The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 15, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, May ij, i.oi
27. To Impose, collect and appro
priate fines, forfeitures and penalties
for the breach of any ordinance, but
no fined so Imposed shall exceed $100,
and the imprisonment shall in no
case be imposed for a longer term than
fifty days.
28. To provide for the survey of
lots and blocks, and streets and al
leys within the city, and for making
and establishing the boundary line of
Buch lots, blocks, streets, alleys, and
for the naming of the streets.
29. To establish and regulate fees
and compensations of all officers of
the city, except when otherwise pro
vided by law.
30. To regulate and prohibit the
carrying of deadly or dangerous wea
pons In a concealed manner, and to
provide for the punishment by fine or
imprisonment, or both, of any person
carrying on. deadly or dangerous
weapon In a concealed manner; and
to define by ordinance what shall be
deemed a deadly or dangerous weapon,
and what shall constitute the carrying
In a concealed manner.
31. To regulate and prohibit by or
dinance the uso of guns, pistols, fire
arms, flrecracKers bombs, and de
tonating works of all descriptions, and
provide for the punishment by fine or
imprisonment, or both, of any person
or persons who shall violate any of the
provisions of such ordinance.
32. To provide for the purchasing,
the city, when sold for city taxes or
for any improvement ordered by the
city council, and to provide for tho salo
and disposal of such real property.
33. By ordinance, to tax, license,
control and regulate washhouses and
public laundries; to define In such or
dinance what shall constitute the
same; to provldo for their exclusion
from the city limits or any part there
of, and to provide for the punishment
by fine or Imprisonment, or both, of
any person who shall vlolato any of
the provisions of such ordinance.
34. To provide for the punishment
of any person who negligently leaves
horses or other animals, with or with
out carriages or other vehicles at
tached, in the streets or alleys without
being securely fastened; to prevent
cruelty to animals, and to define what
shall constitute the same and provldo
for the punishment therefor.
35. To regulate the opening of
street surfaces, the laying of gas, water
and other mains, the building and re
pairing of sewers, and the erection of
gas. electric and other lights.
36. To permit, allow and regulate
the laying down of tracks for street
cars and railroads upon such street or
streets as the council may designate;
to regulate and prevent public crlerr
and advertising noises in the streets,
and to control and limit traffic on the
streets and avenues and public places;
to regulate the use of streets and side
walks for the use of signs, signposts,
awning posts, telegraph, telephone and
electric light poles, and other purposes;
to regulate and prohibit the exhibition
and hanging oi banners and placards
and flags In or across the street, or
from houses or other buildings; to
prevent the exhibition of crippled or
deformed persons, and to prohibit
such persons from begging in the
streets or public places; to establish
from tlmo to time such police stations
as may be necessary; to regulate the
numbering on houses and lots on the
streets and nvenue: to provide for the
cleaning nnd snrlnkllng of streets and
sidewalks, nnd to prohibit persons
from roaming tho streets nt unreason
able hours. The provisions herein
shall bo carried Into effort bv ordl
nnnce nnd ordinances, nnd the coun
cil shnll provide for tho punishment
In surh ordlnnnco or ordinances by fine
or Imprisonment or both of nnv per
son who shnll vlolato any of the pro
visions thereof.
37. To nrnvlrto for tho erection of
fire escnneo on nil hulldlntrs nt the ex
pense of the owner of tho pronertv
nnd to provide for tho prevention of
the erection of hulldlntrs nnd nwnlnes
within the city limits which shnll be
dangerous to passersby or to ndjacent
pronerty, and In ce nnv building or
awning on any public street shall be
come dangerous to passershv. the
council shnll have power to have the
same removed or made safe at the ex
pense of the owner of such pronertv;
such expense of fire escanes. removing
or making safe such property shall be
made a lien upon the property, and
shall he collected In the same manner
as liens for street improvements.
38. To regulate the use of sidewalks
and prevent the extension of building
fronts and houso fronts within the
street line.
