THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, May i. 1901 The Sumpter Miner Official Paper of the Town of Sumpter, I'UHUMH II I VI.UV'UI IIM SIIAr HV C. II. MARSH Mi J. W. CONNCI.LA SUIIM'.MIPTION PAILS .fj.oo '' One Year SI Month,. AIWAYS JS AllVAM.1'. r ' : : rrr; ni id- ioiiiiifrp in Sumpter, Oregon. (r ir-nvniision timmcd n iiUik i second ci.,. fmlllrT. . ' A Tool. Iileud Is-, mre dangerous I tliau either :i lalse, Mreacherotis friend or an open runny especially If thai fool friend chances to be. what' I? 'Known, from long custom, as a newsp iper. IN Itl&PONSI: tf:.- rrquest (or a copy of Professor l.ingrep's report on tile geol ogy of Hit Mine mountains, H. C. Rie, chlrf clerk of the depaitiueut, writes I III: MINER that the work will not be ready for distribution this year. THE correspondents of outslJe papers at Maker City are again engaged in firing i their paper watts at l.etson Halllet, a man who is doing more to develop the mining resources of eastern Oregon than a car ' load of his detractors. Another thing ' about tlalliet, Is that he is operating no wild tats; his mines are bullion producers. MANAGERS of the country fair to be held in Portland next fall are already beginning to work the country press for I free advertising. Their bait Is free ad mission tickets. Ns effort Is made to conceal the hook, and yet these jays of "journalists" are falling over e.Ui other in their w lid rush to get a "comp." It does srem as If a large majotity of the fish, one ol which species is salJ to be born cvriy minute, somehow get Into the newspaper business IT IS unfortunate that local improve ment districts c.innot be orgauled and bonds Issued under the provisions of the new city ikirtrr. Property owners can not pay tor r.trusve public Improvements all at once, but they can do so II Hie cost ol such work N spread over a number of ye.iis. Some plan ought to be formulated whereby the whole city can br bonded for much needed Improvement and their beuelits mi distributed that all will get a Mpi.irr deal and a sutliJeiit number ol properly owners satislied to guarantee the passage of a bonding proposition when put to a vote. THERE is a spirited race between a half doeu mining companies operating in this dlstiict, with headquarters In Sumpter, as to which will pay the first legitimate, earned dividend. The race w ill be won by one or the otheriu less than twelve mouths from this date, and that will mark a new era in the history of eastern Oregon min ing. Its effett will be entirely beneficial. Millions of gold have been taken from our mines In the last twenty years, but not one dollar's worth of It lias been spent to advertise the country, and but little of it has been used to liidiae other capital to Invest here. This notorious fact is un doubtedly the greatest handicap the east ern Oregon gold fields have to contend with THE MINER has been shown a letter written at Bakerstield, California, In which It Is stated that the late boom, based on oil, Is a thing of the past, that the camp Is as dull as a New Englnnd vil lage, and that business matters are post lively depressing. This condition of af fairs wasjbrought about, apparently, In a day. For some time past It has been al most Impossible to secure transportation for oil to market. Operators finally be came convinced of the fact that the Standard Oil company was pursuing its usual tactics In crushing a possible com pctltor, they threw up up their hands at the silent command of this gigantic cor porate robber, and all the business activ ity that had characterized the camp tor months past was dead and buried In the same giave with Its citizens' hopes. The Standard Oil company has tiie power to accomplish just such results, and theplous, 1 superstitious old fraud at the head of this I great organization apparently delights in , that kind of sport. If the company's bus Iness pull is not sufficient to do these tilings, bribery, arson and murder are re ' sorted to, as has repeatedly been proven, i suc, a f,.,I;i body blow can never be 1 1 landed on the mining Industry. Mining for the metals, gold, sliver, lead and cop per, when found 'In conjunction as in eastern Oregon, can never be inonopo ll.ed, can never be controlled by a trust; nor can the royal occupation be suspended by the edict of