The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 15, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, May i$. 1901
peached, but tho council shall be and
constitute 11 court to try all onsen of
Impeachment, and may provide the
Ing of such Indebtedness, and pro
vided further, that at such time there
after as the council may determine,
manner of conducting trials of tho , should It bo determined to Incur
same. isiich indebtedness, It shall be the duty
Section 29. The mayor shall be ex of the mayor to procure blank bonds
officio tho presiding officer of tho conn- , of sultablo design nnd cause tho same
ell and shall preside over Its dellber- to bo properly filled out In amounts of
ntlons when It Is In session. Ho shall one hundred dollars each or any multl
not bo entitled to vote, except in cane plo thereof, up to ono thousand dol-
of n tie vote of tho members of the lurs each, which bonds shall bo made
rooms, drinking shops, and tippling
houses, billiard tables, pool tables,
pigeon-hole tables or any table where
halls and cues are UBed, bowling alleys,
shooting galleries and nickel-in-the-slot
machines; and to provldo for the
oxactlon of bonds for tho conducting
of an orderly house by an applicant
for a license before the Issuing of
such license; provided, that no license
for the sale of spirituous, malt or vln-
rouncll. Ilo shall also have authority payable In twenty years or less, as thejous liquors shall bo Issued for a sum
to preserve order, onforco the rules of council may by ordinance determine;
tho cotinrll nnd determine tho order anil said bonds shall draw Interest nt
of huplntss, subject to Hiieh rules as a rato not to exceed eight per cent per
mny bo prescribed by the council and niinuni, such rnto to bo fixed by the
to nn nponl to tho council. If tho j council by ordinance, nnd Interest on
mayor shall be niisont from any moot- i said bonds shall ho payable seml-nn-lng
of the council, that body must up- uually. Said bonds shnll bo placed In
point one of their own member to net the hands of tho city treasurer, and
ns mayor pro tern, and such member said city treasurer shall keep a register
Hhull have tho snnio powerH during
the time of his appointment us tho
mayor has by this act.
Section 30. Tho majority of tho
whole number constituting tho eoun
In which shall bo entered by him,
tho number nnd nmount of such bonds,
tho date of the Ihsiio thereof, nnd tho
less than is prescribed by tho general
laws of 10 state; provided further,
that no license shall bo issued for less
man three months nor moro than ono
year; provided further, that no license
to sell spirituous, malt or vinous liq
uors shnll bo granted to any woman,
or to nny minor, or to any person who
shall permit any woman or girl, or
male minor to frequent his placo of
business, cither as guest, servnnt,
waiter, waitress, dancer, singer, nctor
name of tne person to whom IsRiiod. Or musician; nnd provided further,
KnUi of said bonds shnll bo signed
ell Is a majority of tho council or by tho mayor nnd recorder under their
members thereof, within thn mcnnlng mime of office, and tho council shnll
of this act, and nut otherwise, unless inlso provldo for tho pnyment of tho
It Is expressly so provided. Tho con
currence of n majority of a quorum
expenses of making nny estimates
thereunder, tho tlmo nnd manner In
Is a sufflelont majority to determine , which nny and nil Improvements
nny question or matter other than tho j thereunder shnll bo made, nnd tho
final pnsHngo of an nrdlminen or tho manner In which said bonds shnll be
appointment or removal of nn officer, j disposed of; nnd provided further, that
that If, after license to sell spirituous,
mnlt or vinous liquors shall havo
been granted, tho person to whom It
has been granted or nny ono in his
employ shnll givo or sell any such
liquor to nny common drunkard or to
nny Intoxicated person or to nny
womnn or girl or to nny minor or to
nny Indian or halfbreed Indlnn, or
shnll pcrmiv nny woman or girt or
Section .11. Tho council has power tit all special elections for tho purpose minor to frequent, visit or loiter
nnd authority within thn limits of
tho corporation.
1. To mnkn bylaws and ordinances
of crontlng anv Indebtedness provided
for In this section, nny person over tho
ngo of tvonty-ono yenrs, who Is n
not repugnant to tho laws of the state rltlrcn of the United States, or shall
of Oregon, or of tho United States, or
of this act.
