THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, February 6, 1901 The Sumpter Miner Official Paper nf the Town of Sumpter. Baker City. The San Francisco En gineering and Mining Journal of February 2, says that the reputed purchaser, now I In that city, would neither confirm nnr 1 deny the report. TUG MINER and the I people of Sumpter, generally, hope that i-iwiiMiMiiviMvuiiiMMMt iiv the plant has (alien Into the hands o( so (.. II. marsh ami J. W. (.oNNlili.A enterprising and successful a mining man. 1 The continuous operation nt the smeller sunsi Melius pat is w'" mean much for this camp. There Is (i,. Yr..r $ n" dut1 but that plenty of ore can be ' secured. DR- TAPE Physician and Surgeon PUOI'RIETO? SUMPTER OtNERAL HOSPITAL I Telephone Main 15. SUJMPUR. ORCflON S1 Months ALWAYS IS AIIVAM.I. I InlucJ nl Ilic 't,if(ilrr In Siimptir, Oregon, lor Nanstnlsslnii through tin nulls as si-cnnj class i-Mitcr. SUMPTER DEVELOPMENT CO. SUMPTER, OREGON Owners nf all the choice acreage sur rounding Sumpter. Inside residence lots on easy terms. Apply to SEYMOUR H. BELL. Manager. CHICAGO papers seem to be chosen now as dumping places for a lot of 11 11 grammatical, slangy, boom advertisements of "mine promoters," who really ought to C A. CLEM Si CO. , . , ,. , I M -- he employed as treadmill operators at I TllhYdnsav the Ameilcaii push J"Het. I hey adveitise "Mountains of has tr.iuslerted its saloon p.itron.ige since ' Gold," Millions of Tons of Copper," etc., lust Situid.iy evening. -'"d wind up generally with the assertion that theirs is "the only sure gold proposl I I III stale sen itc yesterday alternnun ' America." How any sane m-iti or passed Hrowncll's hill can be induced to invest In these CHAS- . 1 -- ...1.. 1.... , 1.. ...1. it 1 convention 10 lie neiii in sepiemncr, IU02, ' t'"i,rl "'"""K """i''"" i""c " "" to be cniiipiisrd 11I delegates. ' dcrstandlng of the average intelligent clti- 1 en. People who send money to these 1 1 WILL be .1 seveirlvcold d.iy, colder sharks who are allowed to use the United tli, in Is found in the memory recoids nf I States mails to lleece the public, should east Oregon's olJrst Inhabitant, when he coulmed in a private asylum. This A. W. Ellis and William Stiii-un either I "-d wicked world Is no place for the im.o "get left," or "get off wrong." 'cents. l-'ranclscn Mining and En glneeriiig Review. Portland AMNING INVESTMENTS Propartlit Eumlnid tnd Repotttd on. Mtmbir Pott land Mining Stock C-ehin 146 THIRD ST. PORTLAND, ORE. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Rooms 2 and SUMPTER, 3, First Bank of Sumpter Building, OREGON Sl'CII headlines .is these: Oi'poiliiuily," "Oiegoii Should Amuse Itsell," "Portland Must Bestir- Itself," jre dei.iyiug chestnuts In the morning and evening editions ot the Webloot mc-lrii(t-lis only p.ipei. KlNi. EDWARD has resigned the oltice ol gi.iud 111 ister ot Free Masons in ling laud, which he held since 107.), but Mill continue his connection with Masonry, under the piobible title of protractor. A gtaiul lodge will be summoned l-'ebiuoiy 1 s, when it is expected the Duke of Couu.iught will be nominated to sue iced his majesty as grand master. At S.i It-in a seuatoiial laucus composed ol a majority nt the republican members ol the leglslatuie but not a majority of the legislature, was held Monday night. The (ominlllre appointed to Invite the minority to meet with the majority tepnrted that alter Interviewing the minority they were convinced that the mhiotity will not join them in lauuis. Anti-republicans and anti-caucus members also held caucuses, hut no important action was taken. A I l:W diys since neatly 500 of the boys who had been lighting in the Philip pines weir lauded at the I'lesldlo, either wounded, sick or insane. 1 his Is, in truth, .1 royal -.aciilice to nlfer up to the God of (ireedl I hese things can be en dured by youths when glory is the reward, but with this gaudy bauble entirely lacking, there is going to Pe, sooner or later, demanded an accounting liom those who .lie lesponsible lor this wotse than useless, Inexcusable w.u. UNLIMITED. ELECTRIC POWER.... II ttie JemanJ ju'tlties wr will furnish with In uno sear, clirap ,mj unllmltej I leitilc IWer to the mines ul I astern Oregon. AJvite usal once ol sour probable noeJs. Baker Gas & Electric Co. lUkl'M Cm, Orii.os Oilier, Maker Opera llouce. I'hont- Alain 7) L T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Special Atlrntton Given In Surgery anj 10 l)ls. fairs ol Women. Orhce, Nc-lll lilock; ReslJence, Granite Street nea Mill. :rank j. davey ASSAYER AND CHEMIST Control Work a Specialty J aoia ccntcr st. BAKER CITY, OREGON pENNER & WORTHINGTON Civil and Mining Engineers. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors tor Oregon, Wash ington, IJaho nj Montana. Lnglneers lor the Sumpter Townslle Company, l.lmlteJ. Undiriround tnd Pattnt Sari-i. Ikii PilMln and Draaintlnt. H. T. HENDRYX & CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. SUMPTI-R, llarualns In Sumpter Dlitrlcl yuarti Claims. OREGON W. A. SAMfY.S, ARC'IITECT, IIAkLR CIIV, : OREGON Reliable plans, specifications and estimates lurnlsheJ RTHUR PHILBRICK Civil and Mining Engineer. II. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor (or Oregon anj IJaho. Examinations anj reports on mining proper ties. lUkWi ClTV AND SUl'TtR. ORCOON. Basche Hardware Co. . . . Sumpter . . . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER ISSUHASCV. f,L. MANNING, REAL ESTATR I. O. R. M. City RccorJer anj Notary Public Collections Abstracts I KSAN TRIM No. . ImrioveJ O1J.1 ReJ Men, - meet In n-gulir council .it I O.R.M, Ila'i alttietili 1 Agent lor I rlciJr lire Extinguisher. Run.lhlnlrih lln-aih olrcirc liusJ.i) Night ol e.ich niHin All Re J Men clslllng nur hunting grounJs at uihome V H. .Mini). I A. 1. 1 kw. (.. nl l Sachem. )R. I'OSI-Y AI.RI Al)1 has the attitude assumed by j lilt MINI R in the Manning case been justified. I he alleged "report" of the, tin. nice committee of the city council was' meiely a specious argument to prove the recoider guilty ol a lelouy. I he call fot , his lesign.itloii was a bluff, the committee app.iieutly being .iw.ue ot the fact that the legal method of Impeaching an ollicer . would not ptove etledKe In this case. ' n1'"",11."11-"" ' Washington jnj I list Stv.. ' IliUt-r Lll, Oirgon. Oltm- Imuis, 8. to to u, 1 to 4 I he public is iiiick to leseut such untair, ' anJt to s p. m biilldoiug tactics and the council, ie-' - fleeting this public sentiment ot resent ment, promptly turned douii those who I sought to thus use their leceutly ucuired positions to accomplish a personal, j piivate object or desire. Sumpter sl'lc IMIsl low 111, I.AU, IIIROAI CM NDSl. DIM ASl S csn CATARRH STOTT cV SHELTON, Attorneys at Law SUMITI.R, SAM R. STOTT J. t. SIILITOS ORCCiON GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. LINES OP THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U S. MAILS. sumi'ti:r-canun routi:. llltlt II STRCH'TA SON- lf 1 llrmu'lt r I ilpple Clerk, Colo. I sui'iisiieJ in coiorajo in ie?o Mining Inglnrrrs, Accacers, ChrmKlv, StanJarJ Wotk, I'nsxnal Atlenllon, Reasonable I'tlces, lolly Yeais I'ijciIco, (iolj (Cluclble assa), vv goU, sll rrcc. golJ. sllcer, copper, tt.w. A liberal dis count on all tills nter $us share ol )our vork IN ITS Issue of last Saturday, the Baker 1 1 irspeciiuiu soiiciteJ. City Herald confirms the report mentioned !"""""""""" In lilt: MlNI.R last week, that l.etson , p A. F. STARR. Halllet had bought the smeller here. It lives as authority for the statement Mr. Halllet's general manager and attorney at llih st Attorneyat-Law Stunpstr, Oregon V. II. W. HAMILTON. Mining anj Consulting Engineer. Mining Piopetilrs Kx.imln-J, ReporteJ On anj I or Sale. ngan. Uo" SUMPTER. OREGON E, T. FREEMAN Public Stenographer All Kinds of Work Done at Reasonable Rates Room ; First Bank el SaaptarBjIli a: lo p. m. i:jo p. m. l-4o p, in. 7: to p m. Lv.,.., Sumpter Ar Ar CllllorJ Lv I.v CllllorJ Ar Ar . . Austin ...Lv 10: o a. 8.00 a, 7: jo a. j-ooa. Connecting at Austin with stages lor Cancon Cltr ij Interior points. f40 p. 5i p. m. I Lv m. I Ar ..ClltforJ . Iloinni.i. .Arl .Lv 7:)') a. 6:o a. Connecting at Bonanza with stages lor Py. RoblnsonUlle, Worle, Virginia, Don Juan anj Uclcher mines. SUMPTER-GRANITE ROUTE. u: p. a:o p. Lv. Ar suinpier. . .Granite. .. ,.Ar Lv 1000 a 7.00 a. Livery at Granite to North Fork. ReJ Boy. Ban ictte anJ aJJacent mines. SUMPTER-BOURNE ROUTE. ir.o p. m. 1 00 p. m. 1:1 p. ai. Lv Sumpter Ar Ar Bourne Lv Ar Columbia Lv Via a. 8.00 a. T:oa. kicluJIng North Pole, E. a E., Climax, OhlaanJ aj Jactnt mines. k