Wednesday, February 1$, 101 THE SUMPTER MINER MINES NEAR CANYON. Strong Ledges of Rich Ore on Miller Mountain Almost within a stone's throw of Can yon City are mines on Miller mountain that are destined to become some of the most valuable quartz properties in Grant county. In one group are claims owned by R. A. Hines, D. G. Overholt, Messrs. Sllsbee, JHines and Powell, O. Guernsey, and Messrs. J. A. Laycock and D. Am bler. On the claims owned by each, con siderable development work has been done, and each is considerably encouraged from the appearances of his property. The Last Chance No. i, Is the prop erty of R. A. Hines, of Canyon City. On this property he has a ledge from tluee to six feet in width, assaying from 53 to Woo per ton. The surface of the ledge Is free milling and assays from j to f$o per ton. As depth is attained the ore becomes base but carries greater values. From the base ore assays ranging from f 30 to Woo per ton have been returned. These values are permanent and the result is of tests made of the general ore. Mr. Hines has a shaft on the Last Chance fifty feet in depth and a tunnel between eighty and one hundred feet in length. Consider able development work Is scheduled for the present yea:. Mr. Hines has hopes of this property fully equalling the Prairie Diggings in value, which is now bonded to Colorado parties for a handsome sum. Near the Last Chance property is the quartz claim of D. G. Overholt, of this city. On this claim is a three-foot ledge of free milling ore that runs very high in value. His property is developed with two tunnels of one hundred and one hun dred and thirty feet in length respectively. In much of his ore, gold can be seen with ut the aid of a glass. The Last Chance No. 2 is the property of R. A. Hines, Wes Sllsbee and the es tate of J. A. Powell, deceased. It is a fractional claim and is supposed to be an extension of the Last Chance No. 1 ledge. The ledge on this property averages in width from one to six feet and gradually widens as depth is attained. Resides a shaft of about fifteen feet in depth, they have a hundred-foot tunnel on this prop erty. If you will ask O. Guernsey about his Miller mountain quartz property, he will tell you that he has the best property on the mountain. His property is adjoining the Last Chance No. 2 and the Overholt property. He has a four-foot ledge of free milling ore that assays well In gold. He has It developed with a thirty-foot shaft and a hundred foot tunnel, and con templates doing conslderabie work during the present year. Judge Laycock and R. J. Ambler are interested in many quartz properties near Canyon City, but of all their mining property they place more value on their Miller mountain ledges than any they have and firmly believe that all it requires is development to prove Its value. They have a four-foot ledge opened up witli a fifty-foot shaft, aUo a tunnel. At the depth attained 011 their properly the ore becomes base, but curies excellent values. There are no groups of claims in any part of Grant county that make any bet ter showing than the live properties just described, which some day will be num bered with the paying mines in the Can yon City mineral belt. Canyon City Eagle. Native Copper Found Near Burkemont. Specimens of native copper, taken from a new strike in the Gilklnson topper prop erties at Copper Butte, under bond for 150,000 to Judge Thomas Burke, of the North American Mining company, were inhibited In this city this week. The samples are the most beautiful ever shown In eastern Oregon, and produced in local mining circles a big furore. They were taken from a 1 2-foot ledge between por phpry and dlorite waits, uncovered at a point 300 feet east of theold workings. The new lead was accidentally discovered by a son of J. R. Gilklnson, owner of the property, and several open cuts exposed a 12-foot ore body, assaying across the face over 30 per cent copper and high In gold. The Gilklnson properties, which consist of four full claims and a fraction, adjoin the new townsite of Burkemont, recently platted by the North American company, and are closely contiguous to the proposed smelters of the Oregon Ore Reduction works. A force of men is at work on the new strike. If upon develop ment the permanence of the copper de posit is proven, Burkemont will have every reason to rejoice In the applicable appelatinn, "The Anaconda of Oregon." -Baker City Herald. Faulted Vein in Cougar "Picked Up." A stilke of considerable Importance has been made in the Cougar mine, three miles from Lawton. J. V. Larkln, own er of the Cougar, confirms the report that a vein was tapped recently. Mr. Larkln thinks the ledge is the continuation of the main ledge, on which a drift of over 1000 feet has been made. This ledge was lost at what seems to be a fault. After driv ing a short distance ahead, a crosscut was run to the left, and at a distance of about twenty feet from a direct line with the original ledge, the strike was made. The theory Is that the ledge faulted at this point about twenty feet, and has been picked up again. Drifting on it will pro ceed at once. Lawton Standard. Lcuoni In Lace. Mrs. Marsh, next door to MINER office, will give practical instiuctions in lace work. Materials and hundreds of pat terns to select from Famous. HOP GOLD BEER STAR BREWING COMP'Y. Portland, Oregon IN KEGS, BARRELS OR BOTTLES AT PRICES UNEQUALED BY ...OTHERS... Sumpter Forwarding Company -Distributers Sumptcr, Oregon ASK FOR HOP GOLD f'.'-''B OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER HEKR ON DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOL TABLKS i Agentsfor Matting- bond and Kiiarau- ly and Moore Wills- teed the genuine ar- key a so-year-old tide. Popular re- whiskey as good as , sort for Coinmer- Elixir of Life. All : cial Travelers and whiskies are out of i Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON Lv Golden Eagle Hotel American and European Plan T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUMPTER, ORUOON -.1 A. P. GOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier Bank erf Sumpter 3 Trtnitcti Ginifil linklni Imlniii Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safely Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON W&&VV&,'-'&W, i Cienrpe, W. WeipanH v "- --- f "-" www ww a- m " ns -w w m ' HIGH GRADE LIQUORS AND CIGARS Mining Men's Headquarters Next Door to Wonder Store BOURNE, OREGON i'W','S. SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS AUnuUcliiirrt l .ill klhjk il (..ithm.ilij Drlnkt dlij CIJiT. ( )-ctnli'J In f (iiimcciIciii with Hit- Kentucky Liquor House WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAGEN &. SLOAN, PROPS., SUMPTER, ORE. THE WONDER t.LO. W. WhIGAND, I'KOI'KIITOK. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladies and Men's Furnishings, Boots, Shoes, flats and ClothiiiK. THE WONDER, BOURNE, OREGON