THE' SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, May J8. t$w CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Matter of Sewerage Indefinite ly Postponed. At n meeting of the city council Satur day tvenlnR a resolution was Introduced and adopted modifying the contract with Till: MINI-K for doing the printing, changing the rate for publishing ordl nances and notice!) from fivt to three cents and making one or two other minor changes. linglneer l-'enner's report on the sewer age system was read. It estimates that to cover the business portion of the city, It would require 1500 feet of ten inch pipe for the main sewer, and 2628 feet of right and ten inch pipe for loteral Hues; the whole system to cost f ),6oo, or f 34.45 a lot, for the area covered. The whole matter was at first bid on the table and afterwards postponed Indefinitely. It will doubtles be taken up again. A protest was filed against Rradlng Au burn street, until something can be done to prevent the water ditch from flooding that street. Messrs. Neill, Holly and Griffin were appointed a special commltte to look into this matter and take some step to permanently abate that nuisance. During the session of the council the marshal was instructed to go out and cut the ditcli above town and stop the over flow. He reported later on that the work had been done. The fire and water committee was In structed to Investigate the matter of the petition from the tire department, asking for a hose wagon, with power to act. The matter of purchasing equipment for the police department, was referred to the committee on health and police, with powet to act. Another ordinance relating to the taxing and Killing of dogs was passed. The attorney was instructed to draft an ordinance piovldlng for the payment to the city physician a salary of fifteen dollars a month. Kills and monthly reports of officers were referred to the proper committees. W. E. HURD HEARD FROM. Tlls Portland Papm of Grot Activity in Rjutrrn Orfgou Mlnet. W. II. Kurd, the well known mining man, has just rrturnrd Irom a trip to Ills mining property in the Granite and 'Greenhorn dlstiicts, In Grant county, where lie made preparations for active de velopment work during the coining sea son. Work upon his Chelan group, near the Ned Hoy mine, will be begun at once. There Is still considerable snow in the Greenhorns, making snow-shor travel the only means of locomotion. Mr. Hurd predicts that the coming sum mer will be the banner year for eastern Oregon mining camps. "There Is even now," said he, "more development work In progress than I have seen during all my experience in eastern Oregon. While there Is no particular boom In the towns, the mountains are lively. Properties that have been Idle for some time are again the scene of active operations. More money has gone Into the country, and confi dence In the mineral belts, with the out put of such mines as the Red Roy, Bo nanza, Columbia and North Pole as ob lect lesson, Is increasing. Mining experts, In the Interest of Urge capital, are investigating properties, and everything points to a season of unparal leled activity. Business In the towns is brisk and the merchants report a big spring trade. Sumpter has settled down to a good sub- bibiiimi vai, Having muvnru Hum ucr 11 boom, and will always be a good mining 'I town. Granite also Is active, while the new town of Almo Is coining rapidly to the front. I was given every assurance, while in eastern Oregon, that the Hllg.ird Granite railroad would be built this summer. If this is dune Portland is bound to have a smelter, as this road, operated In con juction with the O. R. & N., will tap the best smelting ore district in eastern Ore gon. There Is already enough of an out put of ore assured to make the road a pay ing proposition and keep a smelter in con tinuous operation In Portland. Every mining man of sense in eastern Oregon recognizes the fact that Portland is the only place for a smelter, as successful smelting depends upon proper fluxing and this means the use of different kinds of ores. A smelter In Portland would mean satisfactory rates on all roads centering here. It would mean the development of not only the base ore districts of eastern Oregon, but also of southern Oregon and tin- Washoogal, St. Helens and Copper Creek districts, in Washington. "Port land Telegram. Leigh Hunt's $15,000,000 Mining Company Leigh Hunt, the millionaire mineowner, formerly of Seattle, has formed a syndicate of American and European capitalists to operate the concessions vested In Hunt by 1 the Korean government and commonly known us the American concessions. The Post says the company Is organized with a capital of i 5,000,000 and that the syn dicate, which was formed In New York, Is composed of the Rothschilds, Lon don; Wemher, Belt & Co., London; Sweet & SCo., New York; D. O. Mills, J. B. Haggin, the Hearst estate, Smith and Perkins, New York, and a few other capitalists. The company has chosen H. C. Perkins president. W. L. Vinson bat a Bend on the Mammoth Yesterday afternoon W. L. Vinson bonded the Mammoth group of mines lo cated one mile east of the Virtue. It Is Mr. Vinson's Intention to sink a double compartment shaft 100 feet and then drift 100 feet on the ledge. The propel ty Is already developed by an 80 foot shaft and a 60 foot drift. The ledge i 6 feet wide and carries free gold. The owners are now running 100 tons of this ore thiough (lie Virtue mill. There are 100 tons of ad ditional ore on the dump. J. II. Parker, L. Somnicr, IssnctSttr, Miles Lee and John Wilson are the owners of the Mam moth. The bonded price Is private. Democrat. Timbers for the Alamo Stamp Mill. The Quebec sawmill, at Alamo, Is busy getting out (lie frame work for (lie new mill now being built on that mine, prepar atory to the erection of the building and mill Immediately .Mr. J. W. Carr returns from the east, which Is expected dally. Millwright II. L. McLaln will, as usual, have charge ot the entire work of putting up the plant and building. The best Is always cheapest buy Giant powder. FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER (NCe.oei.Ti.) Capital Stock '20,000 o rictus. J. II. Kobblnt PmlJrnl J.W.Scrlbcr Viccl'rctlJcM R. H. Miller ChWr niHtcTows. J. W. Salt r R. H. Miller Clik SnyJr J. H. RoMln TnuiMU-t 11 General Bunking and Exeliuugo Business Attention Investors I If you want to become interested in the most promising mine in Eastern Oregon buy Cracker-Summit Gold Mining Company's Treas ury Stock at iOc Per Share Every dollar of your inniicsy will boused to further develop the company's procrty situated in the heart of the Famous Cracker Creek district, sur rounded liy Hiieh well-known dividend payers as the Columbia Goleonda, E it E and north Polo mines. Most of the first issue of 60,000 shares offered at that price has been subscriled for. When what remains is sold none will ever bo bnuuht at thnt figure again. A) The Climax claim, 3000 feet south and on tho sumo ledge as the Cracker-Summit proerty, bus just been sold by Col. John T.Gray son to eastern capitalists for 8150,000. a) Buy now while you can get in on the ground floor and yon will get big returns for your nionoy invested. Write For Engineer's Report, ProeoeetMa, Ete. Crtcker-Summit Gold Mining Co. In 170. Siirtir, Onpi THE EDW. P. ALLIS CO., MILWAUKEE. WIS. brkhILI aiH!jliooooHBi.v -(BbsbbHbbbbbbbBbKi IbHbbbbbbbbbbbbLbK' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk.' Manufacturers of Mining, Milling and Smelting Machinery. BRANCH OrTICEi SPOKANE. WASH. ItO MILL ST. SO-ln s 1 IO-ln. Coppf r Con verttr. H. V. CROLL. Manager. t STAMP MILLS WOOD OR IRON FRAME SELF-CONTAINED MILLS Rock Crushers Ore Feeders Tramways Dredges, Engines Boilers and Waterwheels Hammond Mfg. Co I INCORPORATE I PORTLAND, OREGON ?