(!.p-wwW!c f THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, May 22. 1901 ((WWIfw-' WIND CREEK DISTRICT Several Promising Mines Be ing Developed. Wind creek forms a juncture with Pow der river on the Bourne road near the Half way house, and the section above Is In the Sutnpter mining district. About three miles above the Halfway house, following the creek, one first comes to the ledge known as the Independence, owned by King & Ranpach, and there Is a series of claims above and to the west which are destined to attract a good deal of attention In the near future. The Independence was located about one year ago. A tunnel was started on It January 1, and It Is now in over two hundred feet. The tunnel follows the hanging wall, which Is composed of por phyry nulte heavily sulplnireted. A cross cut forty feet In length was run, but did not reach the footwall. The ore Is of a promising character, and that on the dump carries from 53 to f 12 in gold per ton. The owners have a large and comfortable log house, a blacksmith shop and other Improvements and are confident they have valuable property. The creek near this point has a branch coming In from the west, and up this branch a hundred yards or more Is the house of James Huir.gardner, a successful prospector and one of the pioneers of the district. He has altogether four claims on the creek and its tributaries, and is enthu siastic over the outlook there. His princi pal ledge, and the one he regards as most valuable, Is called the Porcupine, running down Irom the Blkhorn mountains. The ledge, as far as exposed, Is twenty-five feet wide. It lies In the contact between state and porphyiy. Assays from rock on the surface shows from eight to sixty three dollars in values, and an average clear across the ledge went seventeen dol lars per ton. The owner Is already for doing development work for this season. The outlook tor a good mine here Is first class, when the character of the rock, the size of the ledge and the conveniences for work are taken Into consideration. The extension of the Porcupine on the southwest Is called the Justice. It Is owned by n stock company and the sur face showing Is fine the assays running from seven to seventeen dollars per ton. On the main creek, above the Indepen dence, Is located the Fidelity ledge. It parallels the Porcupine. It Is from twelve to twenty feet wide and assays well. It Is also owned by a stock company. Just above, Kear & Welgand have a a Rroup of three claims, with a large ledge and good values. Valentine & Co. have three claims on the head of Wind creek. R. L. Turner has three claims that as say twelve dollars on the surface, and Seattle parties are doing the location work on eight claims. Besides there are num erous other locations, the names of which are not known. A good wagon road can be built on an easy grade from the Halfway house up to these claims, thus giving as good and easy an outlet as the mines on the Crack er creek have. It Is a very promising district and wiU speak for Itself the coming season, as de velopment work will be made on all the claims there. Latt Payment of $20,000 on Appomattox. The deeds conveying the title of the Appomattox mine from Clark Snide and W. F. Taft and wile to the Columbia Mining company, were filed for record in the office of t-ounty recorder last evening. The consideration named was 950,000. The deeds In escrow were put In the First National bank, of this city, about two years ago, since which time the Columbia ' Mining company has made Its several payments as required, the last payment of 2o,ooo being made yesterday. The Ap pomattox Is situated between the Colum bia and Golconda mines, on what Is known as the great Cracker creek lode. Messrs. Snide and Taft came into posses sion of the property many years ago, Mr. Taft, we believe, being one of the original locators. At the time of the first mining excitment at Cracker creek, about ten years ago, M. L. Durkte had an interest in the mine, but sold it for a mere trifle. The proximity of the Appomattox to the Columbia makes It invaluable ground for the company purchasing It. Democrat. City Council Proceedings. A. W. Ellis was In the chair at the council meeting Saturday evening. Very little business was transacted. The com mittees on health and police and streets and public property submitted reports on the Auburn street sewer, the open cess pool near the depot and the garbage dumping ground proposition, that on the last being the only definite point In the report. C. S. VanDuyn offered ground west of the river and a quarter of a mile south of Granite street, provided the city will burn the refuse. This offer will doub'less be accepted. The bid of Morris Sullivan to deliver gravel for street re pairs at 70 cents a yard, was accepted, provided he will furnish a team at four dollars a day. Placer Claims for Sale. An extraordinary chance for the pur chase of a fine placer property with plenty of water, all ready for profitable work. Some cash and time. Will bear investi gation. Address M. J., care of MINER, Sumpter, Oregon. Hoims For Sale. Several good saddle and pack horses for sale. Apply to H. W. B. Smith, Cracker street, opposite John Parkinson residence, Sumpter, Oregon. Miss Richardson announces to her many old and new customers the arrival of a new line of chiffons, vaillngs, trim mings and pattern hats. See them. GOOD THINGS TO 1 EIAT AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. All the News Of all the Fields Of the Pacific Coast. Western Oil News PuNliheJ Every FtlJay $2.00 Per Year $1.2$ For Six Months 75 Cts. For Three Months 120 SANSOME ST. SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA Sullivan Machinery Co. 130 ADAMS ST., CHICAGO Manufacturers of Diamond Drills Rock Drills Compressors, Hoists and General Mining Machinery Northwest Office S. 101 Howard St., Spokane, Wash. W. A. Jones R. P. Jones The Golconda Newly Fitted and Stocked With High Grade Liquors, Wines and Cigars Sumpter Draught and Pilsner Bottled Beer, Elk Club, Ramsey Scotch, Malt and Bourbon Whiskies SUMPTER, OREGON The New Olympia E. E. HATJSER, Proprietor (Succtisor to Henry Finobr Newly refitted and remodeled. . . . All the best brands of Liquors and Ci gars handled. . . Fine Old (1884) Hermitage Whis key Olympia Beer, bot tle or draught. . . Center Street, Opposite P. O. Sumpter Baker City Iron Works HIGGINS & HARDENBROOK, Props. Iron Founders and Machinists General Repair Work Our Specialty. Architectural iron work and bridge castings. Write for estimates. WEST END AUBURN AVE. THE GEM SALOON A. J STINSOIM, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stinson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over tht Bar SUMPTER, OREGON t. -" "inn iffwi '