The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 17, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, April 17, 1)01
Now in Ore That Assays as
High as $79 a Ton.
E. A. Clem, of Portland, adds as a
postscript to a business letter to THE
One of the directors of the Lost Horse
Mining company here is in receipt of
some very tine quartz which was sent
down by Mr. Hudson a few days ago.
This proves the best sample of ore yet
sent In from the property, carrying values
of 43 to $79 per ton, the character of the
ore showing It to be a very fine concen
trating proposition.
The management of the Lost Horse
company is maturing plans to begin the
shipment of such ore as will bear freight
and treatment charges, and hopes to be
able to meet the working and other ex
penses of further development from the
output of the mine.
The Lost Horse company owns several
other claims in the Cracker creek district,
which were to receive attention during the
summer months, but It was thought best
to confine operations largely on the Lost
Horse claim until such time as It is well
developed. This claim Is well equipped
for economical working, has nearly 200
feet of main working tunnel, with several
drifts, exposing large quantities of ore,
but for the most part of low grade. It
has 400 feet of steel rail track with auto
matic dumping steel ore cars and comfort
able quarters for a crew of 12 men.
Trial Advocate on Smelter Combine.
A Washington, D. C, press dispatch
dated March it, says: Elverton R.
Chapman, a New Yolk banker and
broker, who has been largely engaged In
recent years in financing Indus'rlal com
binations, was this afternoon a witness
before the Industrial commission. Among
the companies he has financed Is the
American Smelting & Refining company.
Mr. Chapman said this company had Is
sued 927,400,000 of preferred stock, and
the same amount of common stock, the
vendor companies receiving cash or pre
ferred stock at par and 70 per cent of the
company stock, the remaining 30 per cent
going to pay the expenses of the negotia
tions Incidental to the organization. The
preferred stock represented the actual
value of the properties secured, and the
company stock the good will. The work
ing capital of the consolidation which had
been subscribed and paid in was $6,5.00,
000. The consolidation had been effected
to reduce expenses and eliminate competi
tion. It was calculated, he said, that
over $$,000,000 would be saved annually
on freight charges alone. He had heard
no camplaint on the part of the miners
concerning the combination, and was in
clined to believe the smelter combination
was In the interest of the miners. He
said the combination Includes all the
smelters of the country except the Gug
genheim concerns, and he admitted that
if these latter concerns had been taken in,
as was proposed, a monopoly would have
been secured. Seven per cent dividend
had been paid upon the preferred stock.
The net earnings last year were about
Oculbt'i Notice
Dr. J. W. Vogel announces that he
will be in Sumpter Monday, April 22, to
meet his patrons whose eyes need atten
tion. See him him at the Capital hotel.
Strout, assayer, 361 Bennett Ave., Crip
ple Creek, established In Colorado in 1876,
gold (crucible assay), $oc; gold and silver,
75c; gold, silver, copper, $1.50; forty years
T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant Pow
der company.
I Baker County, Oregon.
George Fronhofter, plaintiff, v Peter Clhach, de
fendant. To Peter Elbach. the Above named defend
ant: In the name of the State of Oregon ou are
hereby reaulrrd to aopear and amwer the complaint
against you In the above entitled cause on or before
the fifteenth dav of Atay, 1901, which Is the last day
prescribed In the order made by the Judge of the
above entitled court of the publication of this sum
mons, and If ou fall so to appear and answer, udg
ment will be taken against you for the sum nl one
hundred and ten dollars and forty-seven cents
(Ji 10.47), with Interest thereon at the rate of six per
cent per annum from the twenty-first day of March,
tool, until paid, and for the costs and disbursements
of this action, and for the site of the following de
scribed personal property, attached on the twenty
second day of March, tool, to-wlt: Any Interest ou
may have In the capital stock of the llulfalo (Sold
Mining company, and anv Interest you mav have In
the capital stock of the Gipsy Kine; Gold Mines corn
company. And ou are hereby uotlfied that on the thirtieth
day of March, iooi, I, as Judge of said court, made
an order that service of summons In this asllon be
made upon vou by publication of summons, and the
day of the first publication of this summons Is April
1, 1001, and the last publication thereof Is May 15,
1001. W. W. rcitx.
Justice of the Peace.
