Wednesday, May 29, 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER M rJ P.. YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE THERE ABE STILL SOME SHAKES UNSOLD OF THE 50,000 SHARES OP STOCK OFFERED AT FIVE CENTS: - Gipsy King Gold Mines Company Shares Non-Ai ibl Gysy Soy. Gyrsy fttfift r frsyA'f. oman 'Soy. jf 6mTL K SMerorf tWottf PaoMfry Gypsy fiG Goto AfS Cory; THIS company's properties are situated in the rich Cable Cove district. The ledge has been stripped for a distance of 200 feet. On the surface it is five feet thick, and averages better than $20 in gold, with silver, copper and lead values in addition. The lowest assay gave 14.92, the highest $49.60. A tunnel has been driven 100 feet and is now in the casing of the ledge. The vein will surely be cut in a few feet, at a depth of about 70 feet. Just across the creek within 200 yards of the mouth of this tunnel, on the same vein, in the Gipsy Queen, at sixty feet in depth, the tedge is eight feet wide and the average values run about 30. All Gipsy King stock, except treasury shares, is pooled and placed in escrow in the First Bank of Sumpter, guaranteeing buyers of treasury stock against a flooded market. This is an important feature for prospective buvers to consider. Underground miners in the vicinity, knowing the property and the men who are working it, are buying this stock with money saved from their wages; others offered to work in the mine and take half of tneir pay in stock. After this block is sold, no more Gipsy King stock will be sold at that price. When the ledge is cut, at an early day, the price will be advanced to whatever figure the indications then warrant. Granting that these plain statements are true, mining men will concede that no better buy could be desired than Gipsy King at five cents. That they are strictly and accurrately correct, enquiry will demonstrate. They are made in The Miner here at home, where their truth can be proven by a two hours ride. Wl III tklW jfll." All orders for stock should be accompanied by the money, addressed to J. H. Robbins, President of the First Bank of Sumpter and treasurer of this company. For further information, address OTTO HERLOCKER, Secretary Sumpter, Oregon