The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 06, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 26
Brick Hotel to be Rushed to Early Comple
tion O'Rourke and Newlands Will
Erect a Business Block on Granite Street
Numerous Small Buildings Going up
Alt to Supply Actual Demands.
Contractor David Wilson Is expected
to return In a few days, when work on
the new hotel will be resumed and carried
to completion. The sudden burst of spring
weather has caused new life and activity
in all lines of business, Including build
lug matters.
Preliminary arrangements are about
completed for the erection of a new store
building adjoining the Sumpter Drug
company on Granite street, to be occupied
by O'Rourke & Newlands as a general
market place for the sale of groceries,
provisions, fruits, meats, fish and game.
Cold meat storage facilities will be pro
vided and the public furnished witli every
thing In the line of edibles to be had in
a large city.
J. B. Stoddard says 36,000 feet of lum
ber has been ordered for this building,
which is to be 25x80.
G. B. Allen will build a nandsome new
esidence, for which the lumber order has
been placed.
L. J. Hazelwood is finishing the small
building 011 the corner of Mill and Auburn
streets, opposite the Griffin hotel, which
has been rented by a new commer, whose
name Is unknown, for business purposes.
The building adjoining the Neill Mer
cantile company on .Mill street has been
remodeled and will be occupied by a new
mining brokerage firm and the Wiscon
sin Gold Mining company.
The Sumpter Lumber company has se
cured other lumber orders for residences
and improvements, to be delivered at
once. Mr. Stoddard reports the shipment
of eight cats of lumber in the past week
and six cars more to go immediately.
Heavy orders for mining timbers lor the
Golconda, Bald Mountain, Quebec and
various other mines are making tilings
lively at the mill.
New people have been coming In re
cently In large numbers, many of whom
are securing homes and places for small
business, until every available house in
town has been taken. All this beginning
of a busy and prosperous year has come
about without much mention or attention
being paid to It, but has been predicted
by THE MINER, based on the large num
ber of enquiries it has received and an
swered during the last few months.
This paper is conscious of having done its
duty in this regard and is honest In be
lieving there will be an unprecedented
rush of new people to Sumpter and the
various mining districts tributary this
High Grade Gold Mining Company.
O. C. McLeod has finally succeeded In
landing that High Grade deal, on which
he has been working for several month
past. Owing to some trouble about the
title to the property, the consummation of
the transaction was long delayed. He
has organized In Portland the High Grade
Gold Mining company, with Hon. D. M.
Watson, president; T. W. Younger,
vice-president; Hon. Dell Stewart, secre
tary and attorney; J. E. Morson, assis
tant secretary; W. A. Holt, treasurer.
The latter Is teller of Wells, Pargo cv
Co'sbank. The directors are the above
named, P. A. Knapp, foreman of the
Southern Pacific shops, George Sulzer, a
Minneapolis lumberman, V. W. Mc
Creedy and O. C. McLeod. The presi
dent Is master mechanic of the Southern
Pacific. Some very rich ore lias been
been taken from the ledge on this property.
Jury Awards Verdict Against Owners of the
Ibex Mine.
Last evening the jury awarded a ver
dict to the plaintiff In the case of the Pirst
Rank of Sumpter against li. N Rriggs
and Arthur Hill, which had been on
in the Circuit court In Maker City for
several days. Attorney Rkhardx, of
Sumpter, represented the bank and At
torney Johns, of Baker City, the de
This is the case in which Slmcoe Chap
man, agent for Alessrs. Hill and Briggs In
the management of the Ibex mi' e, made
a draft for 53,000 under power ol Attor
ney, as he had been accustomed to doing
for months past, which draft was pro
tested. These gentlemen and their agents had
had some misunderstanding, which
was the reison for not honoring the
draft. Their defense in court was that
Mr. Chapman applied the money to his
Individual uses; but of course, the bank
case was not affected by this plea. The
general supposition is that Mr. Chapman
scented a freeze out game and secured
this money to protect himself. In the
meantime the Pirst Bank of Sumpter was
"holding the sack."
Messts. Hill and Brlggs are expected
here today or tomorrow, when they will
go out to the Ibex and inspect the pro
perty. It is thought that some definite
policy will then be adohted for handling
this rich property; either to continue de
velopment, or sell.
Basche Hardware Co 's Improvements.
The Basche Hards are lompaiiy has
put in the latest thread cutting 111 ichliie
and a four-horse power Pellou water mo
tor to operate It. I he machine will cut
the outer tliiead on auv sie pipe from one
to six indies. Shortly another machine
will be installed to cut inside threads, A
travelingcraiif, to be operated by this same
water power, will be put In right away, to
handle heavy piping and other goods. M.
B. Swan has fitted up a display piece to
show what can be done In the plumbing
line by the house, that looks like a
Christmas tree, with its steam whistles,
cocks and other brasses used In the bus
iness. The Basche ompanv is prepared
for the largest business in its many ears
of existence. The large warehouses on
the railroad tracks are stocked to the
ratters with goods and more are dally ar
Brass Band Financial Statement.
At the request of some subscribers, the
Sumpter brass baud management sub
mits the following statement of Its fi
nances. Receipts, casli from citizens,
560 30; from members, 517.50; loaned by
the Bank of Sumpter, $35 io;total$U2.Qo.
Clsbursemeuts, music, $5.60; instruments,
596.56; freight, Jo. 15; lights, 51.50; total
the same; bills payable, 524. Other In
struments are needed which will cost 535-
See those new shirts at Neill Mercan
tile Co.
Always reliable Giant powder.
Every Indication of the Arrival
of Spring.
The warm weather and sunshine of the
past few days have melted much snow,
and down every Incline, especially In the
streets of this camp, streams of water I
have been rushing.