N. C RICHARDS, Attorney for Plaintiff.
United States Land Office, (
La Grande, Oregon, April 11, 1901. (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June . 1878,
entitled "An act for the tale of tlmbet lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton 1 errllory." as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, tSoa.
of B'ker City, County of llaker, Slate of Oregon, hat
this day filed in thlt office his sworn statement No.
jot, tor the purchase of the nw H nw H of section
No. ?, In township No. 10 south, range No. )8, li.
W. M.,'and will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its timber or tlnne than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver of this
office at La Grande. Oregon, on Tuesday, the gth day
of July, tool.
lie names as witnesses: Karen imvaii, jonn mi
houn. Ancet Cook. Thomas Britten, all of McL'wen,
Any and ail persons claiming ajverseiy tne orove
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said oth day of July, 1901.
li. W. llAHUirrr. Register.
UnlteJ States Land Office. (
La Grande, Oregon, March n. 1901. t
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for the tale of limber lands In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," at extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, i8g.
of Baker City, County of Baker, State of Oregon, hat
this day filed in this office her sworn statement No.
761, for the purchase of the e!J nw!, ne!( w) sec
ao, and t vi of sec No. it. In township No. 10 1
range No. )6 li. W. At., and will olfer proof lo show
that the land sought Is more valuable for Its limber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to tald land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Thurs
day, the l'd day of May, 1901.
She names at witnesses: Patrick II. Hughes,
Wm Allison, Aletta While, of llaker City. Oregon,
and Frederick While of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
thlt office on or before said ttr.l day of May,
1901. li. W. BARTLBTT, Register.
UnlteJ States Land Office,
La (iranJe, Oregon, March 1, 1901,
Nonce Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 1,1878,
enlltleJ "An act for the tale of limber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
ttalet by act of August 4, iBas,
of Haines, county of llaker, state of Oregon, has
this day filed In this office his sworn ttalement No.
t6u, for the purchase of the n!J ne 1-4 se 1-4 ne 1-4,
sec 19, nw i-4 nw i-4 of section No. so. In township
No. 7 south range No. (8 li. W. At., and will olfrr
firoot to show that the bnj sought Is more valuable
or Its timber or tlnne lhan for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of thlt office at I a Grande,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 18th day of Mav, 1901.
He names as witnesses Leonadls Fee, George
Ensmlnger, Alonto Tiddler, James linsmlnger, all of
Haines. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are required to file Iheir claims In
thlt office on or before said 18th day of May, 1901.
li. W. BARTLBTT, Register.
United States Land Office, (
La Grande, Oregon, February 11, 1001. (
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provision! of the act of Congress of June 1, tli8, en
tilled "An act for the tali of timber landt In the
tutet of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wathlng
Ington Territory," at extended lo all the Public Land
ttatet by act of August 4, 189,,
of Sumpter, county of Baker, ttatt of Oregon, hat
thlt dty filed In thlt office hit tworn ttalement No.
T40, for the purchase of the wjf sw tec 14, nwk of
nwj of section No. a), In township No. 10 south,
range No. 6 E. W. M., and will offer proof lo thow
that the land tought It mora valuable for lit timber or
t tone lhan for agricultural purposes, and to establish
hit claim to tald land belort the register and receiver
of this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Friday the
6th day of April, 1901,
He names at witnttset: John Dixon, Patrick
Hughes, William Allison, James Brown, all of Sump
tar, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tht above
described lands a'e ested lo hie their c aims In
this office on or before said 6th dav of April.
1901, E. W. IIARTIHTT, Register. .
II, AI.I JUNU i, 11
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, February 1 1, toot. I
Notice Is hereby glvrn that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congiess of June 1. i8i9, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public land
states by act of August 4, 189,,
of Baker Cltv, county ol llaker, stale of Oregon, has
thlt day fileJ in this office her sworn statement No.
