The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 27, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, February 27, 1401
Stringent Health Ordinance
Becomes a Law.
Chairman Stoddard, of the judiciary
committee, submitted at the meeting of
the city council Saturday evening an un
signed report on the matter of fines to be
imposed on violators of city ordinances.
This, of course, refers to prostitution and
other effinses of supposed like character.
His plan Is to have the marshal notify the
offenders to appear before the recorder,
who will require them to put up a cash
ball, the amount of the fine to be im
posed, which it is hoped they will forfeit.
If they refuse to fall In with this program,
then they are to be arrested on complaint
and go through the form of a trial, fined
and assessed the costs. The report not
being regular In form, the matter was re
ferred to the same committee.
The committee on fire and water, to
which was referred the proposition from
the Water company to put in ten more
hydrants, was given further time in
which to report.
Some Informal remarks were made on
the subject of revising ordinances to con
form to the provisions of the new charter.
The judiciary committee, to which the
matter was referred, had not started on
the work of revision. Chairman Stod
dard, of that committee, suggested that
the committee be empowered to make
these necessary changes without going
through the mere formality of submitting
its work to the council for approval, but
the suggestion was not favorably acted
Considerable time was consumed in .
reading and rereading a very excellent
health ordinance, which was finally ,
passed. It is officially published in an
other column of THE MINER today.
The matter of furnishing the city a tel
ephone free of charge, said to be an agree
ment made with the Telephone company i
when the franchise was granted, and
which has not been carried out, was re
ferred to the committee on streets and
public property.
Mr. and Mrs. Morrcll Go to California.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Morrell, who have
resided in Sumpter during the past ten ,
months, took their departure Monday
for Rurbank, California, where they have
friends and will remain for a short time,
at least. Sumpter looses two musicians
who have aided largely in the success of
various social affairs, dances, mid public '
entertainments during their stay here.
Their many friends wish them success
wherever they may go and, if returning to
Sumpter in the future, they will be
warmely welcomed.
(New Series.)
The City of Sumpter Joes orjjln as follows
Si C1IOS 1. linTC shall be kept .11 the ofhce of
the Cliy I'hvslclan anj urijcr his Jirectlon, a hook
In which shall be cntereJ the name ana" rlace ol rest-1
Jence of evei) person who is affectcJ with any ol the
Jiseascs enumerate.) In this orjinance.anj also the
name, ace, reslJence, sex, nalMty. color anj such
other details as such ollicer may Jeem requisite of ,
evtrv person Jjlnc wlililn the corporate limits of
the City of Sumpter, as neatly as can be ascertained
the record took herein pioviJeJ for shall he anj re
main the property of the City of Sumpter.
SEC. 1. In case of the death of any person occur
fine within the city, It shall he the duly of the attend
ing physician, II any, within twelve hours thereafter,
to make out and deliver to the City I'hvslclan a I
written certificate, stating the name, age, residence,
sex, nativity, color, date anj cause of death, and
such other Information about sucli deceased person 1
as the City Physician may deem requisite or neces- I
saiy. In case of the absence of an attending physic
ian, the City Physician shall make out such certlti-.
cate. All such certificates shall be hied by the City
Physician in his office, and shall be and remain the
property of the City of Sumpter,
Sec. . The City Physician shall, upon receipt of
a duly qualified physician's certificate, filled out In
the form aboe prescribed, and not otherwise, Issue a
permit for the burial or remotal of the bodv of such
diseased person ftom the clu .
SEC. a- No undertaker or other person or persons
shall remove, or caused to be removeJ, Irnm the
city any corpse, without having first obtained a per
mit from the City I'hvslclan.
Sl'C. v It shall be the dutv ol the Cltv
to examine or cause to be examined, all cases of
small pox or other contagious diseasesand report
the result of such examination to the Chairman of
the Health and Police Committee of the City Council.
