The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 23, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, January 23, 1901
(Gen. Mgr. Hunker Mill Gold Mng Co.)
Grizzly Gold
Mining Company
Capital $500,000
In 1,000,000 shares of the
par value of Fifty Cents
Each. Treasury Stock
-h T""...,Y Stock at TEN CENTS Per Shim
CASH BASIS All Cash Purchasers Receive a Discount of Five Per
Cent on the Investment.
INSTALLMENT BASIS Purchasers May Secure Stock in Blocks
of 1000 Shares and Upwards, Payable 10 Per Cent Down and 10
Per Cent Each Month Until Paid.
Affords an opportunity for profitable investment that cannot be equaled in the Sumpter District. The mine is now
beinK actively operated and has reached a degree of development practically assuring the stability of the mine.
The ledge, carrying high values in gold, copper and silver, is over 40 feet in width. Work is being rapidly pushed,
tunneillng and sinking on the ledge, blocking out ore and adding to the pay dumps, and it may be expected that
the mine will be a producer and the company a dividend payer at an early date. Every dollar realized by the
company from the sale of treasury stock is being used for improving the property. The sale of stock will be con
tinued until the mine is a producer,. As development progresses the price of stock will be advanced.
Secure this stock now at 10 cents. That it will be worth its par value within 12 months is a conservate es
timate. Subscriptions for stock may be sent to the company direct, or to the First Bank cf Sumpter, Sumpter, Ore.
For Prospectus and Further Information, address,
Grizzly Gold Mining Co., Sumpter, Ore.
Fmat Ban or Bumpich BuMPtrn, Our,
Cmtiw Ban Bntn Citv Omiqom
Old Acquaintance Tells Something ol Hit
Early Lilt.
Fur a number nl years Forty-Nine Jim
my was the solitary resident of HoMnsnn
vllle, a deserted hut once prosperous placer
c.iiup In ( iraut county, lie came to Ore
gon In 1W15 from California, mid had been
a resldmt of ol lohinsonville ever since
until the people In that part of the country
took pity on his condition and tool him
to the poor house, a proceeding whlih was
accomplished much against the will of the
old miner, who wished to end his days In
the spot which Mas so familiar to him.
'I his much and more was learned from
Samuel Cat prater in the lobby of the Im
perial hotel. Mr. Carpenter is an old
mlurr himself and It was in Hoblusou We,
In the days ol Us prime, that he lirst met
"That Is not Ills leal name," said Mr.
Carpenter. "Ills name If James iJlffrn,
and from what I reamed ol his history he
tame to this country from Ireland when
he was liftcen year old. lie lust went to
an uncle of his, named Hubert Audeison,
In Cauadi, and from there drilled to New
York state. After that he went west,
stopping as a place attracted his fancy.
In '4U the gold fever hit him and he went
to California, lie made fortune after
fortune there, hut did as many another
miner has done, drank It all away. Me
told mr once that hi '51 he made J 1 1,000
in the mines and thai winter went to San
Francisco and spent every cent.
"I think It was In '65 or 66 that he
., .1 m II .l Tl....
Came to KOWIISOUVllie aim iiHiuru. 1 iicic
was money to he made hi those days, but
the diggings were light and In ten years
Rave out and the people beRan to move
away. Finally all of them left the place
hut Forty-Nine Jimmy, as we had come
to call him. He worked away at his
claim, made a living and that was all he
cared for. The houses were dismantled
and torn down, but Jimmy kept his claim
and seemed happy enough. Until the
last year or so, he has done well enotiRh,
hut it was hard scraphiR to make a liv
ing, and for the past few months he had
had hard work to Ret along. It was
dually decided to put him where he could
be looked after. Despite his 74 years, he
objected to going to the poor house, and
it was all his friends could do to induce
him to ro peaceably.
"lie has no relatives living that we
know of or that he knows of. He often
I speaks of his early days, hut never with
'any apparent feeling of regret, and has
, seemed to be drilling along, aimlessly yet
1 with considerable happiness. To him
1 Hoblnsouvllle was home, whether there
were others there or not, and he cared for
no other place. All through that section
of the state people know of Forty-Nine
Jimmy, and many have heard of him who
never saw him. He lias been one of the
"Notwithstanding his- absence, Robin
sonvllle Is not to be left altogether alone.
t:d Stephenson, son of ex-Governor
Stephenson, of Idaho, made a home for
himself there with his two sons. They
are working on some quartz claims.
"I still own the same claim I took when
I first went to that part of the state, and
am working it some. The future of that
section is in the quartz claims, which are
promising. There are no mills, but close
around there are a number of producing
mines, and as capital Is being brought In,
It is likely that Roblnsonvllle will be heard
from again, sometime in the near future."
