The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 08, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, May 8. 1901
Work was resumed on the brick hotel
Monday. The building will probably be
finished In two months.
Superintendent Graves, of the Colunv
bin, went to Raker City yesterday, to
have home machinery repaired.
As an evidence of the onward march of
civilization in this camp, it can be stated
that a tennis club Is being organized here.
W. II. llnbsou,of the Hobson Mercan
tile company, has returned here and will
probably remain permanently, for some
time at least.
Sim Fox, a brother of Mrs. Tom Mc
H wf 11, died suddenly In Baker City Mon
d ty. The remains were sent to Portland
for Interment.
A. J. Trimble, owner of the Anna Lulu
F. J. Hard, manager of the Oregon
Mining Stock exchange, at Portland, was
a brief visitor here last Saturday. Ar
riving on the morning train, he went at
once to the Huron group of claims on
McCollough Fork. He left for Portland
Sunday forenoon.
A. P. Wyman, of Chicago, and S. E.
Gould, of Crossville, Tennessee, arrived
here Monday with J. M. McPhee. The
two former declare their intention of
remaining here permanently and expect
to start out at once on a prospecting trip
through the various districts tributary to
this center.
John Roland, superintendent of the Key
stone Rell mine, came down today and re
ports the snow as nearly all out of that
country, especially on the soutli hill sides.
He makes some very complimentary (?)
remarks concerning the county officials
responsible for the road between Clifford
and various other uood 1111111111! properties
hereabout, returned today after an absence 1 ""! Bonanza.
of several weeks. ' E. W. Backus, president of the Colunv
Married, at the residence of the bride's j "a Mining company, arrived from his
mnili-r fli Pnlmnhn. Mnv t. ' home Minneapolis Monday, going at
Clyde Hobson and Miss Pr.ii.kle Britten, "ce' !,le I"1'"; w',h Ma"aer Balllie
by Itev. Mr. Wheelhouse.
lilsewhere in this Issue a call for bids is
made by the committee on streets, for
hauling and furnishing gravel and other
team work for the city of Sumpter.
James Cornfield,who has been confined
to his bed with inflammatory rheumatism
tor the past five weeks, is again on the
streets with the aid of a stout cane.
Henry Harnhart, of Granite, came up
Monday on his way home from Portland,
where he sold his fancy bred Australian
fox terrier dogs to a Portland dog fancier
for J 50 each.
I.. M. Raker, of Snlem, arrived in Sump
ter yesterday and will resume work on his
mining property north of town, on which
he has done considerable development dur
ing the past two seasons.
I'. J. Couroy, well known in tlte opera
tion of different mining properties In this
vicinity, has just returned from an ex
tended eastern trip, ami yesterday went
out to the Keystone Relle mine at Bonanza.
J. R. Watson, who has spent the win-1
ter at Hxpress, Is in Sumpter this week. '
He has valuable mining Interests In the
Cracker Creek district, which he Is ar
ranging to operate, prior to his departure
for his former home in California.
Ilarley Wood went fishing Sunday and
brought home a string of trout. He posi
tively refuses to tell where he caught
them; says that Is a private snap that he
proposes to work for his own benefit and
amusement. Trout are not yet rising to
Claik Snide returned yesterday from
California, where he has been for several
months past operating in oil. He says
that lie lias an Idea that he is strictly "in
it." Joe Mlkel Is also one of the fortu
nate ones. He Is expected home at an
early day.
Mr. Rackus Is a lumberman, operating on
a large scale. He is the owner of the mill
that holds the world's record of cutting
804,000 feet In eleven hours.
Remember you can get anything in the
vegetable and fruit line, eggs, butter,
chickens young or old and all kinds of
fish at The Market, H. O. Raker & Co.,
149 Mill street.
Notice of Call For Bids.
Notice l lirrM'V Riven that wild NJ will be r
celveJ hy the undrrtlcne t, In be filej with the city
recorder, up to n J Including WeJnesJay, May 15,
1901, lur hauling anj turnlthlne gravel tor the pur
rote of repairing the various atreett and rnadi within
the corporate limit nt the city ol Sumpter. Same to
be calculated by the cubic yard and to be delivered at
any time or place that the ttreet superintendent may
direct, the tald contract to remain In force during the
year ioi And further, that a bid be given for the
team work by the day that may necessarily be em
ploed by the street superintendent, for plowing and
grading, tor any purpose that he may so direct
Signed A. W LUIS,
Dated May 8, tvn, II. II. (lull ris,
Sumpter, Oregon. WM. SlINSOS,
Com. on streets and public property.
Full Line Staple & Fancy Goods
Tobaccos, Oranges, Candy
and Nuts. Everything carried
in a first-class grocery store
Sumpter Grocery
In run (.ipc.uii :otiHr lowtiiucousn ofiiakir,
I. It. Ilkhop, I'l.ilntlll. vs The Union Smeller Man
ufacturing Company, Defendant.
To the Union Smelter company, the above-named In the name ol the State of Oregon, you
are heri-hv required to appear and answer the com
plaint against ou In the above entitled action on or
before Hie J Jay of June, iuoi, which Is the first
day of the nel term ol the said above entitled court
alter the final publication ol this summons, and If ou
tall to so appear and antwer. plaintiff will take ludv
ment against sou for the sum of six hundred and
twenty and filty one-hundredths Jollars, and for the
cinls and dUbursements ol this action and for the
sale ol the following desctlbed real property hereto
fore attached In this acilon, to-wlt: All of block 1,
mis t, 4, 0. . iu anj it. in piock t, tots ,
8, u, 10, u, 14 and 16, In block 1, lot 1, 1
it, it anj 18, in block 4, lots a, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14 and
ib. In block . and lots 1. 1. and ?. In block 6. and
lots ,t, and t. I'l block 7, all In what Is known as the
St. louls adJIilon to the town of Sumpler, llaker
counlv, Oregon, as the same arpears on record In
the office ol the conty recorder, of (taker county,
stxe of Oregon.
This summons Is published by the order of Hon.
Judge U. Cakln, duly made and entered on the ath
day ul May, haw. I:. A. I:. SMHK,
Attorney for plalntltl.
Shoes! Shoes!
Neill Mercantile Co.
louncue up in a
blanket !
It can be done for 50 cents. All sizes
and weights up to $275 In cotton w
and wool and they are exceptional values
at the prices marked
Skirts and Shirt Waists in
and a choice lot they are. Taf f etta Silk.
Satin. Melton. Chiviot and Serge Skirts 3
$2.50 to $15. Dimity, Lawn, Silk J
Shirt Waists $1 to $10.
1 y0tiJ(mmM'Lii 1
Vt g. i Wt-p-B'.??? IX
Make perfect fits from
latest products of domestic
and foreign looms
Prices arc positively the lowest
consistent with good goods and
skilled workmanship. Call and
Inspect samples.
C. E. Hechi, Agt.
Opposite P. O., Sumpter, Oregon
(Successor to Snyde it Stinson)
Only the Best Bnnds of Liquors Ssrvad Ovir tin Bit