The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 27, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 29
W. L. Vinson Disposes of His
Rich Mine.
The last Issue of the San Francisco
Mining and Engineering Review states
that the Carroll B has been sold by W. L.
Vinson to Letson Balllet for the White
Swan Mining company, Mr. Balllet con
firming the reported sale. Mr. and Mrs.
Vinson returned a few days since from
San Francisco and THU MINER is In
formed second handed that Mr. Vinson
also states that the sale had been made.
The purchase price lias not been made
public, but it is thought to be a large frac
tion of .1 million. He bought it last fall
on an option for, and is reported
to have bonded a third interest n few days
later for more than enough to pay for the
whole property.
After taking possesion of the mine he
put a small force of men to work and
soon uncovered what Is perhaps the rich
est body of free gold ore yet found in
eastern Oregon; the kind of which You
kon miners say It is "gold carrying some
rock." He took out about f 20,000 worth
of the stuff and left the rest on deposit,
preferring Nature's depository to a nation
al bank. In further prospecting the
property, he found another, richer and
larger shoot of the same kind of ore
The Review says that for the present
the Carroll B poduct will be milled at the
White Swan.
' Enhance! the Value of Adjoining Property.
The Liberty Bell company, whose prop
erty at Alarm adjoins the Strasburg on
the southwest and whose veins are a con
tinuation of the former, is rejoicing in
the success achieved by the Strasburg
people. As Is natural when such a prop
osition occurs that a more fully developed
mining property having proven itself a
mine, adjoins another with less demon
stration of this fact, because of lack of de
velopment, the latter realizes a great
benefit and the value of its stock Is en
hanced, hence the .Liberty Bell people's
enthusiasm over the Strasburg's good
showing. When the Alamo, Quebec,
Strasburg, and perhaps other mines have
their mills in operation by the end of this
summer, as is promised by eacli company,
that district will present a busy scene of
mining operations.
Cheerful Intelligence From Quartxburg.
M. E. Bainr, the mining operator, came
in from Quartburg Siturdiy and will
be in Sumpter for a short while. He has
been over at Quartzburg most of the win
ter and reports that district In good condl
tlon, with all claim owners very sanguine
for the future. From the Present Need
some very rich gold ore Is now being
taken out, running several hundred dol
lars to the ton. There seems to be a
large body of it, too. In the Standard
any quantity of high grade ore has been
uncovered, the values being in cobalt,
gold and copper. This puts that property
in the list of proven mines and as soon ns
the smelter Is built it will take a high
place In the list of producing dividend
Will Boom AUmo This Season.
Last week Engineer Fenner was busy
drafting a plat of the townsite of Alamo
and making a number of blue prints. He
surveyed the ground about a year ago.
The headquarters of the company owning
the townsite is now in Portland, Mr.
Hawley, a prominent business man of that
place, being the president. It is under
stood that lots will soon be offered for
sale and that the company will push the
proposition during the coming season.
Steps are now being taken to Incorporate.
All who are familiar with that rich min
ing district agree in the opinion that Alamo
is the best site for a town to be found in
the mountains of that neighborhood and
that it will give both Granite and Lawton
a run for their money.
Two Evening Newspapers at Baker City
to Be the Crematories.
A big piece of money is liable to be
"sluffed off" In the newspaper business In
Baker City during the ne.t twelve
months, or as long as the game now being
arranged for continues. The Baker City
Herald announced In its last issue tha't
about April 15 it will begin the publi
cation of an evening dally, with a com
plete telegraphic news service. It Is cur
rently reported that perfecting color presses
and all modern mechanical contrivances
have been purchased for this paper, at a
cost of over $30,000. Letson Balllet is
furnishing the money for this enterprise.
That journalistic crackerjack, L. Bush
Livermore, poet, philosopher and sage,
will continue as editor.
The Republican of last evening an
nounced that Editor Young, of the Blue
Mountain American, had come into con
trol .of that decaying publication, and
some gaudy promises of rejuviuation were
made. Of course, every one understands
that E. J. Godfrey Is the angel for
this journalistic spectacular perform
ance. Young announced in the editorial
column of the Republican that he will
continue in control of the American,
which is the thorn attached to the rose;
that of Sumpter getting rid of his offen
sive personality.
Now, here we have a newspaper game
that will be worth while to watch. It
will be remembered that Godfrey staked
Big Mit Cassldy to go into the
newspaper business at Baker City last
fall; that he had a mix up with Bal
llet, who knocked him out in. the first
round. Now, Mr. Godfrey, always In
the back ground of course, moves w hat
he evidently considers a bigger gun to the
tiring line and reopens tire engagement.
There Is much speculation among non
partisan observers as to what Iris ultimate
purpose is; if indeed, it Is anything more
thin to "bear" the proposition In Haker
City, as he has done here In Sumpter.
"Politics," "Congress" say the wise
On the other hand, Balllett is a natural
born plunger, does not seek to elevate
himself by kicking down another; Is ex
clusively a finish fighter and will spend
his money like two drunken sailors and a
whole band of horsethleves, in order to
maintain his prestige.
Talented Oregon Girl.
Recent New York papers contain hand
some notices of Miss Grace Washington
in connection with the performances of
the Stanhope Wheatcraft Dramatic school
at the Madison Square theatre. Grace
Washington Is the stage name of a young
Otegon girl, who seems to be rapidly
making her way to the rank of a theatri
cal favorite. She has many friends in
this region, who watch her career with in
terest, and wish her the highest possible
Wanted A Japanese boy would like a
position as cook or waiter in city or min
ing camp. Address, K. Sumy, box 73,
Stamp Mill and Assay Office
at Buffalo.
Fred Pauf came tip from Baker City
this morning on business connected with
the collection of eastern Oregon ores lor
exhibit at Buffalo, during the Pan-American
exposition. Mr. Pauf Is one of three
from Baker county to go in charge of the
mineral display, the others being Fred R
Mellls and G. G. McN.imara, the assaer.
He stated to a MlNKK repreentative the collection from Baker county
would more than equal the quantity from
all the other portions of the state and, ol
course, in point of character, grade and
attractiveness, nothing more need be said.
In the shipment will be a Hammond 2
samp mill made by the Hammond Mauu
facturing company, of Portland, which
will be operated in connection wiili the
ore exhibit, to demonstrate the usual
method employed here In extracting the
This mill will be operated by Mr. Pf.iu
personally and will be a novelty to the
many thousand visitors to the exposition
who have never before had such an op
A complete assay office will be operated
by Mr. McNamara, which will also Inter
est the spectators.
F. R. Mellls Is busy packing his large
and valuable collection, which will be a
wonder In itself when installed at the big
show In Buffalo, as there Is really nothing
in the state or possibly the entire West
to equal it in its line.
The entire collection, witli those who
will go with it from this district, will be
ready to start about the fifth of next
Cracker Summit Will B.-gln Work Soon
The Spokane company owning the
Cracker Summit property, just abov the
E. & E. and North Pole mines, expects to
begin work on same as soon ns the snow
will permit of practical mining there.
This company is made up of some of the
most successful mining men of Spokane
and their experience should be able to
bring out every virtue that Is claimed for
the properties owned by the company.
The neighborhood in which they are sit
uated is the best in the Cracker district.
The company's advertisement appears in
another part of 1 1ll: MlNliR, In which is
offered a limited amount ol treasury shares
to the public, to apply on development
Contract to Be Let on the Grizzly.
Information from P. 1). Healy, treas
urer of the Grizzly Gold Miuiugcoinpauy,
and principal owner and leading spirit
therein, is to the effect that a contract will
soon be let for extensive work on that
property. Mr. Healy and wife are enjoy
ing the sea breezes at Newport for several
weeks, afler which lie will return to look
after his various interests here at home.
Begin Work on S. V. R'y Extension.
J. H. Graham, agent of the Whitney
Townsite company, Is in Sumpter today,
singing his siren song about that wonder
ful proportion the merits of which "any
one with brains enough to have a head
ache" can see. He says the talk now is
that the work of extending the railroad to
that point will be commenced next week.
Ellis Placer Ground Leased.
A. W. Ellis has leased a portion of his
placer ground, justiacross the river from
town, to a Chinese company, and a dozen
men are now engaged near old Fort Sump
ter cleaning out Humes and doing other
preliminary work belnre beginning to
wash, at an early day. These rich placer
beds ere not worked last year on account
of a pending sale.
Good Strike on Wind Creek.
Through E. Butze, Sr., former superin
tendent and present custodian of the E. At
E. mine at Bourne, It Is learned that a
good strike was made recently in one of
the Justice company's claims 011 Wind
vreek. A vein of high grade ore was un
covered; ,iNo another In the Porcupine,
supposed to he an adjoining claim.
Mill for the Strasburg at Alamo.
W. II. Remington, of r.icnin.i, now in
control of the Strasburg mine, at Al imo,
passed through Atoud.iy on Ills way to
the property. He reports work going
on at a rapid rate, with results of a most
satisfactory character. He lurlher says
they will erect a 40 stamp mill this sum
mer. Fraternal Union Dance.
A grand soJal dance by the Fraternal
Union lodge, of Sumpter, will be given at
Healy's hall next Saturdiy evening. A
nominal ch irge of fifty cents, to cover ex
penses, will be made.
A. C. Little, fish commissioner of the
state of Washington and business partner
of S. II. Bell, was in town between trains
Monday, looking after his interests here.
He will return Inn few diys to close an
important deal. Mr. Little's family will
move from Aberdeen, Washington, to
Sumpter at an early day.
John Austin returned a few diys since
from the Burnt river country, where he
had been buying beef cattle for the market
here. He drove In twenty-live bead. He
says the snow was all gone in the valley.
He was on the ranges and therefore paid
little attention to mining operations.
F. E. Warner has on exhibition at his
office In this illy some splendid ore
simples from the California mid Imperial
mines, Cable Cove district. A particu
larly h nidsome piece of rock was taken
from the I. n.e of one of the old abandoned
tunnels in the Calilorni.i.
Strout, nssayer, 3(11 Bennett Ave., Crip
ple Creek, established In Coloiadoiu 1876,
gold (crucible assay), 50c; gold and silver,
75c; gold, slUer, cupper, 51.50; forty years
The Capital Hotel Is again under the
management of Mrs. George it. ledrowe,
which fact guirantees the best of service
to all patrons.
The I irgr and commodious club rooms
of Diinphy & iertridge are headquarters
for mining and coiiimerci il ineii.
At the Club saloon, Uiinphy it Cert
ridge serve a line of goojs equal to any
that money will buy.
'I hose who know the comforts of a good
hotel, always pitrouize I he Capital; Mrs.
G. B. 'ledrowe, proprietor.
Prompt attention to orders for cut (low
ers and floral pieces. City Green House
Baker City, Oregon.
Only the best brands of liquors and
cigars at the Club saloon of Dunphy &
T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant Pow
der company.
The best Is always cheapest buy Giant
Something to depend upon Giant
Always reliable Giant powder.