THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, May 29, 1901 MINING CONGRESS. Railroads Will Transport Ores to Boise Free. Upon request of Governor Ceer, Col onel Frank V. Drake has taken the Inl tlatlve in arranging (or nn exhibit of Ore Ron minerals at the Mining congress, to be held in Hoise, Idihn, July 22, 23 and 24. No approprlitlon of funds has been made by the state for the purpose, and Individual effort must be re lied upon to accomplish the desired res ults. The Governor has appointed 24 members to the congress. They were se lected from various parts of the state, and it is necessary that some steps be taken Immediately to ascertain who will attend the convention at Hoise, and arrange for details In preparing the proposed display of ores from tills state. As will be seen hy the letters from the railroad managers, arrangements have been made for the transporlinu of ores to exhibit at Hoise free of charge. Colonel I J rake desires all persons who Intend to send ores to Hoise to prepare their samples carefully for transportation, and be ready to ship them as soon as a meeting of the commissioners shall ar range details. No single exhibit ought to exceed 200 pounds. E.-icli exhibit should be accompanied by a brief detail of the lo cality, the sie, dip and strike of the vein, character of formation, extent nf explora tion, etc. The railroads generously agiee to transport exhibits to the extent ot two c.iilo. ids. Arragemeuts must be made for placing the exhibits at Hoise, where room has been provided. In order that advantage may be taken ol these proposals, Colonel Drake, after conference with others, proposes a meet ing of all (lie commissioners now appoint ed and those who here.itter may be ap pointed by the mayors and boards of trade. A meeting, therefore, ol all persons who have been commissioned to attend this congress Is called l,r June 15, at K o'clock, p. m., at the Imperial hotel, Port lind, where rooms will be provided lor the meeting. At tills meeting a chairman and secre t iry may be selected and details arr.iugid I r .1 dlspl.iy of Oiegon'.s mineral re sources at Hoise. Haker City people aie taking steps to btlng delegates at that convention to the risteru Oregon section for inspection of locality. Possibly arrangements can be made to bring some of tliosr represen tatives ol the great mineral Industries to Cortland and into southern Oregon. All these matters will come up for considera tion at the meeting ot Otegou's commis sioners, June 15, l-'olhming ate the letters received by Colonel Drake from the railtoad ttallic in inageis: O. K. N. Inferring to our couser -atlon ot yesterday, we will be to gtanl a tree rate on the ote specimens slilcli It Is Intruded to exhibit at the In- ernatlonal .Mining congtess, at Hoise, the Kgregate shipments not to exceed one irloid Ironi Cortland and one carload trout eastern Oregon. Clease advise me in advance of shipments In order that ar r tugemeiits may be made to protect the 1 He. juthetn Pacific Hefrrilng to our con versation this date; with the- under standing Hut this action will be concurred 1 by the O. K. cv N. Co., we will grant tree rate on ore specimens from points on our lines In Oregon, to Portland, when intended for exhibition at the luteruation il .Mining congress at Hoise. Aggregate lilpments not to exceed one carload. 1 Contract Let for Wtlttt Simltrr Wllkerson & Thompson, the contrac ors, have received Instructions to begin work on the smelter that Lewis Hall Is to build at Weiser, and they expect to begin operations there Monday. This is one of the most important mining announce ments that lias been made for some time. The Weiser smelter project has been hanging In the balance for several weeks. The orders received by the contractors shows that Mr. Hall has advanced his plans faster than the public anticipated. While the contractors have not been ad vised as to all the details, they feel con fident the plant will be of loo-ton capac ity. They do not believe a smaller one will he put in. The smelter will be lo cated about 10 miles above Weiser, near the mouth of the canyon and on the line of the Pacific & Idaho Northern. Addi tional importance attaches to the news here given because, it is believed, con struction of the smelter carries with it ex tension of the railroad Into the Seven Devils. Hoise Statesman. CONCORD A PRODUCER. Plani Now Under Way for Erection of a Mill at an Early Day. The Concord mine, which lies very close to the Ned Hoy, is destined to soon add itself to the ranks of bullion pro ducers of the Sitmpter gold fields. This mine lias done considerable tunnel work, but as yet has 110 upraise for the purpose of sloping ore. The matter of proper ventilation for the lower workings is an other matter to be attended to before plac ing the property on a steady producing basis, There is no mill on the ground yet, nor will one be erected until the mine Is In perfect working order. hverythlng necessary will be consum mated, so that when .1 mill Is erected there will be nothing turn up to cause a shut down and give a w rong impression to the stockholders and others concerning the property. It Is expected arrangements will be made whereby the May Queen mill will handle Concord ore until such a time as it will be deemed expedient to erect a mill. The Concord has a ledge already lined nut soo feet, long with a width of live feet. Assays have been se cured from this ledge on the surface down tolls present lowest depth, and have given in value from Si to over $ 100 to the ton. The average value of the ore now being blocked out is about 520 per ton. I he matter of ventilation of the mine will probably be settled by the running of a joint tunnel by the Ited Hoy and Con cord people. The tunnel will pierce the hill on which these properties are situated and, when finished, will thoroughly ven tilate both mines, as it will leave a clear circulation of air from one side of the hill to the other. The Sumpter district Is to be congratu lated 011 the acquisition of this valuable property by Sumpter and other eastern Oregon people, for as it stands now this section will get more actual benefit from such a property than if it were owned by eastern capitalists. Haker City Herald. Never fall -Giant powder. GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. M. M. FLYNN MEN'S TAILOR A Line of Woolens and Spring Suitings such as would be found in a large city. Look for yourself. Work guaranteed and prices right. DON'T BE A JAY nJ wear store clothe! Granite Street, Next to First Bank ol Sumpter Sumpter, Ore. Golden Eagle Hotel American and European Plan T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUMPTER, 'OREGON ,&wwwtwwwwwv','y A. P. GOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier g, Bank of Sumpter 3 Trsntiots Oimrtl anklng lailntu Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON l ....The Elite Cigar Store.... L. HARRIS, Proprietor Newly remodeled and refitted. Smokers' resort. We are daily receiving fresh cigars of the leading brands. No stale goods in stock. Healy Block. Cor. Granite and Center Sts. Eureka Feed & Livery Company H. K.' BROWN, Proprietor Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE-K THE Sumpter Forwarding Co. vlvs General Storage, Commission and Forwarding. Warehouse and office, S. V. Track. SUMPTER, OREGON. SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS Manufacturers of all klnJs o Carbonated Drinks and Ciders. Operated In connection with the Kentucky Liquor House WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAQEN Y SLOAN, PROPS., SUMPTER, ORE. v - i WWPHiWWWw