the faithful discharge of all the duties of ids office, and tho paying over to his successor in office all moneys and de livering all proierty belonging to the City which may have come into his hands by virtue of bis said office, at tho close of thu term thereof. Section 2. Tho Treasurer of tho City of Sumpter shall erforni such duties as nre prescribed by the charter and such as may bo imposed by ordinance. Ho shall keep his offico during tho regular business days from 0 a. in. to 4 p. m. Ho shall receive all moneys paid or turned over to him by thu Recorder of said City and givo his receipt therefor, which said money shall bo safely kept hy him and paid out only upon or by onler of tho Comncll. Ho shall keep a correct account of such moneys nnd credit thu snnio to such funds us the Council shall direct. Ho shall pay nil warrants drawn in proper form on the Treasurer of said City out of tho funds sH.'ci(ied in tho warrants and all war rants must Iks paid in tho onler of their presentation. When any warrant is paid by him, ho shall cancel the same nnd write tho word "Paid" in largo ietters across thu face thereof. Should a warrant at any timu bo presented for payment and there bo no funds in tho treasury with which to pay tho same, ho shall endorse tho same "Not paid for want of funds," together with thu ditto thereof and enter the samo in a book kept for that purpose, and pay such registered warrants in the order so reg istered. And till warrants shall bear interest at tho rate of tl per cent per an num from thu datu of registration until they aru duly called in by said Treas urer. Ho shall make report to the Council at its first regular meeting of each and every month. Section 3. Tho notico for payment of uuv outstanding warrant snail be in writing and three copies thereof shall bo posted in u conspicuous place as follows, to-wit; One thereof posted at tho front door of tho postoffico in the City of Sumpter, Baker County, Oregon; an other thereof at thu front door of tho Recorder's olllco therein and the other thereof at the front door of the Treas urer's offico therein, nnd in case any warrant is not presented for payment for a period of live (5) years, after no tice thereof shall have been given' as herein stated, the Treasurer shall not Iiay the same unless authorized to do.so iy tho Common Council. Section 4. The rejxirt required of tho Treubiirer by Section 2 of this Ordinance, shall specify distinctly the amount of all moneys received from tho Recorder, the disbursements of the same for tho previous mouth, all warrants paid dur ing said month, with thu number of each and balance of money in tho Treas urer's office. Section 6. Tho Treasurer's books shall at all times bu'opeu for inspection by the Mayor or Members of the Coun cil. Section 0. The salary of the Treas urer of the City of Sumpter for all ser vices rendered in connection with his official duties ehall bo Twenty Five Dol lars er month, payable monthly by warrant. Section 7. That Ordinanco No. 3, New Series, of the town of Sumpter, en titled "An ordinance prescribing the duties of the Treasurer of the Town of Sumpter, Baker County, Oregon, and W' ..'.njBimiiniiTMivysHyujsrwgjX;