The City Marshal shall report all cases of small pox
or other contagious diseases coming to his knowl
edge to the Cltv (Musician. The City Physician
and the Cltv .Marshal shall be vigilant and active in
removing all causes of disease, anj shall see that all
f'ersons violating the provisions of any orJInance re
ating to the public health are Julv prosecuted.
SEC. 6. It shall be the dutv ot each rhvslclan
practicing medicine In the city, to report In writing to
trie s.ity rnv sician, every patient tie su.111 nave at
fecteJ with small pox, vatlola, diphtheria, scatlel
fever, typhoid fever, measles or oilier dangerous or
contagious diseases, Immediately after he shall be
satisfied of the nature ot the disease. livery such
physician shall also report every case of death from
any of such diseases Immediately after such death
shall have occurred.
SEC. t. It shall be the duty of everv householder
In the Cltv of Sumptrr to report In writing to the
City Marshal or City Phslclan, Immediate!)', when
he or she shall have reason to believe that anv per
son boarding or lodging at his or her house Is af
fected with small pox, varUia, diphtheria, scatlel
fever, measles or any other contagions or dangerous
disease, to report In writing to the Cltv Phvslclan or
City Marshal the name of such person, and also to
so report any death occurring at his or her house
from anv such disease.
SEC. 8. It shall be and hereby Is made the duty
of the owner or occupant of anv house, store, build
ing or tenement In the Cltv of Sumpter wherein any
person may have the small pox, diphtheria, tphoiJ
fever, scarlet fever, masles, whooping cough,
chicken pox, or any other contagious or
Jancerous disease, to give notice to the
public Immediately of the existence ol such
disease In such house, store, building or tenement,
by placing a green flag In case of plphtherla, a el
low flag in case of small pox, and in all other cases a
red flag, In some conspicuous place on the premises
where It may be seen by persons passing on the
street near the said premises: and in case the owner
or occupant of such house, store, building or tene
ment, shall fail to place such Hag as aforesaid. It Is
hereby made the duly ot the Marshal or City Physi
cian, as soon as said officers, or either of them, are
Informed of the existence ot such disease in any
house, store, building or tenement, to cause such
flag to be placed as aforesaid; and such flag when so
placed, either by such owner, occupant. Marshal or
City Physician, shall remain dlsplavcd until such
person having such disease shall have been deemeJ
by the City I'll) slclan to have so far recovered that
no danger of contagion shall remain.
SEC q. Nujperson having any contagious diseases
as hereinbefore enumerated, shall go out In public, or
pass from house to house, or building to building, or
appear In anv street, alley or other public place in
said City of Sumpter, until he or she shall, In the
judgment of the City Physician, be so far recovered
from such disease as to preclude all danger of con
tagion; and if the Marshal or City Phvslclan shall
learn of the violation ol this section of this ordinance
by any person, It shall be the duty ol such officer to
cause such person to be taken forthwith to his or her
place of residence. If within the city, or if such per
son does not reside within the city, then
rlace as the City Phvslclan or the Committee on
leallh and Police of the City Council, or Its chair
man, shall direct,
SEC. to. 1 he occupant, or In case the premises
are unoccupied, the owner or anv house, store,
building or tenement In said City ot Sumpter, where
in any person may have been III ol small pox, diph
theria, scatlel fever, or other contagious disease,
shall, on the Jeath or recovery ol such alfeitrd per
son from such disease, forthwith, bv burning, des
troy the chillies wotn bv such person during smli
Illness, an J shall cleanse, purify anj Jlslnleitthe
room, house, store, tenement or building in which
such diseased person was confuted; the Marshal anj
City Phvslclan shall see that the provisions ol this
section are enforced.
Sic, 11. No person owning or having control
thereof shall drive or use any vehicle or permit mhIi
vehicle to be used or Jilven lot the ionvevame,
transportation or removal of anv person Infected
with the small pox, or the bodv ol any person who
may die of the small pox, without the written con
sent of the Alarshal or Cltv Phvslcl.111; and .tn
vehicle so used under .1 permit shall not be used lor
any other purpose whatever, without the wtltten con
sent ol the Cltv Phvslclan.
