12 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, April 3, 1901 TALK OF THE TOWN. Joseph Stampher, of the Columbia mine, was here for a few hours Monday. J. W. Call and family returned home yesterday after an absence of six months on the coast. L. E. Meyer, of the Denver Lithograph Inc company, was IooUIiir for business here yesterday. Mrs. Henry Riley presented her hus band with a fine boy baby Saturday, Dr. Brock presiding. Mrs. E. E. Hiuser Ins been seriously III for the past week, but Is now thought to be Improving. John Roland, the mine superintendent from llonanzi district, was In town on the Massachusetts Mutual company for five years. Misses Greenlee and Richardson opened a kindergarten school In the Sumpter Social club rooms, on South Mill street, Monday, with a full attendance. They are competent teachers and the success of the enterprise in already assured. L. Mush Uvermore, editor of the Baker City Herald, was In Sumpter Monday and Tuesday. He says the daily edition of the paper will be issued some time this month and that, did not modesty forbid, he would declare the truth regarding the mat terthat the Dally Herald will discount anything In Oregon uewspaperdom. Miss Emma Worswlck, who has been In Sumpter with her sister, Mrs. Brock, lor more than a year past, left for her home in Bellevue, Idaho, Sunday, in business yesterday. Elmer Cleaver came up' from Pendleton company with her brother, Ernest, who today on his wav to Prairie City and had been visiting here for two or three other John Day valley points. weeks. This charming little lady Is a The Capital hotel Is being thoroughly product of the eastern Oregon gold fields renovated, papered and painted, prepara '"l ays higher values in pure, refined lory to a big summer business. j RU " any specimen yet seen in this Mrs. I. A. Case and little son returned , ,,r ay olllcr c;ll,,P. She Is a universal last I'rlday from Iowa, where t,fy Klj oiite and the popular verdict Is that she been vlslllng relatives for several months. ' lmlsl rdlir"i '",d mm- W C. Calder left several days since for Rnsslaud, II. C, on business con nrcted with the Sumpter Townslte com piny. Paul Polndexter has gone to San Fran- How to Tavl Information to the ?j ill;. In selecting your route to the east you cannot afford to overlook the advantages and comforts offered by the Rio Grande Western railway in connection with the i , .1. lv.' ",","V,I,,,M,,w,,cr,a,l,IMRIOinp,-,PfrlylOe"vw and Kin Grande and Colorado Be Mining company, which owns wnw Midland railroads. Ills the only trans of the best properties In the Alamo tils.-1 cmitlneiil.il line passing directly through Ui"' j Salt Lake City, and In addition to the Several of the paintings In water colors glimpse 11 affords of the Temple City, the consigned to Mrs. Marsh and to be seen , Great Salt Lake, the Salt Palace, and the at her home next to Till: MINER office, are yet to be sold. Those Interested please call In the next few days. Assayer Townsend, with the Bald Mountain Mining company, has been in town several days this week. He says: "What1 picturesque Utah valley, it offers choice 1 of six distinct routes to the east and the most magnificent scenery in the world. A double dally train service and through Pullman palace and ordinary sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and a perfect din- this ramp? j Ing car service are now in operation via Splendid ore Is coming In from every ' these lines. l:or pamphlets descriptive of direction." j the "Great Salt Lake Route" apply to J. Potter & I'ryer have this winter driven j D Mansfield, general agent, 253 Wash a tunnel 120 feet on the vein of free mill-1 ItiRton street, Portland; or to George W. Ing ore In their properly on the AlcCol- Heinz, acting general passenger agent, lough fork. They report that the mine Is Sa" a,e uv looking more promising every day and the matter with they hope soon to have a producer, It Is gratifying to note that such a man , as Chester Glass, of Spokane, Is becom ing largely Interested here. As a pro-! moler of latge and successtul enterprises ! S,rS .VSi !!!!."! ""J!!1;"0 ! The Capita, hotel, under the manage -"" "l'"'"."il- I1C.CI.UCI-. m., f Mr, Luton! in Lac. Mrs. Marsh, next door to MlNKR office, will give practical instiuctlous In lace work. Materials and hundreds of pat terns to select from. Mr. and Mrs. Nell J. Sorenson turned here Monday and at once took possession of their new home in the Ted rowe cottage, on Columbia street, where they are receiving the congratulations of their many friends. Henry T. Booth, recently made mana ger for eastern Oregon of the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance company, was visit lug his many friends and patrons here Monday. Mr. Booth formerly represented s. 1 eurowe, serves special re- j Sunday dinners. Families should take advantage of this. Best table board in town. Try it. Only the best brands of liquors and cigars at the Club saloon of Dunphy & Gertrldge. The Capital Hotel Is again under the management of Mrs. George B. Tedrowe, which fact guarantees the best of service to all patrons. HATS Spring Styles Just In See Window For Display Neill Mercantile Co. GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, Tobac co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store At The SUMPTER GROCERY COMPANY ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. Sweet Spring & comes gently up this way and as a gentle reminder, we are opening up a lot of new things for spring wear. We can't enumerate prices in this list, but can assure you of the lowest prices in novel newness of modefn merchandise Dress Skirts la styles in all (he new weaves ol cotton, wool, silk nj satin, tit . U from ?, cents to ? IO Petticoats MercerlieJ. tafletta, moire and sa teen, black and colors, itf . -. S1.00 to ? 5 Shirt Waists In all the new textures, new shapes and new patterns Jt , r Tjcto J50 Silk Waists L Plain china, tafTella, satin and all stvlctof trimmings, Jf tn $1.50 to IU Belts Bodice Hells with silk and satin streamers and plated spikes, all col ors and styles, Pulleys, nips, L' Alglons, Lorr.lne Loops, itf , -n etc., ascents to fll.U Silks j Taffettas, Indlas, Chinas and hem stitched effects, stripes and figures for waists, , -, HC to $1.25 Flannels For waists French flannel stripe, and polka dots, Scotch flannels. aii'auuis unj lasmmcres cr. ipi .s 85 cents to Laces, Embroideries, Hose, Supporters, Ribbons, Etc., all new, neat and novel. Hobson Mercantile Company Gent's Furnishing and Tatlor-MacU Suits Sumpter, Oregon Aprils Far the Thompson Clone Fitting Corsets TIIOS. MCBVVEN. President and General Manager T. O. HARRISON, Vlce-Pres.and Treai. JAS. NHWLANDS, Secretary Sumpter Transportation Co most complete livery equipaent in Eastern Oregon, teams al ways READY TO GO ANYWHERE Daily Stages to Canyon City, Prairie City, Bourne, Granite, Red Boy, Bonan za and Golconda Mines. Hauling Heavv Machinery a Specialty. Freight For warded to all Points in the Interior. THE Sumpter Forwarding Co. General Storage, Commission and Forwarding. Warehouse and office, S. V. Track SUMPTER, OREGON.