THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, March 20, 1901 TUp Slimnlpr Minr I I IC OUI I ipiVI I III Id Official Paper of tin 'I own of Sumpter. i-mui viio.uiiiMMiAt (.. II. MAM Ml ami 1. w. i.onni 1 1. a SUIIS'.HII'flUS IM1IS .. One Vfjir SI, Mi.nths '' AIWAS IS AllVASI.I . Inlrrrl nt the pnilnlllcr In Siitnptir, Off run, lirr ItafiMnltsliiil llit'iintli III, m.ills us -.rcnnj cl.lM maltt r. ATTENTION, PROSPECTORS. In .unit tier column of I III: MlNI-.N to day is published a lull text ol the Kartell mining law, passed by the stale legl-latuie at its trcent session. Some radical ihaugrs are nude in the inelh iJ n( liling on cl iliiis, which prosprctors should com ply with immediatelv, as .111 rinrrgeucy ilause Is attached making the mrasure rffecllve from tlie d He uf Its approval bv the governor. 'I he most important cli uige made Is the rxtensloii of time to sliy days allowed for Ihe hllng of location certificates with the touuty recorder, ulirn an aliid.ivit must also be hied setting torth that cer tain work has been done on the (l.iim. I III: MIM-K now has in press location blanks containing this j'lliil.ivlt and other wise complying with the provisions of this new law, a copy nl which is given wllh every iloeu blanks Mild. II IS announced that the Pan Ainetl tan e.sposillon couunissioneis lor this state hive gtudgluglv granted an ad 5500 lor the mining exhibit. 'I III: is asking tor sugges tions as to what name shall be given to tlie exposition wlilih Poitl.iud is talking about giving iu njo;. I lib ,MM:I nlleis this, Poitl.iud's I ii.iud Centennial iraft. Till- MINER Is iu receipt ol a prospectus, issued by that nest ol milling lakhs iu Minneapolis, ol a consolidated company lapilalled at J 500,000.000, an even hall billion. It costs not a cent moie to add a hall doeu hguies to tin- capital stock of a mmpauv. I HE usual tacHis euiplnrd by the Aineticau when ptoveu to be guilty of some ilishouotable act Is to "maintain a diguilied Mlence," the tesoit ot many crooks who pietend to lespeclabillly. Last week, however, paper unwisely deviated liom this title and made an Indi ted leply to MINI R charges, by publish lug a job lot ot stiitrd, wangdoodle genei alitles on Ihe ethics ot juiiiii.iImii; .1 l.i t irover l-lev eland. I leie Is the opening sentence "Joilinalislll can never expect to leach the high staudaid Its louudeis In tended, nor command the iepect and con fidence of the public so long as theteaie those in its ranks who, like common bawds, stand leady to sell themselves to any one who lias the pilce," I he reason (lie Aineticau lias not sold itsell Is b.'cause no one lias been fool , enough to buy. It therefore gives itrlf 1 away on every possible occasion, as in the above, for instance. Its editor is an expert on "bawds," apparently hasb.iwds Oil the bralll and Can write 011 110 Sllbjest without ringing in something of that na ture. Such stuff as the above is entirely l..r..,..i ,1 .. !.. .. .-I. ....... ..i characteristic ot tlie man, a characterless snob whose every efloit in life is to de- celve the public into believing that he is the embodiment of monopolized virtue. , This Is the enactment of a lie and all vari- etlesof liars are cowards. And this is why the American never meets an Issue sJuare,y but dodjes and sprints, turns I around, utters another falsehood and runs 1 again. Edward Everett Young must either 1 stand up and face the accusation of being a chronic liar and the hired man of Red Hoy Godfrey, whose dirty task It is tnin jure tliis district thrnuph cowardly mis- ' representation of itttcitiens in thecolumns , of the American, which accusation is based ' on specific charges, or ele stand convicted lii tlie liluli court of public opinion. FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER Iincon, ooali d) Capital Stock 520,000 omen's. Ml. Kiil'lln I'ri-slJrnt I. W. Sctltrr Vlcr-l'rrslJrnt K. II. Mlllfi Calilrr IHbli.roHs. I. V. Scill'n