Wednesday, March 6, 101 THE SUMPTER MINER j Some Stock Still Remains! J Of the First 50,000 Shares Offered by The Gipsy King Gold Mines Company -sNs The great advantage offered to buyers by the Gipsy King is that only treasury stock is on the market, all other being pooled and placed in escrow; thus giving the company absolute command of the price of its stock. When the few thousand remaining shares of this first offering are disposed of, the price will be advanced. Men are now at work on the property and active development on an extensive scale will be inaugurated at an early day. Orders for stock should be accompanied by the cash and sent to J. H. Rouuins, President of the First Bank of Sumpter and Treasurer of this Company, For prospectus, or any desired information, address, OTTO HERLOCKER, Secretary First Bank of Sumpter COUNTY RECORDS. The following is the record of official busiiuss transacted at the county seat of Baker county for two weeks ending Tues day, March 5, iqoi. MF.M. I'ST.UB THANM CMS. Patent-Feb ij, tJnlteJ Slates to C II. Duncan, n!i anj se! of ne'f sec 19 anj anj w4 ol nw'f sec aotp s r 41 Warranty JecJ-Ocl 6, R 13 Winnelt et at la II (i Atacey, lot j block l Parker aJn Baker City 450 Warranty Jee J-Teh a 1, I) (i Macey 10 l 11 Hoy J, lot 1 blk j, rarker aJn Inker Uly.... 450 Warranty JeeJ-l'eb 91, CM Duncan to II W Duncan, nj, anJ se!., ol netf tec 10 anj sw 1-4 of nw i-4 tec so tp 8 ri 1 Warranty JeeJ Feb 18, S Oltenhelmer estate to Hot Springs LanJ anj Improvement Co, part eh sec 16 tp g r 40 4000 Warranty JeeJ-reb 18, II Fuchs to Hot Splines LanJ anj Imp Co, nw i-4 of ifi sccislpo r 40 )o Warranty JeeJ-reb , J II Parker to Hot Sprint's LanJ anJ Imp Co, unJH part e)i sec 16 tp or 40 touo Warranty JeeJ-l'eb a, E II RlcharJson to II Hewitt Jr, se 1-4 sec aalpor j 500 Warranty JeeJ-Feb 18, II D Cooper to J S Lock etal, part se i-4 sec iotpiar44 too Quit claim JeeJ-Jany k.WJ Patterson et al lo II Fuchs, nw 1-4 of sw sec ij tp 4 r 40 jao Quit claim deeJ-Feb 19, S Oltenhelmer estate to E Oltenhelmer, se 1-4 nw 1-4 and fraction aJJ sec 11 Ip9 r 40 I000 Warranty deed L A Adams to D R AJami, lot ablkiB Huntington 100 Warranty deed Feb 11. L A Adams to F M Johnson, lots j and 4 blk 18 Huntington Warranty deed Jan i, O W Mink, trustee, to L A Adams, lots a, , and 4 blk it Huntington too Warranty deed-Aug 14. K H Denny tt al to W C Chase, etf blk it Brattaln & McC adn Baker City 600 Warranty deed Feb at. Jos Palmer et ux to Jno T Jennings. sJi lot 1 blk 8 Boyd adn to Baker City 4jo Quit claim dceJ-Dec aj, J T McComas to W STOCK NON Most of it has been sold and not one cent in com mission has been paid to a broker. Those who wish to buy mining stocks will invest in this on the merits of the proposition, after careful investigation. Chase, e1 3 blk 17 llr.1tt.1ln & McC aJn to Baker City Quit claim JeeJ Jan 30, lisberg, (iunsh Ci to At A Hughes, lots 46, 18 anJ in blk 5 Stew art anJ aJn, llaker City Warranty ueeJ-Feb a6, Jno Begley to (1 W llrnnetl, se 