The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 13, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, February 13, 1901
H. I.. McLaln, the millwright, was In
Baker City yisterday.
Marley Wood lias recovered from a
severe attack of ltimh.iK. !
Attorney Richards went to Maker City '
yesterday, returning tod.iy. I
Attorney Is. A. I:. Starr went to Union
yesterday on legal business.
Mrs. George Wiegnnd, of Bourne, went
to B.iker City this alleruoou.
S 1111 Slot! is out, alter Ills recent Illness, i
looking as If lie bad liaj a close call.
Mr. Swan went to Baker City yes
Irid.iy to visit friends for a lew days.
It is reported that a umipany has been :
orgauird In build water works at Whit
ney. .Mrs. A. I.. Mcl:weu returned today,
from Baker Cily, where she has been
visiting friends.
Prank AUUevilt has returned Iroin
Salem, when- he has been working
state printing (iliac.
Mrs. W. A. Ross, nl Baker City, Is
visiting her mother, .Mrs. ledum e, at the
Capital hotel, this week.
A line lioy h.iby was bom to Mr. and
Mrs. C. I Kaht Sunday morning, I Jr.
Brikk helng the attending physician.
A. (J. Davidson accompanied his wilt
as far as Baker Citv yesterday, Mi.s.
OavlJsuu helng on her way to I'nrtlaud,
to remain ludeliuately.
I Jr. I ape has been sulferlng for some
days past with blood poisoning in the
hand and arm, having been Inocculated
wniie operating on a patient, but Is now
rapidly lecoveiing,
A Factor in Transcontinental Travel.
No one crossing the continent can afford
to cut Salt Lake city from his route. The
attractions of the place, including the
Mormon Temple, Tabernacle and church
Institutions, the great Salt Lake deader
and denser than the Dead sea In the Holy
Land the picturesque environment and
the warm sulphur and hot springs, are
greater to the square yard than any local
ity on the American continent. The Rio
Grande Western railway, connecting on
the east with the Denver and Wo Grande
mid Colorado Midland railways, and on
the west with the Suuthern Pacific (Cen
tral route) and Oregon Short Line. Is the
only transcontinental line passing directly
through Salt Lake City. The route
through Salt Lake City via the Rio Grande
1 Western railway Is famous all the year
round. On account of the equitable cli
mate of Utah and Colorado, it is just as
popular In w inter as in summer. Send 2C j
In J. D. Alansheld. 2S3 Washington
street, Portland, or George W. Ileiut,
I acting general passenger agent, Salt Lake
. f'l... I... .. IU I. I .1. .-. .
11 the ' ' ' ' ' -'"l 'kb vny me
1 City of the Saints "
New Saloon Opening.
J ick lloare, a former resident of Sump
ter, recently returned here from Portland,
and will, with Walter Looney, open .1
new liquor house at the corner of Granite
and Center streets, where the Austin
meat ma:kct was located. The pla.e has
been remodelled, nicely decorated and will
1 he thrown open for business this week.
Ltuons In Lace.
AUs. Marsh, next door to MlNUR office,
I will give practical iustiuctloiis in lace
'work. Materials and hundreds of pat
1 terns to select from
a few
A letter from VV. II. Mosby, written Pflvatt Table
at, Colorado, states that J. K , w, f,irnsl, prlvale (rj to
Leland has things coming his way good , j,,, su, . residcCe
and, and that al.eady he can make , Mrcrlt ,. Cf,er Mfs c fc.
1 K"uur.iu ii( wiiencvcr ne wisnes 10 1 worth
let go. ' '
V. O. liuckuum returned Saturday from Mullc Ltuon
Coloiado, wheie he lias been lor some! Wanted, music pupils, violin and piano,
weeks past with W. II. Mushy. They I Address, Charles O. Morrell, corner Cen
aic working a big deal down there and '" "d North streets, city,
have every hope ot ultimate success, "
though the are ' nut saying a word." ",c Capital hotel, under the manage-
I ment ol Mrs. I edrowe, serves special
1 Sunday dinners, families should take
1 advantage of this. Best table board In
town. Try It.
