The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 13, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, March 13, 1901
Alderman William Stlnson left today
for the coast.
Henry SpaldiiiK.wlio lias been seriously
111 for several days, is .'i.-iin out on the
Assaycr Hart has returned to Sumpter
after an alisence In Maker City for some
.John Ciinid and Secretary Joe Need, of
the Mall Mountain company, are at Hot
l.alie In Union county.
W. C. Calder left Friday lor I'.iclfic
coast points, to be (June for ten days or
two weeks, on business.
Norman lillsworth, a Portland news
paper man, accompanied by his wife, was
111 Sumpter yestrrday on business.
Mayor Kobblns left Sunday for Denver
on iinuiuK Dustness. lie was ir;iiitid
fid E. Hauserand Pliil Arsenault, with
the permission of the street commissioner,
iiave had built at their own expense a
cross walk from the postoflke to their
places of business opposite. They will
also undertake to keep the walk in con
ditlnn to be used.
Neil J. Sorenson, of Sumpter sends
word to mail his SUAU'TER MINER, care
of Jtlie Palace hotel, San l-'ranclsco, until
further notice. This would indicate where
Nell, who recenily unrried Miss Anna
Myers, is spending Ills honevmoii. Out
for all that, he doesn't want to miss THK
Always reliable Giant powder.
TlMllt:i UNI). ACT JUNH i, i88.
UnlteJ Stale LanJ Oli.ce. ( ,
I n (irariJe,OreKnn, March 17, loot i
Notice K lierehv i;lvtn Hi it In compliance ullli Ihe
.....ulklollk ..I ..... nrt , t i.n....... ... ton.. .flail ..n
eave III absence bV tic COIIIH.II lor tlllrtV IllleJ "An net lor (he tale nl limlrr lanji In the I
Jays, Slali-Mil Cillfiirnl.1, On-con, NetaJa.anj' Washing-
,.. ,,, , Ion Territory," n ettei.Jt-J to all Ihe I'uMIc UnJ
hliner Cleaver, tile milling and town Stiie iy acini AuKut4. iiM. '
site promoter, was up Monday iiieruini: ilpanou k. mm, :
on business, return tit! to Maker City in
the afternoon.
Captal" Mulr nrrived in town yesterday j, anj ' .', oi see No. i. in m
to attend an important business meetliiR , ""Kr, "'' ,Jl W1- anJ w,nl"!1'
III IMC Ollllli'lil " .viuvii. ..I.,
iiiKt h Heoly hall.
Private Sale.
nl Maker (.ih.Oiunly of linker, Slate ol Oregon, hai
Itils Jay filrJ In this hir orn statement No.
llit, lor Ihe purchase nl tlieeij nwj,, neM !( ec
n tnwnii.ip no. to
oiler proof to how
iMe lor lit timber or
tlone limn lor nKt'cullurnl purpose"., nnJ In esUHIih
nerci.mnio iu lanj netore tne Hrgiiier anj Ke-
iiIV.I tif llilv nil.,., ml I j. I. .an. I., t Irairnn nn Thtir
Sheriff l.aur.ince, of Grant county, d-v.iii- a,rj jayni May, mm.
..,,l tliriiiiuli lirrr M11111I iv oil Ilk wav I '", name wltne.c: Patrick II. Ilughei,
ptssedllirmiKI llf'f"" '';', Allium. Alelta While, ol ll.ker UtV. Oregon
to Salem, with a 14-yMr old boy for the ,nJ 1, sumpter. oreKon.
state lelorill school. I Any anJ all perton. claiming ajveriely the ahove-
i i . u. a.i...... ...I... I. .... I JerlheJ lanJS are reiuetej to file their claim In
Messrs. DeVore Asbliry, WllO have U.l on or More vilj j.rl Jay of May,
been spendiiiK the winter "on the outside," ivn. I!. W. IIakiiitt. HecMer.
returned today to bcin operations at their ' .
phcer mine In Muck Riilch.
Professor Holland says that the atten-' NOtlCe 01 oalB Of Real tState at
dame in the public schools of Sumpter
dining Pebru.try was stealer by ti than
for the same mouth last year.
V. I'. Dillnu, of lacoma, who has
taken an iutrfest in the receul otK.iuled
Suuilse (iiild Mines company ol Mimpicr,
returned to the Sound today.
It is reported that .1 social atlierini; on
the west side Saturday night broke up in
a life light and that the premises were as
bliiody as if thry had been killing hogs.
lJ1.ct.1r and Mrs. Tape with the Litter's
father and Ihe I 'o tor- sister, .ire visiting
til- I lulu 11 county Hot Springs lor the
general physical that may get
111. 11. tht Hip.
Jesse llobsnn, nl the Meuintilc cum
pany operating here and at Bonnie, left
Mi. ml iv for Porilaud and Willamette
valley points on business, expecting to be
absint ten diys or two weeks.
