THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, May 22, 1901 Qk, IMPROVEMENTS IN WATERWORKS New Pipe to be Put in on Mill Street Below Granite. R. E. Strahorn, who owns the water works, was In town a couple Jays last week. He had just returned from a vMt east, having spent the winter in Chicago, Washington City, Philadelphia and Bos ton. He left Saturday for Chicago, but will return to Sumpter by June 10. While here he announced that he would make extensive repairs In the water sys tem durliiK the coming summer. The first thing to be done will be to substitute .1 better quality of pipe in the Mill street main, south from Granite. There is a tremendous pressure on this main, aver aging nearly 200 feet, and the pipe now in use Is not strong enough to stand the strain, as frequent breaks have demon strated. Mr. Strahorn has bought the best water pipe made to replace the Mill street main, which Is now en route to Sumpter. This quality of pipe will be used in all exten sions and also wherever repairs are made, and will be gradually substituted through out the entire system. Elsewhere In Till: MlNKN today is an advertisement offering a I irge lot of pipe for sale. Some of this has been used, while a large proportion of It is perfectly new. A fence will be built around the reser voir, work beginning at an early date. Mr. Strahorn was accompanied west by a hydraulic engineer of forty years ex perience, who has made a specialty of works to supply cities with water. He came out to examine several systems owned by Mr. Strahorn. He says that a reservoir, such as the one here, requires from three to four years to settle, the water contained therein being an enor mous weight on the structure. Until this settling process is finished there will nec essarily be an occasional crack in the ce ment. Friday evening the Sumpter brass baud serenade d Mr. Strahorn, Precognition of his generous offer of some weeks since to furnish all the music the band needs, which he has done. He made a felicitous talk to the boys, complimenting them on the excellent progress nude and stating that he had himself formeily been a mem ber ot a brass band and was Intensely fond of baud music. He also did the handsome thing in the way of supplying liquid refreshment and "won out" Sump ter's crack musical organization, to a man. Aristr For the Skylight. Messrs. Isaac Guker and It. H. Clay ton, the owners of the Skylight group of mines at QuarUhurg, composed of the Skylight, P.iirview and Chipmunk, aie arranging to soon put In operation an arastra of about two and one-half tons capacity, in which to reduce the ore from their property. While each ledge of their group Is what is termed concentrating ore, the surface of each is free milling and carries sufficient value to pay to work by means of an arastra. Hlue Mountain Eagle. Enormous Ledge Found on North Powder. One of the greatest mineral finds ever made in eastern Oregon Ins just been made In Union county, near the town of North Powder. The ledge Is simply enormous, being over two hundred feet wide and can be traced for several miles. The discovery was made by Mr. Edward Evans, a fanner living west of North Powder, a few days ago, while prospect ing. Mr. Evans was in the city this week and Informed the Republican of his great discovery. He said he had made no extensive development as yet on the ledge, but would do so soon. But the ores taken out Indicate that It is rich in gold. The samples brought to Union by Mr. Evans were rich in sulphurets. A min ing expert has just examined the property and gives it as his opinion that the Indi cations at this time, are that it will develop Into the greatest mine In Oregon. The location of the new ledge is about eight or ten miles In a westeruly direction from the town of North Powder and Is so located that It can be worked economically. It is a great discovery one of the best made in Union county gold fields for some time. Union Republican. PRAISE FROM PLUMMER. Payi a Handsome Tribute to Colonel Donan and his Work for Oregon. Colonel W.C. Plummer, of Maine, was for thirty years one of James G. Blaine's closest associates and most trusted lieu tenants. In the last personal canvass of the United States that Mr. Blaine ever made, Colonel Plummer was chosen to accompany him, and speak with him. In a letter to his old comrade, Major Ed wards, of the Fargo (Dakota) Dally l-'orum, published in that paper recently, Colonel Plummer says: 'I he other day I received a finely print ed and elaborately illustrated pamphlet from Colonel Donan. He sent it to me all the way from Portland, Oregon, and it's a stunner. It reads enchantingly. I gave It a careful reading. The Garden of Eden was a desert in comparison to the glorious Columbia river valley. Donan Is a u underfill drawer of words. If that pamphlet could be read at every lireside in New England, it would result in the migration of thousands from the hills and valleys of this northeastern sec tion of the country to distant Oregon. 1 can hardly forgive the gallant Colonel for the occasional sarcastic and scathing allusions which lie makes to the climate and other conditions of North Dakota, and I wonder how he would like to have the deadly parallel drawn on himself by some one who would take the trouble to reproduce same of his old boom articles while he was in North Dakota. But the colour I resembles in one respect at least, Dugald Dalgetty, In that he serves faith fully through the whole term of his enlist ment. He served North Dakota well and his ornate and tlnrld descriptions of her prolific soil, wonderful climate and mar velous productions, brought In tens of thousands of settlers. In his new field he is working just as diligently and faithful ly for the upbuilding of the Columbia river empire. His rhetoric has all the fire and vim that characterized It twenty years ago, his command of strong English is most pet feet and he Is always In dead earnest. He is worth thousand of dollars to the state ot his adoption. The people out there ought to be made appreciate him. I hope they do. The Colonel is an accomplished gentle man, true In his friendships, and Is de serving of ths best there Is going. You people in Nortli Dakota missed it when you allowed him to get away from you. I shall always have a warm place In my heart for Donan. I have met him In the west and In the east, and have always found him cheerful, obliging, courteous, ready to go out of his way to do one a good turn, and too generous-hearted for his own good, lie Is equally at home in the highest social circles of the east or in the rough mining camps of the west. Water Pipe for Sale. About 2000 feet of new and second hand eight-inch, steel-rivited pipe tor sale at a bargain. Inquire at the office of the Sumpter Water company. Private Tabic Board. I will furnish private board to a few desiring such, at my residence on North street, near Center. Mrs. C. E. Duckworth. (-T . . is M. M. FLYNN MEN'S TAILOR A Line of Woolens and Spring Suitings such as would be found in a large city. Look for yourself. Work guaranteed and prices right. DON'T BE A JAY and wear (lore clothes Granite Street, Next to First Bank of Sumpter Sumpter, Ore. Golden Eagle Hotel American and European Plan T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUMPTER, OREGON ,''''''''? A. P. GOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 3 Trimicti 1 Qtnirsl Btnilni ailnni Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. aatety Deposit boxes tor rent. SUMPTER, OREGON k' ....The Elite Cigar Store.... L. HARRIS, Proprietor Newly remodeled and refitted. Smokers' resort. We are daily receiving fresh cigars of the leading brands. No stale goods in stock. Healy Block. Cor. Granite and Center Sts. Eureka Feed & Livery Company H. K. BROWN, Proprietor Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE-K THE Sumpter Forwarding Co. General Storage, Commission and Forwarding. Warehouse and office, S. V. Track. SUMPTER, OREGON. SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS Manufacturer! of all kinds o Carbonated Drinks and Oder. Operated In connection with the Kentucky Liquor House WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAGEN A. SLOAN, PROPS., - SUMPTER, ORE. V- "-"fr ny"""""-" "- - aca?