The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 13, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, February 13, 1901
Council Passes a Resolution
Exhonorating Him.
At thr inuiiiil meeting Saturday even
ing, the Manning c.-isc was again taken
up, Alderman Sinddud iutindudng ;i res
lutlon e.xhnnnialing him front .-ill hhnie
and wiping out the report nt the tm.ince
miliiuiltee in the in.itlcr. I he adoption
nf this resolution was sriondeil l)V Alder
111,111 Ni'ill, It was adopted 1111 ;i vote of
four In two, St uld.iui and Neill voting
against it. It was, nt iourse, .111 ttfoitto
he liketlulis
Manning h Hided in Ills il lorserviies
tor the inoiilh ol J . 1 1 1 1 1 1 y , whlih amount
nl to Si I.) 1;, li.iseil 1111 ;i provision ol tile
harler vi I1UI1 allows the leiorJer the
same Ires letelved by .1 pislt.r ol tile
peaie. I lie lull wis lelrtreil In the
linance cmiiinlltt-e. It Is slated Hint on
this iis, Hie iliv mes M inning over
The report ol otlKers lor the preceding
inoiilh were presented nid on motion nl
I. It. Stodd.ild Ihev were .ncepted "as
llirv appear mi their laces."
I he regular monthly hills weleallnwed,
anil also the nl II, I . h.ivis as
speiial pollieiiian last Mav and lime,
A verbal prlitim was nude tint Hie
tiiiniill prevent private individuals limn
trespassing in lite department buildings
and using the apparatus. Some lepwlll
tie t.iKeii to prevent this pi. Kike.
i he services nl health nlluer weredM
prused with. It was thought hv some
that this had liren done helore, hut the
records show Hi it sikIi was not themse.
Mining KxptrU Male All Kinds oi Monty.
Mine rprrls ,irr olten retained hv sub
slanti il companies in the same in. inner .is
a lawvei is retained hy a let, lining lee.
I hey ate lieipieutly piesideuls and gen
eral manageis nl indlvidiril mines, to
whUi llley agtee In give a hed portion
ot Iheir time r.iJi e.n- not a set time,
hula peuentage of thru total woiKIng
lime. I or this ihe le.elxe a hed tee,
I he lest ol thru time i iheuowu,and
they use II In the hesl .idvant ige In them
selvrs. Altirlli.i nou his mans lOinpe
lent and lelilble experts, and Ihell lees
vary Irmn f iixx) In an sum above thai,
plus ail nthfi lutideut il expenses in inn
iieclinu with the tilting ol s.uuplrs, as.
says, liasehug, vW - this lot the sngr
examination nl a in 1 1 it. I Know men in
the piolession who ate te.idlly making
.15,000,1 year In I lie woiK com
billed with the hi iii.igrmenl nl miupanies.
As an example, not nl earnings, but as to
how experts .He now used, I would stair
tint one leader In his prolession Is ptesl
dent ol one toiupans and uinsulting en
gineer ol seven olhei (iimpanirs, and that
he dors epei( wntU throughout the wm Id.
W. I. Chambris in Siturdiy hyruing
Quart: and i'Ucc r Cl.iiim Hjndfd.
A very important histriuneiit was tiled
lor record In the ilerU.'s ortue last week,
the Mine bring an agieeinrnt or bond ol
William Allied to sell his .Midwinter and
Napa 0,11,1(1 mines and his pl.krr
propel tv, known as the Allied pl.ker
claims, to II, I:, hwart, ol Denver,
Colorado, lor a lonslder.itioii o fu,.
soo, payable In Installments a fol fel fol
eows: fjooon O.tober 1, iuji; Sjooou
Aptil 1, Hoi, and $7500 on CMober 1,
ioo. In addition to the toiegolng ionsd
rr.illflii, Mr. Allied Is also to receive 40
prr month fiom October 1, ukw, until tlir
final pivment Is madi I he property
bonded to Mr. liwait by Mr Allred is
wrll known to every resident ol this p.itt
of Grant tmmtv, being in the same lo
entity as the Prairie Diggings, owned by ,
Messrs. Mines Helinrr, ot till
He Is a pioneer miner In this part of Grant
county, having come here when the Can
yon creek mines were booming, and has
remainrd, enjoying a living from his labor
on his mining property. He is now Hear
ing tile age of three store and ten years,
and tile sale of his placer and quart prop
erty at this time will provide him very
comfortably the remainder nf his life.
