The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 23, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, January 23, 1901
The Rooster Aid society will meet with
Mrs. Brown at the Clifton hotel today.
Mrs. Sadie White has rehired from Ore
gon City, accompanied by her mother.
Attorney John Cos returned to Sump
ter this week from an extended trip east.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robblns left for La
Grande Monday, expecting to return
home today or tomorrow.
Frank McDevItt has none to Salem, to
work in the state printing office during the
session of the legislature.
Hoy Miller returned from I .a Grande
Sunday, where he had been for two weeks
in charge of the bank there.
Miss lill.i H;ilrd had one linger of her
right hand painfully injured in .1 coasting
accident last Friday evening.
A letter from W. II. Mosby comes from
western Colorado, where lie is working
up a proposition, the success of which
seems assured.
I'eter Mcl'lice, proprietor of the hotel at
Alamo, was in town yesterday on a hurry
Hip. He repotted great activity in the
mining Industry in that dlstiict.
Sunday forenoon a tele phone message i
was received here aiiiintiiuini! the 1lr.1t li
of Ouren the flag on the connection with either the Denver and
Professor Roby was formerly an Instructor
in the San Francisco and Portland schools
and also served a term as postmaster at
the latter named city.
Earl G., son of Mr. and Mrs. George
Dedrlck, of Sumpter, has gone to Portland
to attend the Bishop Scott academy for one
year, at least. Earl Is a bright boy and
will be greatly benefitted by this forunate
opportunity to study tinder such a man as
Dr. Hill, of the academy. No better
school on the Pacific coast could be se
lected for a boy or young man.
Northwest Railway Redeems Rolling Stock
The Carson Tocsin is authority for the
statement that tne Northwest railway
engine and passenger coach which were
to have been sold at Huntington last week
to pay the O. R. & N. company's bill for
I freight charges, were redeemed by all
.charges being paid. 'I his looks like the
reports concerning the new born activity J
on tills might have a more stable 1
foundation than is usual in such cases. I
It Is to be hoped the road will go
through this time without unnecessary!
delays. Seven Devils Standard. ,
A Wise Man From the West 1
Who Intends going east will see that his
tickets read by way of Salt Lake city
and Hie Kin Grande Western railway in
school house was floated at half mast. It
is not known how Hie false report origi
nated. C. .1. Duffy, a leading citicu of Eagle
valley, was in Cornucopia and Fine val
ley this week securing signatures to a pe
tition praying for tile annexation of the
Panhandle to Baker county. Carson
I ocsin.
Dan Yeager won the handsomely em
broidered table cover, worked and rallied
off by Miss l:lna .Miller. The drawing
took place at the Capital hotel last even
ing, 00 being the lucky number, the first
to be drawn.
James S. KeeJ, of the- Connecticut
Fire Insuraiue company, and Major
Sproule, of Hie London, Liverpool and
Globe company, located respectively at
Portland and lacom.i, were brief visitors
here .Monday.
I:. J. Dwyer expects to leave for the
Sound in a lew days, accompanied by
Mrs. Dwyer. He will be absent a couple
of months, looking aftei business inter
ests there and, Incidentally, turning a deal
or mi on Sumpter district properties.
The Sumpter Forwarding company was j
deluged for a while yesterday with freight
consigned to It. Two cars of beer, two of
Hour, four of hay, two of o.its and one of
(hop feed kept the men rustling, when
jidded to the other dally traffic carried on j
by this busy concern.
Klo Grande or Colorado Midland rail
roads, for these reasens: Firft, most
magnificent scenery in America, en route;
sreoud, choice of thlee distinct routes
through Hie Kocky mountains; third,
it Is the only line pass
ing directly through quaint and plctur
esipie Sail Lake the City of the Saints;
fourth, perfect dining car service; fifth,
three last through trains dally between
Ogdeu, Denver and all points east,
connecting with all trains ot the Southern
Pacific, Oicgon Railway ' Navigation
company and Oregon Shoit Line; sixth,
through Pullman palace and ordinary
sleeping cars from San Francisco, Port
land, etc., to Denver, Gmaha and Chi
cago. There are many other reasons why
the route through Salt Lake City over the
Klo Grande Western railw.17 is the most
comfortable and enjoyable in the whole
country. By Inquiry, you can learn a
great Teal on thesubject ol transcontinent
al travel. J D. Mansfield, General '
Agent. 25 Washington St., Portland,!
Ore. Geo. W. Helnt, Gsneral Passen
ger Agent, Salt Lake City. !
Private Table Board.
I will furnish private board to
desiring such, at my residence on
street, near Center. Mrs. C. K.
a few
Music Leuont,
Wanted, music pupils, violin and piano.
It Is reported that a deal Is pending for Address, Charles O. Morrell, corner Cen-
er ana Norm streets, city.
Strout, assayer, 361 Bennett Ave., Crip
ple Creek, established hi Colorado In 1876,
gold (crucible assay), 50c; gold and silver,
75c; gold, silver, copper, i. 50; forty years
the sale of the Blue Mountain American
to a good man. It Is sincerely hoped by
those interested in (his town that such Is
the case. This will mean that the Order
of Knockers is dying and can't longer
support Its official organ.
The Booster Aid society wishes to an- j
ounce that It will take orders for modern 1 The Capital Hotel Is again under the
or old time dresses to be worn at the St. management of Mrs. George B. Tedrowe,
Valenthe calico dress ball, to be given by I which fact guarantees the best of service
Hie Sumpter Reading Room club; charges to all patrons.
(mm seventy-five cents upward. Orders.
may be left with Mrs. J. J. Fisher. 1 At the Club saloon, Dunphy & Gert-
Troop B, Oregon National RU.irj, ridge serve a line of goods equal to ny
known locally as the Sumpter Rough ' that money wl" buy'
Riders, will give Its second annual ball
next Tuesday evening in (fills opera
house. It will be remembered that the
ball given by Hie troop last year was the
didlng social event of the season. This
one promises to be equally as great a
Prof. C. W. Roby arrived here last
Friday from Burns, where he has had
charge of the public schools until forced
lo leave on account of his health, which
he hopes to regain by a trip to California.
Prompt attention to orders for cut flow
ers and floral pieces. City Green House
Baker City, Oregon.
T. G. Harrison, agent (or Giant Pow
der company.
to depend upon Giant
Mining deeds for sale at this office.
Never falls Giant powder.
Crockery, Glassware, Tobac
co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy
and Nuts. Everything carried
in a first-class grocery store
At The
Neill Mercantile Co.
Neill Mercantile Co.
The New Olympia
E. E. HATJSER, Proprietor
(Succciior lo Henry Finobr
Newly refitted and
remodeled. . . .
All the best brands
of Liquors and Ci
gars handled. . .
Fine Oold (1884)
Hermitage Whis
key Olympia Beer, bot
tle or draught. . .
Center Street, Opposite P. O. Sumpter
THOS. McEWEN. PrIJnl nJ Grntrri Minaeer T. G. HARRISON, Vlct-Prti.inil TrtM.
Sumpter Transportation Co
Daily Stages to Canyon
City, Prairie City, Bourne,
Granite, Red Boy, Bonan
za and Golconda Mines.
Hauling Heavv Machinery
a Specialty. Freight For
warded to all Points in
the Interior.