U. II. Mltlt-r ( I.11U Sin.l,- I. II. Null-Ins Tiiiu-iietn 11 (cncriil Hanking anil Kxclinngt1 HllsilH'rW t UNLIMITED. ELECTRIC POWER.... II the .InnatiJ justifies ui-will lutnlsliultli In une tear, cheap anj uttllmlleJ l.lectllc Cower to the mines ol I aslun Oregon. AJvlsr nnct- lit jour prolalU neeJs. Bnkcr Gas & Electric Co. IMklW CUV, OHMiON Ollur, ll.iker Uper.l lliune. I'htinr Main 75 I - ---- 1KANK J. DAVEY ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Control Wotk a Specialtv J 20IB CCNTCR ST. BAKER CITY, OREGON I. O. R. M. pCSAN THIIU No. tti, ImrtmrJ Or.!ii KJ .Men, i Mun. I lilnlrili llmiili wl r TuJi Nlclitolrach iPrtM in r i' 1: in. n to oiillfllal I O.lj .. 11.,'iatltiettli ate ueltome. nn Krj -ieil .iiihik I'm iiiiiiiiiik Kliiunas I V. It. Ml'M). A. .1. I K. C. ot ir Sichein. )R. J. W. VOLll-l. TNC OCULIST HasestalllslieJ hr.ij.iuirtets In llaket (Jlt,at Itoom i No. 14, IwinJilr Illock.anJwIIIre Ihfteatlfastonf 1 rrk In each month, anj at Sumptrr at Irast two Ja in run niontii. jtcn tor local nonce ol arrival. W ILIIAM II. STttODT SON )6i llrnnrlt Atr Ctlrple Orrk, Colo. rtiMltti.l In l'MttA In In ,K.ft Mlnlne fnKlnrer.. Aarr. ChrmMs. Stmj.rJ 0101 Wotk, I'rtsonat Attrntlon.'ltrasnnaMr Prlcrt, Forty 1 j( I'rArll'. f ,m.l lrnilhl ...ivl 11V nn .1 .11 roij. siurr. copprr. ji.,o. a ut-erai ji- coum on an niis orr io. n nare 01 our worn i rcrf cttuiu-miuiicj, mmmmm . p A. E. STAHR, ' ... . . Attomey-at-Law Cr - tr r. cor. iuCh St. Surir. Oregon C. H. PENNF.R Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Survror (or Oregon, Wash ington, Matin anj Montana. engineers for (lie Sumpter Townslte Company, llmlleJ. Undtrfraund and Pittnt Survey!. Slue Prlntlnf ind Drtufhtlnf . H. T. HENDRYX & CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. llargaln In Sumptrr District (juartf Claims. 1 SUMPTEK, ORliGON ' W. A. SAMMS, AKC'IITIiCT, 1 HAKI w ;nv, : UHFOCIS I RrlliMe plans spt'Clfk.itlons an J estimates lnrnlslieJ ARTHUR PHILHRICK ; Civil and I (Willing Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveor for Oregon anJ ' Ualiu. lixamlnalloni anj reports on mining proper- I lies. HaKBR CltV AS I) SUVM'TIR, OHLCIOS. I j , A. CLEM & CO. I MINING INVESTMENTS Proptttlii Eitmlntd ind Rioorttd on, Membir Port, land Mlnlni Slock Eichini 14O THIRD ST. PORTLAND. ORE. CHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Rooms 2 and 1, First Bank of Sumpter Kuildlug, SUMPTER, OREGON L T. BROCK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Sumptrr. Orecon. Sprcl.ll Attention (liven to Sureerv anj In DIs. I rases ol Women. Oilier, Nelll Meck: KfslJence, (iranlte Mreel net Mill. DR. TAPE Physician and Surgeon PROI'HICTOK SUMI'ttW (il.SLWAL HOSPITAL Tf If phone Main ij. SUMI-rCR. Opioos SUMPTER DEVELOPMENT CO. SUMPTER, OREGON Owners of all the choice acreage sur rounding Sumpter. Inside residence lots on easy terms. Apply to SEYMOUR H. BELL. Manager. SCI, MANNING, HUM. CSTATI1 E. (Jt UrcotJrr anj Notatv Public Collections Abstracts .. Asrrn lor hilclJelltel.Mlntulsher. Sumpter ISTOTT A SHELTON, SAW W. MlltT J. I. SlllllOS ciiuiti W "' " ""' Attorneys at Law. ORCfiON ;V. H. V. HAMILTON. Mlnlni; anj Consultlne Englnrrr, Mining Properties ExamlneJ, ReporteJ rrllr ExamlnrJ, n anj For Sale. vjn MortlnEJnJNral CoJr, n., Ion aig. SUMPTER. OREGON E. T. FREEMAN Public Stenographer All Kinds of Work Done at Reasonable .... Kates .... lAUUIII IJ Sumrttr DuUlne Basche Hardware Co. . Sumpter GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER THE SUMPTER MEAT MARKET AUSTIN MEAT CO., Props. Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meals and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, - OREGON THE STAR HOTEL J. G. CONNELL PROPRIETOR Free 'bus to miii front nil trains, lleiulqunrtcre for mining men. Most comfortable roouis in town. Pass engers waybills! nt hotel office for all interior jioints. Half block from postoffice. SUMPTER, OREGON