any man or corpoiatlou. True, the Smeller trust is attempting to take it all from miners In certain districts, notably those producing lead ores in Col orada, but this will prove to be merely a J "iiU'wary annoyance. I lie Dullness 01 mining makes men Independent In spirit, I bold In action; its great prizes stimulate their Intellectual efforts and they will not submit to the Impudent demands of any trust. It' some other method of treating the ores effected cannot be devised, mine- owners will unite and build smelters of their own. The business in none of its branches can be shackeled, not even by that malevolent financial wlzzard, Mor Ran. The present excltem:nt over oil specu l.itlon is already doomed to a brief career, while mining can never lose its power over men who have once experienced its fascinating spells. The Capital hotel, under the manage inent of Mrs. Tedrowe, serves special Sunday dinners. Families should take ; advantage of this. Hest table board in town. Try It. W. R. Hawley SUMPTER See the Large Assortment of NEW SHOES For Men, Women, Children and Babies, and More are Coming W. R. Hawley SUMPTER I. O. R. M. EGAN TRIBE No. 10. Improved Order Red Men. meet In regular council at I O.R.M. Mall at the 7th Run.Thlrtlelh Breath ol every Tuesday Night ol each moon. All Red Men visiting our hunting ground! are welcome. V. R. MlAD, A. J. Lamm. C of R. Sachem. DR. J. W. VOGEL THE OCULIST Has established headquarter In Raker City, at Room No. 14, Lynndal Block, and still be there at least on week In each month, and at Sumpter at least two dayt In each month. Watch for local nolle of arrival. C A. E STARR, AtiorneyatLaw Center, cor. High St. Sumpter. Oregon C. H. HENNER Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveors for Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho and Montana. Engineers (or the Sumpter Townslic Company, Limited. Under-round ind Patent Surveys, and Driuhtln. Blue Pilntlnf H T. HENDRYX & CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. Bargains In Sumpter District Quart! Claims. SUMPTER, . OREGON W. A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, IIAKLW CITV, ! OKLOON RellaHc'plans.spi'clficnllons und estimate furnished w ILLIAM II. STROUT & SON )6i Bennett Ave,, Cripple Creek, Colo. Established In Coloradu In 1876 Mining Engineers, Assayers, Chemists, Standard Work, Personal Attention, Reasonable Prices, Forty Years Practice, Cold (crucible assay), 50c cold, sil ver 7c; gold, silver, copper, $1,50. A liberal dis count on all bills over J 10. A share of your work Is respectfully solicited, T A. CLEM & CO. MINING INVESTMENTS Propirtlti Eumlnid and Reported en, Memoir Port land Mini tittk Eithinft 2$otf ALDER ST. PORTLAND, ORE. QHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Rooms 2 and 3, First Bank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER, OREGON L T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Special Attention Given to Surgery and to DIs. eases of Women. Oilier, Nclll ttlock; Residence, (Iranlle Street nca Mill. TJR. TAPE Physician and Surgeon l-KOI'HII'TOR SUWI'HK OI.SUWAL HOSPITAL Telephone Main -. Sumpter. Orloon. SUMPTER DEVELOPMENT CO. SUAPTER, OREGON Owners of all the choice acreage sur rounding Sumpter. Inside residence lots on easy terms. Apply to SEYMOUR H. BELL. Manager. INSURANCE E.L. MANNING, REAL ESTATB City Recorder and Notary Public Collections Abstracts Agent for Fyrlclde Ire Extinguisher. Sumpter QTOTT & SHELTON, stott sJ ' J. F. SHELTON Attorneys at Law. SUMPTER. OREGON W. H. W. HAMILTON. Mining and Consulting Engineer. Mining Properties Examined, Reported Srrtles Examined, n and For Sal. UK Mortlngand Neat Code. Box ait. SUMPTER. OREGON E. T. FREEMAN Public Stenogra phr All Kinds of Work Done at Reasonable . rtates . Rnnm r Rrt Bank of rvOOIII ; Sumpter Buldlng Basche Hardware Co. . Sumpter . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C. C. Basche MANAGER (r-nvw SS 'V, ',',',', ,-V? T fmr m raiair sv jw. -ajnasjjusa.. f BK. . HETOEIUUL I FULL SIFTER PATENT Sumpter Forwarding Company AGENTS SUMPTER ORE. .RANK J. DAVEY ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Control Work a Specialty aoia ccntcr ar. AKER CITY, OREGON IP I rZKMW ftWHK I, w m aalaa-a? s I i shoemaker ram f l HA1NEA ORBQOjT. S If I t v, NONE TO EQUAL 1 e