Cinyon City Eagle.
Skating Fond Lighted With Natural Gas.
I'alouse, Washington, boasts of the
only skating pond in the state that Is
lighted by natural gas. Since the discov
ery by H-irl Rnbards ol gas under the Ice,
when the discoverer was badly burned by
gas, it Is not uncommon for the skater to
priik a hole in the ice and by applying a
match produce a llame that frequently
reaches six feet in height and gives a
blight light. A number ol thtse experi
ments being made in quick succession
gives the pond a fairly good light. I. K., cashier of the Security State
bank, hid his mustaihe and eyebrows
singed while watching one of these ex
periments. Mr. McCornacU is six feet
tall and the 11 lines shot up higher than
his he id. I'alouse Is greatly excited over
Hie discovery.
Present Nd in Three Pert of Ore.
I hr report was brought down from
i,)u irtlmrg Monday by a gentleman who
had been In the Present Need mine, that
there was then over three feet of high
grade ore ill thr face of the drill, and that
the vein was lontiuulng to increase In
width and Hie ore in value. Phis is a
gain ol nearly two feet since our report
two weeks ago. Superintendent Reee
has good reason to wear a bland smile,
but no excuse for giving the Miner man
the "nothing new" stand off when asked
for news a day or two before. Prairie
Mining Proposition I !
THE i :
STAR :!!
Kii'o 'I1111 in tiuil 110111 nil tinins
llfuiliiimitors liir milling iiicii. Mot
rninlin Inlilo muni in town. IW
i'iipi wnyliilli'il nt liiilcl nlliiv for
nil iiileii'ir pniiiK Halt Muck
fit hi 1 iiiintlii'i.
ned by , I
city. I
Al'SIIN Ml: A I CO., Props.
Butcher and Packer
Fvsi iiiiif Cured
Mtils iiml
Smi&w of all Kinds
I ,
uc ".incv tir-'. r-.tit r mimcc
T COMPANYowns three fullclaims
and water right on big Limber
Creek, in the Cable Cove district.
The ledge has been stripped for
two hundred feet from the water
course and traced by means of
open cuts to the summit of the
mountain, jooofeet, or the length
of two claims.
The company is capitalized at 1,000,
000, one-quarter of which is treasury
So far as prospected by these surface
workings the ledge has an average width
of seven feet. The ore is an iron pyrites
carrying gold, (its principal value), some
silver and a small per cent of lead and
copper. Thirty or forty assays of this
surface ore have been made, from sam
ples taken across the vein, and the low
est returns were 14.61. the highest
49.62, averaging better than 20.
Across the creek, on the Gipsy Queen
group, where extensive development
work is being done on the same ledge,
by a Boston company, at a depth of 60
feet, samples from across the face of the
tunnel assayed $64.92. These. workings
demonstrate that the per centage of lead
increases with depth, as well as the gold
values, making the ore easy to treat.
The Gipsy KingGold Mines Company
will begin at an early day to drive a tun
nel, which will cut the vein at a distance
from its mouth of from io to 60 feet and
at a depth of about 15 teet. When the
tunnel reaches the ledge, it will turn and
drift from that point in ore that will
doubtless pay to ship.
For the purpose of raising funds with
which to prosecute this work, the first
stock offered for sale has been placed
upon the market. Fifty thousand shares
are now offered at more
nor no less. When this is disposed of
the price will be raised. Every share of
stock, except that placed in the treasury,
is pooled for one year from January 1,
1901, so that this statement can be relied
upon as strictly true, The market will
never be Hooded with Gipsy King stock.
Orders for blocks of less than ;oo shares
are not solicited.
All money should be sent to the treas
urer of the cbmpanv, J. H. Robbins, who
is president of the First Bank of Sumpter.
For prospectus, engineer's report, or other
intoi mation regarding the property, address
Gipsy King Gold Nines Company
Sumpter, Oregon