THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, May 22, 1901 12 U ODD FELLOWS HERE. Delegates to State Convention Visit Cracker Mines. A crowd of Oregon City Odd Fellows, some of whom were accompanied by their wives, to attend the state convention of that order being held in Maker City this week, came up Monday morning to enjoy the day in Sumpter. There being various former townsmen of the visitors who are now residents of this camp, arrangements were made to entertain them as well as could be done during the brief stay. Teams were engaged and, piloted by Harley G. Wood, Carley Moore and Max Schuplus, the entire party was driven to the Golcunda mine, the management of which kindly allowed them to explore the mysteries of the big mill, which was greatly enjoyed and will give them some thing to talk about on their return home. The excursionists were then driven up past the Columbia mine, over the high mountain road by way of the li & li and North Pole mines, through Bourne, and back to Sumpter. As Monday evening was the meeting night of the local Woodmen's lodge, the Idea was further conceived of entertaining the visitors with a reception at their hall In the Mealy building. The Sumpter baud was engaged, a dancing program carried out and general good time had, lasting un til after one o'clock a. in. The party, consisting of County Judge Thomas I-'. Hyan and wife, W. II. Howell, wife aut son, S. S. Walker and wife, H. W. Tmnbath, County Clerk K. W. Cooper, T. I Naudull and George Hrown, nil of Oregon City, left yesterday for Maker City, from which point, after at tending the convention, they will return home. All agreed that the most enjoyable time they would have on their trip was the visit here and to the mines at Cracker creek. Other delegates to the convention at Maker City came out yesterday and this forenoon. I he visitors here Monday gave such an interesting account of their trip to the mines that many of the delegates have expressed a desire to make the trip. It would be a wise move for the citizens of Sumpter, peril. ips through the mayor and city government, to extend an In vita lion to the entire convention to visit tills place, and arrange for an excursion. If inytiiing of the kind Is done, It will have to be attended to without delay. Later l.atc this afternoon the Odd Fel lows telephoned their acceptance of an In vitation to visit Sumpter extended earlier In the day by Mayor Uobblus. An ex cursion train will be run, arriving here at 10 o'clock Friday forenoon. Notice of Stockholder' Meeting. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Inter mountain Gold Mining company, for the election of directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting, will be held on Friday, the j 1st day of May, at the office of the com pany, from nine to ten o'clock a. m. of said day, during which time the polls will be open to receive the ballots of the stock holders for the election of five directors for the ensuing year. W. C. CALDER, Sec. Mercer Drug Store. The Spokane Drug company having purchased the Mercer drug store, will stock it up and In a few days will be pre pared to fill your orders for drugs and druggist sundries. Special care will be taken In the com pounding of prescriptions, using nothing but the purest drugs. SPOKANE DRUG CO., FRED K. WALKER, Manager. Pleasant Wy to Travel. The most delightful way to travel to the east Is by way of Salt Lake City the city of the saints and the Rio Grande Western railway, In conjunction witli either the Denver & Rio Grande or Colorado Midland railroads. This route not only carries the passenger through the heart of the Rocky mountains and in view of the most magnificent scenery on continent, but it also provides for stop over on railroad and Pullman tickets at quaint and picturesque Salt Lake City, Glcnwood Springs, Manltou, Denver, etc. Through Pullman palace and ordinary sleepers, free reclining chair cars and a perfect dining car service via this route to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago. Personally conducted weekly tourits excursions. For printed matter, rates, etc., inquire of J. D. Mans field, General Agent, 122 A Third street, Portland, or Geo. W. Helntz, General Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City. J. N. Hoffman, at the Mill street Ice cream depot, manufactures all kinds of cream dally. Free delivery to residences or hotels. Leave your orders. T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant Pow der company. Order you Ice cream In pints, quarts 0 gallons at J. N. Hoffman's Mill street place. Made daily. No delivery charges. At the Club saloon, Dunphy & Gert ridge serve a line of goods equal to any that money will buy. Those who know the comforts of a good hotel, always patronize The Capital; Mrs. G. H. Tedrowe, proprietor. The Oregonlan Cigar Store. Is on sale at the Elite The best Is always cheapest buy Giant powder. Something to depend upon Giant powder. Shoes! Shoes! ALL THE LATKST STYLES AND COLORS JUST RECEIVED THIS WEEK . IC CORNER WINDOW Neill Mercantile Co. GROCERIES Full Line Staple & Fancy Goods Tobaccos, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store Sumpter Grocery M. J. WHEELER, PROPRIETOR ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. Shoes on Our Hands that should be on your feet. Little prices and big values will make the transfer. SPECIAL PRICES On men's and boy's shoes, 'till certain lines are gone, will be a saving on your foot account. At 2.0 the Brown Queen Bee is the best shoe for the price and ladies' feet. Yours for a shoe trade, Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Company 237 S. W. Temple Stteet, Salt Lake City, Utah RRAH3 PRIX AND GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION. 1998 lngernll:Sereeant Du plex Class "D" Belt Driven Air Compressor This type also built comyound, with Inter coller. See catalog 33. Rock Drills, Coal Cutters Full line of Duplicate Drill Parts in Stock. S. G. MURRAY MANAOER The Royal Tailors (Chicago) Make perfect fits from latest products of domestic and foreign looms n& g Prices are positively the lowest consistent with good goods and skilled workmanship. Call and Inspect samples. C. B, Hecht, Agt, Opposite P. O., Sumpter, Oregon MERCER DRUG STORE Some goods have arrived and more are coming. A complete line of drugs and druggist sundries have been order ed. We take special care and ac curacy in filling prescriptions. Spokane Drug Company FRIO R. WALKER, M,mii