14 ol ne 1-4 sec a, !i ol nw 1-4 anJ ne 1-4 of sw 1-4 sec alp 14144 Warranty JeeJ -leb in, W S Bowers el ux to Clara Laugrell,n!S blk 4 McCr.1ry.1Jn, ll.i kerClty Warranty cVrJ-M.iv )i, Win (iillt.n to A N Johnson, lot iu Hit 4, Sumpter Heights aJn. Warranty JeeJ Feb an, P DeRnn in I. levln geretal, blk C, DeRnn aJn to UakerCliy Warranty JeeJ-Feb is. Heirs P A Schaelfer hi OKftN Co, snip across lot sec tp 11 r 4a Warranty JeeJ Jan 16, 1. Bjam el ux In Baker City a acres In ne 1-4 of swi4ecaj,tpor it Warranty JeeJ Feb 17. II D Cooper to Ihos Roach se 1-4 sec totp ra r 44 Patent U S A to heirs S L Cooper se 1-4 sec 19 tp la r 44 Quitclaim JeeJ Mch o, I II Cooper et ux In II D Cooper se 1-4 sec tutp la r 44 Quitclaim JeeJ-Apr ao, (1 I llavs to II D Cooper se i4 sec to Id iar44 Quit claim JeeJ Jan ao, I: Ran lo II D Coop er se 1-4 sec 10 lp is r 44 Quit claim JeeJ-Dec n. II M Ames In II I. Cooper se i-4 seciolpiar44 Warranty JeeJ-Feb t, C N Broomhall lo J Nelson, lots 11 la i) 14 blk 6 Pacific aJJ lo Baker City Warranty JeeJ-Feb t. C M Hrownhall r X blk 56 Nelson aJJ lo Baker City Warranty Jeed-Apr 8, J F Jackson lo Jno R Hunt part se 1-4 of se i-4sec aolpor 40,... Warranty deed-Oct 10, T Drlstane el al lo (J li Laughlln lots 1 j and it blk 16 Pacific add lo Baker City Warranty JeeJ-Feb a8, N B Summers ct vlr lo MOrnJrllf.lotiiblk Slurges & Crowcll aJd Warranty deed-Feb 19, B S McGlnnls et ux lo M Pryor lot a blk 9 Sumpter Hihs to Sump ter Warranty deed July 15, "99, AW Ellis at ux 015 &SO - ASSESSABLE loCS Vnnl)un, tot jblk t South Sumpter Warranty JeeJ Maich 17. ' M I: Hauls In J UCnrr.ill, se f4 sec w tp6 r ct Warranty JeeJ- July as, 'no, I' C 1 hniiiiison In I. Garner, part sw 1-40! w 1 4 sccioino r 40 Warranty JeeJ -leb jK, Whitney Tnwnslie (in .1 A P.iytun, hits 14 anj is blk 4 Whitney. . Quit cl.ilm Jie.1 I eh 8, At I' Ikniutl rl .it in I I: Breniicn, Inl 6 .111J part nl 7 blk 1 llratlaln .1J11 Warranty JirJ Nnvaa, AW I Ills in AtauJe MS I (.8 1 I1"' (41 84 I Fills. Iiils8nnji)blk 8 Sumpter 1 Warranty Jee I Nov 11. At mJe l.llls In A W I Ills, Inl 1 blk 8, Sumpter Warranty JeeJ Sumpler Tnwnslte Cn (Jus W Leake, lot 5 tIJ a.) S 1' Cn's 1st .1J11 Warranty JeeJ -1 eb 8, S V Ky C William Kitchen, lilanjutar strip In sec an ipos r are Warranty JeeJ Feb 11, Owen et ux In I II (illswolJ, 4uotHoo It strip In se 1-4 ol lie i4 sec 14 lp 10 r we. 'I Alining JeeJ Feb 18, 1 rank Jewell In W II I Scott, Irrn Crown iU claim Alining JeeJ-Feb ij, (i (1 K'elley In Joy II Barker, II) tun anj Homer 0,1 claims Alining JeeJ- leb 11, T Hunsaker In I At Stanley, unJJi Denver, Senile nuj Puello .li claims Atlnlng JeeJ -leb aj, II J Wltliey In (ieo (i AtcNamara, unj j-8 BlackblrJ anj IlluellrJ iti claims Mining JeeJ-Oit 11, At A Cushlng In I: A Clem, trustee, Caribow ij claim Minimi JeeJ-Oct I. J W Pennlnglun et ux In E A Clem, trustee, HIJJen I e.iJ it claim .. Quit claim JeeJ Jan s S ( llevlnglon lo W S WheJon, unJJf (ileal liastein it claim , Bill of sale-l eb 1, J li Pugh el