SIC i j. No person owning or having control
thereof, shall use or peitnlt to be used anvsehhle
which Is used foi the lurrose of earning or trans
porting passengers, to be used lor, or allow to be
j laced therein, the bodv of any deceased petson.
Sk.ii No person other than the attending, (.U I 'tis sicl in or Marshal, mining In
contact with an) person affected with small pox or
other contagious disease, shall go upon the street, or
Inany way mingle with the people not alfected with
such disease.
St (. 14. Whenever a case of small pox shall ex
ist in anv house, store, building or teneint nt, and tor
anv reason the person allei ted shall not be removed
to the sin ill pox hospital, llie City Ph) sician may
place some sultalle peisnn in charge of such prem
ises, whose duly It shall be to see that the provis
ions of section g ol tills oidin.nue ate strlctl) en
forced, so long as ma) le b) the c lt phvslcim
dtemed necessarv tor the public sale!) Provided,
nothing In this section shall I e constiued In appl) to
SIC. 11. Whenever a case ol small pox or other
contagious disease Is reporlej In the City Phslchn,
and found to be such as repotted, the Cltv Phvslclan
shall Immedlatel) cause to le displaved, II not al
ready displaveJ, such minted Hag as Is teiiulred by
this ordinance, In a consph units place on the ptem
Ises where such case ot Jlteate thin is, suih flag In
be continually displayed tiniil lemoial thertnt is al
lowed b) the (.It) I'll) sician.
Sit 10. No person shall remove a small pox
patient, or patient allecteJ with a contagious dlstase,
Irnm an) house or rlate within the llmiis ol the cits
loan) other house or plate wlililn the city limits
without the consent nl the Cltvl'h)slciin.
Su.. it. No person, persons, firm or corporation,
whether a common carrier ol passengers fir otherwise,
shall bring from without the city limits Into the city
limits, any person allcteJ wlili an) contagious
Sue. 18. An) persun, persons, turn or corpon
lion, who shall violate any ol the provisions ol this
ordinance shall, upon conviction therent In the Ice
cordet's Court ot the Cit) of Sumpter, be fined not
less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars.
Src. ig. That sections 1, a, and 4 of Ordinance
No. tool the Town of Sumpter entitled "An ordinance
Imposing certain duties and providing for the belter
protection of property, morals, safety, health and
conveniences ot the Tow not Sumpter," approved
June 4, 1848, be and the same hereby are repealed.
Passed the Common Council this a) J day ol I eh
ruary, 1901.
Approved this avth day ot February, tool,
Mayor ol the City ol Sumpter.
Attest: b. L. Massing,
Recorder of the City ot Sumptrr.
!'' 'xV'xV'xVxV''.1
Agents for Matting
ly and Moore Whis
key a so-year-old ,
whiskey as good as ,
Elixir of Life. All j
whiskies are out of '
The New Olympia
E. E. HATJSER, Proprietor
Newly refitted and
remodeled. . . .
All the best brands
of Liquors and Ci
gars handled. . .
Center Street, Opposite P. O. Sumpter
A. P. GOSS, President
Bank of Sumpter 3
Tunucli Ctnml linking Builnni
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits
Drafts drawn 011 all parts of the world. Special attention to collections.
Safety Deposit lio.xes lor rent.
ueorge w. weigand...
a AMnlng .Men's Headquarters
A HUUlviNI:,
GhO. W. WlilGAND,
A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladles and Men's Furnishings, Hoots,
Shoes, Hats and Clothing.
bond and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and
to Hfnhv lisci.p)
Fine Old (1884)
Hermitage Whis
key Olympia Beer, bot
tle or draught. . .
A. J. GOSS, Cashier
Next Door to Wonder Store
$2,00 PER YEAR