Wednesday, March 20, 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER ' BARRETT MINING LAW. Text ol the Bill Pasted by the Legislature at the Recent Session. The following Is the text of the Barrett bill, as it was finally passed by the Ore gon legislature: SECTION 1. Any person, a citizen of the United States, or one who has declared his intention to become such, who discov ers a vein or lode of mineral bearing rock in place upon the unappropriated public domain of the United States within this state, may locate a claim upon such vein or lode discovered, by posting thereon a notice of such discovery and location which said notice shall centain: First, the name of the lode or claim; second, the name or names of the locator or locators; third, the date of the location; fourth the number of linear feet claimed along the vein or lode each way from the point of discovery, with the width on each side of the said lode or vein; fifth, the general course or strike of the vein or lode as nearly as may be mid by defining it from some prominent monument, mound or land mark, and by detinig the boundaries upon the surface of each claim so that the same may be readily traced. Such boun daries shall be marked within THIRTY days after posting of such notice, by six substantial posts, projfLting not less than three feet above the surface of the ground, and not less than tour Inches square or in diameter, or by Mibstantlal mound; of stone, or earth and stone, at least two feet In height, to-ult: One Mich post or mound of rock at each corner and at the center of such claims. SRC. 2. Such locator shall, within 60 days from and after the putting of the lo cation notice by him upon the lode or claim, tile for record with the recorder of 1 conveyances, if there be one, who shall be the custodian of mining records and 1 miners' Ileus, otherwise with the clerk of ; the county, wherein the claim is situated, f a copy of the notice so posted by him upon the load or claim, having attached 1 thereto an affidavit showing that the work 1 required to be done by section 3 of this j act, has been done and perfoimeJ, and' shall pay to the recorder or clerk a fee of j f 1 for such record thereof, which sum the recorder or clerk shall Immediately pay over to the treasurer of such county and . shall take his receipt therefor, as In the case of other county funds coming into ' the possession of such officer. Such re-; corder or clerk shall immediately record j such location notice and the affidavit an-. nexed thereto. No location notice shall be entitled to record or recorded until the work required by section 3 of this act has been done and the affidavit in proof there-, of is attached to the notice to be recorded. SliC. 3. Before the expiration of sixty I days from the date of thr posting ot the notice of discovery upon his claim as aforesaid, and before recording the notice of location as required by section 2 of this act, the locator must sink a shaft upon 1 the claim located to a depth of at least ten feet from the lowest part of the rim of such shaft at the surface, or deeper if ne sessarv. to show by such work a lode or ' vein of mineral deposit In place. A cut or crosscu' or tunnel width cuts the lode at j a depth of ten feet or an open cut at least j six feet deep, four feet wide and ten feet , In length along the lode from the point where the same may be In any manner discovered, Is equivalent to such discovery , shift. Such work shall not be deemed a part of the assessment work required by the Revised Statutes of the United States. I The locator, or some one for him who did work upon and lias Knowledge 01 me facts relating to the sinking of the discov ery shaft, shall make and attach to the copy of the notice of location to be re corded an aitiuavn snowing me compli ance by the locator with the provisions of ilik sec tlon. which affidavit shall be re- corded with such copy of the location notice. SUC. 4. Inasmuch as the present law prescribed an unreasonably short time for the marking of the boundaries of mining claims and imposes hardships upon per sons discovering mining claims, an emerg ency exists and this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval by the governor. I twiwtiwititiwsutiwwiwimii a ONLY Ten Dollars. Owinjj to tin' installation of new mid improved machinery in the Dr. Sanden factory, wlieivlty I inn cnalilcri to turn out in a much thortor time now my Infest untl hot lieltx, DR. SANDEN'S HERCULEX I can positively iillirni that Un ion dollars I will H1111M1 com plete, ivsuly for 11-e, 11 lietter, ti liner, 11 ml innre.cieiitilienlly coii M met cd appliance thnii me tlio-e ol other concern for liicli I hilly timt forty dollars U chnifieil. DR. SANDEN'S APPLIANCES Are jjiiarunlcctl to kiwi till the lale.t electro-therapeutic features worth having. Having mniiii faetiired electric hells for over .'10 yea iv, eoii.-tunliy mldinj; new mid valuable improvement, whieli my experience with the weak and nervous taught me to lie lie-ce.-ary, I can ealcly promise, my patients .uece-s with my appli ances, coupled with my advice, when till ntlior. fail. I have been most uniformly Mieecs-I'ul in curing sulleivrs from nil man ner (if weiiknes-es, beeiiue nil or II patient ha.s one of my appli ances aid him with my special advice, if needed, tit any time, always promptly ami free of all rluirjic My foes for treatment until a cure is clloctcd are em bodied with the price churned for the bolt. Under no oiroiinistunees pay over ton dollars to any one for their appliances, or even that Mini before you have inspected mine. s. . M 5 . X X "I X "I - 51 1 :? :?' M M M ., l V M M The Edw. P. Allis Co. MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, U. S. A. Motnufooturera of Stamp Mill, . Concentration, Chlorination, Cyanide, Smelting, Converting and General Mining MACHINERY N. V. CROLL, j spokune, Weh. Office. 110 Mill Street. flllUJIAMMOMll--- T"lllMIH''Ml Willie STAMP MILLS WOOD OK IKON I'HAMri Slil.l'-CONI'AINiU) MII.I.S Rock Crushers Ore Feeders Tramways Dredges, Engines Boilers and Waterwheels Hammond Mfg. Co. INCOni'OllATC PORTLAND, OREGON THE WONDER til-O. W. WI'.IGAND, I'NOI'NII-TOU. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A complete Mock of Dry Omuls, l.ailies ami Men's l-'iiruMiluK, Hunts, Shoes, Hats ami Clothing. THE WONDER, ' BOURNE, OREGON THE GEM SALOON A. J STINSON, Prop. (.Successor to Snyde Si Stlnson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Ovor the Bar SUMPTER, - - " OREGON .i I III'1 mi ciial for the emu of Nervous 11111I rhycical IJemlity, ICxImiiMeil Vitality, Varicocele, I'rcnmt me Decline, Ion of Mum my, Wn-tin;,', etc., which lias been lirouglit about hy early in (INcrotioiM or Inter uxce.-oc.-. M M M I: M 3 .- - M M s H H M S MlnhiK Men's Headquarters VV''V'''V1 Dr.Sanden's Belt George W. Weigand... HIGH GRADE LIQUORS AND CIGARS Next Door to Wonder Store . BOURNE, OREGON Established Thirty Years. 1 '''''' Write today for my latent ImokH, "Health in Nature," anil ".Strength; Its Umj n ml AImi-ms Iiv Men." s 5 3 Sanden ElectricCo i Cor. Fourth & MorrUon, 2 ; Portland - - Oregon lUJxUi stfl HYDRAULIC. MINING AND DREDGING MACHINERY. RIVETED STEEL PIPE. w.,t.. AMERICAN IMPULSE WATER WHEELS. ETC. WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS PORTLAND OREGON 52HcBiw