Wednesday, April 24, 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER 11 SEVEN DEVILS COPPER. Mining Men are Becoming In terested There. It is apparent from the number of ar rivals in this city en route to the copper region of the Seven Devils country, that extensive work will be done there this summer. Several of the recent arrivals have come from San Francisco, where they have spent the winter month. Dur ing their stay In that city some of them have succeeded in interesting in their claims and will prosecute extensive development work throughout the hum mer. Those of this ctty interested in mines and mining have long known of the ex istence of copper in paying quantities in the Seven Devils, but after Investigating the country have come to the conclusion that owing to the Inaccessibility of the re gion transportation facilities would never be obtained to haul the product of the mines to a smelter, so have not Interested themselves much in the country. Samp les brought out from the district to be as sayed have gone 25 to 00 per cent In cop per, with small amounts of gold and traces of silver. Some of the samples have been almost pure native copper. It Is alleged that the values obtained were equal to those of the famous Mnntnm, Michigan and Verde mine, and tint a far as ledges were concerned, there were entire mountains, practically speaking, of ore. J. M. Harrison, who owns the Copper King properties, is the latest arrival in this city from the Ray City, and he is highly elated over this summer's pros pects. Mr. Harrison received his school ing in copper mining in the mines of Michigan, and when seen last evening said he had never seen such a deposit of copper. "More men," said he, "have become fabulously rich from copper mines than from gold, and yet little heed Is being given to the Seven Devils copper regions by those having plenty of money to be used as a nucleus for the accumulating of an Immense fortune. It Is true the coun ts rough and affords no transportation fa cilities, but let even one corporporation with funds enough Insure the permanent working of one mine, and history will re peat Itself. It has been amply proven to the satisfaction of the railroads that there is more money in hauling ore, where there is enough of It, than any other commod ity, and In these days of modern engineer ing, almost impossible feats are accom plished by railroad builders. Let the in ducements be great enough and they would build a double track to the moon," The mining season does not open up in the Seven Devils before June, so Mr. Harrison will simply rest on his oars until the trails are open. Arrangements for an outfit have been made and when the time arrives, several parties will arrive from San Francisco to accompany him on the trip. If his representations are found to be true, about 530,000 will be expended during the summer. "The copper Is undoubtedly in the dis trict, and if the proper people become in terested in it, its future is ginranteed," said Mr. Harrison. Porthnd Telegram. Private Table Board, (will furnish private board to a few desiring such, at my residence nn North street, near Center. Mrs. C. E. Duck worth. Miss Rlchardson.the mllliner,announces that from the latter part of this week she will be constantly receiving new pattern hats every few days throughout the season. Always reliable Giant powder. SUMMONS. in tub justicb court of sumpter prlcinct, Bakcr County, Orkion. George I ronhofler, plilntlff, vs I'eter flhich, de fendint. To I'eter Eihich, the above nimrJ defend nnt In the ntme,ot the Stile of Oregon ou are hcrcb) required to appear and answer the complilnt against ou In the above entltleJ cause on