THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, January 301501 OFFICERS John j. penmale, President ((2n. Mgr. Hunker Milt GoU MnK Co.) SUMI'TCM, OMLOON AI.HKKT GlJlSI-R, Vice-President (I'rftlJrrtCltlientlUnk) IIAKIH I.IIT HUGiiNI: Sl'liKRY, R. C. Pl-NTUND, Treasurer Secretary Grizzly Gold Mining Company Capital $500,000 In 1,000,000 shares of the par value of Fifty Cents Each. Treasury Stock 400,000 shares. FULL PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE OPPORTUNITY -b Tr y Stock at TEN CENTS Per fhirn CASH BASIS All Cash Purchasers Receive a Discount of Five Per Cent on the Investment. INSTALLMENT BASIS Purchasers May Seoure Stock in Blocks of 1000 Shares and Upwards, Payable 10 Per Cent Down and 10 Per Cent Each Month Until Paid. GRIZZLY STOCK Affords an opportunity for profitable investment that cannot be equaled in the Sumpter District. The mine is now being actively operated and has reached a degree of development practically assuring the stability of the mine. The ledge, carrying high values in gold, copper and silver, is over 40 feet in width. Work is being rapidly pushed, tunneillng and sinking on the ledge, blocking out ore and adding to the pay dumps, and it may be expected that the mine will be a producer and the company a dividend payer at an early date. Every dollar realized by the company from the sale of treasury stock is being used for improving the property. The sale of stock will be con tinued until the mine is a producer,. As development progresses the price of stock will be advanced. Secure this stock now at 10 cents. That it will be worth its par value within 12 months is a conservate es timate. Subscriptions for stock may be sent to the company direct, or to the First Bank cf Sumpter, Sumpter, Ore. For Prospectus and Further Information, address, Grizzly Gold Mining Co., Sumpter, Ore. nCFCHCNCCS! Fit Bank or Bumpiin Bumpmr, 0t CifircN Bank Btn Cifv Onioon IMPORTANT MINING DECISION. claims, It Is still owned by the Viola." The King, in order to secure parallel 1 lines went into the ground of the other two cl.ilnis to set stakes for Its west line. I t'liU r:iUts .1 mtrKtfiiti rihmtt 111 v:illilltv .Indue llr.iltv Imn rendered .1 decision In ()f e loc.;,Iol)( ,,, jujRe wMy ,-mds Invtir l the pl.ilntltl In the of the , m,,cs mmnUt a ,e cmlr(;, wM ab. Involves lh Always Complicated Question of Lateral Rights. Hunker Mill .ind Mining ;ind Con Mime there is .1 line for the pur- rriitt.ilniK vs. I he Umpire State pose ()f dr(m',llB liRUs , lhe ore t,oJ. on Id tin Minim; .trul Developing company. I his is .inotlirr ill ipter ot the endless till g ition het veen the Hunker Hill .ind Lust ("Ji.iike people. I hr question it issue in this c.ise Is the 11 vneishlp ot 1l1.1t portion of the vein h iv lug Its ape in the Kim; cl tlni, which U its dip. I'he opinion centinues: "Under some circumstances It might hecome important as to what part of the ledge should he fixed as tlie point for the st.ibllshment of the parallel line. (Jen er.'lly, I should say that the center of the ledge should be such point, but, as In this the property ot the Hunker Mill company. 1 fse le VioU ,,as ,,,,,., 0, le Uljer, 1 ,us ,s , c. inn. 1r1.11iKi11.1r in Rrm,j u,rtio) of ,e lcjKe ea!lt of le I he defend ml owns ,uo0ged plane passing through its east tmi, the iota and the S in Carlos, ri s ,nnu,erla al what ,,,, le Iving slle hy side, and each covering .11 ,lis westerly Hue of the King is portion of the .pes o the great lode. I he 'fixed, M t doe ll0l nlrllJe llpo ,hc east hue of the Viola running southwest , ,,,., f le V0,; ,,y pa!si,K heyo)d )e , rrly and the east line ot the S in Carlos , p, e ()f s aJ M, ne soutlieasterly, these t to lines forming two I The couft fi)ds. .. ,s therefore con. sides o( the King triangle. I'he Viola lo-, dllJcd M, he ,atff ,s ened t0 a of cation is prior to the San Carlos and both J le Wge y11B petween lecast boundary ate prior In the King. ne pr00l,KCj t0 ,,e King, and the east ' vnc quesi.on io ue uec.uea was wnai . le of the Vioa ,0 s sou, Corner,thence southerly on a line parallel with said east Hue of the King." The matter of damages is, by agree nicnt, left to future trial and settlement. Holse Statesman. extra literal rights the defendant com piny Ins by virtue of both locations. Judge Reitty points out that, as each lompinyhasa portion of the apex, the company would be permitted to work the vein between two sets of lines If it were allowed to follow the planes of the end lines of both claims. He disposes of the problem In this man ncr: " I here can be but one reasonable