Wednesday, April 17. 1901 8N THE SUMPTER MINER The Demand For Sumpter Gold Properties TO INVESTORS TO 1NE OWNERS R$6(r&f8(8& IS GREATER ATTHIS PERIOD THAN IN ALL THE HISTORY OF EASTERN OREGON MINING EXPERIENCE. We want any number of legitimate mining propositions that will bear the very strictest examination. Dividend paying mines, partially developed mines with ore reserves, prospects with merit are asked for. In listing properties with us, state specifically cash and bond price. J J J CONFINE DESCRIPTION OF DE VELOPMENT, CHARACTER OF ORE AND SIZE OF VEINS TO FACTS. ADDRESS OR CALL ON P. E. POINDEXTER & CO. MINING BROKERS The Oldest Operators in the Camp References Any Bank' in Baker County Basche Block, Sumpter, Ore. Promising Trout Crk District. HiitMigh development work and pros peeling been done to prove beyond any iitcslion that the Trout creek mining distilct is one ol the very tidiest mining sections in the west. I:very day projec tors and miners are coming In, new claims are being located and development woik Is being pushed on several ol the iinst promising cl.ilms opened up. liven those ! who were the most skeptical a few months ago , ire now the most sanguine as to the tidiness ( the district, and are beginning to be very much In earnest as i to the future of the camp. I he showing made from a lew cl lims now being devel-' oped are such as Mill interest capital and encourage capitalists to come In and in vest their inonev. Ashwoo.l Prospector. ORDINANCEN0. AS' OltlUNANUi IO I'KOVIDIi lim Till! As MSSWINf ANN COIIICIION (W TAXIN , I OR lllli Itri'Allt AND lli:il I intlNT OV-' S1MI.IMS AM) IJOMtS. AM) 111 email: 1MI! Ol I III: fib SUI'McmiNltlNT Of S I Ul!l I S Ill I INI! IMS I1 I IIS AM) I IX Till: AMOUNT HI- HIS (.OMI'KNSAI ION. Tin- Cllv l iitrr J let orj.illi at lullnwv Seciln't 1 Hint there thall be an I hrrrbv I irealeJ a tpeclit tun lot the cllv. mMcIi IuiiJ thall, I kimxii 4 the "ilirel nj nuJ tepilr lunj " Seillwi 9. AM revenue collet leJ .in I palj Into the tirrl Ati.l in tj tepjlr lunj thill be exprn'eJ ex ilutlvrlv In Ihe tepa'ran.1 betterment ol tlreett anj ' unit wlihlu thefiiiiirile Umltt ntiheCitvnl Sump in nJ expentet InnuteJ In connection with the col leflhin anj exprnjltuie ol tilj (unj. Section 1. h It herehv rmJe Ihe Jutv of lb Me I o J-r nl Ihp Cltv ot Sumpter, lo preptre An attet-I ment roll In hihiii ttnti be entered the mute or every ale Inhabitant ol Ihe Cllv nl Sumpter be lwn Hie anet ol Iwrntv-iine anj filly xeatt, excepting the namet ot pettunt who ate public charcet or ln ftlllt.or who have tervej lui one tear at active fttemrn of anvortianliej lire Jepattmenl of Hi City nl Sumpter. ant talj rcorJe r thall axtet t each per inn whine nanieappeirtiintalj attettment toll, the turn ot tin Jotlirt at a tax tor Ihe repilr ot ttrre't anj rnaJt, which lax, when cnlleeleJ, shall be palj Into the street anj toid tepalr tun J. Seitlona. Ttine It hereby levlrJ anj astetsej atalntt everv male Inhabitant ol Ihe Cllv ol Sumpter, between the aeet ut twenty-one an4 titty eart. ex rept tuch pettont at aie public charges 01 lvallJt. lewhnliaie tervrJ lor one tear at active firemen ol any oruanlreJ fire Jeptllinent ot the Cltv ot Sumpter. as thon by tlifSectetarv's llttol active tiremen ol Ihe Sumpter Volunteer Hie Derailment, on tile In Ihe uttice nt the Recur Jer ot the Oly ot Sumpter, the turn ol Itiree dollars as a tan lor the ear, lor Ihe lepalr ot streets n J unit, anJsalJ tat, when col. IfCteJ, thall be palj Into the street anj roa4 tepalr tunJ. Section 1. TR asseiiment roll rrnvljej tor by this act shall, when romplcleJ, be JcllieteJ to the Cllv Tteaturer, together with a warrant lor Ihe col lection ol the liiti'i tlieteln set out, anj talj assess ment toll si all be returnable within bo Jjt alter the dale ol tuch warrant. Section b. Anv person inty. In lieu of Ihe