39. To license, tax and regulate
hacks, cabs, hackneys, carriages, carts,
wagons, drays, trucks, bicycles and
other vehicles used for tho transpor
tation of passengers or any artlclo of
trade, building material or other sub
stance, and to nx the rate thereof,
whether tho same be used for hire or
40. To prevent and prohibit tho
erection nnd repair of wooden build
ings within prescribed limits, to bo
ascertained and defined by tho coun
cil, and to restrict and limit the height
of buildings within such limits; to de
termine tho number nnd sizo of places
of cntrnnco to nnd exit from all public
halls, churches and other buildings
used for public gatherings nnd tho
modo of hanging doors thereat; to
tear down, romovo or destroy nny nnd
all buildings or structures erected In
violation of tho provisions of any ordi
nance passed in pursuanco of this sec
tion, and to collect tho costs of tenr
Ing down, destroying or removing tho
same in. tho snmo manner ns herein
after provided for tho enforcement of
Hens for street improvements; and to
provldo for the punishment by flno or
imprisonment of any person violating
the provisions of such ordinance.
41. To provldo by ordlnnnco for the
appointment by tho mayor of such
officers nnd employees of tho city In
addition to thoso otherwise In this net
provided for ns tho council mny deem
expedient, nnd to provldo for nnd fix
the compensation of all officers nnd
employees of the city not otherwise
provided for.
42. To appoint fire wardens; to ap
point property guards, prescribe their
duties and provide for their compen
sation; and, by ordinance, to compel
nny person present, to aid In tho ex
tinguishment of fires and In tho pre
servation of property exposed to dang
er in the tlmo of fire; and, by ordi
nance, to exercise auch other power ns
may be necessary for such occasions.
43. To provide for tho mnklng,
cleaning and repairing of sidewalks at
the expense of or by the owners of nd
jacent lots; and to provide for the
making of such expense a lien upon
such adjacent lota to be collected In
the same manner as Hens for street
44. To provide by ordinance for the
punishment by fine or imprisonment
or both of any person or persons who
shall cause or continue any nulsanco
within tho city limits, or suffer nny
nuisance to exist upon any property
occupied or controlled by such person
or persons within the city limits, or
In any street or alley contiguous to
such property where the owner or oc
cupant of such property Is the author
or contlnuer of such nuisance; to de
fine what shall constitute a nuisance
within the meaning of this section or
of such ordinance.
45. To provide for the punishment
by fine or Imprisonment of any person
or persons who shall sell or offer for
sale any unwholesome or adulterated
provisions, or unwholesomo or dis
eased meats, and to deflno whnt shall
constitute such unwholesome or adul
terated provisions or unwholesome or
diseased meats.
46. To provide by ordinance for the
manner and place of construction, reg
ulating and removing of privies and
cesspools; to provide by ordlnnnco for
the connecting of privies nnd cesspools
with the sewers of tho city now con
structed, or which mny herenfter be
constructed, nt tho oxpenso of the
owner of tho property upon which such
privy or cesspool In situated; nnd to
provldo for tho making of such ex
pense a Hen upon such property, to bo
collected In iho snmo manner ns Hens
for street Improvements.
47. To excrclso nil such power an
may bo given to the council by thin net
and such ndditlonnl power and author
ity ns mny bo necessary and proper to
carry Into effect the provisions of this
act, nnd to pass all ordinances neces
sary therefor; nnd to provldo for tho
punishment of any violation of nny
ordinance passed pursuant to this act,
and to make all regulations nnd pass
all ordinances not Inconsistent with
the constitution or the laws of the
state of Oregon, and the provisions of
this act, as the council may deem nec
essary for the welfare of the city and
the regulation thereof nnd tho pre
servation and protection of tho health,
person and property of tho residents
and Inhabitants of tho city of Similiter.