750, for the purchase of the M ' ol section No.
as. In township No. in south, range No. 16 li. W. A1,,
and will oiler prool to shim thai tin land sought Is
more valuable for Us timber or stone lhan lor ngij
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to slid
land before the Register and Receiver of this nllice
at La Grande, Oregon, on Friday, the a6th day ol
April, 1901,
She names as witnesses: John Dixon, Patrick
Hughes, William Allison, James Drown, all of Sump
ter. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are lequested to file thrlr claims In
thlt office on or befoie said (th day ol April, 1001,
E. W. IIartlitt. Register.
UnlteJ Slates Land Office, I
La Grande, Oregon, February 16, 1901.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June , 1R78, en
titled "An act for the taleol timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington ter
ritory," as extended to all Public Land ttalet by act
01 nugusi 4, I04.
of Sumpter, county of llaker. Slate of Oregon, hat
this day filed In tills office his sworn statement No.
7(8, for the purchase ol the wj of swj setlon 11,
and n!4 of nw'f of section No. 38, In township No.
9 south, range No. 17 V. W, M, and will oiler prool
to thow that the land sought Is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
fiurposes, and to establish hit claim In said
and before the Register and Receiver of this
office at I a Grande, Oregon, on Thursday, the 91I1
divot May, 1901.
He names at witnesses: Jerome Drown, Mary
Brown, William W. AlcCalley, N. L. Talelaro, all of
Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested In tile their claims In
this office on or be lore said uth day of Atav, ion.
I'-W. IIARTIUTI, Register.
1. 18
United States Land Oilier. I
La Grande, Oregon, I ebruary 19, luot. f
Notice It hereby given that In compliance xvllli the
provisions of the act of Congress nl June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for Hie sale ol timber lands In the tt lies
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Mnshlngtnn Irr
rllory," as extended to all the Public land slates by
act of August 4, iBu,
of Sumpter, counlv of llaker, state of Oregon, has
this day filed In this office his tworn sltiemenl No.
X88. lor the purchase ol the tie1,' ol section No. 1 1 In
township No. o snuili, range No. " li. W. At., and
will offer proof to show that the laud sought It more
valuable lor Us limber or stone than for agilculiural
fiurposes, and to establish his claim to said land he
ore the Register and Receiver of this office at In
Grande, Oregon, on Saturday, the 11 Hi Jiyof Atay,
He name s as wl'nessi-s- Aiilrewtlntnn, Sun II.
Stntl, l:Jward li. Il.iusn, Alvln I'. Joins, all ol
Sumpter, Oregon.
Any anj all pels' ns claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested lo file their claims In
this office on or before -.aid 11 Hi day ol Atav, 1911.
I- W. HsklllllT, Register.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice Is hereby given thai the partnership hereto
fore existing between Gus Anderson and I rank
Marsh, under the firm name of Anderson A Marsh, at
Bourne, Oregon, has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent. Gus Anderson will collect all
moneys due and pay all bills of tald firm.
tiUS ANIinilNON,
Ilnurne, Oregon, March , 1901.
Notice of Forfeiture.
To T. C. CULIIERTSON: You are heieby notified
that Gertrude I.. Iloberlson, your co-owner In
thai certain mineral claim, known as the Dixie, be
ing situated In Olive mining district, south of Sal
mon creek, in Grant county, lias performed assess
ment work as re lulled by law, and sou are required
within 90 days trum date hereof 10 pay our piupor
tlonof the expcndltire upon said claim.
Sumpter, Oregon, Jan. t, 1901.
(First publication Jan aj, last April 14, loot
To William Lindsay and O. E. Mohan; You
are hereby noli he J that I, Fred Knuth, your co
owner In that certain mineral claim known as Hie
Orleans, being situated on Silver creek In the Crack
er Crrek district, In Baker county, Oregon, and par
allel with the Mountain Hell claim, hat perlormed
tht atsessment work as required by law and you are
reqUred within 90 days Irom data hereof 10 pay your
proportion of the expenditure on tald claim, together
with expense of thlt advertisement. 1
Frbo Knuth.
Sumpter, Oregon, Jan. 11, iooi.
