The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 27, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, Februaiy 27. 1901
member Hint no individual operator has
expended nearly so much time, labor and
hard cash .is has Mr. i-'ollis. Carson
So Says the Jury in the Camp- Either Steam or Condnsd Air Ud to
I Grind Ore to Fine Powder.
bell-Davidson Case.
I he C.tse of the State versus I". W.
Davidson, chared with assault, S. I..
Campbell complaining witness, was tried
before Justice I ellx Saturday afternoon.
The defense demiuded a jury trial. G.
H. 'ledtnwe, J. H. Stoddird, J. N. (Jean,
I. I. Parkinson, W. Dean and il. G.
Wood served as jurors. I hey brought In
a verdict of not guilty.
Much Interest has been manifested l'i
this case for some days past. It had been
postponed from time to time, so thai At-
.... . I.. I I. II . I M... - ,,..... j -,,, ..,.., .., H.""'re(j(Cfd, impalpable powder; as fine as
lor the defendant, might he present. Ihe hnrst llmir. had. stream has the ve
Popular interest In the case was excited w ()f ,fe , srC0lJ ,- an m.
owing the Ut th .t the trouble arose ()f ,, , seC0J ,.ls w.
over what was genera ly believed o be ,Mf wl rejt ewr ,Mse ofe of free ml.
a da ... jumping proposition, the property j , ,,, , , ,
Involved being tile mlllsite of the Hald . ,7,., , ,.. .
In the presence of about one hundred
mining men and capitalists, representing
most of the mining districts of western ,
Washington, an exhibition of the treat
merit and milling of ores by the Lucken
bach process was given Saturday after
noon at their works at King street and
Kailroad avenue.
1 he principal feature of the plant is a
pneumatic pulveriser, invented bv Mr.
t.uckeubach, but now owned and operated
by the I'uget Sound Pulverizer company.
Hy the use of two streams of steam or
compressed air escaping through 3 16 inch
nozzles, seven and a half inches apart and
directly opposed to each other, the ore is
Mountain Mining company, the mill being
just about completed. 1 his interest was
Intensilied among the few who were
aware of the I ict that a gentleman now
here, prepared to invest some hundreds of
thousands of dj.llar in a mining enter
prise, had declared lie was ..waiting
J lion of Mr. I uckenbach. Hy using this
I process all rocks are thoroughly decom
I posed, thus facilitating the pulverizing
capacity of the Machine.
' I wo pulverizers are considered a mill,
indsuJia mill lias a daily pulverizing
I i.irviitt. nf in itr in tniiv. P.irli machine
he res.,1 of his trial before closing his
dea ; th . if he I, us of this state and the mme ,., ol his community permitted ., ,,N tuk mer CJ , ,e any
such an alleged hold up. he would " (Hu,le material, and it is the iuteutioi. of
i.irr In nvest he ii.oi.rv of 1 mse I and ., , ., , ..
, the oflurrs ot tlie compiny to rut. the
Iriends in this district. r . ik ' ' ,
II ..II I I I... I....I. .11.. I' "" """ .!...
lir rviurnic mill.llllicil liy
both sides
did not ilillrr mitrrially and, in brief, was
that the Van Uiiyiis, father and son, and
the complaining witnrss, were driven olf
of the properly hy the defend nit, who is
vice president of the company, assisted
by ul his men. Mr. llivulsnu had
an axe hi his hand and threatened to use
It II necessary. Ilr pushed AW. Campbell
down the hill.
I he ilelensr argurd th it it was ,. civil
case, involving title to thr property, and
that 110 climiiiil .iclliiu could be in ilu
purposes. I hey propose reducing talcs,
tertilizrrs, coil, rtc. In other places the
pulverizer has been used successfully 01.
rock for pottery, coal, chrome iron for
coloring and hard materials.
I he I'uget Sound Pulverizer company
was incorporated last week with a capital
ot f 100,000. Its ollkers are: President,
I. A. hlwrllj vkr prrsident and general
m.iuigrr, II. I uckriibich.