al In John Strasak, Blue Bucket anj Timer placer. . Mining deeJ-Ocl is, V C Johnson et al In I: Cannon Tree Coinage anj Dewey iti claims Miners Uln-Feb aj, W M Sullivan to W C.i ruih tec labor on Nellie (iray anj Tramway uiactatai Mining dud Feb a, R L Farmer In (leo W McCullocb und H Blue BlrJ anj other placer claims. ,, . . .,, Mining denl-Nuv 1, B U Struck to l: Flllott IS" 81 Sumpter, Oregon ' lin.l 'i lone I'inc itl.ilin 1 .Mining JeeJ AUh 1. 1 II Nichols lo Di. IW Vngel 1111.1 1-4 lilt (itern il claim . ... S"" Quit fIS in JeeJ Ian 8. J.ts llteiselal lo the llllamnuk (i At (.n, lahnii anj tin Hher iti tlaims loo" Quit 1X1I111 JeeJ leb a, John AinolJ el ux In I W Williams. iii.iiler Inleiesl In Alter Ihought ,l (I.1I111 1 .Millets Hill (iuv A While vs I'hnenex (iAt Cn lor l.ilnr . ., awi Articles nt Inriiipuratlnii .M.iuh 4, (ioiixlella thin f At (.11, li II Bullion, tVm At Rumeiy, .Inhll I tiupl.l, ilHiiipnratnrs, capital lhio, ik.i, Stilliplet vtOIMIUIiK. (.haltel I At Ililxrr In I tel Newtimisr, two hmsrs, Harness .ml u.ignn . , ion Mortgage lelwi, IN Ijivler el vlr In i II .l.iiuiey, somini It mi Spllng (iirjen avenue Baker City iso .Mortgage I eb 11, P II Bin, J .in.l I In Inn Wnh 1111.111, lot I Ik P.iiker .1, In, Ma ker (illy ... 4s .Mnilgagc I eh a, li W t.oles el ux In I list S Hank. Hiker l.lly, us faille 1500 CI1.1H1 1 I em Williams In A I. Blnwll, two hnises, 1 nw .lllj w.ignn 1(19 I (.haltel Inn I..111.I At W Sullivan loll I: Dag .my, bar mil hxtuies anJ kitchen liiiiiliini', I Sumpler . 4so Aliillgage I eh a,, (. II I rl ux Inl Wll- Hams (.enter anj Boihea t 1 l.iims 187 Ch.illle- C II Milliard In I Williams 1 horse, buggv, cultir .111.I i.ixli legisler a7 Miuig.ige I eb a i. (. I. Whliney In I Willi s sw 1-4 set aa n ' nw 1-4 se 14 nn a-4 sec jt lp lor i'i is Untile I) At K'ellt In Inhll Water 111.111, bl.n k , sinllli shop anj torge . aju IS( III AMOIIS. .liiJL'ineiil I A Stevens an J .1 II Ilihe l.ivor I'WnoJsilal . ass Aillcles nl tricnrporalion liixlein Oiegon BinlJIng ft 1 11.111 Assuilatlnii, A (ieiter anj M'Vin mlieis, prill nlliie Biker (.llv si,'"l Allachineiit -A Newleiger vs I) At Kelhy. Sll 1 sir (itnwn anj oilier il ilalins anJ Inl 1 blk 1 H BnyJsaJlln Biker Cilv .. ai4 JuJgnieiil-H I (.iiiuaj favni lleiiiini luihs.. lt8 ( Atottgaue .March 1, I I) AtiPln 1 ux In Slate L111J BnaiJ, 4&iacies In sees 44, 4 cV IS, t s r j e anj other . 6s .Mortgage I eh 1, I Willi In I is IJe.iry, nH ol se 1-4 sec 1 lp 8 r 18 e yJ Chaltil leh 8,(i I. Spilnger In I II (irlsolJ, 6 horses, etc ras 1 Chattel Jan 48, Irwin ft Sl.iJe In A I. Brnwii, horses, wagons, elc SS Atnrlinge -.March a, A Davis in I husfanJ In S A CalJwell, lots 1 anj a, blk 7. WIL.v.lle . a7S .Mortgage I eh as. ' li Bieiinen In Wesiern Loan Savings Cn, lol 6 an I pari lot 7 blk 1 Brattaln V McComas aJn 450 AtorlgageMarcli 4, S II Senur in W S llowen lots ij At a blk 11, Stewart anj aJn , too Atortgige -March i. Bell Pickens anj liusbanj , lu XI' Clement, Smugler placer mine , aso