First p ibllcatlon, Jan last. April ta, 1901.)
TO O. E. Meran: You art hereby notified
that I. Fred Knuth, your co-owner In that ceruln
mineral claim known at the May I lower, adjoining
tht Orleant claim on the wet , and situated on S ver
creek In tht Cracker Creek district. In Baker county,
Oregon, hat performed the atsessment work at re
quired by law, and you are required within 90 days
from data htreot to pay your proportion of tht ex
penditure on tald claim, together with the txptnta of
thlt advert sement.
Tred Knuth.
Sumpter, Oregon, Jan. si, 1001.
First publication, Jan. ej last, April 14, 1901.
Department of the Interior, s
LanJ Office, at La Grande, Oregon, 1
lYI-ruirv 8, 1901. 1
Notice Is hereby given that the following named
settler has hied notice of his Intention to make final
proof In aiippnit of hit calm, and Hist said proof
will be made before Ine county clerk of Hiker County
at llaker Clly, Oregon, on Aptil 6, 1901, vlt: II. B.
of Sumpter, Oiegon, for Hie swjf sw'f sec tn.nwkf
nw '( sec 9, e!4 ne1! sec , lp 10 s, r ? li. W. M.
He names the lolioulng witnesses lo prove hit
continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said
land, vie C At. Foster, Frt-d Huntington, l.dward
HoriiMii, Sr., W. W, Travllllon, all ot llaker City,
Oiegon. I:. W. lURtllltT, Register.
First pub Feb i list April I. 1901.
Notice of Sale of Real Estate at
Private Sale.
In Tim Countv Court op Baker County, Orb-
l OON.
In the matter of the estite of Jamet F. Gallagher,
deceased. Under nulhoiliy nl an order ol tale,
granted bv Hie Counlv Court ol llaker county and ttata
Oregon, dated Mirch , iooi, to sell at private sale
the following described real estate, to wit: lots No.
t (two), 1 (three) and 4 (lour), and Hie southeast
quarter ol the northwest quarter ol section 19, town
ship 9 south, lange it, li W. At., In llaker county,
Notice Is hereby given that tale Ihereol will be
made on or alter April 15, 1901, and bids for tht
propeily above detcilbed will be received by meat
my place ol business In Ihe town nl Sumpter, llaker
county, Oregon, at any lime piior to said data.
Tetmt of sale, cash, In gold coin of Hie United Slate.
Administrator of the estate of Jamet F, Gallagher,
Dated, Atatrh 6, 1901, ,
N. C. Richards, attorney lor administrator.
Sholt line
and union Pacific
io4S p m
via Hunt
ia:,p in
via Huntington
St. Paul
Fast Atall
j.jj p m
'iiAtn sciii:i)iii.i:s
Irom Hiker Clly
Sail Like, Denver. Fl.
Worth, Oinili.i, Kan
sas (.Ity, Si. Louis,
Chlcaguand East.
Sill Lake. Denver, Fl.
Worth. Omaha, Kan
sas Cllv, St. louts,
Chicago and Fast.
Walla Walla. Lewlslnn,
Spokane, Minneapolis
St. Paul, Dululli, Mil
waukee, Chicago and
ins p m
:p 1
Ocean and River Schedule
8 p in
Ex. Sunday
o p in
Ex. Sunday
6 a in
6 am
Tues. Thur.
and Sat
ra m
Tues. Thur.
and Sat.
All Sailing dales sublect
lo change.
For Sin I iuikIsco
Sail every j days.
To Astoria and Way
wiLAMi;m- river"
Oregon City, Newherg,
Salem, Injrpendcncu
and Way-Landings.
Cnrvalllt and Wty
Landjngs .-
Oregon City, Dayton,
and Way-Landings.
Rlparla to Lewlston
4 pm
Ex. Sunday
4: top a
1.x. Sunday
Mon? Wad
and Ftl.
Mon. We
aa Frt.
I: pa at
A. L. CRAIG, G. P. A.
Portland, Oregon.
H. C. ROVVFRS, Agent,
Baker Cltv. OreRM
to your eastern friends.