or before the tilleenlh J-ivof Aliy, iqoi, which Is the listJiv prescribed In the orJtr m.iJe b the udge of the above entltleJ cnutt ol the putllcatlon of this sum mons, and If ou fill so In appear and answer, uJg ment will be tiken against sou for the sum of one hunJrcJ anj tin dnllirs anj (nrt)-scvin cents ($110.47), with Intirest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum Irom the tnent) -fust div of Atirch, toot, until palJ, anj for the costs anj disbursements of this action, anJ for the sale of the following de scribed personil propertv, ntnehed on thetwenlj second dav ol .March, mm, to-wll Any Interest ou miyrmeln the cipllil stock of the II11II1I0 (iolj Atlnlng compins, and anv Interest sou nitv hive In the caplnl stock of the dips) King Gold Alines com compin). Anj nu are hereby notified tint on the thirtieth Jiy ot .Much, loot, I, as Judge of silJ coutt, miJe an or Jer tint service of summons In this action be maJe upon on bj publication ol summons, an J the day of the first publication of this summons Is April 1, igoi, and the last public nlon thereof Is Atiy 15, toot. W. W. I LMX, Justice of the I'eice. N. C. RICHARDS, Attorney for I'lalntllf. UMIILR LAND, ACT JUND i, 1878.-NOTICE I OK PUBLICATION. United States Land Oflice, 1.1 Grande, Oregon, April 11, loot.) Notice Is hrreby glvin that In cnmpll nice with the provisions of the act of Congnss ol June , 1S78, entitled "An act for the sile of tlmbet Imds In the stiles of Callfnrnl 1, Oregon, Nevadi.aud Washing ton Tcrrltorv,' as extenJed to all the public Ian I states by act of August 4, 1801, Ol URDU I'. 11AH11M.R of Hiker City, County ol Hiker, State of Oregon, has IhlsJn hlcJ In this ollice his sworn slatenunt No. 761, for the purchase of the nw ( nw 't ol section No. at, In township No 10 south, range No. 18, I . V. At , and will olfer prool to show thai the lind sought Is more valuible for Its tlmleror stone tlnn for agricultural purposes, and to est ibllsh his clilm to sild laud I dole the Register and Kecilter of this oltice it Li Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, the otli diy ol July, 1901, lie names as witnesses Rnhcit D1iv.1l I, John Cal houn, Ancel Cook, Ihonns llrltten, all of AtcLwin, Oregon. , Ai .111J 111 persons ilJimlng.U.itselv tin aline- i Jiscnb 1 l.'nl ire r utesir I to M ttnlr rlilms In ' otiue nn or heime sild oth loot ltii,inni I I., v.. i. ..(iL-ri, KikUui, described linds are ested to Me their cairns In this oflice on or before said s6th div of April, 1001, L W. Hartiutt, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE t. iSj8-NOTICI. I OK HUBLICAIION. Unite! Stites Land Otlicc, I La Grande, Oregon, I ebru try 1 1, 1001. 1 Noilce Is hereby given tint In compllnue with the prmlslons of the act of Congress of lune 1,1878, en titled "An act for the site ol timber linJs in the stites of Calllornli, Oregon, Neva J 1 anJ Wishing. Ion Terrltor,"' asextendel to all the Public land states by act of August 4, 184J, ALETTA WIMTP. of Hiker Cltv, county ol Hiker, si tie of Oregon, his this dty filed In this orice lu r swoin stitemrnt No 750, lor the purclme ol the w i nw1 , ol section No. it, In township No 10 south range No i& 1'. W. At , anj will olfer proof to show that the ImJ .ought Is note v ilmllr for lis timber or stone thin lor .igil culturil purposix.nnjtoestibllsh her cliim to sild lanJ before the RtglstirniiJ Reielu-r ol this olhie at La Grande, Oregon, on IrlJn, the 36II1 Jiy of Apill, 1901, She mmex as witnesses: John Dixon, IMtikk Hughes, Willi im Allison, James Drown, allot Sump, ler, Oregon. Any anj all persons chiming a Jversely the iboic described lands are lequesti-J to tile thrlr clilmsln this oltice on or belore sild 3CII1 Jn ol April, ig.ii. I. W. HikiUTT, Register. TIMBER UNI). ACT HINT 1. 