'TBTfflHWi'OTMMrwiMwwiiiiHfcMU.'jm juimji'mH- Wednesday, April 10, 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER QTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. It i THE EDW. P. ALUS CD. Liquor License Granted to the "Woman in the Case." A numerously signed petition was pre sented to the city council at its meeting Saturday evening, asking that its action in refusing to grant a liquor license to J. A. McCullough,awoman, be reconsidered. The petition had the desired effect, and the license was granted without a dissent Ing vote. A report was presented by the com mittee on streets and public property, recommending that numerous side and cross walks be constructed, that Mill street be graveled, and that the peti tion asking for an arc light on North Col umbia street be laid on the table. The report was adopted. The new charter provides that where street Improvements, such as the above, are made, the property benefitted must pay for the same. No tices are posted and unless protests are filed within ten days, the work is done. In case of protest, a vote of property holders Interested is taken. These no tices were ordered posted. An application from F. Teltjen was re ceived, asking to be appointed poll tax collector and road supervisor, an office created by the new charter. The applica tion was laid on the table. An ordinance was Introduced, by whom the minutes do not state, but drafted by the city attorney, fixing the compensation and prescrlDlng the duties of this official. It was sent back to the attorney for various amendments. The ordinance allowing members of the fire department one dollar an hour while engaged at fires, was passed and ap proved. The committee on streets and public property recommended that a watering trough be put in at the corner of Mill and Aubum streets. The committee was In structed 10 interview the Water company relative to the price. The committee on health and police, the city engineer and the city attorney wer Instructed to Investigate the sewer propo sition, from several specified standpoints, and report to the council at an early day. Monthly reoort of officials was referred to the finance commltte. A number of bills were allowed. Long Run on Mule Gulch Placers. Charles Johnson, of John Day, was in town on business last Friday, having just returned from a week's stay at his placers on Mule gulch, the richest placer mine in the Spanish gulch mineral belt, which he owns in company with his father and Robert Cannon, on Rock creek. The mine Is being operated with a full head of water and with flattering prospects for a cleanup equal to that made last season. Mr. Johnson says they have sufficient ground to keep their mine in operation for several years, the most of which should equal in value any that they worked last season. It is shallow and reasonably easy to work, and with the grand water right they own In connection with the ground, they will be able to operate their property until late in the year. Blue Mountain Eagle. Leuons In Lace Mrs. Marsh, next door to MINER office, will give practical Instiuctions in lace work. Materials and hundreds of pat terns to select from. The Capital hotel, under the manage ment of Mrs. Tedrowe, serves special Sunday dinners. Families should take advantage of this. Best table board In town. Try It. ONLY S Ten Dollars. Owing to the installation of now and improved nitit-hiiicry in tlio Dr. Snndcn factory, whereby 1 11111 enabled to turn out in 11 much (shorter time now my latest and best belle, DR. SANDEN'S HERCULEX I can positively allirm that for ten dollars I will furnish com plete, ready for use, n better, u liner, and more ncientifically con structed appliance than are those of other concerns for which thirty and forty dollars is charged. DR. SANDEN'S APPLIANCES Arc guaranteed to jmmwcsh nil the latest electro-therapeutic features worth having. Having manu factured electric belts for over .'10 years, constantly adding now and valuablo improvements, which my cxKrienco with the weak and nervous taught mo to bo ne cessary, I enn safely promise- my patients success with my appli ances, coupled with my advice, when all others fail. I huvu been most uniformly successful in curing siiflcrcrs from all man ner of weaknesses, because after a patient has one of my appli ances I aid him with my special advice, if needed, at any time, ulwuys promptly and free of all charge. My fees for treatment until a euro is nflcctcd aro em bodied with the price charged for tlio belt. Under no circumstances pay over ten dollars to any ono for their appliances, or oven that sum before you have inscctcd mine. Dr. Sanden's Belt Hits no equal for the euro of Nervous and Physical Debility, Exhausted Vitality, Varicocele, Premature Decline, Loss of Mem ory, Wasting, etc., which lias been brought about by early in discretions or later excesses. Established Thirty Ytirs. Writo today for my latest books, "Health in Nature," and "Strength; Its Use and Abuse by Men." Sanden ElectricCo Cor. Fourth Ac Morrhon, Portland - - Oregon 1 ? MiiftMHMlLf mB IBBBBBJBBgBt BBHBH' VpVlQBjTBjBjBjBjBjBjBjlVr V-IBPIF "v. MILWAUKEE, WIS..U.S. A. Manufacturers of '2 St:imn Mill. Pnnrpntmtinn. A Chlorination, Cyanide, omening, u.onverung ana I General Mining MACHINERY ww OT iv,---' II. V. CROIX, Aiir. Spokane, Washington, Office, no Mill Street 4KrflHHHilflBr H ,VP0BWtOC2" HI v """"' B STAMP MILLS WOOD OR IRON I'KAME SlXI'-CONTAlNliD ,NIIXS Rock Crushers Ore Feeders Tramways Dredges, Engines Boilers and Waterwheels Hammond Mfg. Co INCORPORATE PORTLAND, OREGON THE GEM SALOON A. J STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stinson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, - - - OREGON THE WONDER GEO. W. WlilGANO, lKOIltll:TOK. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladles and Men's Furnishings, Hoots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing. THE WONDER, BOURNE, OREGON B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT ERECTION OP QUARTZ MILLS A SPECIALTY Sumpter j Oregon CAPITAL HOTEL mmmSftW