2. To assess, levy and collect tnxes
for general municipal purposes not to
exceed ten mills on each dollar of tho
nssossoil valuation of all property, real
and personal, taxable by law for
state nnd county purposes,
lmvn declared his or hor Intention to
becomo such and who has resided In
the state of Oregon for six months,
and within tho enrpornto limits of the
city of Sumpter for three months next
around his plnco of business, either ns
guest, servant, waiter, waitress,
dancer, singer, nctor or musician; or
shall bo found guilty before nny court
having Jurldlctlon thereof of violating
nny of tho provisions of nny ordlnanco
thnt now or hereafter mny bo passed
In this behalf, or tho provisions of
this act, the council mny in Its ills-
preceding such election, nnd who bns'crctlon by ordlnnnco revoke tho He
property therein, llnhlo for the pay
ment of a state or county tnx, nnd not
.1. To nsHoss, levy and collect a exetnnt from taxation by tho general
npcrlnl tax of not to exceed ten mills i nWH of tho state of Oregon, shnll bo
upon thn dollar ur.on all property as- entitled to vote nt such election, nnd
nossod by nuthnrlty of tho foregoing not otherwise.
Hiibdlvlslnn of this section, for nny fi. To prevent, remove nnd nhnto
specific object within tho nuthnrlty of
thn municipal corporation. Including
thn pavnient of nn existing debt; but
thn ordinance providing therefor must
Htnto the object therefor and tho es
timated amount thereof, nnd tho
nmount ho rn sod shall not bo used for
nnv other purpose, provided, thnt all
HHscHHUionts for nnv purpose whatso
ever shall not In tho aggregate exceed,
each veiir. twenty mills upon the dol
lar of the nssossoil valuation of tnx
iihln property.
4. To appropriate money for city ox
pondltmcs and to provide for tho pay
ment of the debts of the cltv: to borrow
nuisances by gei.ernl ordinances, to
define what shall constitute n mils
imico. nnd to make tho oxponso of re
moving or abating such nuisance n lien
upon thn property where such nuls
nnco exists, when tho owner or occu
pant thereof Is tho nuthor or contlnuor
of such nuisance; and to provldo for
ho filling or draining of nnv lot where
stagnant water stnnds; nnd to make
the coRt thereof a Hon upon thn prop
erty. 7. To prevent tho Introduction Into
tho city of contngloiiB or other dls-
iihoh, and to establish regulations for
j onso of such person or persons; pro
vided further, that tho revocation of
tho license shnll not In nny mnnncr
opernto to relieve tho person or per
sons to whom the same has been grant
ed from such pcnnlty or punishment
as mny, by ordlnnnco, bo prescribed
for tho violation of nny of tho pro
visions of this net, or such ordlnnnco;
to provldo by general ordinance for
tho punishment by flno or imprison
ment, or both, of nny person who shall
sell, givo nwny or In nny mnnncr dis
pose of nny spirituous or malt liquor
within tho copornto limits without
first hnvlng ohtnlned a license there
for from the city, ns hereinbefore pro
vided; to provldo by ordinance for the
punishment by flno or Imprisonment,
or both, of nny person who shnll sell,
givo nwny or In nny manner dispose
of nny spirituous or mnlt liquor to
tho prcservntlnn of tho genernl health I nnv common drunknrd or to any In
money dm the faith of the eltv or linn of the Inhahltonts of the city. tnxlcntod person, to nny womnn or girl,
the credit thereof or both, but In no 8 To license, tax nnd rogulato all! or to anv minor, or to nnv Indlnn. or
event shall the credit of the cltv over business nnd professlonnl occupations hnlfhreed Indlnn. or who shnll permit
be nleili-ed to an amount that will ox- nnd callings, nnd lo deflno whnt shall 0r allow any womnn or girl or minor
itltuto tho same. I to frequent, visit or loiter nrountl the
ceed ten nor centU'u of the assessed constitute
plnco where such spirituous or malt
liquor Is sold or kept for sale, either
ns cucst. sorvont, wnlter, waitress,
singer, dancer, nctor or musician.
13. To prevent, prohibit and sup
9. To license, tnx, regulate nnd re
strain theatricals, shows and other ex
hibitions. 10. To suppress nnd prohibit
dancohoiises where dancing Is per-
!... . .. . .... . ' .. ' - .
