The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 13, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday. February i ?, 190'
(tien. Mgr. IHrnV.r Mill C.nlJ Mne (..)
NUWI'IIW, Ukl litl
Ar.HI:UT GUSIil, Vice-President
(I'rrslJ.-rl Itlt ns IIjdU)
l:UOI:Nli Sl'hHHY,
K. C. I'INri.ANI),
'I rrasurer
Grizzly Gold
Mining Company
Capital $500,000
In 1,000,000 sharesofthe
par value of Fifty Cents
Each. Treasury Stock
Tr y Stock at TEN CENTS Per Srnrn
CASH BASIS All Cash Purchasers Receive a Discount of Five Per
Cent on the Ii. vestment.
INSTALLMENT BASIS Purchasers May Secure Stock in Blooks
of 1000 Shares and Upwards, Payable 10 Per Cent Down and 10
Per Cant Eioh Month Until Paid.
Affords an opportunity for profitable investment that cannot be equaled in the Sumpter District. The mine is now
being actively operated and has reached a degree of development practically assuring the stability of the mine.
The ledge, carrying high values in gold, copper and silver, is over 40 feet in width. Work is being rapidly pushed,
tunneillng and sinking on the ledge, blocking out ore and adding to the pay dumps, and it may be expected that
the mine will be a producer and the company a dividend payer at an early date. Every dollar realized by the
company from the sale of treasury stock is being used for improving the property. The sale of stock will be con
tinued until the mine is a producer,. As development progresses the price of stock will be advanced.
Secure this stock now at 10 cents. That it will be worth its par value within 12 months is a conservate es
timate. Subscriptions lor stock may be sent to the company direct, or to the First Bankcf Sumpter, Sumpter, Ore.
For Prospectus and Further Information, address,
Grizzly Gold Mining Co., Sumpter, Ore.
FtniT Bank or Bumpiim Sumiin, Oni
Cmftxa Bamm Banff Citv On in on
Nearly $6)0,000 Involved, in Favor of U.
A. C, Defendant.
I he case, involving nc.irly sl hund'ed
thousand dollars, ofer III prL'e of l.e
Kni stuck, In w hUh .1. I. .iiul J. (1.,
of the (inlcnndi, were aiming the
plaintiffs, ami ( inverimr Mackintosh was
fie piomoier of the sale, was tried at Vic
torl.i, llrltish Columbia, last week and a
verdit I rendered tor the defendant. He
gardiug the case and trial, the Spokes
nun Heview sivs:
I he Itiitisli America corporation won in
the suit tumu'hl against it hy I.. F. Will
lams and others for the pa nieiil ol 5s()7,
714 S7 alleged to he due tuem on the sale
ol the l.e Kui mine.
A verdkt for the defend nit ohiip my was
Nought In hy Hie jury at Vktmla, British
Coliiiutiia, at 11 o'clock yestcrdav morn
ing, alter many houts ol delihera ion.
'I he ileJslou means that the majority
holders in the l.e Itnl, who received only
6 per shite lor their stock, are not en
tilled to the I is additional, at which the
mlnoiity holdris weie tuutlit out.
I'he stoty of the dilliculty is a lone and
complicated one, and the suit his been
lurd fought, a piomineut array of legil
ability being employed on tnrli slJes.
Summailed the case is as follows;
The inajoil-y Interest in the l.e Uol was
helJhy I.. F Williams, Colonel I. N.
PeWtui, V ilentiue Pevton, D. W. Hen
ley and M ijnr I. M. Armstrong, ot Spo
K.iur; the lingllslis, of Diutille, Illinois,
and others. These majority holders
wished to sell the mine on a tuis of 6
per share or 000,000 for the mine.
I he minoiiiy ( Minn, headed hv Senator
George Turner and others, would not as
sent to the deal on this basis. The ma
jority interest was bought for K per shire
and, af'er long neuntlitions, the minority
holders were finally bought out for $7.25
per share.
I I he representative of the B. A. C. was
ex-liovernor Charles H. Mackintosh, and
t ie suit rested on an aliened verbal agree
ment with hhn. It was claimed by plain
tilfs thai .Mackintosh had promised that
the majuiil holder-, should net the same'
, amount as might have to be paid to the
t miuoiitv Imljers lor llieir Interest. It is
admitted, ho.c ever, that he was released
(torn this agreement, but they claim that
, .Mackintosh did not tullill all the con-'
dilions of Hie agreement and that they I
I weie therefoie justilied in keeping him to J
I his former promise to pay them the dlf
1 ference between the tco prices.
