Wednesday, May 15,1901 THE SUMPTER MINER 13 ' licenses and privileges granted by said town of Sumpter, are hereby ratified, confirmed and continued, In full force and eft ct as though passed and grant ed by the city of Sumpter as created by this act. Section 169. All processes and no tices required to be served by this act shall be served by the city marshal, unless otherwise provided herein. Section 170. No person paying the amount due on a license to the city of Sumpter In order to carry on nny business or vocation within the city limits for which a license is required by this act or by any ordinance, shall be required to pay tho county authori ties of Baker county, any money for the same purposo; and tho council shall have exclusive control of nil such licenses, and no part of tho Income de rived therefrpm shall go to said county of Dakcr. Section 171. No member of tho city council or other officer of the city of Sumpter shall be interested in nny con tract the expenses of which nro to be paid out of the city treasury. Section 172. The stylo of every ordi nance shall be: "The city of Sumpter docs ordain as follows," and all war rants, writs and proccsscss by virtue of the provisions of this act or any ordinance shall run, "In tho name of the city of Sumpter." Section 173. Tho official books and papers of all officers mentioned in this act are city property, and must bo kept as such by such officers during their contluance in office, and. then de livered to their successors; and such books and papers may bo inspected at any tlmo by a committee of tho coun cil apoplntcd for that purpose, or by tho mayor. Section 174. Whenever any person holding nny office created by this act or established by ordlnanco, shall neg lect or refuse to pay over any money belonging to the city at the tlmo fixed by ordinance for the payment thereof, his office shall be declared vacant by tho council, and some qualified person shall bo nppolnted thereto as in caso of vacancies otherwise created, which person so appointed shall servo as such officer for the remainder of the term for whlca such removed officer was appointed, if appointed, or until tho noxt municipal election, it such removed officer should havo been elected. Section 175. Tho council shall by ordinance fix tho compensation and fees of all officers, unless otherwise provided In this net, and provided, further, that when tho recorder nnd marshal aro performing the functions of a Justice of the peace nnd of a con stable respectively, they shall receive from Baker county tho fees allowed by law to these officers. Section 176. Tho council shall by ordinance fix the amount of the offi cial undertaking of each and every officer of tho city who may bo re quired by this act or by any ordlnanco to execute and file an official undertak ing; provided, that there shall not be lea than two sureties upon each and every such undertaking. Section 177. Wo action, suit or other proceeding to which the town of Sump ter Is a party, now pending in any court whatsoever, and no action, civil or criminal, or for a violation of any ordinance now pending before the re corder, shall abate by reason of any of the provisions of this act Section 178. The council shall pro vide for the taxing and collection of costs of a prosecution in the record ers' court for violation of a city ordi nance, and may as part of such costs, provide for the collection of an at torney fee, not to exceed ten dollars, all of which costs shall be taxed against the person convicted of the violation of any city ordinance, and which costs shall be collected by the recorder and paid over to the city treasurer. Section 179. All acts and parts of acts In conuict with this act are hereby repealed. Section 180. As the town of Sump ter Is In urgent need of protection and government, an emergency is here by declared to exist, and this act shall take enect and be In force from and after Its approval by the governor. Passed the Senate January 23, 1901. C. W. FULTON, President of the Senate. Passed the House February 1, 1901. L. B. REEDER, Speaker of tho House. Approved February 6, 1901. T. T. OEER, Governor. (Endorsed) Senate BUI No. 102, S. L. Moorhcnd, chief clerk. Executive department, Stnto of Oregon, received Fcbrunry 6, 1901. Filed 2:30 p. m., February 6, 1901. i. I. DUNBAR, Secretary of State. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. STATE OF OREGON. Ofllco of tho Socretnrv of Stnto, Snlom, Oregon, Fob. 14, 1D01. I, F. I. DUNBAR, do horoby certify tbnt I am tho Secretary of Stnto of tho Stnto of Oregon, nnd Cuwtntlinn of tho Sonl of wiiil Stnto; tbnt tho foregoing transcript of "An Art to Ineornornto tho City of Similiter, nnd to provide n chart er therefor, nnd to reiienl nil netH orpnrtx of nctH in conflict therewith," tiled in tho office of the Secretary of Stnto ot Oregon, Fcbrunry fltb, 1001, linn been by mo compared with tho original iiipy of the Hiiid Act now on tile In tliiH office, mill tbnt it is n true mid correct trmiH cript thereof, and the whole of Hiiid original Act. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I Imvo hereunto net my hmiil and SEAL affixed hereto the Seal of tho Stnto of Oregon. Dono nt tho Capital, nt Salem, Ore gon, thin 14th day of February, A. D. 1001. F. I. DUNBAR, Secretary of State. FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER (.NCO.tOIUT.o) Capital Stock $ 20,000 OFFICERS. J. M. Robblns President J. W. Salter VIce-l'reslJent R. II. Miller Cashier DIRECTORS. J. W. Scrlter R. II. Miller Clark SnyJe J. II. Robblrn TninenetH n General Banking mid Exchange Busincfti aHflifliB GO W 9 THE Denver &Rio6rande Railroad SCENIC LINE of the WORLD 1 VIA t Salt Lake City, Denver X Th. most Interesting and enjoyable trip on thli continent l over this popular railroad. Choice of two routes through the Rocky Moun tains and lour routes east ot Denver and Pueblo. Stop overs allowed at Sail Lake City or any where between OgJen and Denver. Through Car Service. Magnificent Scenery. Perfect Dining- Car Ser vice. Meals a la Carte. Ak vnur nrirtit ticket a int for tickets via the Denver & Klo Grande Railroad, Scenic Line I ol the World. Descriptive matter mailed upon application. E. B, DUFFY. R. C NICHOL, Traveling Agent. General Agent, it Third St., Cortland, Or. W. A. Jones R. P. Jones The Golconda Newly Fitted and Stookid With High Gride Liquors, Wines and ! Cigars Sumpter Draught and Pilsner Bottled Beer, Elk Club, Ramsey Scotch, Malt and Bourbon Whiskies SUMPTER, OREGON Sullivan Machinery Co. 138 ADAMS ST., CHICAGO Manufacturer of Diamond Drills Rock Drills Compressors, Hoists and General Mining Machinery Northwest Orncc S. 101 Howard St., Spokane, Wash. The New Olympia E. E. HATJSER, Proprietor Succcsior to IIiinmy PlNOim) Newly refitted and remodeled. . . . All the best brands of Liquors and Ci gars handled. . . Fine Old (1884) Hermitage Whis key Olympia Beer, bot tle or draught. . . Center Street, Opposite P. O. Sumpter Baker City Iron Works HIGGINS & HARDbNBROOK, Props. Iron Founders and Machinists General Repair Work Our Specialty. Architectural iron work and bridge castings. Write for estimates. WEST END AUBURN AVE. m b HYDRAULIO. MINING AND DREDGING MACHINERY. RIVETED 8TEEL PIPE. Waira .o. AM E RIO AN IMPUL8E ...... WATER WHEEL8. ETC WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS N WORKS T Jifc PORTLAND nfllHL OREGON kSgpHy