Section 48. Tho mayor Is tho chief
executive of tho municipal corporation
and must exercise a curoful supervis
ion over Its general affairs and sub
ordinate, ofltccrs. It Is his duty, at tho
annual meeting of tho council appoint
cd by this act, to communlcato by mes
sage to tho council n general state
uicnt of tho condition nnd affairs of tho
city, and to recommend tho adoption
of such measures ns ho may deem ex
pedient ana proper, and to make such
special communications to tho council
from tlmo to tlmo as ho may think
proper or useful. Ho shall preside
over the council when It Is In session
nnd shnll luivo authority to preserve
order, enforce tho rules of tho council
nnd to dctcrmluo tho order of business,
subject to such rules nnd to nppeal to
tho council. Ho shnll not bo entitled
to n vote oxcept In case of n tlo voto
by tho council when ha shall hnvo tho
casting voto; ho shnll nppolnt nil
standing and other committees,
Section 49. -to shnll tnko nnd ap
prove nnd after approval, retain ns
custodian nil official undertakings
which tho ordinances of tho city may
require any ofllcor to glvo ns security
for tho faithful performance of his
duty, or nny undertaking which mny be
required of any contractor for tho
faithful porformnnco of his contract.
Section 50. Ho shall porform such
other duties nnd oxerclRo surh other
nuthorlty ns shnll bo prescribed by
this act, or by any city ordinance or by
nny law of tho United Stntcs or of this
Section 51. No ordlnnnco passed by
tho council shnll go Into effect or bo
of nny forco until npproved by tho
mnyor, except ns provided In section
53 nnd 54 m tnls act
Section 52. Upon tho pnssngo of nny
ordlnnnco, tho enrolled copy thereof,
attested by tho recorder, shnll bo sub
mitted to tho mayor by tho recorder;
and If the mayor shall npprovo tho
same, ho shall wrlto upon It "Ap
proved." with tho dnto thereof, nnd
sign It with his nnmo of office; nnd
thereupon, If not otherwise provided
therein, such ordinance shnll becomo
of force nnd effect.
Section 53. If tho mnyor does not
npprovo of nn ordlnnnco so submitted,
he must within ten dnys from Its ro
celnt return tho snmo to tho recorder,
with his reasons for not npprovlng It;
nnd If tho mnyor does not so return It,
such ordlnnnce sh11 become a law as
If ho had approved it.
8ectlon bi. Unnn tho first meeting
of tne council after tho return of an
ordinance from tho mayor not nn
proved, tho recorder ahnll deliver the
same to the council, with the message
of the mnvor which must bo rend; nnd
such ordlnnnce shall bn put upon Its
nnssnire again, and If threo fourths of
all of tho members constituting the
council voto In tho nfflrmntlvo It ahnll
becomo a law without tho nnproval of
tho mayor, and not otherwise.
PORATION. Section 55. Tho recorder U tho Ju
dicial officer of tho corporation, nnd
shnll hold n court therein nt such place
as tho council shnll provide, which
court shnll ho known ns tho recorder's
ceurt: nnd ho shnll bo nnnolntod nnd
hold his office ns In this act hereinbe
fore provided. ITo Is nlso ex officio clerk
of tho council, nnd with him must be
fled nil elnlnis end accounts nenlnst
tho cltv. He shnll keep iccurnto min
utes of nil of tho proceedings of the
council, nnd a correct record of Judlc
lal business trnnsneted bv him. It Is
hln duty to nlso file every pnpor pre
sented to him officlnllv, nnd tn tnke
chnrgo of nnd snfolyl keep nil tho wi
pers nnd records of tho corporation
unless otherwise provided for.
Section 56. Ho shall hnvo Jurisdic
tion of all crimes and offenses donned
nnd mndo punlnhablo bv any ordlnnnce
of the city, nnd of nctlonn brought to
recover or enforco nny forfolturo or
penalty declnrcd or given by any or
dinance, which actions shall bo tried
without tho intervention of n Jury.
He shnll bo ox officio Justlco of the
peace and shall have tho authority and
Jurisdiction of a Justlco of tho peace
for tho county of linker, within tho
limits of tho city of Similiter, in both
civil nnd criminal matters, nnd snld
recorder when acting ns Justlco of tho
pcaco, and nil proceedings in his court
shall bo governed nnd regulated by
tho general laws of tho stato appli
cable to Justices of tho peace and Jus
tices' courts In llko manner or similar
cases. When acting ns Justice of tho
pcaco ho shall receive tho sanio fees nx
other Justices of tho pence In ltakor
Section 57. Tho office of recordor
shnll bo deemed vacant whenever tho
person appointed thereto shnll fall to
qunllfy as In this net provided, or
whenever tho Incumbent shall bo ab
sent from tho city for n period of mora
than ten days without tho consent of
tho council first had nnd obtained, ox
cept In case of sickness. In tho nb
sonco of the recorder tho mayor mnv
appoint some suitable person who shnll
ho a resident and qualified elector of
tho town of Sumpter, to presldo over
tho recorder's court.