1878 -NOTICIi I OK I'UIIIICAriON. TIAUILR LAND. ACT JUNE 1, 1S78.-NOTICH I OR I'UIILICATION. UnlteJ States Land Oltice, La GranJe, Oregon, Atarch 11, 1901 Notice Is hereby given tint In compliince with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 1, 1878, en tilled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory." at extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1891, ELEANOR K. I'IKD, of Daker City, County of Haker. Slate of Oregon, has this Jay tiled in this office her sworn statement No. 761, for the purchase of theeji nw'f.ne1 sw) sec to, and se) swiof sec No. 17, In township No. 10 1 range No. j6 U. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or ltone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish her claim to said land before the Keglster and Re ceiver of this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Thurs day, the trd day of May, 1901. She names as witnesses: Patrick II. Hughes, Wm. Allison, Aletta White, of Baker City, Oregon, nJ I irdetlck While ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said sir I day of Alay, 1001. L". W. Uamtlutt. Register. TIMUER UNI), ALT JUNE'i, 1I78-NOTICC K)R I'UIILICATION. UnlteJ Stales Land Oltice, I La Grande. Oregon, March 1, 1001. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 1,1878, entitled "An act for the tale of limber lands In the states of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land states by act of August 4, 1893, ALfRED MCCIILSNKY. of Haines, county of Haker, state of Oregon, has this Jay tiled in mis oltice tils sworn statement no. 160. for the purchase ol the n!4 ne 1-4 se 1-4 ne 14. sec to, nw 1.4 nw i4 ol section No 30, In township Pio. 7 souin range no. u. w, jvi., anj will otter prool to show that the land sought Is more valuible lor Its tlinbir or stone than lor ugilculiural purposes, and to establish his claim to said lind before the Register and Hecelvcr ot this ntlice at In Grande, Oregon, on Saturda) , the lEth day of Alay, igoi. He names as witnesses Lionadls lee, George Ensmlnger, Alonio I IdJIer, James I nsminger, all of Haines, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are reiulred to file thilr claims In this oltice 011 or lefore said 18th day of Alay, igoi, V. W. IIARILLTT, Register. United Stales land Olilce, I La Grinde, Oregon, I el ruiti if, iqoi. Notice Is hen by given tint In compliince with the ptovlslons ot the net of Congress ol lune 1, 18)8, in titled "An net lorihesileol Hint ir Imds In the stites of Callfnrnl 1, Oregon, Nei 1J1 and Washington ter ritory ," as extended to all Put lie I and states b acl of August 4, 1841, CHI STI K A PRAY, of Sumpter, counts of Hiker, Si He of Oregon, Ins this day tiled in this olilce his sworn stitemtnt No. 758, lor Ihe piirclnseol the w.'j ol sw'f se lion 31, and n'J of nw' of section No 98, In township No q south, range No. ,7 I', W, At, and wi ollir piool in show tint the lind sought Is more i.ilmlle lor Its II ml it or Mime thin lor agricultural purposes, nil I to estibllsh his clilm to sill i-111 J 1 1 lore the Register and ReciUer of this ntlice at Iji Grinde, Oregon, on, the ylh divot Atiy, 1001. He minis at witnesses' Jeiome Drown, Atari Iliown, Wllllini W. AtcCalley, N, I . Taletuo, all of Suinpler, Oregon, Am anj nil prno-ix rlilrrln 1 li ri'i tie -tii' described linJsiirereiuested In tile ihelr ililms In this mine on or UI011 sil ohJivoi lli,n I W IHMlll 1, lrg lr TIMIILK UNI). ACT IUNP 1. 