.Ine Hurt It-It l-'ildiyfor Indianapolis and
CioJiiuatl, where he formerly lived, and
will lie gone tluee or four weeks. Ars.
Hurt and her sister, Mrs. (iriilith, will
visit their mother in Maker City during
his ahseiue.
P.O. Iluckuuiii and I). in ( ionsolus
have bonded tit eastern penile twoilaitns
on I rail cieek, north of the Mellevueinlne.
h.Uenslve worl Is to be done on the prop
ertv dining (lie lite ol the bond, or within
the ue.t live months,
Mrs. I. I.. Schelber, of the .Metropolitan
hotrl, It-It .-'.ld.iv lor Portland to lecelve
riiedk il attention at one ol the sanitariums
there. Mrs. losle Smith, ol the same
holel, accoiupiuird her as lar as Matter
Citv and letiirued Sum! iv morning.
I.. I: Uoyse, of the Wisconsin CJold
milling lompinv, returned Monday Itom
his liuuier home in Portland, where he
went a week ago on mining business. He
Is now Installed In his new ollue on .Mill 1
street, next to the Nelll Mercantile'
is inn cousiv c.ouwi 01 Haki w Consn. Owe-
1 ll'IS
In tin-... itler ol the est lie ol I . (
Jrie.ise.t. lli.Jer .ii.lhniln nt .111 nrJer nt vile,
k'lanlfJM lhe nuim t.ouitol Hiker county .uUsttle
OievO... JileJ Atiiih , !. . to ell .it ale
the lillolii; Jrv.rlli-J leali-vt.iie, lnult lots No.
' (lo), 1 (tlure) ..11 J 4 (Imir), nnj the snulheast
i.t iiler ol iht- norths etiiu nltr nt serllon ig.tim.i"
ship 11 Miuth, t.uivi' T, I V ,., In Maker county,
NoilieU helel' i;lirii lt.11 vile tlierenl lll he
inijeon .11 .ilh-r Apill is. iui. .111J I Ms lor the
'ioeil al'ove Jes. ill-ej will Iv iim-Ivi-J hy meat
mv i-lui-nt In the limn ol .Sumpler, Maker
ro.i.m,, at am time prior lo alj Jite.
Iitmvol s lie, cull. In Koljcolnnl ll.e llnlleJ Stalet.
WMII W. Iiiosir,
A 11 nl the elale nt timet I . i.illae,her,
.led- le.t
DileJ, .Much (1,
N - lllch.r.h, .iitiiiney Ini aJmlnUlralor.
AUSTIN Ml: AT CO., Props.
Butcher and Packer
Fresh ami Cured
Meals ami
Sausage of all Kinds
sjjno pue sjb03 MERCANTILE Gloves and Mittens
Crockery, Glassware, Tobac
co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy
and Nuts. Everything carried
in a first-class grocery store
At The
Those Lilly White
Can be neatly gloved at our glove
counter, and the price will be less
than the worth. We have 200 pair
of gloves on our hands that should
be on yours.
Our Special Glove Sale
will make the desired change.
F W"C I"" v.l.ipKU (ilove In all
AiYIUSA. populir ShnJes. anJ Ihe
tet clove we ever fnonj .it $i-av
The Sale SI .00
P Vir-IC Tun Clash White K'U. with
I rtrtlUSrt. Illukor While Siiiclilns.
I the li.joklnJ, ,wJ a K"J one.
The Sale $1.00
A i-rt i: Three Llap I ancy Slllch
l )ULI A. ,.j, a (.()0r. KuaranleeJ
u kooJ a .in li o ulme on the market.
The Sale $1.50
UKhijUl. KU.In i.ick.Mrimn,Tan
AtnJe anJ shaJct ol UeJ, worth hall more
This Sale $1.00
Pel tici: Hol. Three Clasp, Fancy
Al-Albl. SlltchlnB.allColoi, li our
$1,7$ value, nnj worth a quarter more
The Sale $1.50
f M iviti tr'rc laJles" Outlnc anJ
VJAUlMllwMS. rlvlnirCiiove.Ox
firJv nnJ llrons, Regular $1.15 value
The Sale 75c.
All our gloves are guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction and may be returned if not satisfactory, when
fitted at the counter, not otherwise.
This is a glove opportunity we trust will be ap
preciated, as it is edging on to Eastek Time.
TIIOS. MCl'.Vi:N. Present anJ (Jeneral .Manater T. O. HARRISON. Vlce-Pre.anJ Tren.
JAS. NKWUNDS. Secretary
Sumpter Transportation Co
most complutu llvl-ry equipment
in Eastern Oregon, teams al
Daily Stages to Canyon
City, Prairie City, Bourne,
Granite, Red Boy, Bonan
za and Golconda Mines.
Hauling Heavv Machinery
a Specialty. Freight For
warded to all Points in
the Interior.