THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, June j. 1901 !- DEVELOPING PROSPECTS Most Important Step in the Great Mining Industry. Il I oftrn the Cime that Investor III 111I11I11K iritltliiiiN mill those IooMiik lor iniiliicliif mill imyliiK mines mr iipl to iKIioie or hrllllle our hrwicli of Ihr iiiIiiIiik Inihuliy, mil this hrnnch prrliliiN in the irnirrt ami lis ilrvrliimirnt, II It oltrn IIihI Hip nwnrr of n prospect or n iirnnp nl iimlevelopnl, hut rriilly meritorious claims, III (inlrr In ilrtrriiilnr llirlr Imp vnlur, has rrconmn In n coiiiiiiiin custom In order In raise III" means lor llirlr exploration, mul this cmmUlN In I lit fniiiuitliiii nl n slnch cnmpmiy, 11 iriliiln port Ion nf I lie Muck lirlliK Irlnlnrd hy Die Incnrporutors, Ihr Imlmii'r, usually u third or innrr nl Hip t'uplliilliillnn, hrhiK sel aside (or treasury (Hirpiifcr. ihr rrluriiM Irnin which urn In ir nun) In inhin riiiliiiirnl mid inliir de vrlopinrnl. 'IliU custom U sn unlvrrsiil In this In Irinimiiiliiln irnlon thill llirlr It mil it ills lllcljeven thmiuh irinntr ami hill little loinvvn, Imt Hint has several propositions ol I hU diameter within lit riivltnnmrnls, lltnli lint such Corporations, hy Ihr score, yes, liv Ihr hundreds, mul it Is hecittise nl Ihr iisslsliiiicr thus acquired Hint rvny ihw and thru n urw producer mul it new dividend p.irr Is mldrd In the ill irmly loun list n( Utah's hnnnnra proposl mis) mul yrt thrir mr those who rtfrct In deplsp a urw iiilnhiK Company which Is riiKitttrtl hi thr development of a prusprct, toturlllnn thr (act thai rvrry wealth-pro-liu'rr hi this wrstriu country was at nnr time nolhlou hut a prosprcli ami that riomr nl Ihrsr piosprcts at nnr thnr wnr reputed as tit t lo inmc than "wild catsj" ami vrl thrsr iiiemhers u( Ihr trllnr laml ly ullru develop Into thr Mutsest mines and thr nintrst dMdend p.tyrts that this country cm boast nl. Wr personally to prominence, The poor, little and des plied company Is in "the iwlm," and ev ery Individual member li lionized, Is a big iimn, The llmld, the skeptical and the scoffer envies him Ilk (jood luck. All are anxious to net the 'proposition when it Is a mine and iti future Is ns 'good as as sured, hut of the great army of Investors and cnpllnlUtN It Is but very few who have the nrrve, the foresight mid the good name to get in on a prospect, using as good judgment In so doing as they would exercise when embarking hi any other line of business or Investment. These few eventually find, however, that It Is just as legitimate ami often more profita ble o develop a prospect, as It Is to buy a mine or In Invest hi the stock of dividend paying propositions, Salt Lake Mining Review. BADGERS AS PROSPECTORS. V r J M. n FLYNN MEN'S TAILOR A Line of Woolens and Spring Suitings such as would be found In a large city. Look for yourself. Work guaranteed and prices right. DON'T BE A JAY nil wear store clothes Granite Street, Next to First lienk of Sumpler Sumpter, Ore. They Have Discovered Some Rich Minn While Burrowing. "Whrn I was a member of the state Irglslature n wild animal bounty bill was killed because It carried a bounty on badgers." This expression from State Auditors Iteit W. Jones caused his hear rrs In settle down In their chairs and pre pare (or a story. It came without delay. "Hadgcrs," said lie, "are public bene factors, a truth recognized by every min ing mini and prospector. More good inlnrs, and I might say more poor ones, have been discovered through the agency u( badgers than any other. These ani mals arr persistent burruwrrs. They are only satisfied whrn digging holes. They like best to dig where there Is no water, hut still where their Is some moisture. "In a granite country especially It is found that the ledge matter carries a cer tain amount of moisture, and In the vein It Is always unite cool. The badger rrvrls under thrsr conditions. He will dig and dig until hr gets below the leal hot mark on the surface of the earth, and i thru he'll fix up a home and call In his l.tmlly. Thr old folks may be sedate enough they usually are but the kids . Golden Eagle Hotel American and European Plan T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUMPTER, OREGON