8 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, Februaty ij. iqoi ABOUT BARREN ZONES. Old Theory Thai Values Are Btnealh Fully Eilablithrd. In mliilnc nil ounce of iirnvrd f.ict is worth :i Ion of improve) theory. I here arc many lliL'orict .is ei unpioved. There :irr,too, many Miltanli il tacts, gdi cf .illy known now, tli.it were nine tin proved theories. One ol those iheonrs, concerilinn li.itren 'tors, Is liist lieniililnn no t- -. t . 1 1 ) 1 1 -. 1 1 c d ffiit. Il is the old pmhlem ill a new phasf, "J mines no itinwi?" In the majoiily ol cases, s.iss the Min ini; I'ress, Iheie ii'ines .1 time in the de velopment of n mine when ones barren of .'ill ores ;irc cncoiiliteted. I Ins gener ally oiCiirs In the i;ise of snl lilde uie., ulicn what limy le stled Hie t nn.inci,t water Itvrl Is leached, .ind continues through uli.it iwiv similarly lie termed the rlil) .Hid HiiA' water line. I he theory here comes In th.it through the seasons this permanent water line rUes and tectdrs, sometimes in I line's countless neons being higher or lower than at otlleis, the ore becoming decom posed and the ores being leached out, new ore bodies meanwhile tunning containing no metallic value, occasioning a barien one. Another theory takes up the solving of inelals by hot alkaline w carbonic add bring present, which, meet tn K illi volcanic passes from below, would precipitate metals "along the lines ol least irsistaiice," thus occasioning bai reu ones, the character of the rock through which the vein hi its entirely passed," not being throughout its entire r.xleiit'fnvorahle to the deposition of Die. I he possession of sullicient nerve and money' has demonstrated the existence of paliig -ore 'bodies below such barren zones. 'NWhatever Ihe i.iuse, the that such barren ones actually exist has V passed Into the Mage of accepted lad, it i J Alt' jjimriiiitml to mkm-s nil the having I cen loiiud that below such barren ; ,.M cltl to t luniKut ( f't'iitiiivK ones existed ore of npial value wilhlli.it, J, unitli linviiiL.'. Ilnviii"; nmiiil- above, and Hint Ihe permanent water line J fiii'tuii'il ettrtric bolls for over .'!( mi lunger marked Hie limit of prolitahle Vtjit-- n-lniilly milling now mill "'hihig. , X viiijili( iiiiiiruvi'iiii'iils. which S o c. ) T ; o k s A ) N N ONLY Ten Dollars. w i 1 1 lt to llio iiMiilliititui id' now iiinl iiiipnivcil iniii'liiiii'iy in llit: Dr. Siinili'ii liii'tory, whereby I inn t'liiililoil In I it ii i nut in n iiiiii'Ii -liiHior (iini'tiiiu my Intent iiinl liel IicIh, DR. SANDEN'S ! 1 1 t '' A' M I . 6 is 'i i m ii r -JHERCULEX llieory X I ran io-iticly iillinn that fur ton tlulliirs I will I'uriiisli ruin l'lf, n-mly fur tw, ii better, u iiiior, anil ninivfcieiitilicnlly con l riiftcd iiiiliiiiu(! 1 1 1 ii n nrc thn.-u iif other ruiit-crns for which thirty mill fiirlv ilollars is clinrol. DR. SANDEN'S APPLIANCES I lie fact h is been demonstrated in dee mining In Ualllnlul.i, Colorado and iMon ton, i, wheic some ol t lie best paying mines weie once abandoned, till modern mining methods 'permitted deeper woiUlog Am.idor county, '..ilitmnl.i, the Kennedy gold mine, one ot I lie tkhcM In the state, was b.uieu ol all pay ole lor liearh 2co fret in depth. In Cil.iveras county : 'M ft' ft' lii I ft ft' ft' ft' the ft' ...- . .. i i... .i i i;icii in nniir .is uiuc M'lii l hi .1 ung, because ol the occurrence of a b.uieu our. In Siena county, Cilllnrnla, the blena Hutlrs mine was worked In a depth ot nearly j.ooo feel, when a "barren one" was eucouutrird, and tin's pioprrtv, which oner oprtated l stamps and has a tec old ol f i5,ckx,cx)o output, is now ab.iudourd. In Montana, the Comrt-Kumlcy mine, at Comet, .Irffrisou county, was.i t'ln -liver-lead piodiurr, when al a depth ot isoolrrt the ore gave out, but upon sinking through a "b.uren" one ol fio.feeta body ol galena eight leel wide was totiud, and Ihe mine's iiitput was greater than ever. I lir sunr condithuis arr demonstrable In Clippie Crrrk and elsewheie in Colo rado. J. S. Unghfi Back Irom