THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, April 3. igoi Si The Demand For Sumpter Gold Properties 8 ls" V..4J Si l?J 'Si TO INVESTORS TO MINE OWNERS MVc5i7t:;i74 tUiVJ ., xiiVv ti.f tiLs x.s 1 I j g IS GREATER ATTHIS PERIOD THAN IN ALL THE HISTORY OF EASTERN OREGON MINING EXPERIENCE. We want any number of legitimate mining propositions will bear the verv strictest examination. Dividend paying mines, parti.illy developed mines witli ore reserves, prospects with merit are asked for. In listing properties with us, state specifically cash and bond price. . ! CONFINE DESCRIPTION OF DE VELOPMENT, CHARACTER OF ORE AND SIZE OF VEINS TO FACTS. ADDRESS OR CALL ON P. E. POINDEXTER & CO. MINING BROKERS The Oldest Operators in the Camp Rofoiences Any Bank in Baker County Basche Block, Sumpter, Ore. .SOMI'.THING AHOUT PROMOTING Pointers on How Id PiiI Sill on III Tall of Coy Cjp1t.1l. Capital will not I. lite tli'' tultl itlve In seeking Investment nl .my Kind It must lie prisii uled of the posslhihtv, ol leiiirns, I lie pioinoter ol whltsnevrl enteipnse will in. life . 1 nie it mist iKe if he pi, ins n money coming to lilm upon the .iiiumince inent of his undertaking. It means li ud wmk mil It ini'.ins Intelligent woiU to se rine capital. I lie men who possess monev .ne not fouls, nor .ue they willing to h ind ovei their funds lot investment without snnie IJe.i ol getting good Intel est. this, c.iplt il Is timid until .issiurd of the safely ol .in Invest, inent, but once inteiested and ion lined ol the piospeds ol good letutns it will go to the end. A Kir it m.iny pioinoters, and especially of mining enterprises, in iUr mlst.iKes by trying to get money beloie convincing (lie possrssois of capital ol the possibility of the piojnt. If yon cm convince men ol money by taking hold of your scheme, you nny rest assuted they will be willing to do It lor theie Is no man who likes to in iKe money mine than the one who has m ide it. Nor Is it necessity that the promoter Inve i. ipltal himself. II he his an Intel llgent Ide i ol ho. monev cm m iKe muue , he i.iu Mini some one who will listen to him And there are two ot prouint Hit one to Interest 1, ipllal lor a letsiiu able consideration expected Iroui the capi talistic side and the other to epect cm sUei.itlou Irom in mipiil itlou of the prop erty in turning it in er. I he I itter method Is dangerous to a in. in who wishes to con tlmie In the business. 1 he other method conscientiously followed will bring him success If he promotes substantial enter prises.. Northwest Mining News. Another Ore Shoot in the Qutbtc. On .Monday the workmen In the lower adit ol the Quelle!, mine, owned by th j Oregon Colorado Gold Mining company, and located near the Alamo, broke into a , bin tiody ot high grade tree milling ore. I his me shiuii is diiiiely distinct fiom the one upon which wnik was prosecuted all winter, aiul adds uei evidence to the un doubted richness ol the Quebec. Work on the building lor the Quebec 10 stamp mill Is being pushed with all possible v Igor, and il is likely that stamps w ill he- i gin dumping bv lulv I. I he Quebec group, which consists of the Quebec and lligli Ore cl iiiiis and inillsites, was por ch ised liom the (iiant Gold .Mining com pany last .1 inu.irv by the Oregon-Colorado Gold .Mining compuiy, a strong cor poration ol Colorado capitalists, headed by J. W. Carr, S. N. P.trrls (now de ceased) and S. N Farris, Jr., for f 40,000. I he group is developed by three tunnels, i two ot which are 400 feet, driven on the ledge. A ijo-loot wiue between the tun nels is all in ore averaging $14. l:rom 10 to n leet ol the ledge, which his been crosscut for jo feet, carries values better than $S, while streiks of from 6 to 18 inches ass iy irom fjo to j6o. .Manager Pauls Is working two shifts in each adit and intends to diive ;fwo feet in both wniklntfs. I his will give backs of 700 leet. It was In the lower tunnel tint the tkh shoot was encountered this eek. Hiker Citv Herald. Stamped; to Pleasant Valley. In another tolum 1 ot I HI .MINI It to il iv is an item, taken from the Hiker Cm Denim i.u, afmit a rich strike of cluouir iron in Pleasant Valley. 11). it pa per esierd iv, in lelereiue to the sanies tys; I: it Iv Situidiv morning the locators of the new Imd Irtt this dtv and arrived at ilielr cliim, set about its proper location. While thev were there they counted over ihiMv irnspi-inis li vuious directions, fiom their c imp anJ they were advised that thev had better lose no time in set-1 ting their stakes. Yesterday morning V. I.. Vinson, who is a part owner in the) Paisley dlscoverv, outlined his pirtnersi with tents, gruli and evervthing eNe ne-. cess.