t''''' A. P. GOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier Bank of Sumpter 3 Tu-iieU t Qeniril linklnt ilnut Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON '1 hire dltlereul. They scrape and scratch linowol nunv piodiiclim mines In thr .around the mouth ol their little tunnel, camps of Utah which, srvrtal veais ago, continually disturbing the earth, wrtr nothing but piosprcts. I'heowneis, "One of thr first discoveries of the ItnaiuMllv, wnr unable to develop them Wood ilvrr section was through a badger, as Hun' should brand, but (or the Met Ivvo prospectors, alter a hard days search Out thrv made thrlr respective piopertlrs (or placer gold, camped beside a badger thr btsls lot Incorporated companies and hole. Alter supper they sat about the thus talsrd thr mean-, tor their eplolta- camp tire smoking, when one noticed a Hon, thrsr paving mines ol today would badger appear for an Instant at the mouth te nothing but piopecls still, ol no good of the hole. The man, Investigated just to their owners, unproductive, and ol no tor a little past time, but he soon became more Intrinsic value than so much acreage excited, lor. as he attempted to peer down ot tMlien ground. The Mloiuc. Review dMIkes very much to hear anyone mike sneering remarks concerning a provcl or ol those honestly the hole, he noticed what to his practied eve was Instantly recognlied as gold. "Calling hW partner, they both began a hurtled examination. They found that cgaM In the development ot a prospect. Ue badger had burrowed down deep In a e ixve Known men, personally, who UUe ol ery rich quart. Early the h we worked tvudbx the development of ue.vt morning they made their locations. a protest r have seen them In rats, almost Nuetoot, and Using almost, like slaves In the endeavor to transform the prospect Into a ptoJucluc and paving mine, lAvWv the men are uiUUomtres. Thev own sum? of the tsst buslnevs houses on Main street aud thev has e IhhU some of the nunv palatial tesldeace which, adwn the UsMoiuNe ooctki' of Y,lonj and vet no one uo-v d?i4v theaa because 0' the tact that at one time they wm engaged In Ih dvekvst vt x and before night had a hole ten feet deep In the ledge, which was composed of soft material. The men made monev from the very start. That mine U today the Minnie Moore. j There are many Instance of like char acitr. All ok! winning men know this peculiarity ol the bo-Jger, and unusually take a siur look atvut their holts. Trtl knowledge a wlut causevt rejectuv ol the Sit guutiug bounties oa trx scatjr- ol bJ4 the alttlttjt asea ombf ol the ....The Elite Cigar Store.... L. HARRIS, Proprietor Newly remodeled and refitted. Smokers' resort. We are daily receiving fresh cigars of the leading brands. No stale goods in stock. Healy Block. Cor. Granite and Center Sts. Eureka Feed & Livery Company H. K. BROWN, Proprietor Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe deliver' of freight and passengers to any and all points. 21 HAY AND GRAIN FOR jyoapo;', or S-cause before their ettort lwlitus wocM not cwat toytrInc crowned with sucxtvs. thev itecl -osluit to fcucts xi t.tttt-iait th In the formation of eoovo.!e foe thev horaI-r bttl-t ttwait, Ro Sutt IMtsji purvsvsp of taWng twejuu fot th iif wmu VtKytent ol a vvos;sect H I wot Ue, In this day ausl gtuect Btjrwousl kr Ohm D-rfoL W to prejiadictf anv ettrvtU ol wla VV ba vrxnfti tr nan daily tt iMitwt Th prospsNt ol KsJaof way team SBsrtii t! ctltfccieei Kutt-cmi H UMr ol matvelou vtUh ami wl kt cti, wWcbs i rrtvt &sr t&e Jtsfi oc rWdjlM woiMtUlet tomorrow Today, lu forte siyiintiJri fro our JtiU stre THE Sumpter Forwarding Co. ? GtMral Storift, Commission and Forwarding. Wut&xse aad oftce, S. V. Track SUMPTER, OREGON. tiNHNKtttt viewed with lodittereoce. TWf fM?i 4" b tuurNiujt ovtt sKoMrtsWy tsk In lt A ttik stotttx W also carry a tult Un ct cm fecticoee y ami ait bcands ol tf$irs ami s-tTokers" goovfc Tb Scolein Orir SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS MiwttKtmn rf a Uit w Cntvuta Vtekt u4 CMm Kentucky Liquor Houi WNOLKSALC AND RETAIL. GAGCN 4. SLOAN, PROPS., SUMPTER. ORE. T vtorty svui l Sjck cwit Elll Oyea mnae. jjjjiif.Mia'rtvwarTt-