I he second anniversary ol little Doro
thy Neill was lelehiated at the home of
her parents last S iturd.iy evening. A
lew Intimate iiieuds ol the family wished
the little lady many happy returns of the
day and niheiwlst' enjoyed a pleasant
Owen I:. Morau i.ime down from the
the Red Boy Saturday to meet his wile
and sou, who have been visiting Blends
in Baker City and Sumpler tor some
w ecks. They lelumed home .Monday, ac
companied by Alls. Waltei .1. Alllls.
I he iiistnuuents lor the brass bandar
rived Saturday. I he members will prac
Ike .Monday and Pild.iy evenings in the
building on AMU stieet tormetly occupied
by the water company as an ollice, and
hope to soon appear In public. I he baud
will give .1 lOiueit and dance on the eve
ning ot AViuh 16.
A. J. Ready, western manager of the
Sullivan AUchhieiy vompauy,ol Ch cago,
with headquarters at Spokane, spent sev
eral days of the past week in this vicin
ity, visiting the dllteient vamps near
Sumpter. He anticipates a good trade in
this evtlon from tills lime on, and will be
a frequent visitor heieatter.
Lveretl, Washington News; Mr. and
Mrs. I:. J. Dwyer arrived In town Atou
day Irom Sumpter, Oregon, wheie they
have been making their home for the past
two years, since leaving Everett. Mr.
Dwyer speaks very Highly ot the outlook
for Sumpter. He sav there are many
rkh mines around there that are bound to
keep the town to the front, as It is head
quarters for the miners. Ar. and Airs.
Dwyer will make their home for the w Inter
in Everett or Seattle.
Strout, assayer, 361 Bennett Ave., Crip
ple Creek, established in Colorado In 1876,
gold (crucible assay), 50c; gold and silver,
75c; gold, slim, copper, f 1.50; forty years
The Capital Hotel Is again under the
management of AUs. George B. Tedrowe,
which fact guarantees the best of service
to all patrons.
1 11c urge and commodious club rooms
of Dunphy & Gertridgeare headquarters
for mining and commercial men.
Those who know the comforts of a good
hotel, always patronize The Capital; Mrs.
(1. B. Tedrowe, proprietor.
At the Club saloon, Dunphy & Gert
ridge serve a line of goods equal to any
that money will buy.
Only the best brands of
cigars at the Club saloon of
liquor and
Dunphy &
Prompt attention to orders for cut flow
ers and tloral pieces. City Green House
Baker City, Oregon.
1 Dunphy & Gertrldge's Club saloon Is
I the popular resort for mining and com
merclal men.
to depend upon Giant
Crockery, Glassware, Tobac
co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy
and Nuts. Everything carried
in a first-class grocery store
At The
There aic minv. but none,
nl the price. Ilki- Hit
Glove Fitting
We cn show sou the new
thlnRs In shaptlness anj.ele
Ranee. Ask In tee I he
Empire Short Hip
Winter's Chilling Breezes
are not yet all blown. There will be many mornings and evenings to remind
one of warm wraps, (If one don't have. them). Let us suggest that you look
at Capes and Jackets we are offering at prices half the werth:
tJO Silk l'luh Care. I" Indies Ion?,
J,'VJ II leJ with extra nualltv MercerlieJ
anlen, collar anj lionl IrlmmeJ with Mack
Cm m Silk Pluth Ore.
V V HneJ lih rooI qu Illy
to Inches Iopr,
I iiu lilv Surah
Thlpet, I ur IrlmmeJ Ironl an J collar,
1 1 m Sllk Plush, evtra heavy Satin
' l-Su UnrJ. Thibet IrlmmeJ. worth
more than first price,
C rt I'ossum Collarette, collar InlalJ
1.ivj uim real Attnclun, a t-eaulv at
the olj price, now lis .1 Rift at
Mining deeds for sale at this office.
Use Giant powder, fuse and caps.
TIIOS. McEWCN. PreslJenl anj General Manacer T. G. HARRISON. Vlce-Pres.anJ Treu.
JAS. NKWLANUS. Secretary
Sumpter Transportation Co
most complete livery equipatent
in Eastern Oregon, teams al
Daily Stages to Canyon
City, Prairie City, Bourne,
Granite, Red Boy, Bonan
za and Golconda Mines.
Hauling Heavv Machinery
a Specialty. Freight For
warded to all Points in
the Interior.