18,8, NOTICI I OK I'UIIIICVriON. UnlteJ SlUes I and Oltice, I la Grinde, Oregon, lehiuity 10, ivoi. Notice Is hi leby gK en that In coinpliinie with the provisions of the act ol Congress ol June , 1878, in tltleJ "An acl for the sale of timber Ian Js In the si ites nt Calllornli, Oregon, NevaJaanJ Washington ler rlion," as e.xlinJeJ to a II the Public I anj stales by actol August 4, i8v, JAMI S A. GKAINGI R, of Sumpter, county of Haker, stite of Oregon, has this Jay died In this oflice his sworn statement Nn. 811, for the purchase ot the nel. of section No. 1 1 In township No. g south, range No 6 li. W. At., and will olfer prool to show that the land sought Is more valuable for lis limber or tlone than for ugilculiural Jiurposes, and to establish lilt claim to said ImJ be ore the Register and Receiver of this office at l.a Grande, Oregon, on Saturday, the nth day of May, Hi. He names as witnesses. Andrew Stlnson, Sain K. Stotl, Ldward L. Hauler, Alvln I'. Jones, all ol Sumpter, Oregun. Any and all prrs'ns claiming adversely the above described lands ate requested to file their claims In this oflice on or before said nth day of Atay, loni. L. W. llARtlUIT, Register. ri.MHLR LAND. ACT JUNE 1. i87i-NOTICE IOK I'UHLICArlON. United States L111J Ollice, I I n GrinJe, Oregon, I ebruary 1 , njoi, Noilce Is liereby given that in co npli nice with Hie provisions ol the acl ol Congrrssot June , 1818, n tllleJ "An act fur tie sale of llmUr ImJs in the stales ot Calllornli, Oregon, Nivaja ar.J Washing Ington 1.irltor, 'as stenJ.J 10 a I tliv I'utl c LanJ states by acl of August 4, i8g. I KLDEHICK WHITE, of Sumpter, county ot Haker, slate of Oregon, has this Jay tiled In this ollice his sworn statement No 749. for the purchase of the wJJ swjf sec 14, nwj of nw! ot section No, a, In township No. 10 south, range No. 6 L. W. At , anj will oiler proof to show thai the lanJ sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish lilt claim to salj lanJ titore the register anj receiver ot this oltice at La GranJe, Oregon, on I riJay the teth day ot April, 1901, He names at witnesses: John Dixon, Patrick Hughes, William Allison, James Drown, all of Sump ter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above Dissolution of Partnership. Notice Is hereby given that the partnership hereto fore existing between Gut Anderson anJ I rank Marsh, unjer the firm name ot AnJerson fi Marsh, at llourne, Oregon, hat this Jay been dlssnlveJ by mutual consent. Gus AnJerson will culled all moneys due anj pay all bills of salj firm. llUS Animrson, I MASK AtAHSII. llourne, Oregon, March .8, 1901. Notice of Forfeiture To T, C CULlil RTSON: You are heieby noilfiej that GeilruJe L, Robertson, your co-owner In that certain inlmrat cliim, kmmn as the Dixie, be ing sltuited in Olive mining Jlstilct, south ol Sal mon creek. In Grant county, has performed assess ment work as re ulred by liw, and )ou are required within 00 Jays Irom dale hereof to pay our propor tion of the expendlti re upon sal I cl ilm. (ilRIRUIill L. ROIII.HTSON. Sumpter, Oregon, J in. it, 1001, I irst publication Jan i, last April a, loot ) NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. TO WllLlAW I.IMlSAy ANll O. II AtORAN: You are hereby notified tint I, I red K'nulh, your co owner lu Dial cut. til mineral claim known as the Oi leans, bring situated on Silvir cmk in lliu (.rack rr Creek d'sirlct, In II iki r county, Origon, mid p 11 nllel willi the Alountiln I Idle claim, has peiloimed Hie assessimnl woik a it julre J b) Ij unJ o 1 are nqulreJ wlihln 9. Jais Irum due heriof in piy tour piopoillon ol the expenluuri oil said claim, Kvillur wllh expmie of tills aJvcrtiseinint. I HI) K'suill. Sumpter, Oregon, Jan. 11, 1 101, I irst p iblicatlon, Jan 31--I J. I, April 31, i'ii.) NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. TO O. E. AtORAN. You are hereby noilfiej that 1. 