, I he defendant denied that Mackintosh
had in ide any such agreement or that he
had authority to do so. I hey held that
he agreed not to buy out the Turners at
a higher figure than was paid the I'ey
tons without appraMng the latter and oh
tali lug lliri- consent. I hey further held
that the release he afterwards asked tor
wiien.i purchase had been partially ar
ringed with the Turners was merelv in
regaid to this permission; that the letter
written by Colonel I'eytou and read to
iMicUiutosh only agieed to this, and that
tile subsequent poilion of it dealing with
Ihe bonus proposil was added afterward
Mine of Tlul Name Will Rtsume Activ
ity in Other Mines.
The long period of depression that has
exited in the old Virtue district, a few
miles east of Baker City, seems likely to
be broken w ilh the adveiu ot spring, judg
ing from the activity that is now manifest
there, and many new and promising pros
pects that are undergoing energetic de
velopment. Continued good reports come in from
the Mammoth mine in the Virtue district,
a new location about one and one-half
miles trom the old Virtue mine.
Ihe location was made last fall. It
was a "blind" lead and its existence was
never suspected In all the twenty years or
mote tint prospecting has been going on
in the vicinity, and it was only found by
the panning process. After the surface
ground was stripped the ledge was laid
1 bare in places and for a distance of 200
1 feet the ledge was sampled and returns of
$100 per ton were the result.
' Since its discovery and change of own
ership from the original locator, a shaft
I has been sunk 80 feet and from the bot
tom ot the shalt drifting is now going on
! property of the Virtue, but under separate
I ownership, will start up also, and worked,
perhaps, by the Virtue company through
its underground workings, the south drift
of the Virtue touching the north end Hue
of the Virginia. With the Virtue and
Virginia Consolidate, a great producing
property would certainly result.
Across the hills to the southeast, a dis
tance ol live or six miles from the Virtue,
are the well known Carrol B, Brazos and
Mable mines and innumerable prospects.
Here promises to be one of the greatest
producing sections in the eastern Oregon
gold fields. The Carroll B Is already a
wonder in the richness and ext.nt of Its
ore production, but as yet lacks mill equip
ment. The Brazos is well developed and
shows great ore bodies. This property
h is a sale pending for a large considera
tion. The Mable is being extensively de
veloped and is making a most favorable
Scores of locations in this vicinity are
being opened up and there Is every prob
ability that here will be the scene of un
usual mining excitement the coming
spring and summer. Democrat.
1 nr t.isr pern I'cimiiiK un uvci . . . . . . , . , .
J.. .11. tfi.. .! I... 1 I U KUKr II IIU IIUIII 3I. IU Clbllll ICTCI
It was on ttial at Victoria lor ten ... , . ... .
wmiu auu 01 very uigii gr.iue.
d i s. Among the I tw vers present during
ihe trial were T. Mayue Daly, K. P.
D ivK K. C, H V. Bodwell, K. C, and
I.. P. Di.rf, all ol Bntlsh Columbia; How
ard Spenselev, London, Uugiaiid, attor
nrv, and Judge Kellam, W. H. Heyburn,
Charles S. Voorhrrs and others of Spo
k iii.
It Is not considered probable that an ap
peal will be made.
At the Club saloon, Dunphv & Gert
ridge serve a line of goods equal to any
that money will buv.
The best Is always cheapest buy Giant
The Mammoth is owned by J. H. Par
ker Naac Baer, Louis Summer and John
Wilson of this city.
A short time ago the new manager of
the Virtue Consolidated Mines company
paid a visit to the Virtue mine and made
an examination of the property with the
result that he expressed a likelihood of
the old property being again woiked and
a resumption occunlng in the near future.
He is expected here again shortly, at
which time something definite will be
In the event of a resumption of opera,
tlnns at the virtue it Is very probable the
Virginia Consolidated mine, a companion
F C. Brodle, watchmaker and jeweler,
has moved to the store formecly occupied
by Beardsley and Cushmin, the barbers,
opposite the Columbia market.
Music Lessons.
Wanted, music pupils, violin and piano.
Address, Charles O. Morrell, corner Cen
er and North streets, city.
The Capital hotel, under the manage
ment of Mrs. Tedrowe, serves special
Sunday dinners. Families should take
advantage of this. Best table board in
town. Try it.
T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant Pow
der company.