The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 24, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, April 24, 1901
Stmrise Stock at 2c $20 per I ,000
Shares Until May 1 5 Next
51,000,000 Capital
Full Paid and Non
Assessable $00,000 Treasury
Become interested in a proven mining district. Sumpter
dividend paying mines are proof. Some have 1,000 feet
depth, others are sinking 2,000 feet. The Bonanza paid
102,000 in dividends for the month of March, 1901. The
Sunrise mine is the direct south extension of the rich Inter
Mountain mine. This company has absolute title to its
mines: each share gives you an interest; each share will in
crease in value as the mine developes without additional
cost to the holder. One thousand shares will make you
money. One hundred thousand shares will make you a
large sum of money.
This Mine Has
Rich Ore
Send For Engineer
V. C CM Ml. I'lisU.-nt
A. C III III'. VI,',- IWU.Mil
I I1. McCAMMON.Si-'irlii)
SI YMtllllt II. Ill II. ll.MM.irr
W. I. )l ION, DlK-dor
Sunrise Mining Company
First Bank of Sumpter Depository
Sumpter, Oregon
Tom Paine Will Ronnie Operations.
'I he Inhumation Is given nut by I:. II.
ll.ii.Krll, min.iging oiwier of the cele
hr.itrd Old I 0111 P.ilue mine- In thr Pnca
liont,i dlstrUt, nprr.-itlou ol
proprrty will comniriiie at oiur. A torce
of inlnrfs Is bring secured in this city by .1
local employment ageiuy, .mil I lie men
will be sent out .is soon .is ihr tone is se
cured. 'I lie IVi.' district is one of
the ohlest c.iinps In r.isteiu Oregon. It Is
loc.iteil seven miles west of Maker City,
on the slope of the Flkhorn
range. I lir l.iinoiis Nelson ;uul Catpru
ter pl.icrrs ate situated ;it the foot ol this
mine, ami are presumed to have their
source of pl.uer oKl supply in the rich
free gold Irdgrs higher up in the hills,
whete lies the I mn I'.iine. Tills is by far
the best developed tiiiuein the district. It both a true lissurr vein and a contact.
About uoo leet of tunnels, shafts and
crosscuts, attaining a nia.imum depth of
300 fret, have exploited a livr-foot Irdge
carrying remarkably high v.ilurs in fire
gold. I he Tom I'.iine is an old 'jrodiurr,
and will be pl.iied in class iig:iin br
f ore snow Dies. H.iKrr City Herald.
Coal and Oil In John Day Valley. I
E. I:. Cleaver tells thr Democrat that
Cayon City people have organized a
company to mine coal on a ranch about a
mile from John Day City, w here a four
foot vein of good bltumiuious coal has
been found, and alongside of the coal vein
Is 16 Inches of pipe clay, which will also
find a market. It Is the Intention of thr
compaii) to sink on the vein and drift
sufficiently to determlur whether the coal
Is there In enough quantities to pay or not.
The formation of the land is sandstone
and shale. All the mines In that district
made wonderful development during the
winter more work was done than ever
before in the history of that section all
told. The principal wc rl-c was done In the
vicinity of Prairie City. California peo-
I pie are there prospecting for oil, of which
I there are good Indications. The George
Washington mine, owned bv Ward Bro
thers Sexton, has developed vrry pecu
liarly, and upset the theories of all miners.
It has a north and south ledge of free
gold, very rich, which Is crosscut beneath 1
by an east and west ledge of riili basej
ore. I
Mining Interests at North Powder.
I he country In the vicinity of the little
city of Nortlt Powder, Union county,
smith of this city, is being developed Into
a mining section that gives promise of be
ing one of the richest camps in eastern
Oregon, In all directions from the town
mineral has been discovered on the sur
face and where development work has
been done, in many instances ledges have
been discovered composed of quartz with
deposits of gold, silver and copper. Tile
Buckeye group Is probably the best de
veloped mine In that camp. A shaft 12$
fret deep has been sunk and much drift
ing done and the result Is very satisfac
tory. A large ledge of ore has been open
ed and It is only a question of a short time
when reduction works will be erected
there, litis week a rich strike was re
ported in what Is known as the Texas,
Iowa & Oregon mines, owned by It. P.
Cnlley and G L. Howland, a 74 foot
ledge of rich ore being uncovered. Other
ledges are being workrd and it is predicted
that tile greatest activity will prevail In
the vicinity of the city of North Powder
this year. Union Republican.
The Capital hotel, under the manage
ment of Mrs. Tedrowe, serves special
Sunday dinners. Families should take
advantage of tills. Rest table board In
town. Try It.
Strout, assayer, 361 Bennett Ave., Crip
ple Creek, established in Colorado In 1876,
gold (crucible assay), 50c; gold and silver,
75c; gold, silver, copper, $1.50; forty years
Sullivan Machinery Co.
" mJHSbW
V rfc
Manufacturers of
Diamond Drills
Rock Drills
Compressors, Hoists
and General
Mining Machinery
'j northwest Omcc
S. 101 Howard St., Spokane, Wash.
Courteous Treatment to All
Sullivan House
F. L. SULLIVAN, Manager
Best Liquors & Cigars
CtrRtr Cricktr i4
Srialtt SU.