To provldo for the Issunnoo of mmeu ur carrion on. iiitiepeniieni or ur . press tlio Keeping or places, nouses or
rooms where either males or remnles,
adults or minors, nro permitted to In
dulge In thn smoking of opium, nnd
to provide by ordlnnnco for the sum
mary closing of Biich houses, places
or rooms and tho punishment by fine
or Imprisonment, or both, of tho per
foii or persons occupying or keeping
such houses, rooms or places for such
14. To provide tho city with good
nnd wholesome water, nnd to provide
for the lighting of tho city with gas,
olectrlcltv or other lighting, nnd for
tho erection of such works within or
without tho city limits ns mny be con
venient or necessary therefor; to pro
vldo n fund for constructing and
defraying of tho expenses of samo;
provided, thnt the council mav grnnt
tho privilege of franchise for the fur
nishing of such water nnd the lighting
of tho streets to nny private corpora
tion, person or. company of persons
upon such terms nnd conditions aa
mav ho Just; but no such grant shall
prohibit the council from granting the
same privileges and franchises to
others. To tix rates at which water or
light mny be furnished within the
limits of the city by any private cor
poration, person or company of per-sons.
15. To define what shall constitute
vagrancy, and to provide for the sup
port, restraint, punishment and em
ployment of vagrants and paupers; to
value of the taxable nrnnortv within
thn e'lv mid provided further, thnt
the Interest on nnv eltv Indebtedness
shall never exceed eight per cent per
r. r,
t......iu i... ii... f- ...,v. ..,...nin niiv taking and holding of real eRtate bv
tinrniwi.. nml to desl.Miate the manner ,"l,r "lnw". nnd declare by genernl
nnd time for the pavilion, thereof and I onllnnnrn what shall constitute the
the Interest thereon. Whenever the n"- n" to Punish by fine or Im
oltv of Hu.npter shall oontomntato the j'rlHonment, or both, nny person own
iau f i....i.. f,.r ...... imnrnvo. i l"g or controlling any house or hnlld-
nipnl under this act the council shall. " ho uses thn same or knowingly
bv ordlnaii Ilreet the manner In wrml.- It to bo used ns n public dance-
whlch the estimate of the cost of such ll,,"'"', . ,
improvements shall 1m ns.-ortnlnod. , ,;, To """Press, restrain and pro
and siicb estimate shall be filed with I ,,,llt bawdy nnd assignation houses,
the recorder- nnd before anv indebted-1 1'0"0" of .n,-fnm.0, nn.'' Prostitution,
lies shall be Incurred tho council shall , KjlK "1 gambling houses, and all
cause to be submitted to a vote of thn , h0WB of "" Immoral nnturo. nnd to
taxpayers of the cltv at a special elec
tion called bv the council for that pur
pose to be hold after a similar notice
Is riven ns In tho enso of n genernl
municipal election, which election
shall be held In a similar manner ns a
general munlclnnl election, nnd each
person who shall vote for or against
tho Incurring of such Indebtedness
shall h"vo written or printed upon his
lMiltot. If voting for such Indebtedness.
"For Ini ehtednesR Yes," nnd If
ncalnst such Indebtedness. "For In
debtedness No. ' If nt such election
tho malorltv of legal votes oust shall
lie In favor of incurring such Indebt
edness, then such Indebtedness to tho
amount of tne estimated cost of the
contemplated Improvement, ns sub
mitted to the voters, mny ho Incurred
unless throe-fourths of tho members
constituting tho council nt n meeting
thereof shnll vote ngnlnst tho Incurr-
define nnd declare by ordlnnnco whnt
shall constitute tho name: to punish
bv flno or mprlsonment or both any
person who. owning or controlling or
being In possession of nnv honso or
building, or room or rooms therein,
uses tho same or nnv pnrt thereof, or
knowingly permits tho same or nny
part thereof to bo used ns n bnwdv or
assignation houso or hfinso of Ill
fame, or prostitution, n rnmlng or
gambling heno, or nnv show of nn
Immornl nature: to punish by flno or
Imprisonment or both, nnv nnd nil
persons who occupy, visit or resort to
such house or houses, nnd to punish
by flno or Imprisonment or both, any
person or persons who engage In gam
ing or gambling, nn the same may be
defined by ordinance.