Evening Telegram.
Musk Lotont.
Wanted, music pupils, violin and piano.
Address, Charles O. Morrell, corner Cen
ter and North streets, city.
Those who know the comforts of a good
hotel, always patronize The Capital; Mrs.
G. B. Tedrowe, proprietor.
Large Body of Rich Land in Lake and
Harney Counties Open to Settlement.
George S. Nlckerson, who has been for
five months employed by the government
In surveying portions of Lake and Har
ney counties, lying on wlut is called the
desert, arrived in Lakeview yesterday on
his way to his home in Klamath Falls. ou, MnR afraId of cmnchinK a nMt o(
and furnish homes for hundreds of indus
trious homeseekers.
This portion of the state has always
had the unjust distinction of being a re
sort for vast herds of cattle and sheep,
and If a man was not able to engage ex
tensively in this Industry It would be use
less to come here. No finer fruit grows
than Is raised in Lake county every year.
Apples that one can eat in the dark with-
Mr. Nlckerson was engaged to survey 360
I worms; in fact, all kinds of hardy fruit
sections, or 230,400 acres, of government! , abunilaCe Thfreare fiatterlns
and, and had a crew of seven men wi h J ,s for , akevcw andthe(own5 ,n
him. He had just completed his work, I he ., , fflf he 0U)t ,0 )ave a
and says hat many good homes can be ; rallroad , (he wy near fulure. ThIj
secured within the la e survey. ace ,, ,, farthe,t from wa, s or
The survey establishes the boundary I ,,.,,,,. , ,., ,,, ,.. ,,,.
"' .'.. ... .u.... ... ..... VIHIt) "MM.
between Lake and Harney counties, and
is about two-thirds In Harney, the remain-
.1.- 1 1 1.. 1 i.- i ...-. r. 1...-
uci urniK mc. 11 was .unnruy i.c- -nni, ,,r, .. ,i., ,, ...,i,, .1... ,u.
lleved that tills portion of the tw 0 counties ! .. .i,... , ... , .
there are few richer fields for roads to
operate In, or easier grouud to build on.
was wholly unfit for purposes other than
grazing, but according to Mr. Nlckerson's 1
judgment the major part of It will within
a few years be located for forms. The
only obstacle will be securing sufficient I
water to make these semi arid regions '
productive. There is no better soil in
eastern Oiegon than the rich, sandy land t
are all making money and are happy and
contented. Lakeview correspondence In
The best is always cheapest buy Giant
that most of the so called desert consists ; inthi Cipcuit Court oh tub State of Oregon.
of, covered with a heavy growth of black 1 ' 1: ftm.m.v, cieo. e. Dean. ...
sagebrush. The soil is deep and warm,
and the climate is one whose equal Is,
hard to find, dry and healthy. The coun-
To Ciro. I: Don, the above named defendant: In
the name ot the State or Oregon ou are hereby re
quired tn appear and answer the complaint filed
tffjlntt nu In the above entitled cause nn nr Mnrm
try is comparatively level and could be Ir-' ne sth dty or tebruary. toot, which i the list day
1 . 1 ... ....I At. ol lime prescribed In the order made by the County
rlgated With Very little waste Of Water. Judceol Maker County. State of Oregon" lo "hi
There is no doubt but artesian water ' puNietion of this summons. And ilou tali so to r
mere is no uoudi oui anestau water r tni tnwtltt itafe m bt entered In said
Could be had, but no one here Wishes to came declaring the marriage now and here'olore e
. .. , . ttn.u i, 1 Istlng between ou and the rlalntlff, Minerva E
try the experiment. With a small amount Dean, annulled and set aside, and Judgment will bt
of water to keen the eround damn In the nir4lsalnit)oufor the costs and disbursements
01 waier 10 Keep Hie giuunu uamp in iue0( lhu Cilon anj for such sum as the court may ad
judge reasonable to allow the plaintiff as counsel
summer season when rains are scarce,
there could be made one of the most pic
turesque and wealthy settlements in Or
egon. The bunchgrass flourishes, grows
to enormous size and In abundance, and
there is no good reason why the now
worthless lands of Oregon could not be
made to enhance the wealth of the state
lees herein and tor alimony to be raid bv vou for her
support and malntalnence.
And ou are hereby notified that on the nth day of
January, toot, the Honorable W. W. Travllllon,
County Judge of Maker County. Oregon, made an
order that sen Ice of summons In this action be
made upon ou by publication of summons, and that
the first publication of this summons be made on
January 16, 1001. and date of last publication thereof
Is February tr. loot,
N. C. Richards,
Attorney for Plaintiff.