1 reJ Knuili. sour co-owner In thai certain mineral claim known as the Alay I lower, aJiolning the Orleans claim on the wes , anJ sltualej on S vei creek In ihe Cracker Creek district, In Haker county, Oregon, has performeJ the assessment work as re quire J by law, and ou are reiulred wlihln go days from date hereof to pay your iroponlon ol the ex pcndlturt on said claim, together witii the expense 01 this adiert sement, iRrn Knuth. Sumpter, Oregon, Jan. si, 1001. I Irst publication, Jan. i last, April 14, i9t) NOriCli I'OR PUHLICATION. gon. I ' 8, 10.11.) Deoirlmentof the Interior. I and Ollice, at U1 Grande, Oregn letruirv 8 Notice Is hereby given that the following name4 settler h is tiled noilce of his Intention In make final proof In suppoit ol his claim, md Itnt sild prool will be 111 1 le Velore tnecounlv clerk of Hiker Cnuntr 11 Hiker Clt, Oregon, on April 6, 1901, vli: II. at, OOJI, JOHN AI)MS. of Sumptir, Oregon, for the y( sw't' see i, nwj( nw'( mc 3i, eJS ne'. sec v, tp 10 s, r (7 L. W. At. He mines the following wlinessts to prove hh continuous tesljime uponanJ'riiltliillon of sail linJ.slr. CM. losler, I ri J 'Hiinlliigion, Idwirl lloinim, Sr W. W. Iraslllion, ill ot Hiker City, Oregon. I'. W. lUWNIlIT, Register. I Irst pub lib 1 1-1 1st Apill ), tool. Notice of Sale 'oP Real Estate at Private' Sale. In Tint Coumy Court op IUmhCoiiniv, ori 1 oon, , , In the miller ol the est ite of James I . Gillagher, decessed. Un ler aulhnrliv ol nn order ol tale, granted bv the t ounty Conn ol Hiker round anj slate Oregon, J id J At uch , mii, o sell at private salt the lollowlng JisctibeJ ivilistile, to wit lots Ne. a (two), 1 (three) .111 1 4 (loin), anj the southeast Hurler ol the noithwestiiuuter ol section 19, town ship 9 south, 1 inge 17, 1 W, At., In Hiker county, On gon. Notice Is lutein glim tint silo theieof will be 1111 Jo on or allir Apill M, iuoi, anJ Ills lor Hit iroitily nlmo Jexiilhel will le recilsel bv meat .-. '.i., ....1 1.. .1.- ii. ... f 1 ur i'i i'iiiii(-s i,i me 111.11 111 iniii'iri, iiihi. counii, Origon, nt an time pilor to slid date 1 :.,..,. ...,. i ....1 ...1.. '.,... 1 !..i... .... linns 111 iie, 111MI, ill ;iii41iii(iiii inr iinieti .inie W.MJIH W. IOOSIIV, Adiiilnlstntor ot the estate ol 'Junes I, Gillightr, d.ieised I) lied, Much o, umi. N (..Richards, ,iitiiiny for administrator. s V OREGON Sholt line and Union Pacific Dw'Aur Chicago Portland Special 10-4S pm via Hunt ington Atlantic Express it xi pm via Huntington St. I'aul I asl Mall j at p m via Spokane TIME SCHIDUII.S Irom Hiker City Salt Lake, Denver, 1 1. Woith, Omaha, Kan tat City. St. Louis, Chicago and Last. Salt lake. Denver. It. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas Cltv! Si. loult, Chicago and East, Walla Walla, I ewlstnn, Spokane, Allnneapolls St. I'aul, Duluth, Mil waukee, Chicago and Last. AkMivn 1 (oats :) pa it xptt Ocean and River Scheduli FROM PORTLAND 8pm Dillv Ex. Sunday 8 pm Saturday 10 p m Dally Ex. Sunday oa in 6am Tues. Thur. and Sat 7 a in Tuis. Ihur, and Sat. I cave Rlparla 1 40 a rn Dally All Sailing dates tublect lu change. I or San I ranrlsco Sail every 5 days. COIUMHIARIVLR STLAAtl RS To As'orli and Way LanJIngs, WIUMIiTTE Origon City, Mewl erg, Siiem, InJtpenJence anj Way-EauJIng. Corvallls nnJ Wty IjnJjngs WIIIAMUrri ft YAM Hill. RIVIKS Oregon City. Diyton, and Wayljinjlngs. SNAKM HIVI R Klpaili I j liwlslon 4 pm Ea. Suiiay 4 ipia I Sunday 4 opra Aton, Wed. anj Irt. 1 I" P Aton. We and I it. leave Lewlston Dally 8 joa A. I,. CKAIG, G. I'. A. I'ortlmJ, Oregon. II. C. I.OWIiKS, ARent, linker City, OreeoB Send THE MINER to your eastern friends.