solution of this perplexing problem, and that Is tint the senior location having within its surface a part of the width of the apex, shall uwu the entire width. The Viola, being senior 10 the San Carols, as well as to the l.lUely and Skookum, owns, as to all those claims, the entire ledge. J his being so, the great width of the ledge claimed loses Its Importance, for, even If It extends to the last named The Capital hotel, under the manage ment of Mrs. Tedrowe, serves special Sunday dinners, families should take advantage of this. Rest table board in town. Try It. The large and commodious club rooms of Dimphy & Gertrldge are headquarters for mining and commercial men. All kinds ot pies, cake, bread, etc., at Rrechtel's bakery, opposite depot and in Nelll building. Orders promptly filled. Use Giant powder, fuse and caps. I NEW ORE TREATMENT METHOD. First Plant lo Be Erected at Once In Baker City. Charles H. Soderllng, one of the best known California experts hi the west, is visiting Maker in the interests of a new method of ore treatment, which it Is said will revolutionize the treatment of ores of the mines ot eastern Oregon. Mr. Soderllng is an expert metallurgist and his present visit to Raker is for the purpose of demonstrating the value of Ills treatment with the ores ot thlsdlstrlct. He has experimented with the ores from every part of the camp, and after a thor ough investigation he is convinced that his "process" of ore treatment will suc cessfully handle any of the ores in the Raker district. A few days ago Mr. Soderllng leased the old electric light building at the corner of Center and l:ourth streets, for the pur pose of giving a public demonstration of the new proposition. In the near future an entire plant will be Installed in the building, and the mining men of this dis trict are Invited to witness the operation of the plant and its successful treatment of refractory ores. While Mr. Soderllng did not disclose his method of ore treatment It Is learned from another source that It is as follews: The ore Is crushed and after passing through a 40 mesh it Is submitted to a roasting process. Later it Is handled through .1 system of the Huntington rolls and then submitted to the old pan amal gamating process. Several mining men who are familiar In a general way with the treatment, Insist that Mr. Soderling's treatment is too expensive, but this the latter denies. He claims that he can han dle the smelting ore of this district with better success than that of any other known process, and he is willing to dem onstrate his assertion by the equipment of a Hooper mill. Several mining men who own promis ing properties in the Cable Cove and Cracker Creek districts are investigating the "new process" and If the results are satisfactory it will mean much for this section ot the Raker camp. Republican. No Successor to Gen. Pass. Agent Hurlburt. There Is good reason for believing that no successor will be appointed to W. H. Hurlburt, who recently tendered his res ignation as general passenger agent of the O. R. A N. It is in keeping with the late policy of the Union Pacific not to re appoint high salaried officers wherever It is possible to carry on the business with out them. Its plan seems to be to cut off such offices when the opportunity offers like In the present instance, and consoli date the business under as few heads as possible. There is no more reason for ap pointing a general passenger agent than there was for appointing a general freight agent, when the latter office was made vacant by the resignation of the general freight agent. In that case the -office of assistant general freight agent and the office of general freight agent were con solidated under the same head, the busi ness being carried on by Assistant Gen eral Agent Miller, which before required the work of both men. The head for both the passenger and freight depart ments is Traffic Manager Campbell. He can carry on the passenger business under Chief Clerk Sutton just the same as he carries on the freight huslnes under Agent Miller, and save the expense of two high salaried officers. That is the manner in which business is carried on by the Ore gon Short Line, the other western con nection of the Union Pacific, and the same method will prevail with the Union Pacific just as soon as the present general pas senger agent resigns. While the road does not make a practice of deposing efficient officials, it takes advantage of the fact by consolidating the offices when there is a possibility of doing so without Injury to traffic. Portland Telegram.