I t . lirodir, watdinnker and jeweler,
h is moved to the stole lormecly occupied
Joshua Hendy
Machine Works
Altorury KUianls, lor thr prosecution, by Hratdslr ami ( ushmin.the barbers,
who hid been called into the case only a opposite the I ohiinbl. 111 irket.
lew houis brlore the ttlil commeiued, to
tie it his client ol thr stigma ol beluga
cliiui jumpri, iiitiodiM'd evidriur to
prnvr th it thr Van Huyns and C impbrll
had bought thr dim Iroin our, K ihlrr,
s ho located It I.iiiiiiiv ., d liming th it
thr lompiuv hid fillrd to with
some trdiuic .1 iriiilieinrut of the 1 1 .
I he drlriisr showr.l that vvotk 011 the mill
had been commenced .. number ol weeks
piior to Kahlri's tiling.
Attoiurv Uuh.irds mule a strong atgu
mriit, in, ilnl lining tint the drlrnd, nit's
ad hi pushing Campbell down the hill
was an assault uiulel the I iw uid th it the
jurv should so Inul. Hut thr jurv uieii ev
idently h id the idea limits lodged in thrlr
minds th it thr tii.usfrr Iroin K tiller was
meirly a, tint thr pirlles
wete ttvlug to jump the dilm and lor this
irasou justilird l).i Idsou in v I. it he h id
dour, linding him not guilty. In 110 mill
ing country is a d.ilm jumper tolerated.
Showing Hit frith by Hit Works.
W. K. I olhs, one ot the I .rgest mining
operators on Snake rivet, was In Carson
I tst week on his way to Union and Maker
City on a business mission, Mr. I'ollis
stated bv rally summer he would
have two producing copper mines on the
river one In Idaho, Ihe other on the Ore
gon side. When asked lor his opinion of .
tint mining district, he that one
might judge by the fact that he was
spending all the money he had and all 1
that he could Interest in developing the
country. I his means much when were-'
W All i Will-1:1 S
San Francisco
1 . J. j ,-m
C. C. BASCHE, Pros.
Or J. G. HURT, Sec'y.
Liberty Bell Con.
Mines Co.
Sumpter, Oregon
COMPANY own four quartz claims in
the Alamo division of the famous Red
Boy district, one half mile from the
town of Alamo, in Grant County, Oregon.
In the very heart of possibly the greatest
mineral zone in all the world, surrounded by
such well-known operating properties as the
Bonanza, Strassburg, Red Boy, Inter Mountain,
Cougar, Concord, Alamo and Quebec.
The claims are well timbered and waterad.
Geological formation argellite and porphyry.
Character of ore simple silician quartz, sixty
per cent free milling, the remaining values
concentrating 50 in one.
Three distinct, well defined veins can be
traced for a distance of 1000 feet on the sur
face, averaging from 14 to 30 feet between
walls, giving 7.20 per ton on surface.
Numerous open cuts, adits, tunnels and
cross country trenches thoroughly prospect
the width and value of the ledges. '
Pan samples taken from various test pits
on the surface, never fail to yield a fine pros
pect in free gold, the assay value giving as
high as $216 per ton in gold.
The Strassburg group, which adjoins the
Lihhkty Bell on the north and east, in driv
ing a cross cut to tap their main lead at a depth
of 500 feet, have cut two blind ledges 14 and
19 leet in width only 10 feet from our side
line, coursing southwest through three of the
Lini:RTY Bell claims.
Capitalization, 1,000,000 shares, par value
5 1 each, fully paid and non-assessable, 400,
000 shares in the treasury. The first issue of
100,000 shares is offered at 2;; cents per share.
Price of second issue will be advanced to 50c.
The proceeds from the sale of 200,000
shares properly expended in developing the
mines and purchasing milling plant, will en
ablethe Liuerty Bell to pay $30,000 monthly.
All checks and drafts should be made pay
able to R. II. Miller, Treasurer, who is Cash
ier of the Fiist Bank of Sumpter.
For piospectus, reports and general infor
mation regai ding the property, address,