12. To Mx, license, regulate, re
strnln nnd prohibit the sale of spirit
uous, vlnotu or mnlt liquors, bars, bar-
prevent the sale of, circulation and dis
position of obscene literature, includ
ing books, papers, prints, pictures and
the like, and to punish any person
who sells or oners for sale or who cir
culates or wno disposes of any such
literature, books, papers, prints, pic
tures and the like, and to define and
declare from tlmo to time what, if any,
books, papers, prints, pictures and the
like are obsceno within the purpose
and province of this provision.
16. To provldo nnd mnlntaln both
a dny and a night police.
17. To provide for the removal of
nil obstructions from the public high
ways, streets and crosswalks, alleys,
gutters nnd sewers, nnd to provide for
the construcuon, repair and cleaning
of the same.
18. To regulate tho speed upon rail
roads within tho corpornto limits of
tho city and to prevent fast or furious
driving or riding upon the streets and
nlloys therein, nnd to define whnt shall
constitute tho same.
19. To compel nil prisoners In the
city Jnll who may bo Imprisoned for
vagrancy or for vlolntion of any city
ordinance, to work upon the public
streets nnd public grounds of tho city
during tho term of such Imprisonment,
under tho control nnd direction of the
marshal or superintendent of streets,
and to provldo for tho punishment of
nny person sentenced to Imprisonment
who shnll refuse to work when ordered.
20. To prevent, restrain nnd pun
ish bv flno or Imprisonment, or both.
Intoxication, fighting nnd quarreling,
nssnnlt nnd battery, assault of officers,
resisting officers, or preventing or at
tempting to nrevpnt nn officer from
discharging his official duty, nnd nny
riot, noises nnd disturbances or dis
orderly nssemblago In nnv street, house
or plnco within thn corpornto limits;
nnd nnv nnd nil Indecent or unlawful
prnctlces. vulgar, indecpnt, profnno,
nbuslvo nnd ohseeno language, and to
define whnt shall constitute the same.
21. To regulate tho storago of blast
ing nnd gunpowder, glnnt powder,
dvnnmltri, nitroglycerine, conl oil, gas
oline, coal tnr, pitch, resin, nnd nil
other exploslvo nnd combustible ma
terial, nnd the ubo of candles, conl oil,
gasoline, gas. electric and other lights
and Inmps, In strectB, stores, shops and
other places: to supnress. remove nnd
secure nnd provldo for the mnnncr In
which tho samo shall hn constructed,
nnv stove, fireplace, chlmncv, oven,
boiler or othor apparatus that may be
dangerous In causing flres, nnd to pre
vent by nil possible nnd proper means
dnnger or risk or Inlnrv or damage by
Are nrlslng from carelessness, neglect
or otherwise, and to establish Are lim
its within tho eltv and dclgnntn tho
mnterlnl with which and the mnnner
In which hulldlncs erected within the
snld flro limits shall be constructed or
22. To provide for th establish
ment of market houses and places, nnd
rogulato the location nnd management
of mnrkct houses nnd places, and of
slnughter houses nnd hogpens, nnd to
suppress nnd prohibit thn slaughtering
of nnd keeping of animals within the
cltv limits, nnd to provide for the pun
ishment by line or Imprisonment or
both, of nnv person or persons who
shall violnto nny of the provisions of
such ordlnnnco.
23. To license, tax, regulate, re
strain and prohibit by general ordl
nnnco all car, stage, hotel or other
rnnners within tho city limits, nnd to
provide for tho punishment by flne or
Imprisonment, or both, of any person
or persons who shall violate any of
tho provisions f such ordinance.
24. To tax horses and other domes
tic nnlmnls kent for breeding purposes,
regulate and prohibit animals running
at large within the 'city limits, and
regulate, prohibit and restrain the
driving of stock through the streets;
to proviae for taking up and selling
horses, cattle and other domestic ani
mals found running at large within the
city limits, and the time and manner of
such sale and the disposition of the
proceeds thereof.
25. To tax dogs and regulate their
running at large within the city limits.
and to provide for Impounding and
killing the same, and define what snail
constitute a running at large.
26. To prohibit officers of the city
from purchasing demands against the
city, or orders drawn on the treasurer
thereof, for a less amount than that
expressed on the face of such demand
or order.