The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 24, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, April 24, 1401
LIBERTY BELL CONSOLIDATED MINES COMPANY own four quart, claims in the Alamo division of the
famous Red Boy district, one half mile from the town of Alamo, in Grant County, Oregon.
In the very heart of possibly the Greatest Mineral Zone in all the world, surrounded by such well
known operating properties as the Bonanza, Strassburg, Red Boy, Inter Mountain, Cougar, Concord, Alamo and
Quebec. The claims are well timbered and watered. Geological formation argellite and porphyry. Character of
ore simple silicious quartz, sixty per cent free milling, the remaining values concentrating 50 in one.
Three distinct well defined veins can be
traced for a distance of 1000 feet on the sur
face, averaging from 14 to 30 feet between
walls, giving 7.20 per ton on surface.
Numerous open cuts, adits, tunnels and
cross country trenches thoroughly prospect
the width and values of the ledge.
Pan samples taken from various test pits
on the surface, never fail to yield a fine pros
pect in free gold, the assay value giving as
high as $216 per ton in gold.
The Strassburg group, which adjoins the
mammm wwimwm i
Liberty Bull on the north and east, in driv
ing a cross cut to tap their main lead at a depth
of 500 feet, have cut two blind ledges 14 and
19 feet in width only i$o feet from our side
line, coursing southwest through three of the
LlMsRTY Bl:U. claims.
Capitalization, 1,000,000 shares, par value
5 1 each, fully paid and non-assessable, 400,
000 shares in the treasury. The first issue of
ioj.ood shares is offered at 25 centser share.
Price of second issue will be advanced
The proceeds from the sale of 200,000 shares properly expended in developing the mines and purchasing
milling plant, will enablethe Liberty Bell to pay $30,000 monthly.
All checks and drafts should be made payable to R. H. Miller, Treasurer, who is Cashier of the First Bank of
For prospectus, reports and general information regarding the property, address,
Liberty Bell Consolidated Mines Co.
Sumpter, Oregon
C. C. Basche, President
J. G. Hurt, Secretary
Alderman Bellinger Resigns
Mill Street Improvements.
To the council, at its meeting Satur
day evening, J. B. Stoddard, property
owner, and others presented a protest
against Improving south Mill street by
graveling. J. B. Stoddard, as alderman,
secured the passage of a resolution to
have the street planked. J. B. Stodpard,
In his capacity as a lumber dealer but
that's another story.
A petition was presented praying the
council to appoint Thomas Costello su
perintendent of streets, a newly created
office. The petition was granted. Mr.
Teltgen had applied for the position, but
was defeated by the character and nature
of his support, the underhanded as well
as the open and above board work in his
behalf being known to the council.
Alderman Bellinger's resignation was
received and accepted.
The committee on health and police re
ported favorably on allowing the health
officer t$ a month and an ordinance was
ordered drawn to that effect.
The ordinance restricting the member
ship of the fire department was passed
and It is officially published in THE MINER
An ordinance providing for levying and
collecting a dog license was introduced.
It Imposes the work on the city marshal,
without remuneration. Marshal Rand
tendered his resignation Immediately fol
lowing its reading. It was suggested that
the ordinance had not passed, that It
would probably be amended and the resig
nation was withdrawn.
A side and cross walk ordinance, taxing
the cost to abutting property, was re
ferred to the committee on streets and
public property.
The matter of the bad condition of the
water mains was referred to the committee
011 tire and water, with instructions to
consult the company relative to remedy
ing the evil.
Deceptive Oil Indication.
A warning has been issued by State
Mineralogist Cooper to prospectors who
are misled by what appear to be surface
Indications of oil seepages, but are only
the discoloration made by iron In the
earth through which the water comes.
These counterfeit seepages appear in the
form of an irrldescent film over the sur
face of water out of hillsides, and to the
superficial observer simulate perfectly the
appearance of high grade oil. They can
be identified by the following tests: First,
lack of petroleum odor; second, instead of
having substantial thickness they are
found to consist of a mere film; third,
when stirred they break Into fragments
instead of swirling about, as oil will do;
fourth, when pieces of blotting paper are
laid upon them so as to take them up,
and the blotting paper is afterward put Into
a glass jar filled with water and shaken,
the water will be colored a dull yellow
brown. These seepages are really noth
ing but iron, and may merely Indicate the
presence of that element In a clay bank
through which they have passed. It will
be observed that the ground over which
they lie will always be found to be coated
with a yellow oxidation when they are
removed. Pacific Coast Miner.
The large and commodious club rooms
of Dunphy & (Jertrldge are headquarters
for mining and commercial men.
Prompt attention to orders for cut flow
ers and floral pieces. City Green House
Baker City, Oregon.
Joshua Hendy Machine Works
Nos. 38 to 44 Fremont Street
Quart Mining and Milling
Hoisting, Pumping and
Saw Mill Machinery, Hy
draulic Mining Machineiy,
Giants, Water Gales and
Hydraulic Rivlled Pipe. J
Water Wheels and Water
Motors, Engines. Hollers.
Pumps and Machinery of
every description. J J
J Prospecting Machinery.
Agents for .Matting
ly and Moore Whis
key a 20-year-old
whiskey as good as
Elixir of Life. All
whlskic-s are out of
bond and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and