Wednesday, May 29, 1.901 PATENT YOUR MINING CLAIM. THE SUMPTER MINER I ,) :y t Your Title to the Ground is Only Possess ory Until That I Done. Judge Parker, of Jefferson county, Montana, has rendered a decision to the effect that a railroad has the right of way over an unpatented mining claim. The case at Issue was that of a locator who was working a claim north of the town of Boulder. It was located and held under the usual form of discovery and declara tory statement. When the new llneor cut-off of the Great Northern was constructed through there last fall, It was surveyed, located and con structed across the mining claim and In such a way as to cover the mouth of the tunnel by which the ground was opened. Prim brought suit for damages.. The case came to trial, but on a statement of law by council for the company the plain tiff was knocked completely out and had the costs assessed to him besides. The company's attorney set up Insuffi ciency of complaint and also the fact that, according to an act of congress in 187;, railroads are granted a light of way over government land until a patent or abso lute title is obtained by the occupant. A miner on such ground has only a possess ory right until a patent is secured. He might have thousands of dollars of Im provements on his mining claim, but a railroad company could come along and take a right of way anywhere through it and he would have no recourse. Evidently the same ruling would apply to the occupant of a homestead through which a railroad might locate Its line at any time previous to the occupant secur ing title from the government and the occupant would have no recourse for dam ages against the company. Exchange. Pint Cranston Elevator on John Day. J. K. Firth, representing the Joshua Hendy Machine Works, of San Francisco, was In Canyon City last week. His company Is the builder of the Cranston elevators, and it is likely one or more will be Installed In this section of the country. This elevator Is used In working mining ground where there Is not sufficient fall for a dump. The first machine of this pattern was put In successful operation on Canyon creek many years ago by a man named Cranston, who left here to have a pattern made by some Iron foundry, but never returned. The machines are a success wherever used, and Is considered the only practical method of working over the placer ground along the John Day valley and on Canyon creek. Canyon City Eagle. Oregon Mill Treating Present Need Ore. Joe Reese and Fred Morey have leased the Oregon mill until January 1. After being thoroughly overhauled by J. C. Hill it commenced work Tuesday on a trial run of twenty tons of roasted ore from the Present Need. This will be fol lowed by a run on Couger ore, and when that Is completed It Is expected the Pres ent Need will keep the mill going stead ily. Prairie City Miner. New Map of the Cable Cove District. Engineer W. H. W. Hamilton has just completed a new map of the Cable Cove mining district, 17x23 Inches In size, showing the various properties there, the mountain ranges, water courses, wagon roads and trails. Blue prints of the same are for sale at THE MINER office at St.50 each, sent postpaid to any address on re ceipt of the price. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINAMCI PROVIDING FOR THI TlaU AND MAN NSR OP IMPROVING Mill STRUT PROM THI NORTH LINI OP AURURN STRUT TO THB RAIIWAV CROSS ING ACROSS SAID Mill STRUT SOUTH OP BSCCH STRUT. Whtrtas, dut and lt(l notlct of tht propoud la provtBint of Mill sfrttl from tht north Hat o Au burn strtttto tht railway crossing across said Mill street south of Beech street, pursuant to the order of the City Council, having been elven by posting no tices as required by law, and no legal remonstrance thereto having been made or filed by owners of prop erty abutting upon said propoposed Improvement, therelore, The City of Sutnpter does ordain as follews: Section t. That Mill street from the north line of Auburn street to the railway crossing across said Mill street south of Beech street, shall be Improved In the manner and within the time hereinafter provided. Section a. That said Improvement shall be made by gradlng,sald Mill street within the limits of said proposed improvment to the proper grade, as estab lished to Austin street by crJInances heretofore adopted, and as mav be established bv the Cltv En gineer and adopted by the Council, from said Austin street to said railway crossing, and by graveling said Mill street within the limits of said proposd Im provement for the width of fortv feet with washed gravel to the depth ot ten Inches, an J by the lalng of all necessarv crosswalks, sidewalks and gutters. Section The surface of the street shall be clear ed of all obstructions exepilng such sidewalks and crosswalks as are now laid and are properly con structed. In proper place and In good condition and on such established and to be established grade. Section 4, The contractor or contractors for slid Improvement shall not dig up or disturb the surface ol the street for a greater distance than hun dred feet at anv one lime. Section 5. The contractor or contractors shall be responsible for any loss or accident resulting from carelessness or neglect, and such Improvement shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Section 6. The contractor or contractors shall complete the same within such time as the Council may hereatter order. Section 7- The contractor or contractors to whom the contract for said Improvement Is let, shall look for payment only to the fund to be assessed upon the property liable for such Improvement and paid Into to the City Treasury for that purpose. Section 8. The City Engineer Is hereby required to prepare an estimate of the probable cost of the Im provement above proposed, Including costs ot engi neering and superintendence and file the same with the City Recorder. Passed the Council this sjth day of May, iooi. E. L. Mannino, Recorder. Approved, May t. iooi. , J. H. RonniNS, Mayor. ORDINANCE NO. II. AN ORDINANCB TO PROVIDE TOR Till PRBVENTINO AND REMOVAL OF NUISANCES AND TO PROVIDE