Miuouri. J. S. Hughes, hitriested tn Hie Stand aid group in Ihe (Juarthurg dMrUt, has , leiurued Irom a prolonged visit with rela tives in Missnuii. lie prut somr time in the loo lirl.l. of that state and rrports tint the industry i In a llourlshiiig con dition. Togethrr with Doited States M.irlui lliiurr, who is one ol the l.ug rst owners In I tit St ind.ird, lie passej tlirough Sumptrr Moudiy, on tils way to Hie mine. That property will continue to be win lied systematically, but it Is not yet determined when the smeller will be i put hi. J The Capital Hotel Is again under the, management of .Mrs. George It. I'edrowe, , J Portl-ind which laci guarauiees uir ocsi oi civive , gt to all patrons. my i'Xicriciici' with tlm weak mill iicrvutix Inu'lil me in lie no ivssiry, I can .-alcly piinni-tt my paticiiis miccc-s with my appli ance, eoupleil with my ailviee, when all utlicrs Tail. I have been iimM iniiliiriuly ui'ct'"l'ul in fining -ullerer.-tVuiii all iiiiin ner nf weakne-e., liceaiise aller a patient ha line of my appliance.- I tiii! him with my special advice, it' uccileil, at any time, alway promptly ami fiee of all ehai''e. Alv Ice.- I'nr Ircalincnl until a cure i- ellceti'il ate cm limlicil with the price eharp'il liir (he hell. I'lulcr no circuui-tauccs pay ncr ten ilullars to any one liir their appliance.-, ur even thai Mini hcliire you have inK'ctc(l mine. I' . M M M M M . . M M M M M M M . X . . . M 3 . M $ M M . . m s Well Dressed Men. Must necossatlly liavf ihclr clothes m.iJe by an experlenceJ TAILOR Such is M. STEFFRN KcccniK Irmn I'onlan J. win ro l.e lias .nso, latcJ Willi tin- ti'lJinK tallorlnR linu-i's lor over twelve e.in, Noa v.nrin i linr line ol tall .inj Winter SultlnB. Overcoat Patterns ana I'ants (ooj at Corner Second ind Wishlngton Streets Baker City, Ore. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed on Short Notice ...The Elite Cigar L. HARRIS, Proprietor Store.... Newly remodeled and refitted. Smokers' resort. We are daily receiving fresh cigars of the leading brands. No stale goods in stock. Healy Block. Cor. Granite and Center Sts. Eureka Feed & Livery Company H. K. BROWN, Proprietor Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. & HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALEH5 D AVID RUSSELL CARRIER MACHINERY BROKER sao oivision st. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Kindly send me description of any machinery that you want to buy or sell & VaJL A alf'riaV2rnr7f.i fMJi i(. Jtlt-r-iiJIlMU MVn VCTTTJ3B' V I sfR SRr j-r-. -5oei ' . Jv r- ENGINES v BOILHRS , ficass I l" ?"' RUSSELL High Grade Machinery SAW MILLS THRESHERS STICKERS t Dr. Sanden's Belt , , A RUSSELL & CO. Write for Catalogue and Prices. PORTLAND, OREGON. Ilii- mi ciiuitl fur tlic ciiiv ot Ni'ivuu iiinl IMiysiral Dcliility, ICnIiiiiimi'iI Vitality, VnriituvK', I'lviniituii' Di'clino, LiioI'Moiii iiia, Wti-liiiir, '!'., whirh li:i lici'ii luiiiilit tilmiit liy ('inly in-ili-rrctiuii or later .v..mv. Established Thirty Years. Write tuiliiy fur my lnli"t Imok-, "lli'iilih in Nuttin'," iiinl "Stiviiili: Its lM 1111(1 AllllM hv Men." m i Si I :5 .! .1 i M .1 I I 3 x w. s. ABSTRACTS Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained Year ot e.perience hi Haher County Records. No. 2104 Court Street, Maker City; Oregon. 5 Sanden ElictricCo 5 Cor. Fourth & Morrison, Oregon j if a i Are You Seeking Substantial Investment? If you prrter legitimate luveMuient to speculation and enmbliue, I can offer you a few hrst class miiiiuK proportion., fiom a ,iopect to a well developed payhiR mine. I can adie the purchase of a Iim class minim: stock that vou can buy without rik and uith a certainly of eailv and substantial returns. The Sumpter Mmine District is rapidl opetdiiK Hie eves of Ihe minion world. A Iour Identification uith the chstrUt enables me to five reliable information and advice as lo investments, lixprrl exauiicaiions of and advisory reports on any mining proposition. Correspondence s licited. W. H. W. HAAMLTCN, MiniiiK EiiRlneer, Sumpter, Oregon.