THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, May 15. 1901 The Sumpter Miner Official Paper of the Town of Sumpter. I'UHUSIMI) V.VtUY WltlNKSIlAY IIY C. II. MARSH AND J. W. CONNOLLA SUIISCRIPIION RAll'S One Year .. . SI Months i.jj ALWAYS IN AllVANOI'. I.nlrrrd ni ihr pmtnlilce In Sumplrr. Oregon, lor lranmilon lliruugli the malls as second class mailer. '1 111:1(1: are two sides to the question of the prices asked for prospects. Of course, some claim owners place an exorbitant valuation on their properties, and as a re sult they will never male a snle; but there are many promising claims In this district that can be bought or bonded at reasonable figures and on liberal terms. This perpetual complaint of high prices come mostly from men ulm are opciatlng on thrlr call and a shoestring. Till: MINI:.' has been requested by sev eral business men to agitate the matter of taking early action hi arranging for a Pmiith of July celebration here. This Is 11 subject that should not require any newspaper urging, to get the business men to take hold and begin the worl. If a few leading dtlrens, say T. D. Bellinger, A. W. 1:111s, William Stlnson, A. P. Goss and, ol course, Mayor Pobblus, will issue a call for a mass meeting, that Hireling will be well attended and the iiteliminarv walk can then be arranged and the good tiling pushed along from that Mart to the liulsh. CHANTING the patent fact that the Ninths est Mining News, published at Spokane, is the best exclusive mining journal In Oregon, Washington. Idaho and Miltish Columbia; still it has a seri ous fault that rif titi.illcs much ol the gooj that it might accomplish. The News Is a chronic critic; making a spe cialty of Insignificant details, frequently being what many would consider cleaily in the w long. In its last Issue, for in stance, It lakes tlie giouiul that It Is poor policy to advance the price of treasury stock from time to time, and terms that prevalent practice "buncomb." It Is nothing of the kind. It Is good business and strlcly legitimate. All will admit that every dollar intelligently expended on a property, if it worth anything at all as a mine, increases Its value. During the first stages of development the men who (uriiNh the money are laklng a long chance. If this early work demonstrates the probability of the exlstance of a valu able ore body, the percentage against loss Is diminished and It Is au entirely equl table proposition that subsequent Investors should pay more proportionally for their interests In the company than did those who took more than the "gambler's chance" at the stmt. THIS paper declines to accept the chal lenge Issued to It by the Portland Tele gram to discuss that hoary headed chest nut as to what constitutes a gentleman. It characterizes some remarks made by TUB MINER last week on Oregon's needs, as "ungentlenianly," so the whole question would resolve Itself Into a rag chewing contest as to the correct defini tion of that word a profitless proposition, to say the least. Ignoring its puerile taunt that the editor of Till: MlNliK can't write half as good an article on how to supply Oregon's needs as have been published In the Telegram, and conceed lug the accuracy of that crushlngly hu miliating accusation; still Till- MlNliK presumes to call the attention of the Port land evening paper to the fact that the wisdom of this paper's humbly offered sug gestion as to the state's greatest need Is vouched for by au authority that the Tel egram dares not question, an authority on all subjects, human and divine, appall ingly august and Infallible. In opposing some kindergarten appropriation for a state-owned mineral spring asked for at the last session of the legislature, it being too small for a "cut-up" with the Willam ette grafters, the Oregonian pertinently and pointedly remarked that Oregon needs not to prolong the life of its citi zens, but to encourage the eventuatlon of numerous overdue funerals. THE MlNliK'S suggestion was to the effect that the bubonic plague would be a good thing, and it now offers the additional tip that the first experiment with this rem edy for the state's dry rot, moss back damned malady, should be made with a bunch of Its feeble minded editors, who are continually writing silly, platitudinous rot about "our splendid resources," and never doing anything to aid in their development. DR. J. W. VOGEL THE OCULIST Has established headquarters In Baker City, at Room No. t4. Lynndale lllock, and will be there at least one week In each month, and at Sumpter at least two days In each month. Watch lor local notice ul arrival. C. H. PENNER Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors for Oregon, Wash- Ington, Uaho and Montana. Engineers lor the Sumpter Townslte Company, Limited. Undirround and Patent Surveys, nd Driuhtlnf. Ilui Printing hint mldcd The 44 Mastiff ft lino of hoyV, nlrl'n ami I'liiltlrt'ii'ri S H O E S Thin 1m n wry Mmim lino. Try thorn mill if nut Nttinfm'tory, wu will lllllku It hit' W. R. Hawley SUMPTER GOOD THINGS TO 1 EAT I AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. Sumpter Bottling Works o Gagen & Sloan, Proprietors. j j jt j Manufacturers of all kinds of car bonated drinks and ciders. Or ders filled and shipped on short notice. j jt jt jt jt SUMPTER, - - OREGON I. O. R. M. EGAN TRIM: No. o, Improved Order Red Men, meet In regular council at I O.R.M. Hall atlheith Run.1 hlrtleth llreath ol every Tuesday Night ol each moon. All Red Men visiting our hunting grounds ate welcome. V. R. Me0. A. J. LAkM, C ol R. Sachem. C A. E. STARR, Attorney-at-Law H. T. HENDRYX & CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. Bargain In Sumpter District Quarli Claims. SUMPTER, . OREGON W A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, BAKER CITY, t OREGON Reliable plans, specifications and estimates lurnlshed E, A. CLEM Sc CO. MINING INVESTMENTS Propiftlii Eiimlntd and Reported en. Mambar.Port- land Mining Stock Eichsnt 250J4 ALDER ST. PORTLAND, ORE. QHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNFY AT LAW City Attormy U. S. Commliilotur I Rooms 2 and 3, First Bank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER, OREGON L T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Special Attention Given to Surgery and to DIs. eases ol Women. Ofnce, Nclll lllock; Residence, tiranlte Street nca Mill. DR. TAPE Physician and Surgeon PROPRIETOR SUMPTER QUNLRAL HOSPITAL Basche Hardware Co. . Sumpter GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER Telephone Main tj. Sumpter. Oreoon, Center, cor. High St, Sumpter, Orego SUMPTER DEVELOPMENT CO. SUMPTER, OREGON Owners of all the choice acreage sur rounding Sumpter. Inside residence lots on easy terms. Apply to SEYMOUR H. BELL. Manager. INSURANCE. E.L. MANNING, REAL ESTATE City Recorder and Notarv Public. Collections Abstracts Agent lor Fyrlclde Tire Extinguisher. Sumpter STOTT & SHELTON, j"-H Attorneys at Law. SUMPTER. OREGON W. H. W. HAMILTON Mining and Consulting Engineer. lies Examined and For Sale. Moraine and Neat Code, Mining Properties Examined. Reported un 1 Box nS. SUMPTER. OREGON E, T. FREEMAN Public Stenographer All Kinds of Work Done at Reasonable . . txates .... Rnnm r First Bank ol KUUlIi S Sumpter Buldlng I TrTrrrf r r v jfj MROCKCREEK.. i BOO EMU FULL SIFTER PATENT ?. H SHOEMAM FROU ill HAINEA OHEQOT. Ik .. W'.mii NONE TO EQUAL ' Sumpter Forwarding Company AGENTS SUMPTER ORE. :rank j. davey ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Control Work a Specialty aota CKNTCR ST. AKER CITY, OREGON fct.