-iry to do development and the out lit went out to the location to commence active woik. .Mr. Vinson is not (lie man to let a cl ihn lie idle. Whether good or bad he wants to know at the earliest pos sible nioineii'. His partners arepnctkal miners, so they will lose no time gelling at the milk hi the cocoauut. All over the district prospecting wotk is being energet ically applied and Irom all reports many good luids are being made. I'he district Is tree Irom snow and affords every ad vantage for prospecting work. Gracious Act ol R. E. Strahoru. I'he Sumpter Hrass band bovs are re ceiving the encouragement they deserve from the local public for their earnest ef fort to become efficient. In addition to the liberal subscription list here, the fol lowing communication was received from Mr. Strahoru, owner of the Sumpter water plant, by I:. W. McCammon, his secretary and accountant, dited at Phila delphia, March 27: As to the band, I think it a verv deserving institution and does much to cheer up anv town, besides cultivating a love for music, which is al wavs elevating in Its tendency. You may tell them tor me that they can order Mich music as they require from time to time until further notice and send the bills 10 me tor pivmeiit. ORDINANCE NOT 2i. wNew Series.) ciirJrt ol tin- (Jl til Sumpter, uliiMlier acting as Ihe (.Ink til Hit- Council or .is a Miglstnie In the Recorder' Cowl ol Hie Ul ol Sumpter, In prose cutions lor llir viol ititin til .inv orjinance til said fit) , a ir of slxtc Jolhrs per month, which sal arc sh ill he pilj him bi .1 u irrint Jrawit uxin Ihe U11 In-isurer. Sictioni. At! orJInances nnj p,nts thert-nl nl the Cliv ot Sumpttr, .inj .ill nrdlnmcees nnJ part tlu not til tin- Town nt sumpler continued In lorceas in tirJintnce or pill nl orjlntnce ot the Lily ol Sumplt'r In (onllict ulih Oils orJInince, art- hcrchy riri'.ili'J l'.itsrJ ilu ( tmncll this toth Jjv nl .March, ivoi. XpprmrJtliis ioth J i ol Atircli. igoi. I. II. SrUODARI). Acllni: Mivnr ol thf City ol Sumpter. Attest I . I.. Massimi, KetorJerol the Clt ot Sumpter. SUMMONS. IS 1IIU .lUsTIl I (.Ol KI Ol SUWI'llH I'HIOISCT, IIVKTR COUMV, OultitlS. (!tori:e I rnnhnller, pl.ilnllll, vv I'eter I Ihich, At IcnJ.mi. In Petet LIlMch.the .ihort nimeJ JefrnJ .int In the lump ot Hie Sine ol Oregon ou are heitt reulit-J to appear .tnJ ansutr the complaint ,ii;.ilnvl ou In the alsive entltleJ cause on or belore ihe lilleenih Jvvol Atav. loin, vvhlch is the last Jay prescribe.! In the orJtr m.ije bv the JuJce ol ihe ahice tntltleJ coiirlolthe publication tit litis sum mons, .inj II ou lall so tu appear anJ answer. Judg ment will be taken aKalnst vou lor the sum nt one hunJreJ Jinj ten anJ lorly-seven centi (I110.47), with Interest thereon at Ihe rite of six per cent per annum Irom the lwent-lirst J'v ol March, ivoi, until palJ.anJ lor the costs anJ disbursement ol Oils acilon. anJ lor the sale ol Ihe following de scribed personal prts-rly, attacheJ on the twenty second da ol .Much, igi, to-wli Any Interest vou may hive In the capital stock ot Ihe llullaln Ciold Mining cumpanv.and any lmerestou mav have In the capltil slock ol the (ilpsv King Gold .Mines corn corn pan AnJ vouareherebc untlheJ that on the thirtieth Jjv ol Martli, JuJge nl salj court, maJe an orJer that service ol summons in this action be made upon vou b publication ol summons, anJ the Ja of Ihe first publication of ihls summons Is April I, laoi.anj the list publication theienf Is Miy 15. 1001 W W. 1 1 lix. lustlce ol the Peace, N U. KH iHHIis. Attorney lor Plalnilfl. AN OlcDIWSCn I IMN'rt Till' COMPI NsVriON Ol rill" KICOUDLK Ol Tilt: I.IT Ol Sl'MPTI R, IIMCIK COl'N'TV. OKI (ION. AMI TO HIIMAL Alt OHD1NASCI s OR IMKTS Ol OUntNANU S Ol- Till: CITY Ol M'MI'riR.OROI Till. TOWN OP sUMI'TI R l.OMIMIII) IN lOHCi: AS AN ORDIN ANCE OR CRUl'NANCI S OF THE CITV Oh MIMI'TIR.IN CONILICT HEREWITH. The Cli ot Sumpter Joes ordain as follows Se.tiini. The RecorJer ot the Citv of Sumpter shall receleve. In lieu ot all sslaties and fees hereto fore provlJed bv any ordinance ot the Uty ol Sump ter, or ot the Town ol Sumpter continued In lorce as an ordinance ol Ihe City of Sumpter, and as full com pensation tor all services rendered by him as Re- Sumpter dt Bottling Works Gagen cV Sloan, Proprietors. jt j j j jt Manufacturers of all kinds of car bonated drinks and ciders. Or ders tilled and shipped on short notice. jt jt jt j j SUMPTER, - OREGON Use Giant powder, fuse and caps.