Section 58. Tho recorder shall mnko
nut nnd present to tho council a quar
terly stntement of all moneys received
or collected by him for the city nnd of
nil HccnscH Issued nnd nil warrants
drawn on tho city treasury.
Section 59. All fines Imposed by snld
recorder, nnd nil pennltles recovorcd
before him for vlolntlon of n city ordi
nance shall, when received, or colloctert
ho forthwith paid by him tn tho city
treasurer, who shnll glvo him dupli
cate receipts therefor, ono of which
shnll bo filed In tho recorder's offleo.
All fines nnd pennltles for tho vloln
tlon of stato laws shall ho disposed of
by said recorder ns provided by tho
general Inws of tho ntnto.
Section 60. All demnndn nnd ac
counts against tho city shnll bo pre
sented to tho recordor with tho necos
sary evidence In support thereof, nndl
ho shall report them tn tho council at
Its next meeting nftor being so pre
sented to him, together with nny sug
gestions nnd explanations which ho
mnv deem proper nnd pertinent. All
such demnndn nnd accounts shnll Ho
over from tho meeting nt which thojr
nrn presented until tho noxt regular
mooting when tho council shnll voto
direct whothor tho snmo shnll bo pntiT
In wholo or In part, ns thoy mnv doom
Just nnd legnl; provided, tho snmo be
for corporntn purposes nnd none othor.
Section 61. When tho council ord
ers nny account or demnnd to bo
pnld, tho recorder must draw a war
rant on tho treasurer for tho nmount
ordered pan., which order or warrant
when so drawn shnll bo signed by the
mnyor nnd nttested by the recorder.
Section 62. Tho recorder's nnmo of
offleo, whether acting nn recorder or aa
clerk of the council, Is "Recorder of tho
cltv of Sumpter."
Section 63. Tho recordor must Is
sue nil licenses nuthorlzed by city or
dinances upon tho delivery to him of
tho receipt of tho city treasurer for tho
amount of tho money for such llcensn;
provided, thnt In such cases nn tho
council by tho provisions of this net
or nny ordlnnnco, nro, or shall bo re
quired to mnko a special order, llcenso
shnll bo Issued only upon such speclnl
Section 64. Tho recorder must keep
books of nccoiint, showing therein re
ceipts nnd disbursements nnd nil sums
nnroprlnted. tho dnto thereof, tho dnto
nnd nmount of nil orderH or wrrantn
drnwn upon tho treasurer, nnd to
whom nnynhle. and nil such other mat
ters nnd things as mnv be prescribed
bv ordlnnnco or to be protier or neces
sary tn n correct understanding of tho
cltv finances.
Section 65. Tim recorder is nutlior
1""'1 to nimnl"tor nnv oath nuthor
led or renulreil to be tnken !v nnv law
of thl stntn of inv cltv ordinance.
Section 66, fhn mnrshnl shall bo
conservator of the peace nnd In addi
tion to the ntlthcrltv vested I" him by
the nrdlnnnces of Mm cltv of Similiter
nnd bv this net h- have tlm nutlior
Uv nnd turladl'Mon of n constnlilo
within the eltv limits nnd shnll dis
charge tho snmo nconllnir tn the stnt
ufes of tho stnto, Hn shall nrrest nl?
nercons rulltv of n breach of the penco
or vlolntlon of nnvcltv nni'nnnro, nnd
"Vo thom before tho recorder for trlnl.
Ho shnll enforco tho collections of nl?
fines nnd nil tuxes, excent ns herein
after provHod. nnd shall pny over all
moneys collected to tho cltv treasurer,
taking dupllrnto receipts therefor, ono