Wednesday, January 23, 1901 THE SUMPTER MINER I ' THAT S. V. RY. EXTENSION. Denial of Report That It Will Connect With the Reno Narrow Gauge. The Baker City correspoiidmt of the Oregonlan writes that paper that there port recently publkhed in a Salt Lake ra rer, to the effect that the Sumptrr Valley narrow gauge railroad and the Renn nar row gauge, building up ihrounh MdJcc county, California, weie likely in meet n the untapped center of eaMem Oregon. Those well informed on the plan of the Sumpter Valley line think till talk Is quite empty. Basis for the statement Is found in the 16 mile extension heing made into the big timber belt owned by ihe com pany. The writer from Salt Lake infers that this extension is launched off into eastern Oregon, without definite purpose or plan, which is contraiy to the fads. It s primarily to lap the compan's timber laud, with freight possibilities as a sec ondary consideration. Whitney, and not the center of eastern Oregon, is its apparent and real destina tion, for a time at Irast. Many miles of comparatively unproductivecountry would have to be traversed In carrying out the rumored idea of a line into Harney county. Engineers do not agree In saying that the route selected for a logging road into a timber belt would be a proper one for an extensive Hue half across the state. Quite serious difficulties have been en countered in crossing the ridge between Sumpter and Whitney, and greater ones would be met in extending the line through the Prairie City country from Whitney. If a long line were contemplated into those distant regions ot the state, it is believed that the road would not be laid across country, as the present terminus would necessitate. Everybody here knows that the owners of the Sumpter Valley road own vast tracts of yellow pine timber in the vicinity of the extension, and that the work done was to reach that, rather than to bid for traffic originating In an exceedingly sparsly settled district. All talk of it putting a road much further into the Blue mountains, for the present at least, seems very light and airy. Machine Hand Drill on New Principle A dispatch from Colfax says that W. W. Walte, of that place, has secured a patent on a new kind of machine drill for all kinds of work requiring drilling in rock. The Invention promises to revolu tionize the present methods of mining. The machine Is onerated bv one man. who Imply turns a crank which revolves a I wheel, to which is attached four 4-pound hammers, which strike the drill with ter rific force. The machine, which was in vented and manufactured In Colfax, be ing made at Carlcy Bros.' foundry, was on exhibition recently and attracted great Interest. At a moderate rate of speed, 216 blows were struck by the ham mer in one minute. This Is said to be the work of eight able-bodied men. The ma chine turns so easily a boy can operate it with ease. A number of mining men who witnessed the exhibition say it will revolutionize mining, and greatly lessen the present cost of drilling, and will make many low grade mines profitable. The machine Is made entirely of iron, and weighs but 125 pounds. Mr. Walte has been at work on It for several months, but did not announce It to the public until last week, when he received the announcement that his application for patent had been received, and that the device had never been patented. Who Can Answer Thcu Questions? Here Is a fair sample of hundreds of let ters of enquiry received by THE MINER. This one is from down In Indiana, and if any one can draft a satisfactory answer It will be forwarded to the anxious inquirer. If left at this office. Here Is what he wants to know : "Please send me sample copv of your paper. Would like for you to write and tell me how deep they have to dig for gold. Is there any chance for a man to get a claim where he can wash gold out of the creek? Is a person nearly sure of success If he comes there and sticks to it; or is it only one out of a great many that strike It rich? Please give me a little insight into this matter. I don't know anything about mining, but I have always had a desire to try my luck. If you answer this perhaps I will see you in the near future." Four Feet of Forty Dollar Rock. Tom Johnson now has another mine that is mora than likely to make a million aire out of him. He calls It the Capital and It Is located on Granite creek about four miles from Lawton. He lias en countered a four foot vein of quartz that assays 40 to the ton in free gold. Tom was in town Sunday and felt greatly elated at his find. He came down to se cure an ore car and track to facilitate work on the property. Lawton Standard. FJ.HARD&CO. MfcttllLRS OP THU Oregon Mining Stock Exchange CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLO'Q PORTLAND, OREGON Correspondence solicited rela tive to mines or meritorious prospects. Can place them in stock companies or sell outright .Extensive Eastern. Correspondents B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT ERECTION OP QUARTZ MILLS A SPECIALTY Sumpter Oregon CAPITAL HOTEL O. S. L Ry. TUB DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah Colorado and all Eastern Points... Glvei chlct of two lavoritr routei. via the Union Pacific Fast Mill Lint, or tht Rio Grands Scenic LInti. No Change of Cars On tht 1'ortlanJ-Chlcago Spclal,'"Tht Finest In tht West. EqulpptJ with Elegant Standard Sleepers Fine New Ordinary (Tourist) Sleepers Superb Library-Buffet Cars Splendid Diners (mealsa la carte) Free Reclinln Chair Cars Comfortable Coaches and Smokers, Entire Train Completely Vestibuled 1 For lurthtr Information apply to J. R. NAGEL W. E. COMAN Trav. Pass. At. Gen'l Agent. 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. Joshua Hendy Machine San Francisco Works California The "Hendy Improved" Triple Discharge Two Stamp Mill 1900 MODEL Capacity . , ft to 10 Imn per Jay Wright ot Mill complete with Hwlh. i.mip, . I hi. " M M M liHk M gi.i Ihl I'mm iniulrrJ loJilvr m-lh. sl.imp mill i II. P. nxv-IN " 7 II. P Dlitctiatgr atra 46) iuatr Inchra. RINO OtUNCi CAM SHAFT IIOX11S QUARTZ, HYDRAULIC, MINING AND SAW MILL MACHINERY, WATER WHEELS AND WATER MOTORS, PROSPECTING PLANTS GENERAL MINING SUPPLIES Estimates and Catalogue on Application Davis Ilnrso Power Hoisting Whims .Sell-Dumping Ore mill Water Skips Ore iiikI Water Hiickets Mining Car anil Tee Kail "Triuinpli" ami 'Hently-Nnilmni" ConeeiitrntorsOre. Crusher, Ore Feetier, Crushing Ktills Hoilers, Kngines ami Pumps, Hoist ing, Pumping antl Irrigating Plants Oil ami (iaxnlinu Kngines ami Hoists Air Compressors ami Koe.k Drills Haw Mill Mneltiiiery. dt Impact Water Wheel STAMP MILLS WOOD OH IKON I'RAME SEI.P-CONTAINED MILLS Rock Crushers Ore Feeders Tramways Dredges, Engines Boilers and Waterwheeis Hammond Mfg. Co. INCORPORATE PORTLAND, OREGON it tic ;c I dm Mint, fwri Fire Cawston & Company. Succrtvir to H. P. GREGORY & COMPANY Engines, Boilers Machinery and Supplies... PORTLAND, ORE