FOR THB PROTECTION OP THB PUUIIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. The City of Sutnpter does ordain as follews: Section 1, No person shall expose or offer for salt within the city limits any spoiled or tainted meat, fish, fruit or vegetables, or the flesh of any calf less than four weeks old, or cast, leave or keep In any read street or alley or other place within the city limits, any spoiled or tainted flesh, fish, fruit, fowl, hide or skin, or any part of any dead animal, or any stagnant or Impure water or unwholesome sub stance of any kind. Any person violating this sec tion, shall, upon conviction thereof. In the Recorder's court, be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. Section . The owner, agent or occupant of any premises within the city limits to which a privy be longs or appertains, who shall use or keep the same or permit the same to be used, o kept as to cause a noisome or offensive smell, shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a nuisance, and shall, upon conviction thereof. In the Recorder's court, be fined not less tnan ten nor more than fifty dollars, and the City Marshal shall cause such nuisance to be abated. The expense of abating such nuisance shall be taxed, as costs in sucn prosecution, cui snau oc paid vy me city In the first Instance and thereafter recovered from such owner, agent or occupant, provided, how ever, that no prosecution shall be Instituted under this section unless such owner, agent or occupant shall reluse to abate sucn nuisance witnin twenty four hours after having been nolllied so to do by the Marshal. Section . No person shall permit or suffer to ac cumulate In or upon any yard, lot, place or premises, owned or occupied by him, or for which he may be agent, or upon any street or alley adjacent to such yard, lot, place or premises, any stagnant or Impure water, refuse, vegetables, decayed or decaying sub stances, garbage or filth of any kind, not suffer such lot, place or premises to be or remain In such condi tion as to cause or create a noisome or offensive odor. Any person violating this section, shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a public nuisance, and upon conviction thereof, In the Recorder's court, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, and the City Marshal shall cause such nuisance to be abat ed. The expense of abating such nuisance shall be tax ed as costs In such prosecution against such offender, but shall be paid by the city In the first Instance and thereafter recovered from such offender, provided. however, that no prosecution shall be Instituted under this section, unless such offender shall refuse to abate such nuisance within twenty-four hours after having been notified so to do bv the Marshal. Section 4. Whenever the Marshal Is directed to abate a public nuisance, he Is authoilred to remove anv obstruction necessary to abate the same. Section j. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit, or cause to be deposited. In any road, alley or street within the City of Sutnpter, or upon any land belonging to the city, any refuse, waste or rub bish of any kind, except upon such land as the coun cil may designate as a public dumping ground, and anyone violating any prov'stons of this section, shall, upon conviction thereof. In the Recorder's court, be teed not less than five nor more than fitly dollars. Section 6. That ordinance, new series, of the Town of Sumpter, entitled "An drdlnace Provid ing for a Public Dumping Ground," be and the same is hereby repeated. Passed the Council May. 15, loot. E. L Mannino. Recorder of tht City ot Sumpter. Approved May it. iooi, J. H. ROBBINS, Mayor. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCB FIXINO THB COMPENSATION OF THB CITY PHYSICIAN. Tht City of Sumpter dots ordain as follews: Section 1. Tht City Physician of tht City of Sumpter shall receive as full compensation for all duties performed by him under tht Charter and Ordi nances of tht City of Sumpter, tht sum of Fifteen Dollars per month, to be paid by warrant drawn on tte City Treasurer. Passed the Council May i, 1001. L Mannino, Recorder. Approved this eth day ot May, 1001, J. H. ROBBINS, Mayor. Joshua Hendy Machine Works Nos. 38 to 44 Fremont Street SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA tTJl tfEjflRPgntjiiMiHA. IMPACT WATER WHEEL WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES r AW'W OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER BEER ON DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Agents for Matting ly and Moore Whis key a 20-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of SUMPTER, fV Famous. HOP GOLD BEER STAR BREWING COMP'Y. Portland, Oregon IN KEGS, BARRELS OR BOTTLES AT PRICES UNEQUALED BY ...OTHERS... Sumpter Forwarding Company SUMPTER, OREOON ASK FOR HOP GOLD Sti.irtz Mining and Milling olstlng, Pumping and Saw Mill Machinery, Hy draulic Mining Machinery. Giants, Water Gates and Hydraulic Rlvlted Pipe. . Water Wheels and Water Motors, Engines. Rollers. Pumps and Machinery of every description. J jt . Prospecting Machinery. bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. OREGON RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY lit OOtt-MOfKMl ltH I Hi DENVER RIO GRANDE r . COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROADS Of MM CMOtOfl Of THREE DISTINCT ROUTES W THI MOST MAINIFICENT SCENERY IN AMtftlOA. IT II TMf OHVt TftANtCONtlMNtM. llhf PAMlhQ omioriy THttOUOH QUAINT aho pctumouc SALT LAKE CITY. LIA0VI1XK, COLORADO SPRINGS anal DENVER. IMS mi. allawta. TMS HIO (WANDS WtSTI RN RAILWAY OPfHATia TMRtI PAST TBAINt 10 TNI (AST OAILY, OARHYINQ vHSIVntan aavjsjaj SJtfEf iHfSSSSH VTHMSSSYy VfwFtWV TO OMAHA AND CHICAGO tollHOUr CH.MU. fraa Raellnlisa Chair Car. arfawt Dtnlfig-Car Sarvtoa. vo4 iNtrnMurin 01 p.wiNHtTa mourns or J. D. Mansfield 8'7.J!r.i.. MS). W. HCIHTI, Om'I PsmV A.,SH US OMf Sumpter i Bottling Works J Gagen' & Sloan, Proprietors. Manufacturers of all kinds of car Donated drinks and ciders. Or ders filled and shipped on short notice. Jk J .St J Jt SUMPTER, . OREGON KTUKT!