Wednesday, April j, 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER O. R. & N'S NEW BOOK. Colonel Donan on Oregon, Washington and Idaho. The O. R. & N. passenger department, A. L. Craig, general passenger agent, has issued a new book descriptive ot the resources of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. i is a handsomely printed pamph let ol sixty-four pages, with a large map of the three states, In an artistically de signed cover. The book is illustrated with excellent haft tones of lumbering, farming, stuckraising, horticultural, fish ing, shipping and mining Interests. The whole Is pleasing to the eye, but If you wish to "get on" to its real intrinsic merits, just read a page or two then you will surely peruse it all. It is a literary gem of purest ray serene. English litera ture furnishes no better descriptive work. Then, too, It is a great pleasing, Interest ing mass of carefully compiled statistics, with not a "dry" line from cover to cover. Of course, Colonel Conan Is its author therefore nothing more commendatory can be said. There is one chapter on mining, from which the following is taken: None of the much advertised bonanza lands of the country or the world offers greater and richer opportunities to enter prising prospectors and miners than the eastern Oregon gold fields, of which Ba ker City is the center and metropolis. Stretching from the northeastern part of Wallowa county down into the northern end of Harney and Malheur counties, or from the Shoshone or Great Snake river far over on the tributaries of the John Day, and including Baker county and a large part of Grant and Union counties, this vast mineral belt extends through two full degrees of latitude and longitude. That is, it is about 120 miles square, and has an area of 14,400 square miles, or within a trifle of as much as Massachu setts, Rhode Island and Connecticut all combined. It is traversed in every direc tion by spurs of the picturesque Blue mountains, from 6,000 to 10,000 tee' high, and diversified by innumerable bold tor rents like the Wallowa, Imuaha, Grande Ronde, Burnt and Powder rivers, and the tributaries of the John Day and Malheur. There are immense forests of valuable timber, the valleys are exhaustless In their fertility, the pasturage for live stock Is abundant all the year, and the climate, equable and healthful enough for a per petual sanitarium. So far as limited exploration has done, all Its peaks and foothills seem ribbed with royal ore, and all Its gulches and creek beds exhaustless deposits of golden sands; while silver, copper, lead and iron abound, and opals and other precious stones are found In some localities. It has produced untold millions of gold, that, in earlier days, went to San Francisco to swell the reports of California's yield. Grant county has turned out over $5,000, 000 of placer gold alone, and Baker county's aggregate production of quartz and placer gold has certainly not been less than $20,000,000. According to the report of the United States mint director, Baker, Union, Grant and Malheur counties In 1893, produced i. 377. 479. or about three-fourths of the entire output of the state at that time. Expert estimates 1 credit these four counties with producing! 12,443,000 in 1897, and $2,950,000 in 1898, of which Baker county alone was set down as turning out about f i,6oo,ooo,and Union county, $650,000. The product for 1899 ran at least $500,000 above that of any previous year, or to a grand total of something near $3,500,000. An elaborate statement, prepared in October, 1897, by Fred R. Mellis, of Ba ker City, a well known statistical author ity, showed that there were then, In this unboomed and comparatively unknown Oregon Eldorado, 513 mines, and more or less developed claims In which me had I been found. Now there are over 2,000, j and fully 8,000 more locations and pros pects. Among them are a numbei of the l wonders in recent mining annals. I More than S 3.500,000 has been washed I out of the placer beds of Austin and Can I von City, by the crudest, old time pro cesses, and they are still producing. About eighty miles northeast of Baker City, the Seven Devils district In Idaho promises to rlvel the world's richest and most famous copper regions, and from every direction come reports of new and glittering discoveries, and irrefutable as surances that there is, humanly speaking, no end to the possibilities of the region. But prospecting in It has hardly begun. Of all its more than 14,000 square miles of gold bearing territory, scarcely 500 have been really explored. The surface dirt is barely scratched. Hundreds, if not thou sands of mines are yet to be found in it. The whole vast mineralised empire Is rich beyond computation, and there is not in all the world today a field of more glor iously golden opportunities, for the intel ligent and enterprising prospector and miner, than eastern Oregon. No need to go to the Klondike, or Alaska, or any where else. Fortunes, without danger or hardship, are here for thousands yet to come. Wonders of the Latest Ray. In 1895 a French chemist discovered rays emanating from the elements ura nium which possessed properties similar to the Roentgen rays. They were called Becqueral rays, after the discoverer. But while the discoverer, Roentgen, aroused great Interest in the whole civilized world, leading to radical changes in medical diag nosis, the Becquerel rays were only em ployed in physical laboratories, and an as sertion by the French scientist, Demar cays, that they were not emitted from uranium, but from a new element, made no impression. Recent experiments by Berlin High School of Technology have proved this assertion that a new element Is respoiiiblc for the Becquerel rays and the interesting fact has been observed that these rays rendered almost every transparent substance luminous in the darkness. These rays made it possible to tell genuine diamonds from artificial ones in the dark. This will prove of great practical importance in testing. The ex periments have also resulted In obtaining for the first time large quantities of the new element, which lias demonstrated that rays emanating from a larger quan tity make the air such a conductor of elec tricity that it is hoped this property can be utilized In wireless telegraphy. Experi ments for this purpose are being made in the Berlin Institution, but the deepest secrecy is maintained concerning them. It is stated that the results will soon be laid before the emperor, whkh seems to indicate that the discovery Is regarded as one of great Importance. Extract from report of Consul General Guetither, at Frankford, Germany. Patent Your MIn'ng Claims. One of the oldest and most experienced mine owners gives this sensible advice: Push your mine to patent. What is the use of practically paying taxes of $100 per year on it, in the lorm of regular annual assessment when, by patenting, the yearly cost will only be a few dollars. As soon as five assessments have been properly performed, an affidavit of $500 improve ment can be honestly made, and then a patent Is obtainable. The order for sur vey will cost $30; the survey $30 to $50; the land office fees $10: attorney's fers for drawing papers, fnm $25 to $100; the ad vertising from $25 to $45; affidavits, etc., perhaps $10, and final entry expense, if a 10 acre lode claim, $50. Total $170 to $270. Then you have a property with a positive title, and can give a warranty deed for It if necessary. Exchange. 1 ? M. M. FLYNN A W f ' MEN'S TAILOR A Line of Woolens and Spring Suitings such as would be louud in a large city. Look for vourself. Work guaranteed and prices right. DON'T BE A JAY tore tlolhoi 1 (irnnlii Sifrol. Nut in I Irjt Hank til Sumpter SUMPTKR, ORK. Golden Eagle Hotel American and European Plan T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUMPTER, OREGON 'V'.'''W'.1 A. P. GOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier kofSumpter 3 Tnniicti Ctninl Binklni Builntu Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON -.-WW.i ....The Elite Cigar Store.... L. HARRIS, Proprietor Newly remodeled and refitted. Smokers' resort. We are daily receiving fresh cigars of the leading brands. No stale goods in stock. Healy Block. Cor. Granite and Center Sts. Eureka Feed & Livery Company H. K. BROWN, Proprietor Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE- W. S. BOWERS ABSTRACTS Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained Years of experience in Baker County Records. No. 2104 Court Street, Baker City; Oregon. SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS Manufacturer ol all kin4t ol Carbonated Drinks and Cider. OperateJ In connection Willi Ilia Kentucky Liquor Hou WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAGEN A. SLOAN, PROPS., SUMPTER, ORE.