This has been the occasion of consider
able comment among weather experts, the
general opinion being that this is an
"early" spring. This may be the case
hi the experience of those who arrived
here along with "the west wing ol
Pike's army," but not so with those who
drifted In with the crowd a year and n
half ago. In Hit: MINER of a year ago,
dated Aarcli7, the statement is made that
the snow had disappeared e.cept from
places sheltered from the sun's rays.
fills is not the case today. I here Is
still a toot of snow remaining in the val
Ins ami the hills are still covered deep in
their white winter mantle. The roads,
however, except near the summit, are tree
from snow and wheels have largely taken
the place of runners.
Merchants report that the distinctively
spring trade lias commenced. Prospectors
are outfitting for the season's woik, and
that is even higher authoiily on the sub
ject than either (lie goose quill or the con
dition of furs.
J. J. Hititou came In Sunday from the
placer mine of Thomson, Lambert &
Stiiait, on Ihree Cent gulch, near town,
where he is working. He reports that
every twelve hours they use the water
is good for 5too. The day befoie coming
in he took out a 52 50 nugget hi a pan of
dirt. Placer mining is now in operation
generally all over the country, as the
early warm weather has been the means
of melting the snows until plenty ol watei
is now running. I'hetioss brothers and
several others started w ork 011 their various
placers east ot Sumpter, on 1:1k creek,
several days ago and good leports are
coming from there. It is rumored
the big placers of A. W. 1:111s, across the
river trom town, will be put hi operation
Developing the Burnt Cabin Group.
A. P. MiDeed writes THE MINER from
Quartzberg encouraging news about the
Burnt Cabin group, which he has been
developing this winter. In starting a
crosscut tunnel to cut a north and south
ledge, he chanced to run squaie into a
blind lead with an east and west trend.
This he has now followed sixty-five feet
and expects within the next twenty feet
to encounter the vein which he started
out to cut. Still further on, he says, there
Is another and stronger ledge. The
ore in this blind lead, on which he has
been drifting, carrles.good values in Rold
and copper and occasionally he encounters
a kidney of galena. The group consists
of three claims, which has tour known
ledges, all of which carry values. The
tunnel now nelng driven cuts all of these,
giving all the backs one could wish for.
He has ten tons of good ore on the dump.
New Buildings for the Gipsy King.
At the monthly meeting of the directors
of the Gipsy King Gold Mines company,
held yesterday in Sumpter, it was decided
to send out a crew of men at once to erect
what buildings will be required for the
miners' quarters when active development
shall begin in a short time, to continue In
definitely thereafter. Sufficient funds are
now on hand from the sale of treasury
shares to begin tills work and by the time
the snow has melted enough to warrant
going on with practical mining without
wasting time and money, the manage
ment expects to go at things actively and
but a short time should pass until the
tilpsy King can give a good account of
A. W. Ellis Window Slude Invention.
That window shade device Invented by
A. W. Mills Is possessed of real merit.
Its great advantage over any oilier now
on the market is that theshtde can be
rolled up from the bottom, lowered from
the top, or both at the same time, livery
one knows that this Is a convenience in
a window shade arrangement that they
have often longed for. Ar. P.llls now has
one In operation at his home on North
street. Like all such devices, it Is simple
hi construction and the observer wonders
why lie hadn't thought of the Idea him
self. The ordinary shade and litures
are used with this attachment,.
More Mining Machinery Arrives.
i he Sumpter I ratisporlation company
started a wagon for the llouana mine
today with an Immense boiler, weighing
17,500 pounds. It was transferred from
the car to the big truck yesterday. There
is also at the depot for the Bouaua a car
load of other niadiiuery, consisting of a
stack, piping and smaller parts. The
compressor plant for (he ( lolconda has ar
rived In Baker City and Is expected to
reach here today.
Jones Family Reunion at Shoshone.
Al Jones and wile returned Monday
from Shoshone, Idaho, where they s'ciit
a week at a family reunion of Mr. Jones'
motherjivebrothersaiid two sisters eight in
ill In. tern. w.ittj.i-ii.t MUwr M tl'.ikl ..lift
till, Htl'l Hll. .HIHI.M I'.l ..IV. . V ... ...
as far east as Nebraska. One of the broth
ers and the mother live at Shoshone,
!... ll.u . illtia I. Ill ill.. lI..II 111 IL I III... .!
nunr llir imiiin - hi iiiv. -hiivi ini-iini;.-,.
Al returned Improved hi health, and says
his mother who was very III is also get
ting better.
Railroad Bridge Washed Out.
The Saturday alter noon train due In
Sumpter at 3:05 was halted a short dis
tance east ol iMcHweu, owing to (lie
Stoddard bridge being washtd out, neces
sitating a trausler of passengers and bag
gage. With their usual luck, the Sump
ter Valley people had an engine and ca
boose on this side of the bridge, which
was at once put hi use, bringing the pas
sengers litie.
Knights of Pythias Lodge Forming Here.
A local lodge of Knights Pythias, with
a charter membership list of twenty-live
or thirty, will he Installed hire In a few
days. I he list Is In the hands of Brig.
Balleutiiie and those who have intended
signing same and have not done so, can
see him within the next three or four days,
before same is sent away.
The Capital Hotel Is again under the
management of Mrs. George B. Tedrowe,
which fact guarantees the best of service
to all patrons.
Those who know the comforts of a good
hotel, always patronize The Capital; Mrs.
G. B. Tedrowe, proprietor.
Only the best brands of liquors and
cigars at the Club saloon of Dunphy &
See Neill Mercantile Co. for shoes.
See Neill Mercantile Co. for clothing.
Mining deeds for sale at this office.
Neverlfails-Uiant powder.