patment In inonev ol the tax pro, IJeJ lor by this ordinance, perlorm labor unJer the Jlrecllon ol Ihe tupeilnlenJ ent ot tlieelt UHin the Uriels, roaJt or alleis ol Ihe Lily ol Sumpter, at the rate ol one unj hlly one hundiellit Jollars lor each Jjy't woik, In be ctejltej to tuih pertun upon tuch Lit. Seitlou?. Upon Ihe tecelplol Ihe attettment loll above proilJeJ lor anj tali watrant lor Ihe collection ot s.vJ taiet, the City TreJturer thall give notice ol the reielpt ol such warrant anj attestment roll, by notice publlthej In some J illy or weekly newtpaper pul'll.heJ In the Clly ol Sumpter, lor the perloJ ol 10 Jas, Serllon8. All persons liable lor Ihe pajmenl of the lax IrvleJ by this orjlnance who Jeslre In per lorm woik In lieu ol the I'm ment ol salj l.i In money, shall pietrnl themselves to the supcrlnlenj. inl of tlreett, anj he thall Inlorm tuch pertont ol the lime anj place such work may be perlormeJ. Section v. Thai there thall be anj hereby Is createj ihe office ol SuperlntenJent ol Streets, an J In aJJItlon lo the duties to be PerlormeJ bv salJ Surer- IntittJentnf Slieett, at ptovlJeJ lor by the Charier ot Ihe City ot Sumpier, he thall have charge, unJer the Jltectlon of the Cltv Treaturer.ot the collection ol the i.t levli'J by ihlsorJImnce. Seclluu 10. All pertont liable lor the tax heilnbe line proilJeJ lor who thall not hase palj or wotkej nut the t.tme within in len Ja s from the Jate ot the hrtt publication nt the noilce hetelnbelote proilJeJ lor, shall ihtrralirr be proceeJeJasalntl In Ihe man Iter piovlJrJ lor by Section i7 ol the Charter. r-ectlon 11, I or the purpun' ol entorcini; the col lection ol Ihe lax ptovlJeJ lor by Hilt orJImnce, the ( lly lii'.nuiir thall lurnlth the iupetlntenjenl nt Stteettwlth a list ol the tixpaeis whote nainet apHar on salJ attettmett loll. Section 11. The SuprrlntrnJrnt cf Stteels shall te competitaleJ lor lilt tervlcet In connection with ihe co'lect'on anj expenditure nl talJ tax at Mlimt: I nr nil collectluiit nuJe bv him In cath he shall be enilt'eJ a coiiimlttlon nl S per cent; lor tune clu il ly eniplmej by him lit suprtlnlenjlnt- uotk tisin the tlreett nj loajt, he thall tecrlve two Jollars per J . I'atteJ the Council this t th Jay of April, loot. AppimeJ this i)th Jay ol Apill ivoi. J. II. Koumiss, Maor. Alien: i:, L. Masmso, KecorJtrot ihe Clly'ol Sumpter, B. L. NcLAIN MILL WRIGHT LHi:CTION OP QUARTZ MILLS A SPECIALTY Sumpter Oki-gon CAPITAL HOTEL Placer and Quartz Location Notices for sale at this oftke. ORDINANCE NO. AN OKDINANCI: TO I'KOHIIIIT.'ASD SUP I'HCSS PUBLIC DANCE HALLS. J -J The Cllv ol Sumpter Joe i or Jain as follews: ' i Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, per sunt, tirm or corporation, lo set up, open, conJuct or maintain, or cause to be set up, openeJ, conJucteJ or malnialnej within Ihe corporate limits ol the City ol umpier, anv public Jance hall. i l.i..'tl.,ti a A miktl .tn k.ll I. liAr ho .l.l.r.l I la be any place, loom, tent, booth or bulljlng, In which Janclng Is publicly cartleJ on. Section . Any person, persons, firm or corpora atlon t lulallng Section i ol this or Jlnance shall, upon conviction the eol, be tir.eJ not less than len Jollars nor more than Mly Jn'lirt. I'atteJ the Council this nth Jay ol April, toot. ArproieJthls ijlh Jayot April. 1901. J. II. RotitilNS, Mayor. Attest: E. L. Mnniso, Kecor Jer of the City of Sumpter. ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiKHPxlBivilH awm'wM All the News Of all the Fields Of the Pacilic Coast. Western Oil News PubllsheJ Every FrIJay Jj.oo Per Year 5i.2$ For Six Months 75 Cts. For Three Months 320 SANSOME ST. SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA Send The Miner to your eastern friends. $2 per year . . THE . . SUMPTER MEAT MARKET AUSTIN MEAT CO., Props. Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON V