The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 20, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, March 20, 1901
Portland Hogs Shut Out Min
eral Exhibit.
The Oregonlan has never Riven edi
torial utterance to a single idea that THE
MINER could unresevedly endorse. This
statement is not made with the intention
of crushing that paper; nor the hope that
it will in future strive to win "our" ap
proval, but merely as a preface to these
remarks. It does, however occasionally
say something worth repeating; this, for
"It wants a few boxes of wormy apples
and poorly dried prunes to represent our
fruit industry. It doesn't want a gold
medal for its mining exhibit, as we got at
Omaha and Spokane, or the blue ribbon
for wheat and apples as we got at Paris
and Chicago. It wants a cheap exhibit,
tended by cheap men, who will live on
six bits a day and sleep on the floor. If
there Is a prize at Buffalo for a Jim Crow
exhibit and a jay outfit of attendants, the
joint ways and means committee of our
late legislature will loudly demand It on
behalf of Oregon. It is theirs, hands
The "it," the subject of these caustic
sentences, refers to the recent session of
the Oregon legislature. Though, of
course, the real animus for this roast was
the legislature's failure to elect the Ore
gonlan's candidate to the United States
senate, the apparent occasion Is the al
leged small appropriation made for the
state's exhibit at the Pan-American expo
sition. No one has heard any complaint
of lack of funds except for the mining ex
hibit, and the blame for this rests solely
with the commissioners. The Portland
and Willamette valley hogs have repeated
their favorite performance of getting In
the trough and crowding out the rest of
the barnyard live stock, and the Ore
gonlan attempts to shield them from cen
sure, as is Its wont.
In the apportionment of the f 20,000 ap
propriated, mining Is given $209$, of
which sum only J 1000 is intended to be
used for gathering the exhibit in eastern
Oregon, $ 500 for southern Oregon and
$595 to pay the salary of an attendant at
Now here is where the hoggishness
comes in. Forestry is given 12855, agri
culture $1655, horticulture $2155; total
I6655. Of this amount $3465 is appro
priated to pay attendants. These loggers,
hop and prune growers, these web foot
jays will not have to live on six bits a day
and sleep on the floor. Again, there is
set aside for the pres f 595 and for ad
vertising 58oo, and one of the commis
sioners is designated as the "press."
What Is going to be done with this
1395? I
To add Insult to Injury, the president of J
the board, when Messrs. Gelser and
Thompson, the eastern Oregon members,
protested against this division of the
funds, insolently stated that Individual
mine owners would be benefitted by the
exhibit and if they didn't like what had
been given them, let them make up the
deficiency by private subscription, lie
failed to state, however, how the Individ
ual mine owner will be benefitted any
more than the Individual owner of farm
and timber lands.
And this impudent suggestion is, in re
ality, now being acted on in certain
quarters. THE MINER'S advice is that
the people of eastern Oregon not contrib
ute one cent towards this state exhibit.
If we must pay by private subscription for
a mineral exhibit, let it be separate and
distinct from the collection of prunes,
wormy apples, hops and spruce boards.
Nor will this be a case of cutting off the
nose to spite the face. It will give more
prominence to the mineral exhibit, attract
more attention and accomplish more good.
It will also serve the most desirable pur
pose imaginable, that of informing the
world that we art not of the mossback
species, that we don't train with that
outfit, a class of people who have made
the name of Oregon a byword and re
proach, a synonym of back number. If
this and nothing else could be accom
plished by a separate exhibit, it would be
worth to the gold fields of eastern Oregon
a thousand times more than it will cost.
Sheep Gulch Mines Resume Work.
The Sheep Gulch Mining company,
composed of L. W. Woods, the popular
saloon man of John Day, and others,
sent a force of men out to their property
last Tuesday, to resume work on their
quartz mine, situated in Sheep gulch,
about five miles south of town Assays
from ore, which was taken from this prop
erty late last fall, ran as high as $80 and
it is expected that some rich discoveries
will be made In a short time. Two of the
company's miners, Walter Hoeye and Al
bert Johnson, who have been mining In
Stanlsh gulch the past winter, passed
through the city Monday on their way to
the mines. If the property turns out as
every indication promises, It will Pe one
of the leading producers of the section.
Canyon City News.
How to Travel Information to the Public.
In selecting your route to the east you
cannot afford to overlook the advantages
and comforts offered by the Rio Grande
Western railway in connection with the
Denver and Rio Grande and Colorado
Midland railroads. It Is the only trans
continental line passing directly through
Salt Lake City, and in addition to the
glimpse it affords of the Temple City, the
Great Salt Lake, the Salt, and the
picturesque Utah valley, It offers choice
of six distinct routes to the east and the
most magnificent scenery in the world.
A double dally train service and through
Pullman palace and ordinary sleeping cars,
free reclining chair cars and a perfect din
ing car service are now in operation via
these lines. For pamphlets descriptive of
the "Great Salt Lake Route" apply to J.
D. Mansfield, general agent, 253 Wash
ington street, Portland; r to George W.
Heinz, acting general passenger agent,
Salt Lake City.
Dunphy & Gertrldge's Club saloon Is
the popular resort for mining and com
mercial men.
Drug Co.
Only exclusive whole
sale drug house in the
state. We sell only to
merchants. Make the
best prices on miners'
and assayers' supplies.
Freight no higher than
from Portland.
Write for quotations.
Spokane Drug' Co.
Spokane, Wash.
Agents for Matting
ly and Moore Whis
key a 2o-year-old
whiskey as good as
Elixir of Life. All
whiskies are out of
bond and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and
i ''''.
The New Olympia
E. E. HATJSER, Proprietor
Successor to IICNRY I INiltH
Newly refitted and
remodeled. . . .
All the best brands
of Liquors and Ci
gars handled. . .
Fine Old (1884)
Hermitage Whis
key Olympia Beer, bot
tle or draught. . .
Center Street, Opposite P. O. Sumpter
Courteous Treatment to All
Sullivan House
F. L. SULLIVAN, Manager
Best Liquors & Cigars
Cotntr Criektr intf
CrinlU Sti.
Baker City Iron Works
Iron Rounders and
General Repair Work Our Specialty. Architectural iron
work and bridge castings. Write for estimates.
tot - !ra r
cy.- ''v-'Lf,
wajaijjysy --r-.v ,.
Cawston &
SucceMur l
aiyj-y iuncines, jaoiiers
jjsSSg??? Machinery and
48 And 50 First Stret t, Near Pine