Wednesday, April 10, i.oi THE SUMPTER MINER GOVERNMENT IRRIGATION. Professor Newell Will Inspect Eastern Oregon. A press dispatch from Washington, D. C, says that Congressman Moody has finally secured the consent of Professor Newell to visit Oregon during the coming summer and, by personal examinations, determine just what localities In eastern Oregon offer the best opportunities for de veloping the department's Irrigating plan. He says that preliminary reconolsances, such as have been asled for In other states, have already been made In Ore gon, principally along the Deschuttes and other rivers of Malheur, Harney and Crook counties, and that Hood river, the Descuttes and Umatilla rivers have al ready been gauged, so that the amount of their discharge is practically known. In fact, he says, previous investigations have greatly encouraged the department to make further experiments In Oregon and, if appropriations are hereafter made for construction of experimental reser voirs, It Is thought some of the money will be expended In eastern Oregon, where exceptional opportunities are of fered. Mr. Moody thinks that Inasmuch as Processor Newell Is to make a personal investigation of the Irrigable lands in Malheur, Harney and Crook counties this summer, much good will result In the near future, more good, In fact than If subordi nates were sent Into the field to make a cursory examination. It is his hope to have Mr. Plnchot, the forester of the de partment of agriculture, visit eastern Ore gon while Professor Newell Is there, that the two may tour that part of the state together, and both get the same Idea of the conditions among the sheepmen. He thinks that by coming in actual contact with the sheepgrowers and rangers, these department officials will appreciate the true conditions better than they can through correspondence, and at the same time the stockmen, when they have met and talked with these officials, will learn that there Is some good In the rules and methods of the department, and that these officials are men of practical Ideas. Mr. Plnchot, at the personal solicitation of Mr. Moody, has consented to make this visit to eastern Oregon, although his planned tour for the summer did not reach so far toward the west. He assured Mr. Moody thai he anticipated no change In the pasturage policy of the department already adopted on the Cascade reserve. He will make no special investigation In this reserve, since that territory has been thoroughly covered in the past, particu larly by Mr. Colville, of the agricultural department, who made a full and compre hensive report upon his return to Wash ington. When he called on Professor Djy, In charge of the mineral division of the geo logical survey, Mr. Moody was informed that investigation In Raker county had progressed rapidly, and that satisfactory results had been obtained. Based on last summer's Investigations, a report on the Sumpter quadrangle will be placed In the hands of the printer In a short tlme.and in the course of a month, will be ready for distribution. This document will be a valuable aid to those making mineral In vestigations In the Sumpter district. Machinery for Dan Jaeger's Mine. Information reaches Butte that Dan Jaeger, who is now operating a group of gold properties of Oregon, Is busy this week getting his sinking plant ready for operations. The machinery has been In transit nearly a month from Butte, Mon tana, and comprises a 2S-horse power en gine, jo-horse power boiler, 500 feet of i' Inch cable, 1500 feet of pipe, the latter be ing 500 feet each of 4, 2 and 3 inch pipe for steam, exhaust and water column pur poses, and a No. 7 Knowles sinking pump, with a capacity of 100 gallons per minute. The machinery is all in first class condition and a force of men is employed In the work of sinking the shaft 500 feet. When 300 feet depth has been obtained, a station will be Installed and two shifts of men will be employed drifting on the ledge. The properties are located at Gold Center, about five miles east of Granite, on the Sumpter road, and the group com prises eleven claims. The company is a close corporation, composed of Montana capitalists. Mr. Jaeger believes he has the biggest thing in the Granite gold fields, as on the surface the ledge was at least eighty feet In width, with very good assays. Western Mining World. O. R. & N. Hauling Coeur d'Altne Ore. An Important change has been made with reference to the handling of ores from the Coeur d'Alenes. It has been kept quiet all along, but was divulged here yesterday. Hitherto practically all the ores from that section have been trans ported over the Northern Pacific. Since some time last month the larger propor tion of these ores have been handled by the Oregon Railway and Navigation com pany and the Oregon Short Line. No information was given as to the cause for this change. It Is true, however, that the bulk of the ore from that famous section now goes east via the Short Line and that it has right of way over all but per ishable freight. This business gives a great increase to the traffic of the Short Line, as the output of concentrates from the Coeur d'Alenes Is very large. Boise Statesman. More Maeh'nery for the Iron Dyke. The Iron Dyke mine, owned by the Northwest Copper company whoe prin cipal stockholders are Erie, Pennsylvania, people, suspended operations last week In the mine for the purpose of enlarging their working capacity and Installing new machinery, which Is now on the way to the mine. This property cost the owners $100,000, the last payment being made about four weeks ago to the former own ers, and Involved the payment of 1 23,000. It Is situated on the Oregon side, opposite the River Queen, a promising mine of the district, and will be fifty rods distance from the railroad. The railroad will pass within a stone's throw of the River Queen, the property of the Haas brothers, of Welser, which Is also doing some ex tensive development work. Welser Signal. ALL THE YEAR AROUND. Popularity Gauged by No Particular Season On the R. G. W. The fact Is now established that the most sucessful railway route, whether you take it In the spring, summer, autumn or winter, Is the Rio Grande Western Rail wjy, the only trans-contlneltal line pass ing through Salt Lake City, that quaint and picturesque city on the shores of America's dead sea. The climate of Utah and Colorado Is temperate the year round, which makes (lie travel over the Rio Grande Western Railway in connection with either the Denver and Rio Grande or Colorado Mid land railroads an unbounded success and delight. The dining car service is unparalleled. The road operates only the newest of Pullman palace and ordinary sleeping car equipment, as well as free reclining chair cars. For rates, maps, etc., call on or address J. D. Mansfield, 2S3 Washington street, Portland, Oregon, or George W. Helntz, general passenger agent, Salt Lake City. T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant Pow der company. M. M. PLYNN Vf ,ME.rS TAILOR; t 7 3 - w jQ, A Line of Woolens and Spring Suitings such as would be found in a large city. Look for yourself. Work guaranteed and prices right. DONT BE A JAY nJ wt'jtr itorc rtoltiei Granltr Strrfl. Next to l-lrt Dank ol Sumptrr SUmpter, Ore. Golden Eagle Hotel American and European Plan T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUMPTER, OREGON -W'V 1 ii A. P. GOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 3 TrinneU t Ctniril linking Imlntii Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. safety Deposit boxes tor rent. SUMPTER, OREGON 0 WfSWA -''1 ....The Elite Cigar Store.... L. HARRIS, Proprietor Newly remodeled and refitted. Smokers' resort. We are daily receiving fresh cigars of the leading brands. No stale goods in stock. Healy Block. Cor. Granite and Center Sts. Eureka Feed & Livery Company H. K. BROWN, Proprietor Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. $ HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE-fc W. S. BOWERS ABSTRACTS Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained Years of experience In Haker County Records. No. 2104 Court btreet, Maker City; Oregon. SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS . Manufacturer! of all klnjs ul Carbonated Prlnki anil ClJer. OpiratvJ In connection with tli Kentucky Liquor House WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAGEN & SLOAN, PROPS., SUMPTER, ORE. w-A mr9lrirtSt,. .,