The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 15, 1901, Page 16, Image 16

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Wednesday, May 1 5,1901
The will be a fire drill this evening at
seven o'clock.
Mayor Robblns left Monday afternoon
for a short business trip to Pendleton.
H. J. Miller, a hop merchant of Aurora,
Oregon, reached town this forenoon and
Is doing business with M. E. Baltic, the
mining broker.
E. A. McDanlel, manager of the Raker
City bureau of the Oregonlan, Is In
Sumpter today on business connected
with that paper.
I:. I. Hajes, of Pittsburg, one of the
large stockholders In the Bonanza, arriv
ed in town yesterday and left for the
mine tills forenoon.
Mrs. G. W. Welgand.of Rnurne, reach
ed home Monday from Phoenix, Arizona,
where she has been for some months past
with her husband, whose health has
slightly Improved; but who Is still far
from well.
The Knights of Pythias will give their
first ball in Hills' opera house tomorrow
evening, which will be an Important
event in the little social world of this
camp. The grand march will begin
promptly at u o'clock.
Al Otness came down from the Gipsy
King mine yesterday morning, leaving
there at 4 o'clock and arriving here by
7:30, bringing with him a large sized
appetite for an early breakfast. He re
turned today accompanied by Superin
tendent Hnrtholf.
J. K. I'lrlh, of the Joshua Hendy Ma
chine works, San Pranclsco, arrived here
yesterday and will spend the next few
days vlslling the various mines for
which he Is furnishing machinery and
supplies, aftei which he will go to Can
yon City on business connected with a
large dredger contract for that section.
At a meeting of the school board last
Saturday evening Professor Holland was
re-elected principal. Another meeting
will be held next Saturday evening, at
which time the other teachers will be se
lected. There are a number of applica
tions on tile, Including the present corps,
with Hie exception of Miss Weiss and
Professor Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Little and child
ren arrived In town yesterday. The
family will occupy the Chlpp residence,
on Columbia street, for the summer at
least. Mr. Little has extensive holdings
in eastern Oregon, electric light stock,
timber lands and mines; but his duties as
fish commissioner of the state of Wash
ington will keep him there most of the
The distance between Sumpter and
Whitney, over the line of the Sumpter
Valley railway, was measured yesterday
with a steel tape line by Civil Hnglneer
Tenner and Harry Kensey. It is 14
miles, 148$ feet. The. purpose of making
so accurate a measurment was to fix
the charges on a mall contract. The
track is now within about one mile of
Mercer Drug Store.
The Spokane Drug company having
purchased the Mercer drug store, will
stock It up and In a few days will be pre
pared to fill your orders for drugs and
druggist sundries.
Special care will be taken In the com
pounding of prescriptions, using nothing
but the purest drugs.
FRED R. WALKER, Manager.
Private Table Board.
I will furnish private board to a few
desiring such, at my residence on North
street, near Center. Mrs. C. E. Duck
worth. Prompt attention to orders for cut flow
ers and floral pieces. City Green House
Baker City, Oregon.
Dunphy & Gertridge's Club saloon is
the popular resort for mining and com
mercial men.
Only the best brands of liquors and
c gars at the Club saloon of Dunphy &
T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant Pow
der company.
The Oregonlan Is on sale at the Elite
Cigar Store.
The best is always cheapest buy Giant
Something to depend upon Giant
Use Giant powder, fuse and caps.
Always reliable Giant powder.
lNiiiii:iucuir COUHT IUMTIIU COUNTY OF iiaklw,
P. H. IIKtiup. Plaintiff, vs The Union Smeller Man
ufiictutlni; Company, lelenjant
To the Union Smelter company, the ahnve-nameJ
Jefenjant; In the name ot the State ol Oregon, you
ate herebv reifulreJ to appear anJ answer the com
plaint aealntt ou In the above enlllleJ action on or
rehire the J Jay ot June, tool, which Is the tint
Jay ol the next term ol the salJ above enlllleJ court
nller the linal publication ol this summons, an J II ou
lall to mi appear anJ answer, plaintiff will take IuJk
mrnl against wu lor the sum ol sis hunjrei an J
twenty nnJ filly one-litinJreJlh Jollart, anJ lor the
costs anJ Jltbuuemenlt ol Hits acilon anJ lor the
sale ol the lollowlni; JescilheJ real property hereto
fore attacheJ In this acilon, to-wll: Allot block
lots a, 4, 6, 8, loanj is. In block i, lots , , 4. j. 6, 7,
8. g, 10. ii. 14 anJ 16. In block t. lot 1. 1. . 7. u. 1 1.
id, it anJ 18, In block 4. lots , 4. 6. 8, 10. 11, 14 anJ
16. In block . anJ lots 1. 1. anJ 7. In block 6. anJ
lots s. 6, anJ 7, In block 7. all In what Is known as the
St. louls aJJIilon hi the town ot Sumpler, llakrr
counlv. Oregon, as the same appears on recorJ In
the office ol the coiity recorJer, ot Maker county,
slate ot Oregon.
This summons Is published by the orJer of Hon.
JuJge l. l'.ikln, July maJe anJ enten-J on the 4th
Jay of May, iuui, l:. A. I:. STAUU,
Attorney (or plaintiff.
Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of In
structions Irom the commissioner of the general lanj
office. unJer authoilly vesteJ In him by Section X55.
tl. S. ketlteJ Statutes, as amenJeJ by the act ol
Congress, approveJ I ebruary so, ifcjj, we will pro
ceed in offer at public sate on the 70th Jay of June,
next, al this office, Ihe lollowlng trad ol Ian J tu-u It:
NW, ol NT.)", section so, twp w 1, range it, li. W.
M.. containing lorly acres.
Anv AnJ all persons claiming ajversely the above
described lands ate advised to tile their claims In this
office on or belore the Jay above JeslgnateJ for com
mencement of said sale, otherwise their lights will be
forfeited. Ii. W. llAKTUIT, Register.
May , tuoo,
Shoes! Shoes!
Neill Mercantile Co.
Full Line Staple & Fancy Goods
Tobaccos, Oranges, Candy
and Nuts. Everything carried
in a first-class grocery store
Sumpter Grocery
Bundle up in a
blanket !
It can be done for 50 cents. All sizes
and weights up to $275 In cotton
and wool and they are exceptional values
at the prices marked & &
Skirts and Shirt Waists in
and a choice lot they are. Taffetta Silk,
Satin, Melton, Chiviot and Serge Skirts
$2.50 to $15. t Dimity, Lawn, Silk
& Shirt Waists $J to $J0. &
Make perfect fits from
latest products of domestic
and foreign looms
Prloaa ara positively tha lowaat
consistent with good goods and
sklllad workmanship. Call and
Inspaot aamplaa.
C. B. Hecht, Agt,
Opposite P. O., Sumpter, Oregon
(Successor to Snyde & Stinson)
Only tht Best Brands of Liquors Served Over tin Bir