THE SUMPTER MINER Wed resay, r"! -7 '501 1 FFK I Grizzly Gold Capi,al?oaw ! J DR. E. H. PARKER, President In 1,000,000 shares of the J : HARVBV BCCKWITII, Vice-President IST'l&S? S&k i ::": : Mining Company ,ZZ J D. L. MCLI.OD, Asst. Secretary SESSABLE . OPPORTUNITY I 2 -y Tr ry Stock at TEN CENTS Per Shiirn Tat i CASH BASIS All Cash Purchasers Receive a Discount of Five Per J Cent on the Investment. INSTALLMENT BASIS Purchasers May Seoure Stock in Blocks J of 1000 Shares and Upwards, Payable 10 Per Cent Down and 10 Per Cent Each Month Until Paid. GRIZZLY STOCK I Affords an opportunity for profitable investment that cannot be equaled in the Sumpter District. Our 'new prospectus will be ready for mailing this week, giving a cross-sectional view of the workings of the mine and showing present development. A contract will be let at once for 200 feet more work and before this is completed 5 the price of stock will be advanced. THE GRIZZLY is destined to become a great mine. Secure this stock now at 10 cents. J REMEMBER, The famous Le Roi stock sold as low as $ cents per share, and today is quoted at 65.00 J J on the London market. ? 2 For Prospectus and Further Information, address, I """NC": r0?zz r::",:.r- Grizzly Gold Mining Co., "gfe" Portland, Ore. OPENED A MINE WITH PRAYER. Cripple Crctlc Proposition Operated on Re ligious Licit. The recent npcuiiiK of the plant of the Hood Will Temple Gold MIiiIiik and MlltliiK company at Cripple Creek, Colo rado, with prayer, ,-ippeal. mightily to the Iml.iKlnatlon of the ihurclimen who have Invested In its stock. Probably never before In history was a gold mine opened with prayer, and certainly never were the prospective profits of an expected devoted beforehand to the build in,; ol a nospel temple, the surplus to be spent In "clothing the poor and leedliiK the huni-ry." This ( iood Will Temple is to be built In CIiIcikii, mid If Or. Giinsaulus, a noted ChlcaRO divine, who offered prayer at the openhiR of the mine, has been tiuotcd correctly, li Is to be "such as the wotld has never brfoie seen," while an other more euthusl.tstic promoter an noiiiicr that '!( will make Solomon's temple look like 30 cents," The only thliiR w hlch may prevent the consummation of these splendid plans is the horrifying possibility that the Rold mine may turn out to be a gold brick. What the golden dieams of the Good Will stockholders will come to, time alone can tell. Whatever may be the outcome there will be no chance for anyone to complain that he has been deceived. The mining property was given to the company by a man who In so doing obeyed what he believed to be instructions from the other world. The people who subscribed money to the stock of the com pany did so with (he understanding that all the profits, If any, should be devoted to the work of the church. They were simply asked to take a chance In a specu lative proposition with the gospel of gooj will as the beneficiary of all the possible earnings. Dr. Giinsaulus Is quoted as stating his belief and that of associates that the mine will prove a veritable bonanza. Chicago people, with the spires and arches of the prospective temple rising before their mind's eye, will certainly unite In wishing the gospel gold miners the best of good fortune. No matter how rich may be their strike, they will be able to find good Investments for all their earning in the relief of human suffering. National Hanker. Cripple Creek Gold Production. Cripple Creek February gold produc tlon reached f 2,058,000, against $2,100,000 last nunlh. The tonnage was 12,500 smel 1 terore, worth 875,000, and 36,200 mill ore, worth f 1,173,000. The camp's output for , the focal year Is f 23,247,000, the grand I total to date being 192,143,287. Produc I tlon Is not being rushed owing to lack of transportlon and treatment facilities. The conditions will change during March with a sixth railroad entering the field and new mills starting. Out of two months' production as given, f 61 1,000 dividends have been paid, $181,000 being the' February record. Only Cobalt Specimen at Buffalo. Through the efforts of J. F. batchelder, of this city, Oregon's mining exhibit at the Pan-American exposition, at Buffalo, will Include perhaps the only specimens of cobalt ore that will be found at Buffalo. This ore comes from the Standard mine In Prairie City district, and as far as known Is the only cobalt found In this country. The shipment to be made to Buffalo can sists of 765 pounds and Includes several chunks weighing from 50 to 200 pounds each. Portland Telegram. Lcmom la Lace Mrs. Marsh, next door to MINER office, will give practical Instiuctlons In lace work. Materials and hundreds of pat terns to select from. Famous. HOP GOLD BEER STAR BREWING COMP'Y. Portland, Oregon IN KEGS, BARRELS OR BOTTLES AT PRICES UNEQUALED BY ...OTHERS... Sumpteri Forwarding ompany -.Distributers Sumpter, Orbqon ASK FOR HOP GOLD RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY IN O0N4010N MIIH let DENVER RIO GRANDE or COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROADS orrm cmocc or THREE DISTINCT ROUTES ANO TM MOST MAGNIFICENT SCENERY IN AMIKICA. tr II THC ONLY IftANkCONf INtftlAl. IIM PAS St Ml DUHCTLY IMMJOOOH QUAINT AND F.C1L.RIIQUC SALT LAKE CITY, LIADVILLE, COLORADO SPRINGS and DENVER. ttfvrt llvmt). THC RIO ORANOt WISTERN RAILWAY OPIMATIS THRU FAST TRAINS 10 TNI CAST DAILY, SARRVINO PuHman Palaca and Pullman Ordinary Sttapar TO OMAHA AND CHICAGO WITHOUT CM.ftlU. Fraa Reclining Chair Cars. Pa-fact DlnlngCar Sarvlea. TCI INrtMWATlON Ol PAMPMlfM inouihi Of J. D. Mansfield T. OC0.W.NIINTI,0m'I rmVAmMUtoMr Sumpter & Bottling Works n Gagen & Sloan, Proprietors. jt jt jt jt j Manufacturers of all kinds of car bonated drinks and ciders. Or ders filled and shipped on short notice. jt jt j jt j SUMPTER, . OREGON